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51. Turning the Digital Divide into Digital Dividends through Free Content and Open Networks: WikiEducator Learning4Content (L4C) Initiative

52. Research Output of Greenhouse Effect in India: A Scientometric Analysis.

53. Diffusion of KM Education in LIS Schools

54. How Is Digitalisation Affecting the Flexibility and Openness of Higher Education Provision? Results of a Global Survey Using a New Conceptual Model

55. Government Spending across the World: How the United States Compares. National Issue Brief No. 144

56. Educational Poverty by Design: A Case of Mismanagement of National Resources

57. Practitioners, Learning Difference and Regional and Remote Inclusive Education Settings: A Focused Analysis of the Research and Policy Literature

58. Through the Looking Glass: Adult Education through the Lens of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning over Fifty Years

59. The Kuznets Curve of Education: A Global Perspective on Education Inequalities. CEE DP 116

60. The Role of Education within National Human Resource Development Policy

61. The Crisis of the Publics: An International Comparative Discussion on Higher Education Reforms and Possible Implications for US Public Universities

62. The Relationship between National Culture and the Usability of an E-Learning System

63. Lost Educational Opportunity: Can the First and Third Worlds Inform Each Other and Transfer Solutions?

64. Funding Problems of Technical Education in Developing Countries.

65. Motivation To Manage: A Comparative Study of Male and Female Library & Information Science Students in the United States of America, India, Singapore, & Japan.

66. Cultural Conceptions of Flipped Learning: Examining Asian Perspectives in the 21st Century

67. The State as a Support System: What Should Women in Academe Expect? A Global Perspective.

68. Why Children Matter: Investing in Early Childhood Care and Development.

69. El porque de la importancia de la ninez: Dedicando esfuerzos a la atencion y desarrollo de la primera infancia (Why Children Matter: Investing in Early Childhood Care and Development).

70. Early Intervention and Culture: Preparation for Literacy. The Interface between Theory and Practice.

71. Women in Higher Education Management.

72. U.S. Ambassador Says India Should Welcome Foreign Colleges

73. Recommended Augmentative and Alternative Communication Competencies for Special Education Teachers

74. The Participant Effects of Private School Vouchers across the Globe: A Meta-Analytic and Systematic Review

75. Theory of Professional Competence in Teaching of Mathematics: Development and Explication through Cross-Cultural Examination of Teaching Practices in India and the United States

76. Diversity and Excellence in Higher Education: Is There a Conflict?

77. Experiences of Cultural Diversity in the Context of an Emergent Transnationalism

78. The United States Is Far behind Other Countries on Pre-K

79. An Assessment of the Growth in Coverage of Social and Environmental Issues in Graduate Accounting Courses

80. The Real Global Technology Challenge

81. Issues of International Student Retention in American Higher Education

82. Higher Education in the Global Market: Opportunities and Threats

83. Refueling the U.S. Innovation Economy: Fresh Approaches to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education

85. Places to Go: Challenges to Multicultural Art Education in a Global Economy

86. Antecedents, Correlates and Consequences of Faculty Burnout

87. Hostile Times: Desi College Students Cope with Hate

88. Multidimensional Attribution of Causality in Five Cross-National Samples.

89. Register, Cohesion, and Cross-Cultural Reading Comprehension. Technical Report No. 220.

90. Gender Differences in Multiattributional Causality for Achievement and Affiliation in Five Cross-National Samples.

91. Foreign Reactions to American Concerns about the English Only Amendment.

92. Report of the Commissioner of Education for the Year 1899-1900. Volume 1

93. Affiliate Forum: Globalization of College Campuses--Enriching Our Lives

94. Who Gets Left Behind? The Fate of the Unrepresented in the Wake of US-India Higher Education Partnerships

95. Into the Unknown: A Critical Reflection on a Truly Global Learning Experience

96. The Sentiments, Attitudes, and Concerns about Inclusive Education Revised (SACIE-R) Scale for Measuring Pre-Service Teachers' Perceptions about Inclusion

97. Report of the Commissioner of Education for the Year 1892-93. Volume 1. Containing Parts I and II

98. Outsource to India: The impact of service outsourcing to India on the labor market in the United States.

99. America Can Teach Asia a Lot about Science, Technology, and Math

100. India, Europe, America: A Geocultural Triangle