Hornology boundary links have become an increasingly important class of links, largely due to their significance in the ongoing concordance classification of links. Tim Cochran and Jerome Levine defined an algebraic object called a pattern associated to a homology boundary link which can be used to study the deviance of a homology boundary link from being a boundary link. Since a pattern is a set of nx elements which normally generates the free group of rank nxS any invariants which detect non-trivial patterns can be applied to the purely algebraic question of when such a set is a set of conjugates of a generating set for the free group. We will give a constructive geometric proof that all patterns are realized by some homology boundary link Lrl in srl+2. We shall also prove an analogous existence theorem for calibrations of E-links, a more general and less understood class of links tha homology boundary links. 1. 1[NTRODUCTION A lin1z of m components is a smooth, oriented, submanifold L = {X1, , Km} of Sn+2 that is an ordered disjoint union of m manifolds, each of which is piecewiselinearly homeomorphic to sn. If m = 1, L is usually called a 1fnot. L is a boundary lin1z if there exist m disjoint Seifert surfaces, i.e. oriented submanifolds V1, . . ., Vm of Sn+2 such that AVi = Ki for i = 1, . . ., m. Knots and links are of interest since they repeatedly arise in the classification of manifolds. An especially significant equivalence relation on links is c oncordance. Two links Lo and L1 are concordant if there exists a smooth, oriented submanifold of m components C = {C1, . . ., Cm} of Sn+2 X I such that: (i) C is piecewise-linearly homeomorphic to Lo x I, and (ii) aC n (Sn+2 X {i})-lLi for i C {0,1}. The classification of knot concordance groups was obtained in the rnid 1960's by M. Kervaire and J. Levine [12], [14]. Among the things they prove is that the knot concordance group is trivial when n is even and is an infinitely generated group when n is odd. The techniques used in the concordance classification of knots have been found to extend in a compatible manner to the class of bou:ndary links [2], [13], [19]. However, the extension of these ideas to links in general has been a much more difficult and less successful task. In the process, another class of links, called homology boundary links, has arisen. A hornology boundary link of m components is a link which admits m disjoint generalized Seifelzt surfaces {Y1, . . ., Ym} such that Received by the editors May 16, 1995 and, in revised form, October 30, 1995. 1991 Mathematics S?lbject Classification. Primary 57Q45, 57M07, 57M15. (a)1998 American Mathematic.1l So iety 87 This content downloaded from on Tue, 30 Aug 2016 05:27:13 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms