24 results on '"Baltas M"'
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2. Каталітичне карбон-карбон та карбон-гетероатом спряжене приєднання n-заміще- них малеїнімідів до 4н-1,2,4-триазол-3-тіолів, 2-аміно-1,3-тіазолів, 1н-імідазолу та 2-фе- ніліндолізину в присутності кислот льюїса
- Author
Matviiuk, T. V., Gorichko, M. V., Lherbet, C., Baltas, M., and Voitenko, Z. V.
- Subjects
Michael addition ,catalyst ,maleimide ,Lewis acids ,succinimide, regioselectivity ,приєднання за Міхаелем ,каталізатор ,малеїнімід ,кислоти Льюїса ,сукцинімід ,регіосе- лективність ,УДК 547.745: 547.781: 547.789.18: 547.759.4: 547.792.3 ,UDC 547.745: 547.781: 547.789.18: 547.759.4: 547.792.3 ,присоединение по Михаэлю ,катализатор ,малеинимид ,кислоты Льюиса ,сукцинимид ,региоселективность - Abstract
In the paper the cheap and effective method of the synthesis of 3-heteryl substituted succinimides via catalytic Michael addition are presented. Lewis acids have been found to be effective catalysts for conjugate addition of N-aryl substituted maleimides to the heterocycles with donor-heteroatoms or CH-active function. Catalytic reactions proceed in mild conditions without formation of by-products that are often present in the classical Michael reaction. The compounds synthesized are promising and interesting substrates for biological evaluation since numerous natural products, drugs and drug candidates bear the succinimide core. Moreover, regioselectivity of addition of ambident heterocyclic nucleophiles such as 4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiole, 1H-imidazole and 2-amino- 1,3-thiazole to maleimides have been investigated. Lewis acids such as aluminium chloride, zinc chloride and lithium perchlorate have been tested on different heterocyclic substrates as catalysts. Interestingly, depending on nucleophilicity of the substrate different Lewis acids have shown significantly varying efficacy. In this respect aluminium chloride was identified as the most effective catalyst for C–C addition among the Lewis acids tested. Lithium perchlorate appears to be the most efficient in the case of C–N addition with the endocyclic nitrogen atom of the hererocycle. Zinc chloride shows a good catalytic efficacy in addition of maleimides to the exocyclic amino group of 2-aminothiazole. Finally, the advantages of the catalytic approach developed such as mild reaction conditions, easy handling, low toxicity of the catalysts and their low cost make this method useful for the synthesis of new 3-heteryl substituted succinimides, which, in turn, are interesting substrates in medicinal chemistry., В настоящей статье представлен простой и эффективный экономный метод синтеза 3-гетарилзамещенных пирролидин-2,5-дионов с помощью каталитической реакции Михаэля. В качестве катализаторов были использованы кислоты Льюиса, которые показали высокую каталитическую активность в реакциях присоединения N-арилзамещенных малеинимидов к донорным гетероциклам. Представленные реакции протекают в большинстве случаев при комнатной температуре и мягких условиях, что позволяет избегать образования нежелательных побочных продуктов. Синтезированные соединения являются перспективными в области медицинской химии, поскольку хорошо известно, что производные пиролидин-2,5-дионов обладают антибактериальной, антиэпилептической и противотуберкулезной активностью. Также известны продукты природного происхождения, содержащие сукцинимидное ядро, которые являются эффективными и селективными антибиотиками. В представленной работе была исследована региоселективность присоединения малеинимидов к гетероциклическим субстратам. В качестве катализаторов были использованы хлориды алюминия, цинка и перхлорат лития. Оказалось, что апробированные кислоты Льюиса имеют разную каталитическую активность на разных субстратах, что, вероятно, зависит от нуклеофильности гетероцикла. Наиболее эффективным катализатором для С–С присоединения оказался хлорид алюминия, тогда как перхлорат лития показал высокую каталитическую активность при С–N присоединении, а хлорид цинка позволил получить высокие выходы аддуктов в случае присоединения малеинимидов к экзоциклической аминогруппе 2-аминотиазола. Представленный здесь оптимизированный каталитический метод позволяет синтезировать новые 3-гетарилзамещенные пирролидин-2,5-дионы., В даній публікації представлений простий та економний метод синтезу похідних 3-гетерилзаміщених піролідин-2,5-діонів за допомогою каталітичної реакції Міхаеля. В якості каталізаторів були використані кислоти Льюїса, які показали високу каталітичну ефективність у реакціях приєднання N-арилзаміщених малеїнімідів до донорних та СН-активних гетероциклів. Представлені реакції перебігають в основному при кімнатній температурі і м’яких умовах, що дозволяє уникнути утворення небажаних по-бічних продуктів. Синтезовані речовини є цікавими та перспективними об’єктами з точки зору медичної хімії, оскільки відомо, що сполуки із сукцинімідним ядром проявляють антибактеріальну, протитуберкульозну та антиепілептичну активність. Відомі також природні сполуки з піролідин-2,5-діоновим фрагментом, що використовуються як ефективні та селективні антибіотики. У даній роботі було досліджено регіоселективність приєднання малеїнімідів до гетероциклічних субстратів з двома альтернативними донорними центрами. В якості каталізаторів були використані хлориди алюмінію та цинку, а також літію перхлорат. Було виявлено, що випробувані кислоти Льюїса проявляють різну каталітичну активність на різних субстратах, що вочевидь залежить від нуклеофільності гетероциклу. Найбільш ефективним каталізатором для С–С приєднання виявився алюмінію хлорид. У свою чергу, літію перхлорат показав високу каталітичну активність для С–N приєднання, а цинку хлорид був ідентифікований, як найбільш ефективний у випадку приєднання малеїнімідного кільця до екзоциклічної аміногрупи 2-амінотіазолу. Перевагами даного каталітичного методу є м’які реакційні умови, низька токсичність каталізаторів та їх низька ціна, що робить даний підхід синтетично вигідним для отримання 3-гетерилзаміщених піролідин-2,5-діонів.
