207 results on '"pomoč"'
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2. Ukraińskie dzieci w polskich szkołach i przedszkolach – wyzwania edukacyjne
- Author
Agata Kolasa-Skiba and Agnieszka Szkoła
- Subjects
kształcenie ,wychowanie ,pomoc ,wsparcie ,dzieci z Ukrainy ,Psychology ,BF1-990 ,Social Sciences ,Education - Abstract
Ze względu na ciągły napływ ludności z Ukrainy do Polski i związane z tym przyjmowanie ukraińskich dzieci do polskich szkół i placówek, Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki ciągle zbiera informacje dotyczące działań, jakie powinni podejmować rodzice, nauczyciele i dyrektorzy, by udzielać odpowiedniego wsparcia dzieciom przybywającym z terenów ogarniętych wojną. Kształcenie i wychowanie dzieci i młodzieży z Ukrainy zorganizowane jest na podstawie przepisów ustawy z dnia 12 marca 2022 r. o pomocy obywatelom Ukrainy w związku z konfliktem zbrojnym na terytorium tego państwa, która reguluje szczególne zasady zalegalizowania ich pobytu oraz określa uprawnienia, które przysługują uchodźcom.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Kolasa-Skiba, Agata and Szkoła, Agnieszka
- Abstract
Copyright of Edukacja, Terapia, Opieka is the property of PWSTE Jaroslaw and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Buksa, Łukasz
- Abstract
Copyright of Media Research / Zeszyty Prasoznawcze is the property of Jagiellonian University Press and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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5. Pomoc uchodźcom z Ukrainy w zapewnieniu godnego pobytu i bezpieczeństwa w Polsce przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego w regulacjach prawnych
- Author
Izabela Rycerska
- Subjects
Pomoc ,Ukraińcy ,samorządy ,prawo ,Political science (General) ,JA1-92 ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,JF20-2112 - Abstract
Artykuł dotyczy regulacji prawnych ustanawiających zasady udzielania pomocy uchodźcom z Ukrainy, którzy napłynęli do Polski w związku z atakiem Rosji na Ukrainę 24 lutego 2022 r. Przedstawiono najważniejsze postanowienia ustawy z dnia 12 marca 2022 r. o pomocy obywatelom Ukrainy w związku z konfliktem zbrojnym na terytorium tego państwa w kontekście pomocy świadczonej na rzecz uchodźców z Ukrainy przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego. Ukazano zmiany w samorządowych ustawach ustrojowych, podstawowe uprawnienia uchodźców, w tym zasady uzyskania numeru PESEL, procedury prawne działań pomocowych podejmowanych przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego również w relacjach z wojewodą, zasady udzielania wsparcia finansowego dla podmiotów pomagających uchodźcom z Ukrainy. Ponadto omówiono Fundusz Pomocy i reguły korzystania z niego, inne świadczenia socjalne typu jednorazowe świadczenie pieniężne w wysokości 300 zł na osobę. Zwrócono uwagę na pomoc psychologiczną i oświatowo-edukacyjną oraz na zmiany zasad prowadzenia gospodarki finansowej przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego. W zakończeniu wskazano zadania, które musi wykonać państwo polskie wraz z jednostkami samorządu terytorialnego i organizacjami pozarządowymi, by skorzystać z obecności uchodźców z Ukrainy i właściwie spożytkować ich potencjał.
- Published
- 2022
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6. Etyczny wymiar opieki i pomocy dziecku w rozwoju na przykładzie programu „Adopcja Serca'
- Author
Zbigniew Babicki
- Subjects
etyka ,opieka ,pomoc ,wychowanie ,moralność ,system wartości ,Education ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Artykuł przedstawia działalność opiekuńczo-wychowawczą i pomocową realizowaną na rzecz dzieci w Rwandzie. W wyniku wojny domowej w tym kraju w 1994 r. osieroconych zostało kilkaset tysięcy dzieci. Sytuacja rzeczywistego zagrożenia dzieci dotkniętych zjawiskiem sieroctwa uruchomiła szeroką działalność interwencyjną i kompensacyjną różnych środowisk i podmiotów. Powstawały różne programy pomocowe. Jedną z takich inicjatyw jest ruch na rzecz dzieci w Afryce o nazwie „Adopcja Serca”, w którą zaangażowało się Zgromadzenie Pallotynów. Autor pragnie ukazać, że prawidłowy proces opiekuńczo-wychowawczy powinien być realizowany w taki sposób, aby nie zakłócić naturalnego rozwoju samodzielności dziecka, bez względu na jego wiek.
- Published
- 2022
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7. Znaczenie pomocy rozwojowej w polityce Królestwa Hiszpanii w latach 1995-2020.
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Copyright of Acta Politica Polonica is the property of University of Szczecin Press / Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecinskiego and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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8. General characteristics of possible consequences of trauma and forms of aid granted to Ukrainian children refugees.
- Author
Wojtkowiak, Monika
- Subjects
REFUGEES ,CHILD services ,UKRAINIANS ,EMOTIONAL trauma ,WAR & society - Abstract
Copyright of Labor et Educatio is the property of Jagiellonian University Press and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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9. Life Situation of People addicted to Alcohol and Their Expectations in Terms of Help and Support based on Interviews with the so-called "Non-Alcoholics".
- Author
Przybysz-Zaremba, Małgorzata
- Subjects
ALCOHOLISM ,DRUG abstinence ,SOCIAL support ,QUALITY of life ,HOUSING - Abstract
Copyright of Studia Warmińskie is the property of University of Warmia & Mazury in Olsztyn and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Baranowska, Aneta Sylwia
- Abstract
Copyright of Social Dissertations / Rozpraw Społecznych is the property of Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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11. Pojęcie „pacjent' w odbiorze lekarzy. Badania narracyjne
- Author
Beata Antoszewska
- Subjects
relacja lekarz-pacjent ,pacjent ,pomoc ,Education ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Prezentowana praca ma charakter teoretyczno-badawczy i dotyczy relacji lekarz – pacjent ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem znaczeń przypisywanych pojęciu „pacjent”. W literaturze wskazywany jest fakt, że określony model relacji lekarz – pacjent zależy od rozumienia osoby pacjenta, a także od rozumienia podstawowych dla medycyny pojęć: zdrowia i choroby. Powyższe założenie stało się powodem podjęcia prezentowanych analiz. Badania prowadzono w paradygmacie interpretatywnym. Grupę badawczą stanowili lekarze o różnych specjalizacjach, z różnym doświadczeniem i stażem pracy. Analiza zebranego materiału pozwoliła wyłonić trzy podstawowe zakresy rozumienia pojęcia „pacjent”: osobowy, podmiotowo-przedmiotowy i przedmiotowy.
- Published
- 2020
12. Etyczny wymiar opieki i pomocy dziecku w rozwoju na przykładzie programu „Adopcja Serca'
- Author
Zbigniew Babicki
- Subjects
etyka ,opieka ,pomoc ,wychowanie ,moralność ,system wartości ,Education ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Artykuł przedstawia działalność opiekuńczo-wychowawczą i pomocową realizowaną na rzecz dzieci w Rwandzie. W wyniku wojny domowej w tym kraju w 1994 r. osieroconych zostało kilkaset tysięcy dzieci. Sytuacja rzeczywistego zagrożenia dzieci dotkniętych zjawiskiem sieroctwa uruchomiła szeroką działalność interwencyjną i kompensacyjną różnych środowisk i podmiotów. Powstawały różne programy pomocowe. Jedną z takich inicjatyw jest ruch na rzecz dzieci w Afryce o nazwie „Adopcja Serca”, w którą zaangażowało się Zgromadzenie Pallotynów. Autor pragnie ukazać, że prawidłowy proces opiekuńczo-wychowawczy powinien być realizowany w taki sposób, aby nie zakłócić naturalnego rozwoju samodzielności dziecka, bez względu na jego wiek.
- Published
- 2019
13. Vrstniško nasilje med učenci v osnovni šoli
- Author
Kmetič, Kaja and Urek, Mojca
- Subjects
prevention ,medvrstniško nasilje ,šolska svetovalna služba ,preprečevanje ,bullying ,help ,osnovna šola ,school counselors ,pomoč ,primary school - Abstract
V diplomskem delu obravnavam medvrstniško nasilje v osnovi šoli. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opredelila medvrstniško nasilje, predstavila definicije in njihove elemente. Dodala sem tudi krajši zgodovinski pregled pojavljanja in raziskovanja omenjene tematike. Nato sem predstavila vrste medvrstniškega nasilja, vloge, v katerih se učenci pojavljajo, ter posledice, ki jih medvrstniško nasilje pušča na udeleženih. Vključila sem tudi vpliv spola na vloge in vrste. Nato sem se osredotočila na spopadanje z medvrstniškim nasiljem na ravni šole. Predstavila sem načine pomoči udeleženim, programe za spoprijemanje z medvrstniškim nasiljem ter šolski sistem preventive in kurative. V sklopu empiričnega dela sem najprej formulirala problem, določila raziskovalna vprašanja in metodologijo. Na podlagi zastavljenih teoretičnih izhodišč sem izvedla kvalitativno raziskavo. Podatke sem zbirala z metodo nestandardiziranega intervjuja, moje sogovornice pa so bile šolske svetovalne delavke. Zbrane podatke sem kvalitativno analizirala. Z raziskavo sem ugotavljala, kako šola, predvsem šolska svetovalna služba, zaznava medvrstniško nasilje, kje in v kakšnih oblikah se pojavlja, kdo so žrtve in kdo povzročitelji nasilja, kako reagirajo in ukrepajo v primeru nasilja ter kako se z medvrstniškim nasiljem soočajo, kakšna je preventiva. Naredila sem predstavitev rezultatov po temah, nato pa sem jih v razpravi povzela in podprla s teorijo ter svojim mnenjem. Zaključila sem s sklepi in predlogi. In the graduation thesis I discuss peer violence in primary school. In the theoretical framework I defined peer violence, also called bullying, presented the definitions and elements that define it. I have also added a brief historical overview of the topic and researches made of it. Then I identified the roles and types of peer violence and looked at the consequences that peer violence has on the participants. I have also included the effect of gender on roles and types. I outlined ways of helping participants, programs for dealing with peer violence, and the school's prevention and curative system. As part of the empirical work, I firstly formulated the problem, determined the research questions and methodology. Based on the theoretical background, qualitative research has been made. I have collected data using the standardized interview method, and my interlocutors were school counselors. Then I have qualitatively analysed the collected data. The purpose of my research was to find out how the school, especially the school counseling service, perceives peer violence, where and in what forms it occurs, who are the victims and who are the perpetrators of violence, how they react and take action in the event of violence, and how they deal with peer violence, what is prevention. I made a presentation of the results by topics, and then I summarized them in the discussion. Moreover, the discussion involves theoretical background and my own opinion to further support the results. I concluded with conclusions and suggestions.
