
Showing total 62 results
62 results

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1. A Half Century of Progress in U.S. Student Achievement: Ethnic and SES Differences; Agency and Flynn Effects. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 21-01

2. Axioms of Excellence: Kumon and the Russian School of Mathematics. White Paper No. 188

3. The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 14-06

4. The Impact of Emerging Technology in Physics over the Past Three Decades

5. Organization Values. Symposium 10. [AHRD Conference, 2001].

6. School Counseling: A Comparative Study in 12 Countries

7. General (Aptitude) Math Exams and Success in Mathematical Classes at University: A Cross-Country Comparison

8. Understanding the Foremost Challenges in the Transition to Online Teaching and Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Review

9. Proceedings of International Conference on Social and Education Sciences (IConSES) (Chicago, Illinois, October 21-24, 2021). Volume 1

10. Using Edmodo in Language Learning: A Review of Research

11. NORDSCI International Conference Proceedings (Online, October 12-14, 2020). Book 1. Volume 3

12. MOOC Learner Behaviors by Country and Culture; an Exploratory Analysis

13. The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, Number 1

14. Bridging Countries and Cultures through Accessible Global Collaborations

15. The Global Research Trends on the Growth of Remote Learning in Higher Education Institutions: A Bibliometric Analysis

16. Education and New Developments 2017

17. Two Cultures, Two Dialogists and Two Intersecting Theories

18. Web Strategies for the Curation and Discovery of Open Educational Resources

19. International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT) 2016 (Lisbon, Portugal, April 30-May 2, 2016)

20. Examination of the Researches on the Use of Technology by Fine Arts Teachers

21. A Comparative Review of Articles on Education of Patriotism: A Thematic Analysis

22. Pre-School Education Audit in the World and Turkey

23. Publications Output: U.S. Trends and International Comparisons. Science & Engineering Indicators 2020. NSB-2020-6

24. Quality Criteria as the Innovative Development Vector of Higher Education

25. Education's Role in Preparing Globally Competent Citizens. BCES Conference Books, Volume 12

26. Diffusion of KM Education in LIS Schools

27. Government Spending across the World: How the United States Compares. National Issue Brief No. 144

28. You Say IFRS, I Say FASB…Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

29. Educational Poverty by Design: A Case of Mismanagement of National Resources

30. Build the Station Simulation. Educator's Guide

31. Eurasian Higher Education Leaders Forum Conference Proceedings (Astana, Kazakhstan, August 20-21, 2012)

32. Proceedings of the 2011 CIAE International Pre-Conference (60th, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 30-November 1, 2011)

33. The Models of Higher Education in Russia and European Countries at the Beginning of the XXIst Century: The Main Directions of Development

34. The Effects of Young Children's Everyday Activities: A Longitudinal Study in the United States, Russia, and Estonia.

35. Transformation of Russian Education: Decentralization, Differentiation, Democratization, Humanitarization.

36. Psychometric Support for a New Measure of Authoritative, Authoritarian, and Permissive Parenting Practices: Cross-Cultural Connections.

37. What the World Chemical Community Thinks about the Concept of Physical and Chemical Change?

38. Professional Roles of Russian and U.S. Journalists: A Comparative Study.

39. International Student Mobility: Limits of the Current Model

40. Correlation of Concepts 'Extremism' and 'Terrorism' in Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Extremism

41. Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions for the Prevention of Deviant Behavior among Adolescents

42. Virtual Campus in the Context of an Educational Virtual City

43. The United States Is Far behind Other Countries on Pre-K

44. TEDS-M 2008 User Guide for the International Database

45. TEDS-M 2008 User Guide for the International Database. Supplement 2: National Adaptations of the TEDS-M Questionnaires

46. Policy, Practice, and Readiness to Teach Primary and Secondary Mathematics in 17 Countries: Findings from the IEA Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M-M)

48. Identifying Children and Adolescents with Depression: Review of the Stimulus Drawing Task and Draw a Story Research

49. Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M): Policy, Practice, and Readiness to Teach Primary and Secondary Mathematics. Conceptual Framework

50. Higher Education Corruption in the World Media: Prevalence, Patterns, and Forms