- Published
- 2013
3. Carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom conjugate addition of n-substituted maleimides to 4h-1,2,4- triazol-3-thioles, 2-amino-1,3-thiazoles, 1h-imidazole and 2-phenylindolizine catalyzed by lewis acids
- Author
Matviiuk, T. V., Gorichko, M. V., Lherbet, C., Baltas, M., Voitenko, Z. V., Matviiuk, T. V., Gorichko, M. V., Lherbet, C., Baltas, M., and Voitenko, Z. V.
- Abstract
In the paper the cheap and effective method of the synthesis of 3-heteryl substituted succinimides via catalytic Michael addition are presented. Lewis acids have been found to be effective catalysts for conjugate addition of N-aryl substituted maleimides to the heterocycles with donor-heteroatoms or CH-active function. Catalytic reactions proceed in mild conditions without formation of by-products that are often present in the classical Michael reaction. The compounds synthesized are promising and interesting substrates for biological evaluation since numerous natural products, drugs and drug candidates bear the succinimide core. Moreover, regioselectivity of addition of ambident heterocyclic nucleophiles such as 4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiole, 1H-imidazole and 2-amino- 1,3-thiazole to maleimides have been investigated. Lewis acids such as aluminium chloride, zinc chloride and lithium perchlorate have been tested on different heterocyclic substrates as catalysts. Interestingly, depending on nucleophilicity of the substrate different Lewis acids have shown significantly varying efficacy. In this respect aluminium chloride was identified as the most effective catalyst for C–C addition among the Lewis acids tested. Lithium perchlorate appears to be the most efficient in the case of C–N addition with the endocyclic nitrogen atom of the hererocycle. Zinc chloride shows a good catalytic efficacy in addition of maleimides to the exocyclic amino group of 2-aminothiazole. Finally, the advantages of the catalytic approach developed such as mild reaction conditions, easy handling, low toxicity of the catalysts and their low cost make this method useful for the synthesis of new 3-heteryl substituted succinimides, which, in turn, are interesting substrates in medicinal chemistry., В настоящей статье представлен простой и эффективный экономный метод синтеза 3-гетарилзамещенных пирролидин-2,5-дионов с помощью каталитической реакции Михаэля. В качестве катализаторов были использованы кислоты Льюиса, которые показали высокую каталитическую активность в реакциях присоединения N-арилзамещенных малеинимидов к донорным гетероциклам. Представленные реакции протекают в большинстве случаев при комнатной температуре и мягких условиях, что позволяет избегать образования нежелательных побочных продуктов. Синтезированные соединения являются перспективными в области медицинской химии, поскольку хорошо известно, что производные пиролидин-2,5-дионов обладают антибактериальной, антиэпилептической и противотуберкулезной активностью. Также известны продукты природного происхождения, содержащие сукцинимидное ядро, которые являются эффективными и селективными антибиотиками. В представленной работе была исследована региоселективность присоединения малеинимидов к гетероциклическим субстратам. В качестве катализаторов были использованы хлориды алюминия, цинка и перхлорат лития. Оказалось, что апробированные кислоты Льюиса имеют разную каталитическую активность на разных субстратах, что, вероятно, зависит от нуклеофильности гетероцикла. Наиболее эффективным катализатором для С–С присоединения оказался хлорид алюминия, тогда как перхлорат лития показал высокую каталитическую активность при С–N присоединении, а хлорид цинка позволил получить высокие выходы аддуктов в случае присоединения малеинимидов к экзоциклической аминогруппе 2-аминотиазола. Представленный здесь оптимизированный каталитический метод позволяет синтезировать новые 3-гетарилзамещенные пирролидин-2,5-дионы., В даній публікації представлений простий та економний метод синтезу похідних 3-гетерилзаміщених піролідин-2,5-діонів за допомогою каталітичної реакції Міхаеля. В якості каталізаторів були використані кислоти Льюїса, які показали високу каталітичну ефективність у реакціях приєднання N-арилзаміщених малеїнімідів до донорних та СН-активних гетероциклів. Представлені реакції перебігають в основному при кімнатній температурі і м’яких умовах, що дозволяє уникнути утворення небажаних по-бічних продуктів. Синтезовані речовини є цікавими та перспективними об’єктами з точки зору медичної хімії, оскільки відомо, що сполуки із сукцинімідним ядром проявляють антибактеріальну, протитуберкульозну та антиепілептичну активність. Відомі також природні сполуки з піролідин-2,5-діоновим фрагментом, що використовуються як ефективні та селективні антибіотики. У даній роботі було досліджено регіоселективність приєднання малеїнімідів до гетероциклічних субстратів з двома альтернативними донорними центрами. В якості каталізаторів були використані хлориди алюмінію та цинку, а також літію перхлорат. Було виявлено, що випробувані кислоти Льюїса проявляють різну каталітичну активність на різних субстратах, що вочевидь залежить від нуклеофільності гетероциклу. Найбільш ефективним каталізатором для С–С приєднання виявився алюмінію хлорид. У свою чергу, літію перхлорат показав високу каталітичну активність для С–N приєднання, а цинку хлорид був ідентифікований, як найбільш ефективний у випадку приєднання малеїнімідного кільця до екзоциклічної аміногрупи 2-амінотіазолу. Перевагами даного каталітичного методу є м’які реакційні умови, низька токсичність каталізаторів та їх низька ціна, що робить даний підхід синтетично вигідним для отримання 3-гетерилзаміщених піролідин-2,5-діонів.