- Published
- 2023
14. Zespół interdyscyplinarny – instytucjonalne „przymierze' przeciw przemocy w rodzinie
- Author
Izabela Barańska, Ewelina Kusa-Chrzanowska, and Mariusz Wiśniewski
- Subjects
policja ,ofiara ,sprawca przemocy domowej ,pomoc ,Social Sciences ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 - Abstract
Nieskuteczność dotychczasowych rozwiązań w zakresie przeciw-działania przemocy w rodzinie wymagała podjęcia przez ustawodawcę działań legislacyjnych dających prawne podstawy do ukonstytuowania ciała zajmujące-go się wyłącznie przedmiotowym zjawiskiem. Jak obrazują statystyki policyjne, zjawisko przemocy w rodzinie zakorzeniło się bardzo głęboko, co sprawiło, że dotychczasowy system sankcjonowania oraz prewencja ogólna okazały się niewy-starczające. Zespół interdyscyplinarny przyjął rolę fundamentu, na którym wyspecjalizowane instytucje konstruują szeroko zakrojony plan pomocy rodzinie. Tym samym konieczne stało się przybliżenie problematyki jego działania.
- Published
- 2018
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15. Mourning after a suicide of a family member
- Author
Jurinec, Kaja and Mali, Jana
- Subjects
žalovanje ,social work and suicide ,udc:393.7:364.4 ,socialno delo in samomor ,help ,mourning ,suicide ,samomor ,pomoč - Abstract
V svojem magistrskem delu sem raziskovala kako poteka žalovanje po samomoru družinskega člana. V teoretičnem delu sem se osredotočila na razumevanje samomorilnosti in samomorilnosti med starimi ljudmi. Opredelila sem proces žalovanja, kakšen je potek žalovanja ter faze. Podrobneje sem zajela tematiko, ki je vezana na čustvovanje in različna tveganja v procesu žalovanja ter opredelila vlogo socialnega dela v procesu žalovanja. Ker nas je v zadnjih dveh letih zaznamovala epidemija covid-19, sem v teoretičnem delu zapisala kakšna je samomorilnost po epidemiji. V raziskovalnem delu sem si zastavila raziskovalna vprašanja, na katera sem tekom pisanja magistrskega dela poskušala odgovoriti. V raziskavo sem vključila osebe, ki so zaradi samomora izgubile svojega družinskega člana. Zanimalo me je predvsem dogajanje pred samomorom, kako so se soočali s samomorom, proces in potek žalovanja, kdo jim je tekom žalovanja stal ob strani, ali so poiskali strokovno pomoč in kako živijo v sedanjosti ter s kakšnimi občutki se spopadajo danes, ko se spomnijo na samomor. Samomor je spremenil njihova življenja. Vsak izmed sogovornikov se je drugače spopadal z občutki ob tem, ko so izvedeli za samomor. Pri procesu žalovanja so intervjuvance spremljala različna čustva s katerimi so se soočali in si pomagali na različne načine. Danes pa sogovorniki živijo življenje bolj umirjeno in brez večje žalosti, samo eden od sogovornikov smrti ni odžaloval in se spopadel s čustvi. Potrebno bi bilo razviti več oblik pomoči za žalujoče, ki se spopadajo s samomorom bližnjega. Področje socialnega dela bi se moralo še bolj razviti na področju samomorilnosti in razviti več novih oblik pomoč žalujočim. In my master's thesis, I researched how mourning happens after the suicide of a family member. In the theoretical part, I focused on understanding of suicide and suicide among older people. I defined the grieving process, the course of grieving and it's stages. I covered the topic related to emotions and various risks in the grieving process and defined the role of social work in the grieving process in more detail. Since we were marked by the covid-19 epidemic in the last two years, I wrote in the theoretical part what suicide is like after the epidemic. In the research work, I asked myself research questions, which I tried to answer during the writing of my master's thesis. In my research, I included people who lost a family member due to suicide. I was mainly interested in what happened before the suicide, how they faced the suicide, the process and course of grieving, who stood by them during the grieving process, whether they sought professional help and how they live in the present and what feelings they are dealing with today when they remember the suicide. Suicide changed their lives. Each of the interlocutors coped differently with the feelings upon learning of the suicide. During the grieving process, the interviewees were accompanied by various emotions that they faced and they helped themselves in various ways. Today, however, the interlocutors live a more calm life and without major sadness, only one of the interlocutors did not mourn the death and dealt with his emotions. It would be necessary to develop several forms of assistance for the bereaved who are dealing with the suicide of a loved one. The field of social work should develop even more in the area of suicide and develop more new forms of help for the bereaved.
- Published
- 2023
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Copyright of Studia Ethnologica Croatica is the property of Studia Ethnologica Croatica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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17. Raziskovanje življenjskega sveta ljudi, zasvojenih z igrami na srečo, z vidika socialnega dela
- Author
Bele, Anja and Grebenc, Vera
- Subjects
gambling ,podpora ,support ,igre na srečo ,help ,udc:613.8: 794.9 ,zasvojenost z igrami na srečo ,pomoč ,gambling addiction - Abstract
Zavedam se, da se je zasvojenost z igrami na sreči v današnji družbi močno razširila, saj so mladi ljudje dobro poučeni o uporabi informacijske tehnologije, kar jim le še olajša dostop do različnih iger na srečo kar preko spleta. Prav tako sem na podlagi praktičnih izkušenj, ki sem jih pridobila v času kroženja v okviru pripravništva ugotovila, da se mladi ljudje k igram na srečo zatekajo takrat, kadar se soočajo z vsakdanjimi težavami, saj lahko na ta način za nekaj časa pobegnejo pred resničnostjo. Opazila sem, da k razvoju zasvojenosti od iger na srečo pogosto pripomorejo prijatelji in družba nasploh. V magistrski nalogi s področja raziskovanja življenjskega sveta ljudi, ki so zasvojeni z igrami na srečo, sem na podlagi študije primera raziskovala pojav zasvojenosti od iger na srečo. Študija primera je potekala v narativni obliki, saj sem želela, da mi sogovornik čim bolj podrobno in na podlagi lastne izkušnje opiše svojo izkušnjo z igrami na srečo. Če sem želela o določenem dogodku izvedeti še kakšne dodatne informacije, ki jih sogovornik ni navedel, pa sem postavila dodatno vprašanje. Zanimalo me je, kako se je pri sogovorniku razvila zasvojenost, kaj so bili prvi znaki, ki so kazali na resnejšo problematiko, na koga se je obrnil po pomoč in kako se je ne nazadnje z zasvojenostjo od iger na srečo spopadel. Na podlagi analize študije primera sem ugotovila, da se zasvojenost od iger na srečo razvija postopoma, nekaj let. Sprva znaki, ki bi opozarjali na pojav kasnejše zasvojenosti od iger na srečo, niso vidni, saj običajno ljudje igrajo igre na srečo le občasno in za razvedrilo. Ključen dogodek v svetu iger na srečo se običajno pri ljudeh, ki kasneje postanejo tudi zasvojeni od iger na srečo, zgodi takrat, kadar imajo od iger na srečo dobiček, hkrati pa doživljajo občutke vznemirljivosti in adrenalina. Med drugim sem ugotovila, da se zasvojenost z igrami na srečo razvija postopoma in jo je zelo težko prepoznati, saj ljudje, ki so zasvojeni z igrami na srečo običajno, tega ne kažejo. Prav tako pa pri zasvojenih ljudeh od iger na srečo ne vidimo zunanjih znakov kot denimo pri zasvojenosti z alkoholom. Na podlagi raziskave sem opazila, da na pojav zasvojenosti od iger na srečo vpliva veliko dejavnikov, kot so družinski odnosi, prijatelji, odraščanje z igrami na srečo, odsotnost enega izmed staršev in drugo. I am aware that gambling addiction has become widespread in modern society, and that this is in large part due to the fact that young people are well-versed in using technology, which only facilitates it for them to access a variety of online gambling games. Additionally, based on the practical experience I acquired throughout my internship rotation, I found that young people turn to gambling when they are struggling with everyday challenges because it allows them to temporarily escape from real life. I have found that friends and society in general frequently contribute to the development of gambling addictions. I studied the phenomenon of gambling addiction using a case study for my master's thesis on the topic of research into the lives of those who are addicted to gambling. The case study was delivered in a narrative style because I wanted the interviewee to go into as much detail and draw from personal experience as possible while describing his gambling experience. I asked an additional question if I needed additional information on a specific event that the interviewee did not provide. I was interested in the progression of the interviewee's addiction, the early warning signals of a more serious problem, the people he turned to for support, and last but not least, how he controlled his gambling addiction. Based on the case study analysis, I observed that gambling addiction develops gradually with time or over years. Since most people just gamble occasionally and for enjoyment, there are initially no obvious symptoms of a future gambling addiction. For those who go on to develop a gambling addiction, the crucial moment usually comes when they earn money while gambling and simultaneously feel euphoric and adrenaline-filled. I discovered, among other issues, that gambling addiction gradually develops and is very difficult to detect because addicts typically do not display it. Contrary to alcohol addiction, we do not observe any visible indicators of gambling addiction in those who are addicted to gambling. Based on my research, I have discovered that a variety of factors, including those related to family and friends, gambling exposure as a child, the absence of one or both parents, and others, have an impact on the phenomenon of gambling addiction.
