
Showing total 86 results
86 results

Search Results

1. The role of boundary spanners in delivering collaborative care: a process evaluation.

2. A ‘Third Way’ for lay involvement: what evidence so far?

3. Reasons why people do not attend NHS Health Checks: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis.

4. Conducting a team-based multi-sited focused ethnography in primary care.

5. Implementing and managing self-management skills training within primary care organisations: a national survey of the expert patients programme within its pilot phase.

6. Who shall live and who shall die?

7. Patient and carer experience of obtaining regular prescribed medication for chronic disease in the English National Health Service: a qualitative study.

8. Generalist solutions to complex problems: generating practice-based evidence--the example of managing multi-morbidity.


10. Allergic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis in primary care: record-keeping, guidelines and implementation.

11. Lay perceptions of the desired role and type of user involvement in clinical governance.

12. Promoting healthy behaviours – do we need to practice what we preach?

13. The General Practice Assessment Questionnaire (GPAQ) -- Development and psychometric characteristics.


15. Ethics of evidence based medicine in the primary care setting.

16. Health-care systems for headache: patching the seam between primary and specialist care.

17. Missing Clinical Information in NHS hospital outpatient clinics: prevalence, causes and effects on patient care.

18. Impact of multimorbidity on healthcare costs and utilisation: a systematic review of the UK literature.

19. Electronic Health Record and Problem Lists in Leeds, United Kingdom: Variability of general practitioners' views.

20. Application of normalisation process theory in understanding implementation processes in primary care settings in the UK: a systematic review.

21. The impact of status and social context on health service co-design: an example from a collaborative improvement initiative in UK primary care.

22. Cost-effectiveness of a model consultation to support self-management in patients with osteoarthritis.

23. Diary.

24. Health is wisely sharing vulnerability.

25. A formative evaluation of the implementation of a medication safety data collection tool in English healthcare settings: A qualitative interview study using normalisation process theory.

26. Development of an algorithm for determining smoking status and behaviour over the life course from UK electronic primary care records.

27. Can psychosocial and socio-demographic questions help identify sexual risk among heterosexually-active women of reproductive age? Evidence from Britain's third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3).

28. Factors influencing consultation length in general/family practice.

29. Intra-cluster and inter-period correlation coefficients for cross-sectional cluster randomised controlled trials for type-2 diabetes in UK primary care.

30. Behavioural health consultants in integrated primary care teams: a model for future care.

31. Unintended consequences of an 'all-clear' diagnosis for potential cancer symptoms: a nested qualitative interview study with primary care patients.

32. The role of patient experience surveys in quality assurance and improvement: a focus group study in English general practice.

33. What are the core predictors of 'hassles' among patients with multimorbidity in primary care? A cross sectional study.

34. The limits of market-based reforms in the NHS: the case of alternative providers in primary care.

35. Management of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in UK primary care: a survey of general practitioners.

36. Clinical implications of the Royal College of Physicians three questions in routine asthma care: a real-life validation study.

37. Who stays, who drops out? Biosocial predictors of longer-term adherence in participants attending an exercise referral scheme in the UK.

38. Incentive payments are not related to expected health gain in the pay for performance scheme for UK primary care: cross-sectional analysis.

39. Development of a primary care-based complex care management intervention for chronically ill patients at high risk for hospitalization: a study protocol.

40. Outcome-based commissioning: has its time come?

41. Do diagnostic delays in cancer matter?

42. A comparison of chronic illness care quality in US and UK family medicine practices prior to pay-for-performance initiatives.

43. Improving recruitment to health research in primary care.

44. Patient choice and evidence based decisions: The case of complementary therapies.

45. What can health care professionals in the United Kingdom learn from Malawi?

46. The importance of anaemia in diagnosing colorectal cancer: a case-control study using electronic primary care records.

47. Ethnicity and quality of diabetes care in a health system with universal coverage: population-based cross-sectional survey in primary care.

48. Utilization, access and satisfaction with primary care among people with spinal cord injuries: a comparison of three countries.

49. Are different groups of patients with stroke more likely to be excluded from the new UK general medical services contract? A cross-sectional retrospective analysis of a large primary care population.

50. A qualitative study of primary care clinicians' views of treating childhood obesity.