- Published
- 2013
4. The Synthesis of 2'-Hydroxychalcones under Ball Mill Conditions and Their Biological Activities.
- Author
Abid I, Moslah W, Cojean S, Imbert N, Loiseau PM, Chamayou A, Srairi-Abid N, Calvet R, and Baltas M
- Subjects
- Humans, Cell Line, Tumor, Leishmania donovani drug effects, Leishmania donovani growth & development, Antimalarials pharmacology, Antimalarials chemical synthesis, Antimalarials chemistry, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Antineoplastic Agents chemical synthesis, Antineoplastic Agents chemistry, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Cell Survival drug effects, Molecular Structure, Chalcones pharmacology, Chalcones chemistry, Chalcones chemical synthesis, Plasmodium falciparum drug effects
- Abstract
Chalcones are polyphenols that belong to the flavonoids family, known for their broad pharmacological properties. They have thus attracted the attention of chemists for their obtention and potential activities. In our study, a library of compounds from 2'-hydroxychalcone's family was first synthesized. A one-step mechanochemical synthesis via Claisen-Schmidt condensation reaction under ball mill conditions was studied, first in a model reaction between a 5'-fluoro-2'-hydroxyacetophenone and 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde. The reaction was optimized in terms of catalysts, ratio of reagents, reaction time, and influence of additives. Among all assays, we retained the best one, which gave the highest yield of 96% when operating in the presence of 1 + 1 eq. of substituted benzaldehyde and 2 eq. of KOH under two grinding cycles of 30 min. Thus, this protocol was adopted for the synthesis of the selected library of 2'-hydroxychalcones derivatives. The biological activities of 17 compounds were then assessed against Plasmodium falciparum , Leishmania donovani parasite development, as well as IGR-39 melanoma cell lines by inhibiting their viability and proliferation. Compounds 6 and 11 are the most potent against L. donovani, exhibiting IC
50 values of 2.33 µM and 2.82 µM, respectively, better than the reference drug Miltefosine (3.66 µM). Compound 15 presented the most interesting antimalarial activity against the 3D7 strain, with IC50 = 3.21 µM. Finally, chalcone 12 gave the best result against IGR-39 melanoma cell lines, with an IC50 value of 12 µM better than the reference drug Dacarbazine (IC50 = 25 µM).- Published
- 2024
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5. Synthesis of Novel Artemisinin, Ciprofloxacin, and Norfloxacin Hybrids with Potent Antiplasmodial Activity.
- Author
Vamvoukaki G, Antoniou AI, Baltas M, Mouray E, Charneau S, Grellier P, and Athanassopoulos CM
- Abstract
The synthesis and antiplasmodial evaluation of new hybrids combining the pharmacophore structures of artemisinin, ciprofloxacin or norfloxacin, and 7-chloroquinoline are reported in this study. The first step for all of the syntheses is the obtainment of key piperazine esters intermediates bearing the drugs ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin. Using these platforms, 18 final compounds were synthesized through a multistep procedure with overall yields ranging between 8 and 20%. All compounds were screened for their antiplasmodial activity against the chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum FcB1 strain. Compounds 20 , 21 , 22 , and 28 , bearing an artesunate fragment with ciprofloxacin, exhibited IC
50 values in the range of 3.5-5.4 nM and excellent selectivity indices. Among the compounds bearing the artesunate moiety on the norfloxacin, two of them, 23 and 24 , afforded IC50 values of 1.5 nM and 1.9 nM, respectively. They also showed excellent selectivity indices. The most potent compounds were also evaluated against the CQ-resistant Dd2 strain of Plasmodium falciparum , demonstrating that those compounds incorporating the artesunate fragment were the most potent. Finally, the combination of artesunate with either ciprofloxacin or norfloxacin moieties in a single molecular entity proved to substantially enhance the activity and selectivity when compared to the administration of the unconjugated counterparts artesunate/ciprofloxacin and artesunate/norfloxacin.- Published
- 2024
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6. Mechanochemical Studies on Coupling of Hydrazines and Hydrazine Amides with Phenolic and Furanyl Aldehydes-Hydrazones with Antileishmanial and Antibacterial Activities.