- Published
- 2022
18. Spolna zloraba otrok in vloga svetovalnih delavcev v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih
- Author
Zaveršek, Špela and Videmšek, Petra
- Subjects
otroci ,sexual abuse ,help ,schools ,recognizing sexual abuse ,consultants ,travma ,Trauma ,pomoč ,prepoznavanje spolnih zlorab ,children ,udc:364.633-053.2/.6 ,spolna zloraba ,svetovalni delavci ,vzgojno-izobraževalni zavodi - Abstract
Diplomsko delo predstavi spolne zlorabe otrok in pomembno vlogo svetovalnih delavcev v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih pri prepoznavanju spolnih zlorab in vlogi pomoči. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila problematiko spolne zlorabe in vpliv le-te na otroka. To sem prepletla s pomembnostjo vloge svetovalnih delavcev v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih pri prepoznavanju in nudenju pomoči. V empiričnem delu sem kvalitativno pridobila podatke s šestimi delno strukturiranimi intervjuji in jih kvalitativno analizirala. Cilji raziskave so bili odkrivanje razumevanja teme spolne zlorabe in vloge strokovnega delavca pri prepoznavanju spolne zlorabe, pomoči otroku ter oris občutkov kompetentnosti strokovnih delavcev v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih in odkrivanje potrebe po dodatnem izobraževanju (specifično) strokovnih delavcev, ki delujejo na področju svetovanja, v smeri problematike spolnih zlorab v otroštvu. Rezultati so pokazali, da so dodatna izobraževanja potrebna, in sicer predvsem v smeri dobre in slabe prakse ter dela svetovalnih delavcev na področju prepoznavanja spolnih zlorab in nudenja pomoči. Z osnovno izobrazbo se svetovalne delavke v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih ne počutijo dovolj kompetentne za delo s to težko in globoko problematiko spolnih zlorab. Svetovalne delavke razumejo pomembnost svoje vloge pri prepoznavanju in pomoči, vendar doživljajo stiske in se počutijo osamljene pri spoprijemanju in nudenju pomoči otrokom, ki so žrtve spolnih zlorab. The diploma thesis presents the sexual abuse of children and the important role of consultants at primary schools in recognizing sexual abuse and the role of their further assistance and help. In the theoretical part, I present the issue of sexual abuse and its impact on children. I intertwined this with the importance of the role of social workers at primary schools in identifying and providing help and support to the child within the process. In the empirical part, I obtained and analyzed data qualitatively from six partially structured interviews. The objectives of my research are to discover the understanding of the topic of sexual abuse and your role as a social worker in identifying sexual abuse, helping the child, and their sense of competence. Therefore, also research the need for additional education for social workers working in the field of social work, on the topic of the issue of sexual abuse in childhood. The results showed that additional education is needed, specifically in the direction of good and bad practices. With basic education, they do not feel competent enough to deal with this difficult and deep issue. Social workers understand the importance of their role in identifying and helping, but they experience hardship and loneliness with this issue.
- Published
- 2022
19. Vključevanje ljudi z ovirami v občini Ptuj
- Author
Ficijan, Sara and Dragoš, Srečo
- Subjects
vključenost ,dostopnost ,assistance ,inclusion ,udc:364.4-056.26 ,osebe z oviro ,people with disabilities ,built environment ,grajeno okolje ,pomoč ,accessibility - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi se osredotočam na vključenost oseb z oviro v občini Ptuj. Občina Ptuj je prejela listino Občina po meri invalidov, vendar sem želela ugotoviti, kako na to gledajo osebe z oviro. V diplomski nalogi sem predstavila, kaj dostopnost pomeni za osebe z oviro, kaj bi jim morali omogočiti za enakopravno in svobodno življenje. Prav tako navajam nekaj ovir, s katerimi se največkrat srečujejo v svojem vsakdanu. Izvedla sem kvalitativno raziskavo. Opravila sem intervjuje z osebami z oviro iz občine Ptuj. Skozi odgovore so mi podali svoj pogled o tem kako se njim zdi prilagojena občina Ptuj glede na njihovo oviro. Prav tako sem izvedela kakšni so njihovi občutki glede vključenosti v skupnost in glede dostopnosti do institucij, ki so pomembne za njihovo življenje. Rezultati so pokazali, da bi bilo treba opraviti še nekaj prilagoditev, da bi osebam omogočili večjo samostojnost in vključenost In my diploma thesis I focus on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the municipality of Ptuj. The municipality of Ptuj received the document Municipality tailored to the needs of the disabled, but I wanted to find out how people with disabilities view it. In my dissertation I presented what accessibility means for people with disabilities, what they should be able to do for an equal and free life. I also list some of the obstacles they most often encounter in their daily lives. I did a qualitative survey. I conducted interviews with people with disabilities from the municipality of Ptuj. Through the answers, they gave me their view on how they think the municipality of Ptuj is adapted to their obstacle. I also found out what their feelings are about inclusion in the community and about access to institutions that are important to them. The results showed that some more adjustments would be needed to allow individuals greater autonomy and inclusion.
- Published
- 2022
20. Stigmatizacija oseb z motnjami hranjenja in iskanje pomoči
- Author
Rimc, Tajda and Poštrak, Milko
- Subjects
vpliv družine ,peer influence ,vpliv spola ,social work ,consequences ,causes ,help ,socialno delo ,eating disorders ,social ideals ,prejudice ,family impact ,pomoč ,predsodki ,motnje hranjenja ,gender impact ,stigma ,vpliv vrstnikov ,vzroki ,posledice ,družbeni ideali ,udc:364.4:613.24 - Abstract
Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti povezavo med stigmatizacijo oseb z motnjami hranjenja in časom, ko se oseba odloči za iskanje pomoči. V teoretičnem uvodu sem najprej opredelila, kaj motnje hranjenja sploh so ter predstavila vzroke zanje in njihove posledice. Pri vzrokih za nastanek motenj hranjenja sem se bolj podrobno osredotočila na spol, družino, vrstnike in družbene ideale ter pojasnila njihov vpliv na nastanek motenj, pri posledicah, ki jih posamezniku prinašajo motnje hranjenja, pa sem podrobneje opisala fizične, psihične in socialne posledice. Del teoretičnega uvoda sem namenila tudi stigmi, kjer sem najprej opredelila, kaj stigma je ter se nato osredotočila še na znake stigmatizacije, opisala vzroke in posledice, ki jih stigmatizacija prinaša s seboj ter predstavila možne načine za zmanjšanje te. Zadnji del teoretičnega uvoda sem posvetila pomoči pri motnjah hranjenja, kjer sem najprej opisala možne oblike pomoči, ki so pri nas na voljo posameznikom, ki trpijo za motnjami hranjenja, ter potek zdravljenja. V tem delu sem eno podpoglavje posvetila tudi pomenu socialnih delavk pri pomoči in podpori osebam z motnjami hranjenja. V empiričnem delu sem želela ugotoviti, na katero področje v življenju posameznika imajo motnje hranjenja največji vpliv, kako se v življenju posameznika najbolj kaže vpliv motenj hranjenja, kakšen je vpliv mnenj, predsodkov ljudi do oseb z motnjami hranjenja na čas, v katerem oseba poišče pomoč, kako osebe z motnjami hranjenja ocenjujejo pomen socialnih delavk pri podpori in pomoči, kako pogosto pridejo osebe z motnjami hranjenja v stik s socialno delavko pri iskanju pomoči, ali obstaja povezava med doživljanjem stigmatizacije in časom, ko se oseba z motnjo hranjenja odloči za iskanje pomoči, in kakšen je vpliv pogostejšega doživljanja stigmatizacije na čas, v katerem se oseba odloči za iskanje pomoči. Izvedla sem kvantitativno raziskavo na neslučajnostnem vzorcu 130 oseb, starejših od 15 let, ki imajo ali so imele motnje hranjenja in so v času anketiranja živele v Sloveniji. Podatke sem zbrala s pomočjo spletne ankete. Ugotovila sem, da se anketiranci strinjajo, da imajo motnje hranjenja največji vpliv na samopodobo in da se motnje najbolj kažejo v pomanjkanju energije. Vprašani menijo, da mnenja ljudi o osebah z motnjami hranjenja podaljšajo čas, v katerem se oseba odloči poiskati pomoč, jih pa večina ne ve, ali so socialne delavke pomembne pri pomoči in podpori, še vedno pa je večji delež tistih, ki menijo, da so pomembne kot pa tistih, ki menijo, da niso. Anketiranci v večini tudi ocenjujejo, da osebe z motnjami hranjenja pri iskanju pomoči ne pridejo v stik s socialno delavko. Prav tako sem ugotovila, da obstaja povezava med doživljanjem stigmatizacije in časom, ko se oseba odloči poiskati pomoč in da so najbolj pogosto stigmatizacijo doživljali posamezniki, ki pomoči niso poiskali, najredkeje pa tisti, ki so pomoč poiskali hitro, torej prej kot v šestih mesecih. Podrobnejše rezultate raziskave predstavim v analizi in obrazložim v razpravi. Za tem sem zapisala še sklepe in predloge ter dodala priloge. The aim of this thesis is to establish the link between the stigmatisation of people with eating disorders and the time at which a person decides to seek help. In the theoretical introduction, I first define what eating disorders are and outline their causes and consequences. For the causes of eating disorders, I have looked in more detail at gender, family, peers and social ideals, explaining their influence on the onset of the disorder, and for the consequences of eating disorders, I have looked in more detail at the physical, psychological and social consequences. One part of the theoretical introduction was also devoted to stigma, where I again first defined what stigma is and then focused on the signs of stigma, describing the causes and consequences of stigma and presenting possible ways to reduce it. The last part of the theoretical introduction is devoted to eating disorder support, where I first describe the possible forms of support available to individuals suffering from eating disorders and the course of treatment. In this section, I have also devoted a subsection to the importance of social workers in helping and supporting people with eating disorders. In my empirical part, I wanted to find out which area of a person's life is most affected by eating disorders, how the impact of eating disorders is most evident in a person's life, what is the impact of opinions, prejudices,. . . people's attitudes towards people with eating disorders on the length of time it takes to seek help, how people with eating disorders rate the importance of social workers in supporting and helping them, how often people with eating disorders come into contact with a social worker when seeking help, whether there is a link between experiencing stigma and the time when a person with an eating disorder decides to seek help and what is the impact of more frequent stigmatisation on the time during which a person chooses to seek help. I carried out a quantitative survey on a non-unusual sample of 130 people over the age of 15 who have or had an eating disorder and lived in Slovenia at the time of the survey. I collected the data through an online survey. I found that respondents agree that eating disorders have the biggest impact on self-esteem and that eating disorders are most evident in a lack of energy. Respondents think that people's opinions about people with eating disorders increase the time it takes to seek help, but most do not know whether social workers are important in helping and supporting them, and there is still a higher proportion of those who think they are important than those who think they are not. Respondents also overwhelmingly perceive that people with eating disorders do not contact a social worker when seeking help. I also found that there was a link between experiencing stigma and the time when a person chooses to seek help and that the most common stigma was experienced by individuals who did not seek help at all, and the rarest of those who sought help quickly, i.e. earlier than six months. I present the detailed results of the survey in the analysis and explain them in the discussion. I then wrote down the conclusions and proposals and added the annexes.
