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1. Testing a Green Paper.

2. Review of Government Green Paper — Youth Matters.

3. Whose Green Paper is it anyway?

4. Xmas -- all wrapped up.

5. Addressing health inequalities in the United Kingdom: a case study*A previous draft of this paper was presented at a workshop entitled ‘Health Equity Research: Beyond the Sound of One Hand Clapping’, held at the Rockefeller Conference Center, ...

6. The planning reform agenda: the 2007 White Paper.

7. Healthy people, healthy lives. The English public health white paper: risks and challenges for a new public health system.

8. Centenary paper: Planning and good design: indivisible or invisible?: A century of design regulation in English town and country planning.

9. Invited Paper: The Stem Advisory Forum: A means of allowing people to influence the Government's STEM initiatives.

10. Centenary Paper: V. Gordon Childe and the Urban Revolution: a historical perspective on a revolution in urban studies.

11. Research Communities, The White Paper Chase and a New Research Ecumenism.


13. Where do we go from here?: Virtual Production and the potential impact on regional filmmaking.

14. Exploring the Interface between Asylum, Human Trafficking and/or 'Modern Slavery' within a Hostile Environment in the UK.

15. British white paper brings `cultural change'.

16. Britain cheers and jeers at a status quo White Paper.

17. Uneven development, competitiveness and behavioural economic geography: Addressing 'levelling up' policies from a human perspective.

18. Employment relations over the last 50 years: confrontation, consensus or neglect?

19. A case for the development of departments of gerocomy in all district general hospitals: discussion paper.

20. Human-Centred Design in UK Asylum Social Protection.

21. Bearing witness through pandemic borders and film: convergent media, mobility and Windrush Betrayal.

22. Beyond poverty? The new UK policy on international development and globalisation.

23. Co-production in local government: process, codification and capacity building of new knowledge in collective reflection spaces. Workshops findings from a UK mixed methods study.

24. The impact of hybridity on PPP governance and related accountability mechanisms: the case of UK education PPPs.

25. Co-production in health policy and management: a comprehensive bibliometric review.

26. Quality improvement for all seasons: Administrative doctrines after New Public Management.

27. The changing face of employment relations: equality and diversity.

28. Economic development and health improvement: mutual support in the historical UK (1541-2001).

29. An Incorporating Union? British Politicians and Ireland 1800-1830.

30. The Conflict Between Public Health And Civil Liberties: The Initial UK Government Policy Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

31. Linking Health and Wellbeing in Public Discourse and Policy: The Case of the UK.

32. Toward an understanding of strategic control at a distance in public service delivery.


34. Development and evaluation of a hand held computer based on-call pack for health protection out of hours duty: A pilot study.

35. Contemporary UK wage floors and the calculation of a living wage.

36. Living hours under pressure: flexibility loopholes in the Danish IR-model.

37. A new living contract: cases in the implementation of the Living Wage by British SME retailers.

38. The toxic politicising of the National Minimum Wage.

39. The living wage as an income range for decent work and life.

40. Obesity, Poverty and Public Policy.

41. Mental incapacity: some proposals for legislative reform.

42. Non-medical prescribing in the United Kingdom National Health Service: A systematic policy review.

43. 'A proud history of protecting refugees': Ambivalent Responses to Refugee Integration in Government Policy Documents.

44. Business Government Planning Agreements--Ideology Versus Practicality.

45. The fall and rise of experiential construction and engineering education: decoupling and recoupling practice and theory.

46. The UK living wage.

47. The Living Wage campaign in the UK.

48. Community and union-led Living Wage campaigns.

49. Giving us the 'Biggest Bang for the Buck' (or Not): Anti-trafficking government funding in Ukraine and the United Kingdom.

50. An Intergenerational Issue: The Equity Issues Due to Public–Private Partnerships; The Critical Aspect of the Social Discount Rate Choice for Future Generations.