- Author
Kapusterynska A, Bijani C, Paliwoda D, Vendier L, Bourdon V, Imbert N, Cojean S, Loiseau PM, Recchia D, Scoffone VC, Degiacomi G, Akhir A, Saxena D, Chopra S, Lubenets V, and Baltas M
- Subjects
- Aldehydes, Amides, Hydrazines, Anti-Bacterial Agents pharmacology, Structure-Activity Relationship, Hydrazones pharmacology, Hydrazones chemistry, Antiprotozoal Agents pharmacology, Antiprotozoal Agents chemistry
- Abstract
Hydrazone compounds represent an important area of research that includes, among others, synthetic approaches and biological studies. A series of 17 hydrazones have been synthesized by mechanochemical means. The fragments chosen were phenolic and furanyl aldehydes coupled with 12 heterocyclic hydrazines or hydrazinamides. All compounds can be obtained quantitatively when operating on a planetary ball mill and a maximum reaction time of 180 min (6 cycles of 30 min each). Complete spectroscopic analyses of hydrazones revealed eight compounds ( 3 - 5 , 8 - 11 , 16 ) present in one geometric form, six compounds ( 1 , 2 , 13 - 15 ) present in two isomeric forms, and three compounds ( 6 , 7 , 12 ) where one rotation is restricted giving rise to two different forms. The single crystal X-ray structure of one of the hydrazones bearing the isoniazid fragment ( 8 ) indicates a crystal lattice consisting of two symmetry-independent molecules with different geometries. All compounds obtained were tested for anti-infectious and antibacterial activities. Four compounds ( 1 , 3 , 5 and 8 ) showed good activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis , and one ( 7 ) was very potent against Staphylococcus aureus . Most interesting, this series of compounds displayed very promising antileishmanial activity. Among all, compound 9 exhibited an IC
50 value of 0.3 µM on the Leishmania donovani intramacrophage amastigote in vitro model and a good selectivity index, better than miltefosine, making it worth evaluating in vivo.- Published
- 2023
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7. Design of Anti-infectious Agents from Lawsone in a Three-Component Reaction with Aldehydes and Isocyanides.
- Author
Koumpoura CL, Nguyen M, Bijani C, Vendier L, Salina EG, Buroni S, Degiacomi G, Cojean S, Loiseau PM, Benoit-Vical F, García-Sosa AT, Anne Robert, and Baltas M
- Abstract
The first effective synthetic approach to naphthofuroquinones via a reaction involving lawsone, various aldehydes, and three isocyanides under microwave irradiation afforded derivatives in moderate to good yields. In addition, for less-reactive aldehydes, two naphtho-enaminodione quinones were obtained for the first time, as result of condensation between lawsone and isocyanides. X-ray structure determination for 9 and 2D-NMR spectra of 28 confirmed the obtained structures. All compounds were evaluated for their anti-infectious activities against Plasmodium falciparum , Leishmania donovani , and Mycobacterium tuberculosis . Among the naphthofuroquinone series, 17 exhibited comparatively the best activity against P. falciparum (IC
50 = 2.5 μM) and M. tuberculosis (MIC = 9 μM) with better ( P. falciparum ) or equivalent ( M. tuberculosis ) values to already-known naphthofuroquinone compounds. Among the two naphtho-enaminodione quinones, 28 exhibited a moderate activity against P. falciparum with a good selectivity index (SI > 36) while also a very high potency against L. donovani (IC50 = 3.5 μM and SI > 28), rendering it very competitive to the reference drug miltefosine. All compounds were studied through molecular modeling on their potential targets for P. falciparum , Pfbc1, and PfDHODH, where 17 showed the most favorable interactions., Competing Interests: The authors declare no competing financial interest., (© 2022 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.)- Published
- 2022
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8. Antimalarial Inhibitors Targeting Epigenetics or Mitochondria in Plasmodium falciparum : Recent Survey upon Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Potential Drugs against Malaria.
- Author
Koumpoura CL, Robert A, Athanassopoulos CM, and Baltas M
- Subjects
- Animals, Antimalarials pharmacology, DNA chemistry, Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase, Drug Discovery, Drug Resistance, Enzyme Inhibitors chemistry, Enzyme Inhibitors pharmacology, Epigenesis, Genetic, Histone Deacetylases metabolism, Humans, Methyltransferases antagonists & inhibitors, Oxidoreductases Acting on CH-CH Group Donors antagonists & inhibitors, Quinazolines chemistry, Quinazolines pharmacology, Signal Transduction, Structure-Activity Relationship, Antimalarials chemistry, Malaria, Falciparum drug therapy, Mitochondria metabolism, Plasmodium falciparum drug effects
- Abstract
Despite many efforts, malaria remains among the most problematic infectious diseases worldwide, mainly due to the development of drug resistance by P. falciparum. Over the past decade, new essential pathways have been emerged to fight against malaria. Among them, epigenetic processes and mitochondrial metabolism appear to be important targets. This review will focus on recent evolutions concerning worldwide efforts to conceive, synthesize and evaluate new drug candidates interfering selectively and efficiently with these two targets and pathways. The focus will be on compounds/scaffolds that possess biological/pharmacophoric properties on DNA methyltransferases and HDAC's for epigenetics, and on cytochrome bc1 and dihydroorotate dehydrogenase for mitochondrion.
- Published
- 2021
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9. Synthesis of Biologically Relevant 1,2,3- and 1,3,4-Triazoles: From Classical Pathway to Green Chemistry.
- Author
Gonnet L, Baron M, and Baltas M
- Subjects
- Molecular Structure, Chemistry Techniques, Synthetic, Triazoles chemistry, Triazoles chemical synthesis, Green Chemistry Technology
- Abstract
Green Chemistry has become in the last two decades an increasing part of research interest. Nonconventional «green» sources for chemical reactions include micro-wave, mechanical mixing, visible light and ultrasound. 1,2,3-triazoles have important applications in pharmaceutical chemistry while their 1,2,4 counterparts are developed to a lesser extent. In the review presented here we will focus on synthesis of 1,2,3 and 1,2,4-triazole systems by means of classical and « green chemistry » conditions involving ultrasound chemistry and mechanochemistry. The focus will be on compounds/scaffolds that possess biological/pharmacophoric properties. Finally, we will also present the formal cycloreversion of 1,2,3-triazole compounds under mechanical forces and its potential use in biological systems.