- Published
- 2022
21. The role of nato and the eu in response to civilian crises
- Author
Malešič, Marjan
- Subjects
EU’s Mechanism for Civil Protection ,help ,COVID-19 pandemic ,Natovo civilno krizno načrtovanje ,krizno upravljanje in vodenje ,Mehanizem EU za civilno zaščito ,migrant crisis ,pomoč ,crisis ,migrantska kriza ,odziv na krizo ,crisis management ,udc:[061.1NATO+061.1EU]:351.743.078.7 ,Covid-19 ,crisis response ,NATO’s Civil Emergency Planning - Abstract
Značilnosti sodobnih kriz so: heterogenost, endemičnost, neprekinjenost in kompleksnost. Te vplivajo na možnost delovanja nacionalnih in mednarodnih mehanizmov kriznega upravljanja in vodenja, ki so tudi sami v krizi in se morajo prilagajati novim okoliščinam. Analiza se osredini na primerjavo Natovega civilnega kriznega načrtovanja in Mehanizma EU za civilno zaščito. Motivacija za njuno oblikovanje ni bila zgolj funkcionalna, ampak tudi politična. Demotivacijski dejavnik združevanja držav na tem področju je njihov strah pred izgubo dela suverenosti. Sodelovanje držav prek obeh mehanizmov omogoča koordinirano, sinergijsko in uspešno uporabo razpoložljivih zmogljivosti v krizi. Obseg delovanja Nata in EU pri odzivanju na velike civilne krize po svetu je impresiven, analiza posameznih primerov pa pokaže določene pomanjkljivosti, kar še posebej velja za omejen Natov odziv na migrantsko krizo v Evropi in za obotavljiv odziv EU na začetku pandemije virusa SARS-Cov-2 Contemporary crises are characterised by heterogeneity, endemicity, continuity and complexity. They impact the possibility of national and international crisis management mechanisms functioning, which are themselves also in crisis and must be adapted to the new circumstances. The analysis presented in article is focused on a comparison of NATO’s Civil Emergency Planning and the EU’s Civil Protection Mechanism. The motivation for forming each was not only functional, but political as well. The factor de-motivating states’ integration into this field is their fear of losing part of their sovereignty. Countries’ cooperation through both mechanisms enables the coordinated, synergetic and successful use of available capabilities in a crisis. While the scope of NATO’s and the EU’s response to huge crises around the world is impressive, certain shortcomings are revealed when considering individual cases, especially NATO’s limited response to the migrant crisis in Europe and the EU’s hesitant response to the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Published
- 2022
- Author
BABIĆ, Danilo
- Subjects
Copyright of Review of International Affairs (04866096) is the property of Institute of International Politics & Economics and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
23. Kilka słów o rozmowie duszpasterskiej.
- Author
Glajcar, Adam
- Abstract
Copyright of Safety & Fire Technology / Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza is the property of Centrum Naukowo-Badawcze Ochrony Przeciwpozarowej and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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24. Analiza rada Službe VDS info i podrška žrtvama u periodu 2013-2015. godina.
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Temida is the property of Victimology Society of Serbia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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25. Zasada ewangelicznej miłości podstawą działalności opiekuńczo-wychowawczej w projekcie 'Adopcja Serca'
- Author
Zbigniew Babicki
- Subjects
Adopcja Serca” ,miłość bliźniego ,pomoc ,opieka ,rozwój ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Skrajna sytuacja, jaką jest wojna, zagraża zwłaszcza najsłabszym, czyli dzieciom i młodzieży. Dlatego w obliczu sytuacji realnego zagrożenia po ludobójstwie w Rwandzie podjęto natychmiast działania pomocowe i opiekuńcze. Jednym z takich działań był projekt na rzecz dzieci w Afryce o nazwie „Adopcja Serca”. Głównym motywem włączania się w adopcję serca stała się ewangeliczna zasada miłości. Miłość bliźniego jest odpowiedzią na konkretne potrzeby drugiego człowieka. Miłość bliźniego w ujęciu chrześcijańskim oznacza dawanie czegoś z siebie, rezygnowanie z własnych potrzeb na rzecz drugiego człowieka, a także bycie gotowym do poświęcania się dla innych ludzi.
- Published
- 2016
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26. „Sprawiedliwi, wołajcie radośnie na cześć Pana' Psalm 33 jako klasyczny hymn
- Author
Bogdan W. Matysiak
- Subjects
psalm ,hymn ,sprawiedliwy ,nadzieja ,Stwórca ,pomoc ,Moral theology ,BV4625-4780 ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
Radość sprawiedliwych żyjących w przymierzu z JHWH i doświadczających Jego zbawczego działania, wyraża się w Ps 33 jako „nowa pieśń”. W swojej historii Izrael ciągle spotykał się z mocą słowa i „rady” Boga, stając się świadom swej wyjątkowości. Lud Boży doświadczył także, że nieustannie przebywa pod opiekuńczą Opatrznością Boga zapewniającą mu ochronę i pomoc. Dochodzi to do głosu w wyrażeniu myśli o Bogu jako Stwórcy wszystkiego oraz Panu historii, od którego zależny jest cały znany człowiekowi świat. Przed Bogiem Izraela nie ostoi się żadna siła ani potęga, dlatego drżą przed Nim lud i narody, które żyją według swych praw i politycznych planów. Jednak każda siła wojskowa jest niczym przed zasiadającym na tronie w niebie JHWH. Ps 33 nie posiada eschatologicznego charakteru, a jego obrazy słowne wskazują na historię oraz aktualnie przebiegające życie jako tajemnicę i cud zawsze i ciągle urzeczywistniające się w stwórczym dziele oraz historii. Przeanalizowany psalm wskazuje więc na ostateczne panowanie Boga w tym sensie, że ludzkie potęgi, moce i panowania są przemijające, Jego zaś władanie przemienia świat w coraz to nową rzeczywistość.
- Published
- 2012
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27. Intervencije zdravstvene nege pri laičnih oskrbovalcih v dolgotrajni oskrbi
- Author
Imperl, Kaja and Milavec Kapun, Marija
- Subjects
zdravstvena nega ,diploma theses ,udc:616-083 ,help ,medicinske sestre ,neformalna oskrba ,relief ,nursing care ,nurses ,diplomska dela ,razbremenitev ,pomoč ,informal care - Abstract
Uvod: Dolgotrajna oskrba je vrsta storitev, s katerimi medicinske sestre in drugi strokovnjaki ter laični oskrbovalci pomagajo osebam, največkrat starostnikom in invalidom, ki so odvisni pri opravljanju osnovnih in podpornih dnevnih opravil. Potreb po dolgotrajni oskrbi je vsako leto več, kar povzroča večji pritisk in večjo obremenjenost laičnih oskrbovalcev, ki so ključnega pomena pri vsakodnevni oskrbi pacientov. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti kako lahko medicinske sestre z različnimi aktivnostmi vplivajo na uspešnost delovanja laičnih oskrbovalcev pri njihovi oskrbi oseb v domačem okolju, ki potrebujejo pomoč pri osnovnih in podpornih dnevnih opravilih. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela, narejen je bil pregled domače in tuje strokovne literature v podatkovnih bazah CINAHL in MEDLINE, v časovnem obdobju od septembra do decembra 2021. Starost literature je omejena na obdobje od leta 2008 do 2021. Uporabljen je bil iskalni niz »nurse, nurses or nursing« AND »long-term care« AND »support or supporting or help or guidance or aid or assistance or empowerment« AND »informal caregiver or family caregiver or informal carer or family carer or lay caregiver«. Rezultati: Raziskave kažejo, da so medicinske sestre ključnega pomena za podporo laičnim oskrbovalcem, ki večkrat izpostavijo, da bi si želeli več nadzora ter nasvetov s strani medicinskih sester, več znanja o fazah bolezni, pomoči pri soočanju s stresom ter več komunikacijskih veščin. Potrebe, ki jih ne zadovoljijo, lahko pustijo posledice tudi na kakovosti njihove oskrbe, kar prinaša slabše zdravstvene izide. Razprava in zaključek: Laični oskrbovalci imajo premalo časa, znanja in podpore, da bi lahko samozavestno opravljali tako težko delo kot je oskrba, zato je zelo pomembno, da medicinske sestre prepoznajo njihove potrebe ter jih podprejo na področjih, kjer je to potrebno. Njihov skupni cilj delovanja je, da poskušajo paciente čim dlje obdržati v domačem okolju, ob pogoju, da je njihovo življenje še vedno kakovostno in varno. To lahko dosežejo le z dobrim odnosom in komunikacijo. Introduction: Long-term care is a type of service, with special nurses and lay caregivers helping people, mostly the elderly and disabled, who are dependent on activitiesof daily living and instrumentalactivities of daily living. The need for long-term care is increasing every year, which causes more pressure and a greater burden on lay care, which is so crucial in the day-to-day patient care. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to determine how nurses with various activities can influence the performance of lay caregivers in their care of people in the home environment who need help with basic and supportive daily tasks. Methods: A descriptive method of work was used, and a review of domestic and foreign professional literature from the CINAHL and MEDLINE databases in the period from September to December 2021. The age literature is limited to the period from 2008 to 2021. Search string used: »nurse, nurses or nursing« AND »long-term care« AND »support or supporting or help or guidance or aid or assistance or empowerment« AND »informal caregiver or family caregiver or informal carer or family carer or lay caregiver«. Results: Research shows that nurses are key to supporting lay caregivers, who repeatedly point out that they would like more supervision and advice from nurses, more knowledge about disease stages, help with coping with stress, and more communication skills. Their unmet needs can also have an impact on the quality of their care, leading to poorer health outcomes. Discussion and conclusion: Lay caregivers do not have enough time, knowledge and support to be able to do such hard work as care with confidence, so it is very important that nurses recognize their needs and support them in areas where it is needed. Their common goal is to try to keep patients in their home environment for as long as possible, provided that their lives are still safe and of good quality. They can only achieve this with good relationships and communication.
