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1. Loud and Clear: Effective Language of Instruction Policies for Learning. A World Bank Policy Approach Paper

2. Can You Hear Me? The Right of Young Children to Participate in Decisions Affecting Them. Working Papers in Early Childhood Development, No. 36

3. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Libraries Serving the General Public: Section on Children's Libraries; Section on Libraries for the Blind; Section on Public Libraries. Papers.

4. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Management and Technology: Audiovisual Media (RT); Section on Library Services to Multicultural Populations; Section on Library Buildings and Equipment; Section on Information Technology; Management of Library Associations (RT); Section on Statistics. Papers

5. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Collections and Services: Section on Acquisition and Exchange; Section on Serial Publications; Section on Interlending and Document Delivery. Papers.

6. Policy and Practice in Initial Teacher Training. Quality in Basic Education: Professional Development of Teachers. Papers Presented at a South Asian Colloquium on Teacher Training (Colombo, Sri Lanka, April 1992).

7. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Special Libraries: Section on Art Libraries; Section on Geography and Map Libraries; Section on Government Libraries; Section on Science and Technology Libraries. Papers.

8. Initial Teacher Training: South Asian Approaches. Quality in Basic Education: Professional Development of Teachers. Papers Prepared for a South Asian Colloquium on Teacher Training in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka (Colombo, Sri Lanka, April 1992).

9. Teaching and Research in International Law in Asia and the Pacific. Report of a Regional Consultation Meeting Including Nine Country Status Surveys (Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 10-13, 1984). Social and Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific. RUSHSAP Series on Occasional Monographs and Papers, 11.


11. Integrating Lifelong Learning Perspectives.

12. Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education: Effectively Integrating Technology in Under-Resourced Education Systems

13. Educating for Creativity: Bringing the Arts and Culture into Asian Education. Report of the Asian Regional Symposia on Arts Education: Measuring the Impact of Arts in Education (Hong Kong SAR, China, January 9-11, 2004) and Transmissions and Transformations: Learning through the Arts in Asia (New Delhi, India, March 21-24, 2005)

14. Globalization, English Language Policy, and Teacher Agency: Focus on Asia

15. Challenges and Concerns for Library and Information Science (LIS) Education in India and South Asia

16. Community Based Rehabilitation: Information Accumulation & Exchange. South Asian Research Notes.

17. The Kuznets Curve of Education: A Global Perspective on Education Inequalities. CEE DP 116

18. Literacy, Knowledge and Development: South-South Policy Dialogue on Quality Education for Adults and Young People

19. Youth in Transition: The Challenges of Generational Change in Asia. Proceedings of the Biennial General Conference of the Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils (15th, Canberra, Australia, 2005)

20. Governance of Open Universities--A Few Observations on Trends in Asia

21. International Students of Higher Education in the United States: A GIS Study of Their Origination and Location

22. South Asia in the Global Electronic Village: Issues and Implications.

23. Cultural Conceptions of Flipped Learning: Examining Asian Perspectives in the 21st Century

24. Asian and African Civilizations: Course Description, Topical Outline, and Sample Unit.

25. National Responses to International Satellite Television.

26. High Performance Work System, HRD Climate and Organisational Performance: An Empirical Study

27. Digital Library Education: Global Trends and Issues

28. Practitioners, Learning Difference and Regional and Remote Inclusive Education Settings: A Focused Analysis of the Research and Policy Literature

29. Youth-Led Initiative in Community Service-Learning Projects and Their Learning Experience

30. Hepatitis B and the Case of the Missing Women

31. Geographic Perspectives with Elementary Students: The Silk Road

32. Getting Girls out of Work and into School. Policy Brief

33. A Report to the Australian Development Assistance Bureau. Regional Symposium on Distance Teaching in Asia (Penang, Malaysia, May 1981).

34. Distance Education in Asia and the Pacific. Volume II. Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Distance Education (Bangkok, Thailand, November 26-December 3, 1986).

35. Polyvalent Adult Education Centres. Final Report of the Asian Regional Seminar on Polyvalent Adult Education Centres.

36. E-Learning System of Asia through Open Courseware (OCW) and Educational Resources (OER) for Universal Access to Knowledge and Information

37. Linguistic Diasporas and the Sindhi Biradari.

38. Language Ideology and Language Development.

39. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (78th, Washington, DC, August 9-12, 1995). International Communications Division.

40. Internationalisation of the Chemistry Curriculum: Two Problem-Based Learning Activities for Undergraduate Chemists

41. Does Nature Have Historical Agency? World History, Environmental History, and How Historians Can Help Save the Planet

42. Naturalism and Mannerism in Indian Miniatures

43. Funding the Arts: An Investment in Global Citizenship?

44. Democracy as a Universal Value.

45. Development. Courier No. 26.

46. Campaigning for Literacy. Courier No. 25.

47. People's Participation, Development Issues, Literacy. Courier No. 36.

48. Community Development in Emergent Countries.

49. Affiliate Forum: Globalization of College Campuses--Enriching Our Lives

50. America Can Teach Asia a Lot about Science, Technology, and Math