- Published
- 2021
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10. Synthesis and Antiplasmodial Activity of Novel Fosmidomycin Derivatives and Conjugates with Artemisinin and Aminochloroquinoline.
- Author
Palla D, Antoniou AI, Baltas M, Menendez C, Grellier P, Mouray E, and Athanassopoulos CM
- Subjects
- Antimalarials chemical synthesis, Antimalarials chemistry, Artemisinins chemistry, Fosfomycin chemical synthesis, Fosfomycin chemistry, Fosfomycin pharmacology, Molecular Structure, Parasitic Sensitivity Tests, Quinolines chemistry, Antimalarials pharmacology, Artemisinins pharmacology, Fosfomycin analogs & derivatives, Plasmodium falciparum drug effects, Quinolines pharmacology
- Abstract
Malaria, despite many efforts, remains among the most problematic infectious diseases worldwide, mainly due to the development of drug resistance by Plasmodium falciparum. The antibiotic fosmidomycin (FSM) is also known for its antimalarial activity by targeting the non-mevalonate isoprenoid synthesis pathway, which is essential for the malaria parasites but is absent in mammalians. In this study, we synthesized and evaluated against the chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum FcB1/Colombia strain, a series of FSM analogs, derivatives, and conjugates with other antimalarial agents, such as artemisinin (ART) and aminochloroquinoline (ACQ). The biological evaluation revealed four new compounds with higher antimalarial activity than FSM: two FSM-ACQ derivatives and two FSM-ART conjugates, with 3.5-5.4 and 41.5-23.1 times more potent activities than FSM, respectively.
- Published
- 2020
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11. Synthesis of Novel G Factor or Chloroquine-Artemisinin Hybrids and Conjugates with Potent Antiplasmodial Activity.
- Author
Pepe DA, Toumpa D, André-Barrès C, Menendez C, Mouray E, Baltas M, Grellier P, Papaioannou D, and Athanassopoulos CM
- Abstract
A series of novel hybrids of artemisinin (ART) with either a phytormone endoperoxide G factor analogue (GMeP) or chloroquine (CQ) and conjugates of the same compounds with the polyamines (PAs), spermidine (Spd), and homospermidine (Hsd) were synthesized and their antiplasmodial activity was evaluated using the CQ-resistant P. falciparum FcB1/Colombia strain. The ART-GMeP hybrid 5 and compounds 9 and 10 which are conjugates of Spd and Hsd with two molecules of ART and one molecule of GMeP, were the most potent with IC
50 values of 2.6, 8.4, and 10.6 nM, respectively. The same compounds also presented the highest selectivity indexes against the primary human fibroblast cell line AB943 ranging from 16 372 for the hybrid 5 to 983 for the conjugate 10 of Hsd., Competing Interests: The authors declare no competing financial interest., (Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.)- Published
- 2020
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12. In Silico Repositioning of Cannabigerol as a Novel Inhibitor of the Enoyl Acyl Carrier Protein (ACP) Reductase (InhA).
- Author
Pinzi L, Lherbet C, Baltas M, Pellati F, and Rastelli G
- Subjects
- Animals, Cannabinoids chemistry, Computer Simulation, Drug Repositioning, Enzyme Inhibitors chemistry, Humans, Models, Molecular, Molecular Docking Simulation, Protein Conformation, Structure-Activity Relationship, Cannabinoids pharmacology, Enzyme Inhibitors pharmacology, Inhibins antagonists & inhibitors
- Abstract
Cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabichromene (CBC) are non-psychoactive cannabinoids that have raised increasing interest in recent years. These compounds exhibit good tolerability and low toxicity, representing promising candidates for drug repositioning. To identify novel potential therapeutic targets for CBG and CBC, an integrated ligand-based and structure-based study was performed. The results of the analysis led to the identification of CBG as a low micromolar inhibitor of the Enoyl acyl carrier protein (ACP) reductase (InhA) enzyme.
- Published
- 2019
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13. Synthesis, In Silico, and In Vitro Evaluation of Anti-Leishmanial Activity of Oxadiazoles and Indolizine Containing Compounds Flagged against Anti-Targets.
- Author
Stevanovic S, Sencanski M, Danel M, Menendez C, Belguedj R, Bouraiou A, Nikolic K, Cojean S, Loiseau PM, Glisic S, Baltas M, and García-Sosa AT
- Subjects
- Animals, Antiprotozoal Agents chemistry, Arginase metabolism, Indolizines chemistry, Leishmania donovani metabolism, Mice, Molecular Docking Simulation, Molecular Structure, Oxadiazoles chemistry, RAW 264.7 Cells, Antiprotozoal Agents pharmacology, Indolizines pharmacology, Leishmania donovani drug effects, Oxadiazoles pharmacology
- Abstract
Due to the lack of approved vaccines against human leishmaniasis and the limitations of the current chemotherapy inducing side effects and drug resistance, development of new, effective chemotherapeutic agents is essential. This study describes the synthesis of a series of novel oxadiazoles and indolizine-containing compounds. The compounds were screened in silico using an EIIP/AQVN filter followed by ligand-based virtual screening and molecular docking to parasite arginase. Top hits were further screened versus human arginase and finally against an anti-target battery to tag their possible interactions with proteins essential for the metabolism and clearance of many substances. Eight candidate compounds were selected for further experimental testing. The results show measurable in vitro anti-leishmanial activity for three compounds. One compound with an IC
50 value of 2.18 µM on Leishmania donovani intramacrophage amastigotes is clearly better positioned than the others as an interesting molecular template for further development of new anti-leishmanial agents.- Published
- 2019
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14. Synthesis and biological evaluation against Leishmania donovani of novel hybrid molecules containing indazole-based 2-pyrone scaffolds.