- Published
- 2022
28. Caregivers' attitudes, knowledge and practices of oral care at nursing homes in Serbia.
- Author
Stančić, Ivica, Petrović, Milo, Popovac, Aleksandra, Vasović†, Miroslav, and Despotović, Neboja
- Subjects
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NURSING care facilities , *PERIODONTAL disease , *ORAL diseases , *TOOTH mobility , *CAREGIVERS - Abstract
Background/Aim. Within the elderly population, residents in nursing homes, there is a greather risk of caries, periodontal disease and teeth loss. Assistance of caregivers in maintaininig good oral hygiene besides improving oral health can improve of residents general health and the qulity of their lives. The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes of caregivers and knowledge about oral health, as well as the practice regarding oral care they apply at nursing homes in Serbia. Methods. The survey was conducted at the Gerontology Center Belgrade, consisting of four nursing homes located in the urban area. The study included 58 caregivers. They were contacted on working days, in all work shifts, during January, February and March of 2013. They were asked to fill in a self-administered questionnaire consisting of 26 closed-type questions. Results. The caregivers mostly considered that it was very important to take care of oral health of the residents, but 69% responded that the level of their oral health was low or very low. As the main barriers to oral hygiene maintenance, the caregivers indicated lack of time. The caregivers had more knowledge about periodontal disease than about the main cause of caries and its prevention. Formal medical education had the influence on the knowledge about oral diseases. Oral hygiene procedures carried out by the mayority of caregivers were denture cleaning and tooth brushing. Conclusion. The caregivers were aware of the limitations in everyday oral care of nursing homes residents in Serbia, although solving these problems requires the involvement of the entire public health service. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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29. SOLVIT – skuteczna pomoc dla przedsiębiorcy w Unii Europejskiej
- Author
Katarzyna Pocheć
- Subjects
solvit ,pomoc ,przedsiębiorca ,ue ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Rynek Wewnętrzny jest tym elementem Unii Europejskiej, który w najbardziej bezpośredni i widoczny sposób wpływa na życie każdego obywatela czy przedsiębiorcy. Jego istotą jest utworzenie obszaru, w ramach którego obywatele Unii Europejskiej mogą swobodnie realizować swoje projekty – osobiste i zawodowe, i w którym przedsiębiorcy swobodnie prowadzą swoją działalność. Rynek Wewnętrzny gwarantuje przedsiębiorstwom na przykład możliwość sprzedaży produktów na całym terytorium Unii czy zakładania filii na rynkach lokalnych. Zasady Rynku Wewnętrznego mają za zadanie umożliwić realizację takich zamierzeń i dążyć do wyeliminowania wszelkich przeszkód stanowiących hamulce dla tego typu inicjatyw...
- Published
- 2005
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30. Nasilje nad ženskami v partnerskem odnosu - pomen podpore bližnjih in stroke
- Author
Kovačec, Doris and Leskošek, Vesna
- Subjects
odziv ,družba ,response ,society ,udc:364.63-055.2 ,čustva ,help ,razkritje ,disclosure ,emotions ,pomoč ,potrebe ,needs - Abstract
V magistrskem delu predstavljam pomen podpore bližnjih in stroke za ženske, ki so žrtve nasilja v partnerskem razmerju. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila nasilje na splošno, vrste nasilja, intimnopartnersko nasilje, pomen podpore bližnjih in stroke, dolžnost prijave nasilja in komunikacijo z žrtvami nasilja. V raziskavi sem se osredinila na čas, ko je ženska v nasilnem razmerju oz. v postopku prekinitve, ki je polno negotovosti in nevarnosti, zato je podpora ženske bistvenega pomena. Magistrsko delo temelji na pripovedih in zgodbah žensk, ki so bile žrtve nasilja v partnerskem nasilju. Zanimalo me je, kakšna čustva so jih spremljala, ko so se odločile spregovoriti o nasilju, pomisleki, ki so jih imele, komu so povedale o nasilju in zakaj, kakšno pomoč so potrebovale od bližnjih in od strokovnjakov, s katerimi so imele stik. Kakšen bi bil zanje idealen odziv družbe na nasilje in kaj bi želele sporočiti bližnjim osebam, ki doživljajo nasilje, in strokovnjakom, ki se pri svojem delu srečujejo z žrtvami nasilja. Ugotovila sem, da imajo žrtve nasilja, preden o nasilju spregovorijo, mnoge strahove in pomisleke, saj menijo, da je družba še vedno premalo občutljiva na nasilje, obsoja žrtve in se ne odzove. Žrtve najpogosteje zaupajo staršem, otrokom, prijateljem, sodelavcem in tudi sorojencem, od njih pa želijo podporo in sprejemanje, predvsem pa to, da jim verjamejo. Enako si želijo tudi od strokovnjakov, na katere se obrnejo po pomoč. Nemalokrat se zgodi, da naletijo na odziv, ki povzroči negativna čustva, globoke bolečine, žrtve pa velikokrat odvrne, da bi ponovno spregovorile o nasilju. Zato je pomemben pravi odziv, ki žrtvam da sprejemanje, razumevanje in moč, da se lahko borijo naprej. In my master's thesis I'm introducing the importance of support from close relatives, friends and professional helpers for women in abusive relationships. In theory, I presented abuse in general, types of abuse, intimate relationship abuse, meaning of support from people close to the victims of abuse and support from professionals as well as the duty to communicate with the victim and report any kind of abuse. I focused on the time when a woman is in an abusive relationship or is in the process of a break up where support is crucial for her. A time which can be dangerous and full of insecurities. My master's thesis is based on stories of women, who were victims of abuse in intimate relationships. I was especially interested in their emotions, when was the right time for them to speak up about the abuse and the hesitation that accompanied them, who was the person they told first and why make them choose them, what kind of help they needed from their close ones and other experts. I was also interested in what would be an ideal response of society for them, what would be the victims message to others with similar experiences and to the professionals, which encounter victims with abusive relationships. In my findings, victims of abuse have a lot of fears and second thoughts before they speak out. They think that the society is still insensitive and unresponsive to abuse and judgemental towards the victims. Victims of abuse usually reach out first to their parents, children, friends, coworkers and even siblings. They seek support, acceptance and belief. They want the same from experts, with which they cooperate. Often they receive responses that cause negative emotions, pain, which can discourage them to speak of the abuse. That is why the right response is important, not only for their acceptance and understanding, but also to give them strength.
- Published
- 2021
31. The Role of the Family in the Socialization of Children with Disabilities
- Author
Radošević, Martina and Lukaš, Mirko
- Subjects
podrška ,pomoć ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Pedagogy. Family Pedagogy ,integracija, formalna i neformalna podrška, pomoć, savjetovanje ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Pedagogija. Obiteljska pedagogija ,pomaganje ,savjetovanje ,integracija - Abstract
Obitelj je prva životna skupina kojoj pripadamo te prirodni socijalni sustav, koji ima svoju strukturu, funkcije, pravila, uloge, načine komuniciranja, načine suočavanja s problemima i njihovim rješavanjem. Obitelj predstavlja temelj socijalizacije. Socijalizacija je dugotrajan i složeni proces u kojem pojedinac u interakciji s društvenom okolinom razvija, oblikuje i uči društveno relevantne oblike doživljavanja i ponašanja: uvjerenja, stavove, vrijednosti, navike i običaje. U glavne čimbenike obiteljskog života ubrajaju se otac, majka, dijete te braća i sestre. Svatko od njih nosi određenu ulogu i pridonosi unaprjeđenju razvoja djeteta s poteškoćama. Oblici položaja djeteta s teškoćama u razvoju u svojoj obitelji usko su povezani sa sposobnošću prilagodbe roditelja novoj i iznenadnoj situaciji. Socijalna podrška obiteljima važna je za psihosocijalni razvoj djeteta i svakodnevno funkcioniranje odrasle osobe. Postoji nekoliko vrsta socijalne podrške: podrška samopoštovanju, informacijska podrška, podrška druženjem i instrumentalna podrška. Različiti oblici formalne i neformalne podrške pružaju zadovoljenje osnovnih životnih potreba i pozitivno utječu na članove obitelji. Uloga formalne podrške temelji se na informiranju i savjetovanju roditelja o mogućim rješenjima i strategijama nošenja sa izazovom. Neformalna podrška motivirana je osobnim motivima pružatelja, a ovisi o vrsti i težini invaliditeta osobe i mogućnostima pružanja i manifestira se kroz emocionalnu, informacijsku, praktičnu, financijsku i drugu podršku. Pomoću formalne i neformalne podrške obitelj može na različite načine pomoći djetetu s poteškoćama u razvoju kako bi ono postalo više samostalno i bilo pripremljeno za život u društvu.
