Postoji knjiga uvijek otvorena za sve oči - priroda. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Rad je podijeljen na dva dijela: kvantitativni i kvalitativni. Kvantitativni dio je uključivao metodu ankete s ciljem identifikacije prisutnosti NIMBY stavova kod građana grada Splita i okolice osvrćući se na njihovo ekološko ponašanje i povjerenje u nadležne strukture i organe vlasti. Upitnik je distribuiran online u srpnju 2022. godine, a sudjelovalo je 450 sudionika. Većina sudionika smatra kako lokalna zajednica i građani nisu dovoljno uključeni u odlučivanje. Također, skoro trećina njih smatra kako mora postojati veća distributivna pravda gdje će se što graditi te kako su privatni interesi određenih aktera izraženiji od onih javnih. Osim toga, u Splitu nedostaje zelenih površina, većina sudionika nastoji štedjeti električnu energiju u svome kućanstvu te smatra kako recikliranje pospješuje kvalitetu života svih u zajednici. Sudionici su stava kako građani Lećevice imaju opravdan strah kada je riječ o izgradnji Centra za gospodarenje otpadom. Mediji predstavljaju glavni izvor informacija po pitanju o ekološkim problemima, a povećanje količina i vrsta otpada bez adekvatnog zbrinjavanja. Također, povjerenje u javna tijela i organe vlasti je nisko. Drugi dio, kvalitativni, sadržava polustrukturirane intervjue s čelnicima Grada Splita, javnog komunalnog poduzeća, civilnog sektora i ostalim javnim akterima. Analizom provedenih intervjua s 5 sugovornika uvidjelo se da osim problema gospodarenja otpadom te zbrinjavanja istoga, ekološke probleme u gradu Splitu predstavlja i manjak zelenih površina te nepostojanje sustavne kanalizacije i odvoda. Uzrok javnog otpora do kojeg dolazi uslijed nezadovoljstva građana i lokalnih zajednica, sugovornici vide u postojanju prijašnjih negativnih iskustava na relaciji građani – vlast te mogućih partikularnih interesa određenih pojedinaca. Može se zaključiti kako i mediji, i organizacije civilnog društva te političke strukture ne utječu na percepciju građana i stvaranje slike o aktualnim ekološkim problemima u Splitu. Kada je riječ o budućnosti i dugoročnim rješenjima nameće se nekakav objekt i/ili postrojenje kako bi se riješio problem s komunalnim odlagalištem Karepovac. Postavlja se pitanje bi li sretnije rješenje bilo više manjih objekata koji bi uključivali i prijeko potrebne tehnologije za zbrinjavanje i biootpada s obzirom na problem koji isti predstavlja i manjak prisutnosti u svakodnevnom diskursu. Zaključno, uspoređujući rezultate anketnog istraživanja na građanima grada Splita i okolice te analize intervjua provedenih na predstavnicima civilnog sektora, javnog komunalnog poduzeća, Grada Splita te stručnjaka, uviđaju se određeni aspekti koji se isprepliću. Može se reći da problem gospodarenja otpadom uzrokuje NIMBY stavove te da povezuje dvije dihotomije – građane s jedne te političke aktere, donositelje odluka i sl. s druge strane. Zaključak jest da problem nije samo u jednoj strani već se prelijeva na obje pa samim time, možemo ustvrditi kako se vidi želja građana za promjenom koja se čini spora, ali ne i nedostižna te otvorenost javnih aktera za suradnju, There is a book always open to all eyes - nature. Jean-Jacques Rousseau The work is divided into two parts: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative part included a survey method with the aim of identifying the presence of NIMBY attitudes among the citizens of the city of Split and its surroundings, referring to their environmental behavior and trust in competent structures and authorities. The questionnaire was distributed online in July 2022, and 450 participants took part. The majority of participants believe that the local community and citizens are not sufficiently involved in decision-making. Also, almost a third of them believe that there must be greater distributive justice where what will be built and that the private interests of certain actors are more pronounced than the public ones. In addition, there is a lack of green areas in Split, most of the participants try to save electricity in their household and believe that recycling improves the quality of life of everyone in the community. Participants are of the opinion that the citizens of Lećevica have a justified fear when it comes to the construction of the Center for Waste Management. The media is the main source of information on environmental problems, and the increase in the amount and type of waste without adequate disposal. Also, trust in public bodies and authorities is low. The second part, qualitative, contains semi-structured interviews with the leaders of the City of Split, the public utility company, the civil sector, and other public actors. The analysis of interviews conducted with 5 interlocutors showed that, in addition to the problem of waste management and waste disposal, environmental problems in the city of Split are also represented by the lack of green areas and the absence of systematic sewerage and drainage. The interlocutors see the cause of public resistance, which occurs due to the dissatisfaction of citizens and local communities, in the existence of previous negative experiences in the relationship between citizens and the government and possible particular interests of certain individuals. It can be concluded that the media, civil society organizations and political structures do not influence the perception of citizens and create an image of current environmental problems in Split. When it comes to the future and long-term solutions, facility and/or plant is imposed to solve the problem with the Karepovac communal landfill. The question arises whether a happier solution would be more smaller facilities that would include the much-needed technologies for the disposal of bio-waste, considering the problem that the same represents and the lack of presence in everyday discourse. In conclusion, comparing the results of the survey on the citizens of the city of Split and its surroundings and the analysis of the interviews conducted with the representatives of the civil sector, the public utility company, the City of Split and experts, certain aspects can be seen that are intertwined. It can be said that the problem of waste management causes NIMBY attitudes and that it connects two dichotomies - citizens on the one hand and political actors, decision makers, etc. on the other. The conclusion is that the problem is not only in one side, but spills over into both, and therefore, we can state that the desire of the citizens for change, which seems slow, but not unattainable, and the openness of public actors for cooperation can be seen.