- Author
El Ghozlani M, Bouissane L, Berkani M, Mojahidi S, Allam A, Menendez C, Cojean S, Loiseau PM, Baltas M, and Rakib EM
- Abstract
A series of novel indazole-pyrone hybrids were synthesized by a one pot reaction between N -alkyl-6(5)-nitroindazoles and 2-pyrone (4-hydroxy-6-methyl-2 H -pyran-2-one) using indium or stannous chloride as the reducing system in the presence of acetic acid in tetrahydrofuran. The hybrid molecules were obtained in good to excellent yields (72-92%) and characterized by NMR and single crystal X-ray diffraction. Nineteen compounds were tested in vitro against both Leishmania donovani (MHOM/ET/67/HU3, also called LV9) axenic and intramacrophage amastigotes. Among all, five compounds showed anti-leishmanial activity against intracellular L. donovani with an IC
50 in the range of 2.25 to 62.56 μM. 3-(1-(3-Chloro-2-ethyl-2 H -indazol-6-ylamino)ethylidene)-6-methyl-3 H -pyran-2,4-dione 6f was found to be the most active compound for axenic amastigotes and intramacrophage amastigotes of L. donovani with IC50 values of 2.48 ± 1.02 μM and 2.25 ± 1.89 μM, respectively. However, the cytotoxicity of the most promising compound justifies further pharmacomodulations.- Published
- 2018
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15. Mechanochemical Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Isoniazid Derivatives with Potent Antitubercular Activity.
- Author
Oliveira PFM, Guidetti B, Chamayou A, André-Barrès C, Madacki J, Korduláková J, Mori G, Orena BS, Chiarelli LR, Pasca MR, Lherbet C, Carayon C, Massou S, Baron M, and Baltas M
- Subjects
- Antitubercular Agents chemistry, Cell Death drug effects, Cell Line, Chromatography, Thin Layer, Humans, Hydrazones chemical synthesis, Hydrazones chemistry, Hydrazones pharmacology, Hydrogen-Ion Concentration, Hydrolysis, Isomerism, Isoniazid chemistry, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Microbial Sensitivity Tests, Models, Molecular, Molecular Conformation, Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug effects, Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth & development, Quantum Theory, Spectrophotometry, Ultraviolet, Thermodynamics, Antitubercular Agents pharmacology, Isoniazid chemical synthesis, Isoniazid pharmacology
- Abstract
A series of isoniazid derivatives bearing a phenolic or heteroaromatic coupled frame were obtained by mechanochemical means. Their pH stability and their structural (conformer/isomer) analysis were checked. The activity of prepared derivatives against Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell growth was evaluated. Some compounds such as phenolic hydrazine 1a and almost all heteroaromatic ones, especially 2 , 5 and 7 , are more active than isoniazid, and their activity against some M. tuberculosis MDR clinical isolates was determined. Compounds 1a and 7 present a selectivity index >1400 evaluated on MRC5 human fibroblast cells. The mechanism of action of selected hydrazones was demonstrated to block mycolic acid synthesis due to InhA inhibition inside the mycobacterial cell.
- Published
- 2017
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16. 4-Hydroxynonenal Contributes to Angiogenesis through a Redox-Dependent Sphingolipid Pathway: Prevention by Hydralazine Derivatives.
- Author
Camaré C, Vanucci-Bacqué C, Augé N, Pucelle M, Bernis C, Swiader A, Baltas M, Bedos-Belval F, Salvayre R, and Nègre-Salvayre A
- Subjects
- Cell Line, Endothelial Cells pathology, Humans, Oxidation-Reduction drug effects, Phosphotransferases (Alcohol Group Acceptor) metabolism, Sphingomyelin Phosphodiesterase metabolism, Aldehydes toxicity, Endothelial Cells metabolism, Hydralazine analogs & derivatives, Hydralazine pharmacology, Neovascularization, Pathologic chemically induced, Neovascularization, Pathologic metabolism, Neovascularization, Pathologic pathology, Neovascularization, Pathologic prevention & control, Signal Transduction drug effects, Sphingolipids metabolism
- Abstract
The neovascularization of atherosclerotic lesions is involved in plaque development and may contribute to intraplaque hemorrhage and plaque fragilization and rupture. Among the various proangiogenic agents involved in the neovascularization process, proatherogenic oxidized LDLs (oxLDLs) contribute to the formation of tubes via the generation of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), a major mitogenic and proangiogenic sphingolipid mediator. In this study, we investigated whether 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), an aldehydic lipid oxidation product abundantly present in oxLDLs, contributes to their proangiogenic properties. Immunofluorescence analysis of human atherosclerotic lesions from carotid endarterectomy showed the colocalization of HNE-adducts with CD31, a marker of endothelial cells, suggesting a close relationship between 4-HNE and neovessel formation. In vitro, low 4-HNE concentration (0.5-1 µ M) elicited the formation of tubes by human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1), whereas higher concentrations were not angiogenic. The formation of tubes by 4-HNE involved the generation of reactive oxygen species and the activation of the sphingolipid pathway, namely, the neutral type 2 sphingomyelinase and sphingosine kinase-1 (nSMase2/SK-1) pathway, indicating a role for S1P in the angiogenic signaling of 4-HNE. Carbonyl scavengers hydralazine and bisvanillyl-hydralazone inhibited the nSMase2/SK1 pathway activation and the formation of tubes on Matrigel® evoked by 4-HNE. Altogether, these results emphasize the role of 4-HNE in the angiogenic effect of oxLDLs and point out the potential interest of pharmacological carbonyl scavengers to prevent the neovascularization process.