- Published
- 2021
32. Metoda jigsaw pri katehezi
- Author
Berlič, Meta and Vodičar, Janez
- Subjects
metode ,sodelovanje ,independence ,puzzle ,sestavljanka ,cooperation ,help ,kateheza ,udc:27-472:37.091.33(043.2) ,pomoč ,methods ,samostojnost ,catechesis ,jigsaw - Abstract
Metoda jigsaw spada pod metode sodelovalnega učenja, ki se uporabljajo na veliko področjih, da omogočajo učencem sodelovanje z vrstniki in jih učijo odgovornosti, samostojnosti in pomoči drugim. Te vrline so zelo pomembne tudi v kasnejših letih, zato je dobro, da se z njimi srečajo že kot otroci. Iz tega razloga je bila razvita tudi metoda jigsaw, da bi učencem omogočila mešanje in sodelovanje, hkrati pa pomagala pri premagovanju učnih pomanjkljivosti. Gre torej za metodo sestavljanke, kjer se učence razdeli po skupinah, da predelajo neko snov, kasneje pa se jih ponovno razdeli, da so v čisto novih skupinah, kjer ni nikogar iz prejšnje skupine in so tako primorani, da sami predstavijo predelano snov tudi drugim. Uporaba te metode je pomembna tudi pri katehezi, da se učenci počutijo pomembne in pridejo sami do nekih zaključkov in tudi do življena po veri, ki je cilj kateheze. Vendar je potrebno metodo prilagoditi za določeno starostno skupino in tudi za temo, ki se predeluje, da se izogne mnogim nevšečnostim, ki se lahko pojavijo (nerazumevanje snovi, neznane besede). Po izvedeni anketi se lahko opazi, da metoda ni toliko v uporabi, saj so nekateri mnenja, da zahteva preveč priprav in ni primerna za vsa področja, hkrati ni tako poznana. Kljub temu se zdi pomembna za pridobitev nekaterih vrlin, zato je uporabna že samo za popestritev monotonega pedagoškega dela. The jigsaw method falls under the category of collaborative learning, which is used in a variety of settings. It allows students to interact with peers and teaches them responsibility, independence and how to help others. Those virtues are also essential in later years, which is why it is advisable to learn them as children. As a result, the jigsaw method has been developed to allow the students to mix and work together, in addition to helping them in overcoming learning disabilities. It is therefore the jiggle puzzle method, where the students are divided into groups in order to go over the learning material and later divided again, only this time different groups are formed, where there is no student from the previous group. Thus, they are forced to present the learning material to the others. The use of this method plays a great role in catechesis as well, so that the students feel important and come to certain conclusions, as well as walk by faith, which is the goal of catechesis. However, the method must be adapted to a particular age group as well as to the learning material in order to avoid various inconveniences that can occur (not understanding the learning material, unknown words). According to the study, it can be concluded that the method is not very widespread, as some consider that it requires much preparation, is not suitable for all areas and is not well known. Nevertheless, it seems to be important for the acquisition of some virtues, which is why it seems to be important for the change of monotonous educational work.
- Published
- 2021
33. Projekt Ježíškova vnoučata a jeho ovlivňování života seniorů v domovech pro seniory
- Author
Rýdl, Karel, Křišťálová, Jana, Lejsalová, Tereza, Rýdl, Karel, Křišťálová, Jana, and Lejsalová, Tereza
- Abstract
Ve své práci se budu zabývat projektem 'Ježíškova vnoučata', který pomáhá seniorům plnit jejich Vánoční přání již od roku 2016. Budu zkoumat, zda lidé od té doby projekt znají, zda se ho v minulosti už účastnili, nebo jestli o něm slyší naopak poprvé. Vytvořím dotazník, jehož cílovou skupinou budou jak ti, kteří seniory již obdarovali a kteří se tak stali Ježíškovými vnoučaty, tak ti, kteří s projektem nebyli dosud seznámeni. Cílem je prozkoumat a popsat jejich pohled na věc, zjistit jejich zkušenost a popřípadě je seznámit s tímto krásným projektem a získat tím další Ježíškovo vnouče., In my bachelor thesis I will examine project 'Jesuis grandchilds'. This project helps to seniors their christmas wishes since 2016. I will examine if people around me knows this project, if they were activ in past, or if they heards about it as first time. I will make a questionnaire about and my target group will be the people, they helped in project in past and they are then Jesuis grandchilds now, so them, who had never heard about this project before. My goal is make a research about and describe their experience in this project. But my main goal is meet them with this beautiful project and get next Jesuis grandchild., Fakulta filozofická, Autorka představila práci po všech stránkách, zdůraznila vztahy k teoretické i praktické části práce a zodpověděla otázky komise., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2021
34. Mental health of primary school children during the Covid-19 epidemic
- Author
Bratina Sirk, Saba and Videmšek, Petra
- Subjects
duševne stiske ,mladostniki ,kids ,varovalni dejavniki ,mental distress ,epidemija ,protective factors ,otroci ,help ,adolescents ,udc:364.622-057.874 ,epidemic ,pomoč - Abstract
V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala o duševnem zdravju osnovnošolcev med epidemijo covid 19. Duševno zdravje je tema, ki postaja čedalje bolj aktualna, k zavedanju pomembnosti le-te pa je pripomogla tudi sedanja epidemija. V osnovni šoli otroci preidejo v obdobje odraščanja, kjer so deležni veliko različnih izzivov, ki jih morajo osvojiti. V preteklem letu so se za vse pojavile izjemne okoliščine, ki so zahtevale ekstremno prilagodljivost, s čimer pa se niso znali vsi spopasti. Zaradi nepoznanih okoliščin in izgubi varovalnih dejavnikov (šola, stik z vrstniki...) so se povečale duševne stiske in težave, o katerih je poročalo tudi veliko nevladnih organizacij in drugih strokovnjakov. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge sem opisala duševno zdravje, stanje o duševnem zdravju otrok pred in med epidemijo, varovalne dejavnike otrok, težave osnovnošolcev med epidemijo in ovire pri iskanju psihosocialne pomoči pred in med epidemijo. V kvantitativni raziskavi sem raziskovala pojavnost duševnih stisk osnovnošolcev pred in med epidemijo, pogostost iskanja pomoči, načini iskanja pomoči, zadovoljnost z dobljeno pomočjo in razlogi za ne iskanje pomoči. Rezultati so pokazali, da so se duševne stiske med epidemijo povečale v tretjini primerov, da pomoč poišče le tretjina otrok in mladostnikov s težavami ter da se najraje na pomoč obrnejo k prijateljem ali staršem. Na koncu sem rezultate raziskave povezala tudi s teorijo. In my thesis, I am reaserching the mental health of elementary school students during the covid 19 epidemic. Mental health is a topic that is becoming more and more relevant, and the current epidemic has also helped to raise awareness of its importance. In primary school, children go through a period of growing up, where they face many different challenges that they have to overcome. Over the past year, exceptional circumstances have arisen for all of them, which have required them to be extremely flexible, which not everyone has been able to satisfy. Due to increased demands and the loss of protective factors (school, contact with peers, ..), mental distress and problems increased, which was also reported by many NGOs and other experts. In the theoretical introduction to the thesis, I generally described mental health, the state of mental health of children before and during the epidemic, protective factors of children, problems of primary school children during the epidemic and obstacles in seeking psychosocial help before and during the epidemic. In my quantitative research, I investigated the incidence of mental distress in primary school children before and during an epidemic, the frequency of seeking help, the media seeking help, satisfaction with the help received, and the reasons for not seeking help. The results showed that mental distress increased during the epidemic in a third of cases, that only a third of children and adolescents with problems sought help, and that they preferred to turn to friends or parents for help. In the end, I also linked the results of the research to theory.
- Published
- 2021
35. Žalost, jeza in strah pri starših otrok s kronično boleznijo
- Author
Bajuk, Petra and Pate, Tanja
- Subjects
otrok ,child ,starši ,anger ,jeza ,parents ,help ,žalost ,coping strategies ,odnos ,pomoč ,relations ,kronična bolezen ,strah ,strategije spoprijemanja ,fear ,chronic disease ,sadness ,udc:159.942-055.52:616-036.1(043.2) - Abstract
Avtorica je v magistrskem delu raziskovala, v povezavi s čim starši otrok s kronično boleznijo doživljajo občutje žalosti, jeze in strahu. V teoretičnem delu opredeli pojem kronična bolezen, otrokovo bolezen opredeli kot travmatični dogodek ter spregovori o odzivih staršev. V nadaljevanju je opredelila pojem družina, orisala dinamiko odnosov, predstavila čustveno doživljanje staršev otrok s kronično boleznijo ter navedla relacijsko družinsko terapijo kot obliko psihosocialne pomoči družinam. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava, v kateri je sodelovalo 12 intervjuvancev, en oče in 11 mater. Udeleženci so bili stari od 31 do 43 let. Avtorica je uporabila vnaprej pripravljen polstrukturiran intervju, ki je zajemal sledeča področja: izkušnja diagnostičnega procesa, starševstvo, partnerski in družinski odnosi, odnosi z zdravstveno stroko, podpora staršem, negotova prihodnost, poslabšanje bolezni in oskrba otroka. Rezultati so pokazali, da starši otrok s kronično boleznijo, žalost, jezo in strah doživljajo v povezavi z diagnostičnim postopkom, načinom spoprijemanja z boleznijo, z negotovo prihodnostjo, v odnosih s člani družine, v odnosih z zdravstvenim osebjem ter ob spoprijemanju z raznimi ovirami, življenjskimi izzivi ter prejemanju pomoči. Izkazalo se je, da je žalost najpogosteje prisotno občutje, čemur sledi občutje strahu in šele nato občutje jeze. Otrokova kronična bolezen vpliva na otroka ter celoten družinski sistem, znotraj katerega pride do reorganizacije vlog in sprememb. Starši in celotna družina se morajo sprijazniti z boleznijo ter odkriti in razviti ustrezne strategije spoprijemanja z otrokovo boleznijo, kar je dolgotrajen proces, ki zahteva mnoge prilagoditve in odrekanja na različnih področjih. Otrokova kronična bolezen lahko na družino vpliva negativno ali pozitivno in pri starših poleg žalosti, jeze in strahu, prebuja paleto najrazličnejših različno intenzivnih občutij, ki posledično vplivajo na nadaljnje spoprijemanje z boleznijo. This thesis researches, when and in connection with what, parents of the chronically diseased children experience sadness, anger, and fear. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the definition of the chronic disease, defines children’s condition as a traumatic event and addresses the parents’ reactions. What is more, it defines the term family, describes the dynamic of relations, depicts emotional experience of parents of diseased children, and suggests relation family therapy as a form of psychosocial help for the families. The empirical part presents the research with 12 interviewees, one father and eleven mothers. The participants are aged from 31 to 43. For the purposes of the interviews a semi-structured interview was used and it covers the following areas: the experience of the diagnostic process, parenthood, family and partnership relations, relations with the medical profession, parents’ support, insecure future, deterioration of the disease, and care of their children. The results show that parents experience sadness, anger, and fear connected with the diagnosis procedure, ways of dealing with the disease, insecure future, family relations, relations with the medical profession, dealing with different obstacles, life challenges and accepting help. The results show that the most common feeling is sadness, followed by fear and then anger. Child’s disease affects the child together with the whole family, and therefore leads to reorganisation of family roles and many changes. Parents, together with the whole family, have to accept the disease and discover and develop different strategies of coping with the disease and the situation as it is a long term process which demands adjustments and sacrificing in different areas. Child’s chronic disease can negatively or positively affect the family. Furthermore, it awakens various intense feelings in the parents alongside with sadness, anger, and fear, and that affects further dealings with the disease.
