1. Öğretmenlerin Yaşam Doyumunun Bazı Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi
- Author
Öter, Ömer Murat, Dağlı, Abidin, Dicle Üniversitesi, Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri, Dağlı, Abidin, and Edebiyat Fakültesi
- Subjects
Öğretmen ,İlkokul ,Teacher ,Yaşam doyumu ,Life satisfaction ,Eğitim, Bilimsel Disiplinler ,Yaşam doyumu, Öğretmen, İlkokul ,Preschool ,Education, Scientific Disciplines - Abstract
Yaşam doyumu, bireyin kendisinin belirlediği kriterler doğrultusunda yaşamının genel bir değerlendirmesi olarak tanımlanabilir. Yaşam doyumu, bir kişinin beklentilerini, sahip olduklarıyla karşılaştırarak elde ettiği durum ya da sonuç, hayata dair inanç ve değerlendirmelerinin toplamı veya kişinin kendi hayatı hakkındaki total durumu olarak ifade edilebilir. Yaşam doyumu, bireyin arzuları ile bireyin mevcut durumu arasındaki farktır. Bir bireyin yaşam doyumu incelenirken yaşamının somut yönleri ele alınır, olumsuza karşı olumlu durumlar tartılır ve genel memnuniyetle ilgili bir yargıya varılır. Yaşam doyumu seviyesi yüksek olan kişiler, yaşam doyumu seviyesi düşük olanlara göre daha mutlu bir yaşam sürmektedir. Sağlık durumu, çalışma yaşamı, alınan gelir miktarı, psikolojik durum, eğitim düzeyi, sosyal çevre, din, maneviyat, sosyal statü, refah koşulları, hükümet politikaları vb. faktörler yaşam doyumunu etkiler. Yaşam memnuniyeti zamanla azalırsa, sosyo-politik düzeni bozabilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; ilkokullarda görevli sınıf öğretmenlerinin yaşam doyumuna ilişkin algılarının nasıl bir dağılım gösterdiğini ve bazı değişkenler açısından algılar arasında anlamlı bir fark olup olmadığını ortaya çıkartmaktır. Çalışmanın örneklemi, Mardin İli merkez ve bağlı ilçelerden random yöntemi ile seçilen 542 öğretmenden meydana gelmektedir. “Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği” kullanılarak verilerin elde edildiği çalışmada varılan bazı önemli bulgular şunlardır: (1) Öğretmenlerin algılarının ortalamasının ölçek bazında “orta düzeyde katılıyorum” seviyesinde olduğu, (2) Öğretmenlerin öğrenim durumuna, cinsiyete, medeni duruma, mesleki kıdeme ve okulun bulunduğu yerleşim yerine ilişkin algıları arasındaki farkın anlamlı olduğu saptanmıştır., Throughout history people were seeking answers to those questions such as; what does life satisfaction mean, can life satisfaction be measured scientifically, what factors contribute to the improvement of life satisfaction, and how satisfied are people with their life? in the course of time. Since ancient Greece and even before that, people have wondered about the nature of the “good life”. Life satisfaction might be defined as a general evaluation of the life of the individual according to the criteria stated by himself/herself. Life satisfaction might be expressed as the state or result obtained by comparing one’s expectations with what he or she has, the sum of beliefs and evaluations about life, or the total state of one’s own life. Life satisfaction is the difference between what one desires and what s/he has got right now. While examining an individual’s life satisfaction, concrete aspects of his life are discussed, positive versus negative situations are cogitated, and a judgment is made about overall satisfaction. People with high Life satisfaction live a happier life than those with low life satisfaction. Health, career, size of income, mental state, social interactions, religion, education qualifi- cations, spirituality, social status, strength, welfare conditions, government policies, etc. are the factors affecting life satisfaction. If life satisfaction declines over time, it can disrupt the socio-political order. It would be unfair to limit life satisfaction to a specific field, it is more likely a positive assess- ment of the whole of life. Life satisfaction aims for every piece of life (Veenhoven, 1996). The fact that positive evaluations are higher than negative ones in the individual’s assessments of their lives shows that the quality of life is also high (Myers & Diener, 1995). Life satisfaction has great importance for teachers, who are in a sense building the future of society in the schools, whose raw material is people. In order for teachers to be successful with high perfor- mance, their life satisfaction must be at a good level. Alongside personal and environmental factors, frequent changes in education policies, economic challenges, insensitivity of parents and students to the education, the high load of weekly courses and various problems with school management can cause dissatisfaction and unhappiness for teachers. (Telef, 2011). In this aspect, the harmony between the wishes and expectations of the teachers who are currently working in the system and their present situations, in other words, determining their life satis faction levels and viewing their life satisfaction concerning some variables will give ideas for the practices which aim to improve teachers’ level of life satisfaction. This study aims to uncover how the perceptions of classroom teachers who are in official primary schools about life satisfaction are distributed and whether there is a substantial dif- ference between their perceptions according to some variables. Method The universe of the research, carried out by the descriptive scanning model, covers 1480 primary school teachers who work in 104 public primary schools located in the Artuklu dis- trict of Mardin province and its district centers in the 2018-2019 academic year. The random sampling method was used. 542 scales filled in by the teachers were included in the evalua- tion. In this work, the “Satisfaction with Life Scale” consisting of a factor and five items in a five-point Likert structure, developed by Diener vd. (1985) and adapted into Turkish by Dağlı ve Baysal (2016), was used. In this study, it has been found for the scale that the Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient is .874. In the research, descriptive statistics, t-test, and One Way Analysis of Variance (One Way ANOVA) were applied. As a result of these tests, multiple comparisons with the LSD Test were used to reveal between which groups there was a substantial difference. Result and conclusion In the research, the general average of teachers’ perceptions of life satisfaction based on the scale was determined at the level of “moderately agree”. The statement that teachers agree with at the highest level is “So far I have gotten the important things I want in life”, which is at the level of “moderately agree”. The lowest level of participation is the statement” The conditions of my life are excellent “, and this is at the level of ”slightly agree”. The fact that the life satisfaction of teachers in the current research is at the level of “moderately agree” shows that there is a difference between what teachers have and what they expect and desire. A significant difference between teachers’ perceptions of life satisfaction in relation to their educational status has been found. It was revealed that this difference is between the per- ceptions of associate degree graduate teachers, bachelor degree graduate teachers and mas- ter’s degree graduate teachers, and the perceptions of associate degree graduate teachers are higher. These results can be interpreted as individuals have more expectations in their lives as their education levels increase and they have a lower perception of life satisfaction when their expectations are not met. It has been found that there was a substantial difference between teachers’ perceptions of life satisfaction depending on their gender. Looking at the averages, the fact that female teachers’ perception is higher than male teachers’ was obvious. It was concluded that there was a significant difference between the averages of teachers’ perceptions of life satisfaction according to marital status and that the average of married teachers’ perceptions was slightly higher than the average of single teachers’ perceptions. Common values shared in family life and the ability to perceive attitudes based on these values increase life satisfaction (Bowen, 1988).
- Published
- 2022