- Published
- 2017
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17. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel hydroxamic acids bearing artemisinin skeleton.
- Author
Ha VT, Kien VT, Binh le H, Tien VD, My NT, Nam NH, Baltas M, Hahn H, Han BW, Thao do T, and Vu TK
- Subjects
- Antineoplastic Agents chemical synthesis, Antineoplastic Agents chemistry, Artemisinins chemistry, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor, HL-60 Cells, Hep G2 Cells, Humans, Hydroxamic Acids chemical synthesis, Hydroxamic Acids chemistry, MCF-7 Cells, Molecular Docking Simulation, Molecular Structure, Structure-Activity Relationship, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Artemisinins pharmacology, Drug Design, Hydroxamic Acids pharmacology
- Abstract
A series of novel hydroxamic acids bearing artemisinin skeleton was designed and synthesized. Some compounds in this series exhibited moderate inhibition against the whole cell HDAC enzymes. Especially, compound 6g displayed potent cytotoxicity against three human cancer cell lines, including HepG2 (liver cancer), MCF-7 (breast cancer) and HL-60 (leukemia cancer), with IC50 values of 2.50, 2.62 and 1.28μg/mL, respectively. Docking studies performed with two potent compounds 6a and 6g using Autodock Vina showed that both compounds bound to HDAC2 with relatively high binding affinities from -7.1 to 7.0kcal/mol compared to SAHA (-7.4kcal/mol). It was found in this research that most of the target compounds seemed to be more cytotoxic toward blood cancer cells (HL-60) than liver (HepG2), and breast (MCF-7) cancer cells., (Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2016
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18. Structure-Based Virtual Ligand Screening on the XRCC4/DNA Ligase IV Interface.
- Author
Menchon G, Bombarde O, Trivedi M, Négrel A, Inard C, Giudetti B, Baltas M, Milon A, Modesti M, Czaplicki G, and Calsou P
- Subjects
- Binding Sites, DNA metabolism, DNA Breaks, Double-Stranded, DNA Ligase ATP metabolism, DNA Repair, DNA-Binding Proteins metabolism, Humans, Ligands, Molecular Conformation, Molecular Docking Simulation, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Protein Binding, Protein Interaction Domains and Motifs, Reproducibility of Results, Structure-Activity Relationship, DNA chemistry, DNA Ligase ATP chemistry, DNA-Binding Proteins chemistry, Models, Molecular
- Abstract
The association of DNA Ligase IV (Lig4) with XRCC4 is essential for repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by Non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) in humans. DSBs cytotoxicity is largely exploited in anticancer therapy. Thus, NHEJ is an attractive target for strategies aimed at increasing the sensitivity of tumors to clastogenic anticancer treatments. However the high affinity of the XRCC4/Lig4 interaction and the extended protein-protein interface make drug screening on this target particularly challenging. Here, we conducted a pioneering study aimed at interfering with XRCC4/Lig4 assembly. By Molecular Dynamics simulation using the crystal structure of the complex, we first delineated the Lig4 clamp domain as a limited suitable target. Then, we performed in silico screening of ~95,000 filtered molecules on this Lig4 subdomain. Hits were evaluated by Differential Scanning Fluorimetry, Saturation Transfer Difference-NMR spectroscopy and interaction assays with purified recombinant proteins. In this way we identified the first molecule able to prevent Lig4 binding to XRCC4 in vitro. This compound has a unique tripartite interaction with the Lig4 clamp domain that suggests a starting chemotype for rational design of analogous molecules with improved affinity.
- Published
- 2016
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19. Identification and optimization of hydrazone-gallate derivatives as specific inhibitors of DNA methyltransferase 3A.
- Author
Erdmann A, Menon Y, Gros C, Masson V, Aussagues Y, Ausseil F, Novosad N, Schambel P, Baltas M, and Arimondo PB
- Subjects
- Antineoplastic Agents chemical synthesis, Antineoplastic Agents chemistry, Cell Line, Tumor, Cell Proliferation drug effects, DNA (Cytosine-5-)-Methyltransferases metabolism, DNA Methyltransferase 3A, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor, Enzyme Inhibitors chemical synthesis, Enzyme Inhibitors chemistry, Gallic Acid chemistry, Humans, Hydrazones chemical synthesis, Hydrazones chemistry, Neoplasms metabolism, Structure-Activity Relationship, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, DNA (Cytosine-5-)-Methyltransferases antagonists & inhibitors, Enzyme Inhibitors pharmacology, Gallic Acid pharmacology, Hydrazones pharmacology, Neoplasms drug therapy
- Abstract
DNA methylation is the most studied epigenetic event. Since the methylation profile of the genome is widely modified in cancer cells, DNA methyltransferases are the target of new anticancer therapies. Nucleosidic inhibitors suffer from toxicity and chemical stability, while non-nucleosidic inhibitors lack potency. Here, we found a novel DNMT inhibitor scaffold by enzymatic screening and structure-activity relationship studies. The optimization studies led to an inhibitor containing three fragments: a gallate frame, a hydrazone linker and a benzothiazole moiety. Interestingly, the compound inhibits DNMT3A with micromolar potency (EC50 = 1.6 μM) and does not inhibit DNMT1; this DNMT3A selectivity is supported by a docking study. Finally, the compound reactivates a reporter gene in leukemia KG-1 cells.