- Published
- 2021
36. Kako stari ljudje doživljajo pomoč drugega?
- Author
Grmovšek, Tjaša and Mesec, Bojana
- Subjects
older people ,samostojnost ,stari ljudje ,udc:364.4-053.9 ,social work ,dolgotrajna oskrba ,independence ,help ,long-term care ,socialno delo ,onemoglost ,pomoč ,incapacity - Abstract
Za temo doživljanja pomoči sem se odločila, ker se mi zdi beseda pomoč izredno zanimiva in pozitivna ter je beseda, na katero ob omembi socialnega dela najprej pomislim. Na fakulteti smo velikokrat omenjali, da ljudje, ki potrebujejo pomoč, gredo po »moč«, kot socialni delavci pa jih lahko z močjo opremimo oziroma jim dodamo le nekaj, kar imamo in česar drugi nima ali nima dovolj. Stare ljudi je močno strah možnosti funkcionalnega pešanja, ki bi privedlo do nezmožnosti samooskrbe oziroma samostojnega bivanja. Pri tem pa jih najbolj skrbi, da bodo morali zaradi pešanja zdravja in nezmožnosti skrbi zase oditi v socialno institucijo in tako zapustiti domače okolje. Tako sem v magistrskem delu želela ugotoviti, kako stari ljudje sprejemajo in doživljajo pomoč drugih v obdobju, ko sami niso več zmožni samostojnega bivanja. Zanimalo me je predvsem, kako stari ljudje doživljajo pomoč drugega kot lastno nemoč, ali jim pomoč drugih predstavlja večjo samostojnost v življenju. Raziskala sem, kakšne želje imajo stari ljudje po prejemanju pomoči in kakšna pričakovanja imajo do svojih bližnjih. Namen je bil izvedeti tudi, kakšno oporo nudijo formalne in neformalne mreže starim ljudem ter katere prednosti in slabosti vidijo v formalni in neformalni oskrbi. Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da stari ljudje sprejemajo pomoč kot pozitivno in dobrodošlo, pomoč jim ni odveč in se zaradi nje ne počutijo nemočne. Prejeta pomoč jih razbremeni, poleg tega pa so tudi bolj samostojni in lahko zaradi pomoči drugih opravijo več stvari kot sicer, če pomoči ne bi bili deležni. Želje in pričakovanja starih ljudi se navezujejo predvsem na socialne stike in odnose z najbližjimi osebami, predvsem z otroki, brati, sestrami in zakonci, saj si stari ljudje želijo druženja in povezovanja z ljudmi, največkrat so to bližnji družinski člani in vnuki. Tistim starim ljudem, ki nimajo velike socialne mreže, pomeni več, da imajo zadovoljeno emocionalno podporo in druženje, tistim, ki pa imajo veliko obiskov in opore s strani svojcev, pa veliko pomeni, da imajo zadovoljene tudi materialne potrebe. Med raziskavo sem ugotovila, da so socialne mreže starih ljudi (v ospredju so ožji družinski člani, nato prijatelji, sosedje, prostovoljci itd.) pomemben dejavnik, ki vpliva na počutje in kakovost pomoči ljudi, ki živijo v domu ali koristijo oskrbo na domu. Sogovornice prejmejo največjo oporo od najbližjih družinskih članov, predvsem v obliki druženja, pogovora in nekaj manj pri oskrbi, s strani formalnih oskrbovalcev pa zlasti v obliki instrumentalne (materialne) opore. For the topic of experiencing help, I decided because I find the word help extremely interesting, a positive word and the word I first think of when I hear social work. We have often mentioned in college that people who need help go for "power", and as social workers we can add strength to them or add only something that we have and that others do not have or do not have enough of. Older people have a great fear of the possibility of functional walking, which would lead to the inability to self-sufficiency or independent living. At the same time, they are most worried that they will have to go to a social institution due to their deteriorating health and inability to provide for themselves, thus leaving their home environment. Thus, in my master's thesis, I wanted to find out how old people accept and experience the help of others in a period when they themselves are no longer able to live independently. I was mainly interested in how old people experience the help of another as their own helplessness, or whether the help of others gives them greater independence in life. I researched what desires old people have to receive help and what expectations they have towards their loved ones. The aim was also to find out what kind of support formal and informal networks are for the elderly and what advantages and disadvantages they see in formal and informal care. Through research, I have found that old people accept help as positive and welcome, help is not in their way and they do not feel powerless because of it. The help they receive relieves them, but they are also more independent and can do more things with the help of others than they would otherwise if they did not have help. The wishes and expectations of older people relate mainly to social contacts and relationships with loved ones, especially children, brothers, sisters and spouses, as older people want to socialize and connect with people, most often close family members and grandchildren. For those old people who do not have a large social network, it means more that they have satisfied emotional support and socializing, and for those who have a lot of visits and support from relatives, it means a lot that they also have satisfied material needs. During the research, I found that social networks of older people (in the foreground are close family members, then friends, neighbors, volunteers,…) are an important factor influencing the well-being and quality of care of people living in the home or benefit from home care. The interlocutors receive the greatest support from the closest family members, mainly in the form of socializing, conversation and a little less in care, while they receive support from formal caregivers mainly in the form of instrumental (material) support.
- Published
- 2021
37. Spiritual Accompaniment of Homosexual Persons According to Daniel Ange
- Author
Jan Krzysztof Miczyński
- Subjects
orientacja ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion ,kierownictwo duchowe ,inclinations ,Religious studies ,Spiritual direction ,homoseksualizm ,homosexuality ,Orientation (graph theory) ,orientation ,homoseksualizm, kierownictwo duchowe, pomoc, orientacja, skłonności ,spiritual direction ,pomoc ,aid ,Homosexuality ,Theology ,Psychology ,skłonności ,media_common - Abstract
Artykuł jest teologiczno-duchowym komentarzem do publikacji Daniela-Ange’a (ur. 17 X 1932 r. w Brukseli), na temat homoseksualizmu i pomocy duchowej ludziom o skłonnościach homoseksualnych. Główne jego myśli zostały opublikowane w książce Homosexuel qui es-tu? Où vas-tu? (Homoseksualisto kim jesteś? Dokąd podążasz? (rok wyd. we Francji: 1992r.). Dzisiaj, kiedy dyskusja na temat tzw. „nieheteronormatywności” staje się coraz bardziej gorące, jego myśl, oparta na wielu rozmowach i korespondencji z homoseksualistami, wydaje się bardzo istotna. Daniel-Ange proponuje pomoc tym dziewczętom i chłopcom, którzy wbrew sobie odczuwają skłonności homoseksualne, którzy czynią heroiczne wysiłki, by się im nie poddać i marzą o normalnym życiu seksualnym. Wspomniany Zakonnik postuluje, by z wielkim szacunkiem odnosić się do wszystkich potrzebujących pomocy, proponuje im duchową drogę wzrostu: 1. poznania swojej godności w Bogu; 2. odkrycia przyczyn homoseksualizmu; 3. pełniej pokoju twórczej pracy nad sobą; 4. dojrzewania w prawdziwej miłości – w Bogu. Artykuł przytacza konkretne porady duchowe o. Daniela-Ange’a i ukazuje je w świetle współczesnych dokumentów Kościoła. The article is a theological and spiritual commentary on the publication of Daniel-Ange de Maupeou d’Ableiges (born 17th October, 1932, in Brussels) on homosexuality and spiritual aid to people with homosexual inclinations. His main thoughts were published in the book Homosexuel qui es-tu? Où vas-tu? (Homosexual, Who Are You? Where Are You Going?), published in France in 1992. Today, as discussions about so-called “non-heteronormativity” become more and more heated, his thoughts, based on many conversations and correspondences with homosexuals, seem to provide crucial insight. Daniel-Ange offers to aid those girls and boys who have homosexual inclinations, in defiance of their selves, and who make heroic efforts not to give up but dream of a normal sex life. The author advocates that all those in need of aid be treated with great respect, and offers them a spiritual way of growth: (1) to know their dignity in God; (2) to discover the causes of their homosexuality; (3) to creatively work on themselves in peace; and (4) to mature in true love – in God. The article sets forth specific spiritual advice of Fr. Daniel-Ange and demonstrates it in light of contemporary Church documents.
- Published
- 2021
38. Help as a value in the history of the Polish language
- Author
Beata Raszewska-Żurek
- Subjects
historia języka polskiego ,semantyka ,Linguistics and Language ,social vocabulary ,Lexeme ,a diachronic approach ,leksyka społeczna ,Polish ,history of the Polish language ,Social constructionism ,Language and Linguistics ,Linguistics ,language.human_language ,axiolinguistics ,aksjolingwistyka ,kolokacje ,pomoc ,language ,Sociology ,Axiology ,Value (semiotics) ,Period (music) - Abstract
Przedmiotem analizy w niniejszym artykule jest wartościowanie społecznego pojęcia POMOC od staropolszczyzny do współczesności. POMOC wyrażana leksemem pomoc współcześnie jest na stałe pozytywnie nacechowana aksjologicznie, co przejawia się np. w kolokacjach potrzebować pomocy, dziękować za pomoc, a przede wszystkim – warto pomagać. Będąc integralną częścią kultury duchowej, wartości stanowią ważne wspólne dziedzictwo, a w ich pojmowaniu przez wieki zaznacza się zazwyczaj zarówno stałość, jak i zmiana – znajduje to odzwierciedlenie w języku, jakim wartości się nazywa i jakim się o nich mówi. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ustalenie, czy i kiedy POMOC zaczęła być uznawana za wartość oraz czy jej wartościowanie uległo zmianie przez ponad sześć wieków. Analizie poddano kontekstowe użycia leksemu pomoc (głównego eksponenta pojęcia POMOC) w historii polszczyzny w poszukiwaniu tych elementów wypowiedzi, które wskazują na wartościowanie pojęcia – połączeń z nazwami innych wartości, z przymiotnikami o nacechowaniu aksjologicznym, czy też ujęć metaforycznych. Na podstawie analizy użyć leksemu pomoc można stwierdzić, że POMOC już od najdawniejszych czasów uznawana była za wartość i nadal tak jest, a zmiany w jej ocenie są nieznaczne, zatem, że ma ona charakter uniwersalny. Help as a value in the history of the Polish languageKeywords: the history of the Polish language, axiolinguistics, a diachronic approach, social vocabulary.The present article analyses the evaluation of the social concept pomoc (help) from the Old Polish period until the modern times. Contemporarily pomoc expressed by the lexeme pomoc (‘help’) is positively marked in terms of axiology, which manifests itself e.g. in the collocations potrzebować pomocy ‘to require help/assis-tance’, dziękować za pomoc ‘to thank for help’, and above all – warto pomagać ‘it is worthwhile to help’. An integral part of spiritual culture, values constitute an important common heritage, and their understanding throughout centuries is characterised by both continuity and change, which is reflected in the language in which values are referred to and spoken about. The purpose of the present article is to establish whether and when help began to be recognised as a value or whether its evaluation underwent change during the course of more than six centuries. The analysis covered the contextual instances of the usage of the lexeme pomoc(the principal exponent of the concept pomoc) in the history of the Polish language in pursuit of those ele-ments of utterances which indicate the evaluation of the concept – combinations featuring the names of other values, axiologically marked adjectives or metaphorical approaches. On the basis of an analysis of the usage of the lexeme pomoc one may state that since the earliest times pomoc has been considered a value and that this is still the case, and the changes of its evaluation are slight. Therefore, this entity is universal in nature.Artykuły I ROZPRAWY | Język Polski | CI 1 |109