- Published
- 2016
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20. 2-(9H-Fluoren-9-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-anilino)-4-oxo-butanoic acid.
- Author
Matviiuk T, Baltas M, Voitenko Z, Gorichko M, and Lherbet C
- Abstract
In the title compound, C23H18FNO3, the tricyclic 9-fluorenyl system is approximately planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0279 Å). The N-C(=O) bond length is comparatively short [1.359 (3) Å], which is typical for such conjugated systems. The N atom has a planar configuration [sum of bond angles= 359.8°] due to conjugation of its lone pair with the π-system of the carbonyl group. In the crystal, a three-dimensional network is formed through N-H⋯O and O-H⋯O hydrogen bonds between the amide and carb-oxy-lic acid groups and carbonyl O-atom acceptors.
- Published
- 2013
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21. Fe(II)-induced reduction of labelled endoperoxides. NMR degradation studies on G3 factor and its methyl ether.
- Author
André-Barrès C, Najjar F, Bottalla AL, Massou S, Zedde C, Baltas M, and Gorrichon L
- Subjects
- Oxidation-Reduction, Ethers chemistry, Ferrous Compounds chemistry, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods, Peroxides chemistry
- Abstract
The behavior of G3 factor and of its methylated or fluorinated analogues G3Me and G3F, was studied under Fe(II) conditions. Degradation products were isolated and characterized in each case. The use of labelled compounds allowed us to propose mechanisms in which a tertiary radical is involved. This radical rearranges by 5-exo-trig cyclization, or disproportionates in the case of G3Me. A correlation between antiplasmodial activity and stability of this radical is proposed.
- Published
- 2005
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22. Stereoselective access to the versatile 4-aminohex-5-ene-1,2,3-triol pattern.
- Author
Ayad T, Faugeroux V, Génisson Y, André C, Baltas M, and Gorrichon L
- Subjects
- Cyclization, Epoxy Compounds chemical synthesis, Epoxy Compounds chemistry, Hydrolysis, Molecular Conformation, Stereoisomerism, Hexanols chemical synthesis
- Abstract
We developed a stereocontrolled route allowing potential access to the eight isomers of 4-benzylaminohex-5-ene-1,2,3-triol in two or four steps and ca. 50% yield from readily available chiral nonracemic cis- or trans-alpha,beta-epoxyimine precursors. A new (NH(4))(2)CO(3)-based carboxylation/intramolecular cyclization sequence allowed regio- and stereocontrolled C-3 epoxide opening while neat C-2 hydrolysis was ensured by simple aqueous acidic treatment.
- Published
- 2004
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23. Rational inhibitor design, synthesis and NMR spectroscopic study by transferred nuclear overhauser spectroscopy of novel inhibitors of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, a critical enzyme in lignification.
- Author
Kennedy K, Baltas M, Douglas KT, Duran H, Embrey KJ, Giraudon JG, McKie JH, Grima-Pettenati J, and Gorrichon L
- Subjects
- Alcohol Oxidoreductases genetics, Drug Design, Enzyme Inhibitors chemistry, Enzyme Inhibitors pharmacology, Eucalyptus enzymology, Eucalyptus genetics, Lignin biosynthesis, Molecular Conformation, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Biomolecular, Organophosphonates chemistry, Plants, Medicinal, Propanols metabolism, Recombinant Proteins drug effects, Vinyl Compounds chemistry, Alcohol Oxidoreductases antagonists & inhibitors, Organophosphonates pharmacology, Vinyl Compounds pharmacology
- Abstract
Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase is one of the enzymes controlling the first two committed steps of lignification. Using a 3-dimensional similarity model of this enzyme, a series of novel phosphonates (1-5) was designed as potential inhibitors. Phosphonates 1-5 were synthesized in good yield by reaction of the corresponding cinnamaldehydes with tetraethylmethylene diphosphonate. Monophosphonic acids 6 and 7 were obtained by basic hydrolysis of the corresponding phosphonates while phosphonamidate 8 was synthesized by reacting benzylamine with the iminium salt intermediate of the monophosphonic acid. Using recombinant cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD, EC the inhibitory activity of these compounds was evaluated and compared with that of the carbonyl analogues. Inhibition kinetic studies showed compounds 2 and 3 to be mixed type linear inhibitors while compound 4 was uncompetitive. 1H NMR studies of inhibitor 2, for which Ki and Ki' were 20 and 86 microM, respectively, in the presence of CAD based on selective line-broadening showed an increased interaction of the 3-OMe group of the aromatic ring of the inhibitor with the active site of the CAD. A transferred nuclear overhauser effect spectroscopy (TRNOESY) experiment for inhibitor 2 with CAD was used to determine the conformation of this compound bound to CAD. These results were found to be consistent with the 3-dimensional structural model of the enzyme.
- Published
- 1999
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24. Total Synthesis of a Thymidine 2-Deoxypolyoxin C Analogue.
- Author
Dehoux C, Fontaine E, Escudier JM, Baltas M, and Gorrichon L
- Abstract
The synthesis of the thymidine 2-deoxypolyoxin C analogue 10 from a noncarbohydrate precursor was achieved in 10 steps and 9% yield starting from a chiral gamma,delta-epoxy-beta-hydroxy ester 11 readily available from cis-2-butene-1,4-diol. The main steps concern the stereo- and regioselective opening of the epoxide ring by an azide anion, the stereoselective introduction of the thymine base, and the transformation of the primary alcohol to the acid functionality of the final product. Two other approaches have also been investigated.
- Published
- 1998
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