- Published
- 2021
39. Social functioning of elderly persons with malignant diseases.
- Author
Berat, Svetlana, Nešković-Konstantinović, Zora, Nedović, Goran, Rapaić, Dragan, and Marinković, Dragan
- Subjects
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DISEASES in older people , *QUALITY of life , *CANCER treatment , *SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC factors , *COMPARATIVE studies - Abstract
Background/Aim. Malignant disease, its treatment and consequences of treatment can often lead to social marginalization and reduced quality of life. The aim of this research was to determine how elderly patients with malignant diseases function in their social environment. Methods. Sociodemographic questionnaire and interview were used to investigate a group of 49 elderly persons undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy treatment against early carcinomas (P1), and a group of 51 elderly persons with advanced stages of cancer undergoing systemic chemotherapy (P2). There were two cycles of assessment: one just before the beginning of the first cycle of adjuvant or systemic chemotherapy, and the other three months later. The research paradigm was based on the relation between individual treatment and the impact of the malignant disease on functional and social incompetence. The obtained findings were compared with the group of 50 healthy elderly people (K) who share the same relevant features but do not suffer from malignant diseases. Results. It was found that most healthy older people live in share house, whereas those who suffer from malignant diseases mostly live in separate households. In both groups of patients and healthy group older people are mostly taken care of by their children. Individuals in both groups of patients have been frequently visited by their relatives during initial stages of treatment, unlike the elderly people in the control group. However, the difference did not reach a statistical significance. Three months after the beginning of chemotherapy, there was a statistically relevant difference in favor of the group undergoing adjuvant treatment. Home visits eventually become less frequent, whereas communication by telephone becomes more frequent. It was also found that visits by friends and neighbors are statistically more frequent among subjects who undergo adjuvant treatment, both before the treatment began and three months later when compared to other groups. Conclusion. Our research shows that elderly people are subject to social exclusion, especially those with malignant diseases. Special care should be dedicated to monitoring of social functioning during treatment of patients with malignant disease considering the detected trend of deterioration and significance for further recover and cure. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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40. Single parenting
- Author
Žutić, Ana and Bošnjaković, Josip
- Subjects
communication ,responsible parenting ,parents ,help ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Teologija. Religiozna pedagogija i katehetika ,odgovorno roditeljstvo ,komunikacija ,pomoć ,roditelji ,children ,djeca ,razdvajanje obitelji ,family separation ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Theology. Religious Education and Catechesis - Abstract
U ovom radu cilj je dobiti uvid u preraspodjelu odgovornosti između majki i očeva nakon odluke o odvojenom životu ili smrti jednog od partnera. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 70 ispitanika, od toga 68 ispitanika ženskog spola te dva pripadnika muškog spola, a prosječna starost je između 30 i 35 godina. Gotovo svi ispitanici stupili su u spolni odnos prije braka, a u bračnoj zajednici rođena je tek polovina djece. U ovom radu najčešći razlog razdvajanja obitelji bila je odluka o razvodu bračnih partnera iz višestrukih razloga (psihičko i fizičko nasilje u obitelji, njegova/njezina nova veza s drugom osobom, loši među-obiteljski odnosi), pri čemu u gotovo svim slučajevima djeca pripadaju majci na skrb, dok očevi imaju pravo ostvarivanja susreta s djetetom te su dužni plaćati alimentaciju. Period razdvajanja obitelji nedvojbeno je težak i naporan za sve članove obitelji. Stoga, važan je kvalitetan rad nadležnih institucija pri radu s rastavljenim obiteljima te pastoralna skrb o istima. Najveću odgovornost preuzimaju sami roditelji koji odlučuju na koji će način prihvatiti novonastalu situaciju te kako će razvod utjecati na njihovo zajedničko dijete. In this paper, the aim is to gain in sight in to the redistribution of responsibilities between mothers and fathers after the decision to separate or death of one of the parents. The study involved 70 subjects, of which 68 were female and two were male, and the average age was between 30 and 35 years. Almost all respondents had sexual intercourse before marriage, and only half of the children were born in maritalunion. In this paper, the most common reason for family separation was the decision to divorce for multiple reasons (psychological and physical violence in the family, his/her new relationship with an other person, poor inter-family relations), with children being given to the mother in almost all cases, while fathers have the right to meet with the child and are obliged to payalimony. The period of family separation is undoubtedly difficult and exhausting for all family members. Therefore, the quality work of the competent institutions in working with separated families is important, as well as pastoral care for them. The greatest responsibility is taken by the parents themselves, who decide how to acceptt he new situation and how the divorce will affect their child.
- Published
- 2020
41. Podpora staršem odraslih oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju
- Author
Dobnik, Nina and Videmšek, Petra
- Subjects
institucionalno varstvo ,help ,institutional care ,odrasle osebe z motnjo v duševnem razvoju ,Adults with intellectual disabilities ,contribution of social work ,obstacles ,ovire ,prispevek socialnega dela ,pomoč - Abstract
Diplomska naloga predstavlja področje podpore staršem odraslih oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Slednji so zaradi vseživljenjske skrbi za odraslo osebo z motnjo v duševnem razvoju pogosto preobremenjeni in tudi zase potrebujejo ustrezno podporo. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil raziskati kakšne podpore so deležni starši odraslih oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju in kakšne dodatne podpore bi si še želeli. Med drugim pa sem z diplomsko nalogo želela odkriti tudi ovire, s katerimi se starši srečujejo ob skrbi za odrasle osebe z motnjo v duševnem razvoju in sam prispevek socialnega dela pri podpori tem družinam. Rezultati raziskave nakazujejo, da bi bilo potrebno staršem odraslih oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju nuditi kontinuirano podporo od rojstva njihovega otroka dalje. Starši bi pri skrbi za odrasle osebe z motnjo v duševnem razvoju potrebovali več izobraževanj, večjo informiranost o njihovih pravicah, boljšo dostopnost do institucionalnega varstva in večjo podporo s strani socialnih delavcev. My bachelor’s thesis discusses the support system for parents of adults with intellectual disabilities. Because of their lifelong care for their children with intellectual disabilities, they are often overwhelmed and in need of an adequate support. The goal of my bachelor’s thesis was to explore, what support are parents of adults with intellectual disabilities receiving and what additional support would they need and want. I also wanted to explore all the obstacles that parents are facing on daily bases and the contribution of social work for supporting the families of adults with intellectual disabilities. Results of research suggest, that parents of adults with intellectual disabilities need a lifelong support with their caregiving role. Parents are also in need of many different educational programs, greater awareness of their own rights, easier accessibility for a place in different institutions for their adults with intellectual disabilities and better support from social workers.
- Published
- 2020
42. Experiences of Parents of Self-Destructive Behavior in their Child
- Author
Ivanjšič, Sanja and Cugmas, Zlatka
- Subjects
Parents ,samouničevalno vedenje ,občutja ,self-destructive behavior ,udc:159.942.52:616.89-008.441-056.3:347.63(043.2) ,children ,help ,otroci ,Starši ,feelings ,pomoč - Abstract
V magistrskem delu sem preučevala področje samouničevalnega vedenja pri otrocih. Delo vsebuje različne opredelitve samouničevalnega vedenja na splošno. V teoretičnem delu so podrobneje opisani vzroki za tovrstno vedenje, vloga staršev ob tovrstnem vedenju, vplivi na bližnje, odzivi in razumevanje staršev ter napotki glede iskanja pomoči. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena analiza podatkov in njihova interpretacija. Izpostavljena so najpogostejša samouničevalna vedenja pri otrocih, razlike v vrstah in trajanju tovrstnega vedenja, občutja staršev in njihovi odzivi glede na starost otroka, ko se je vedenje pojavilo, spol in izobrazbo staršev. Ugotavljali smo tudi, komu ali čemu starši pripisujejo vzrok za samouničevalno vedenje. Podatke sem pridobila s pomočjo anonimnega spletnega anketnega vprašalnika. Raziskava je pokazala, da je najpogostejše samouničevalno vedenje med otroci samopoškodbeno vedenje. Ob soočanju s tovrstnim vedenjem otroka se starši najpogosteje spopadajo z občutkom strahu in nemoči. Po seznanjenju s samouničevalnim vedenjem pogosto povečajo svoj nadzor nad otroci. Vrste in trajanje otrokovih samouničevalnih vedenj, občutja staršev in njihovi odzivi na tovrstno vedenje otroka so povezani s starostjo otroka, spolom staršev in njihovo izobrazbo. Med materami in očeti ne prihaja do razlik glede na to, katerim dejavnikom za samouničevalno vedenje pripisujejo večji pomen. In my master's thesis I studied the field of self-destructive behavior in children. The thesis contains various definitions of self-destructive behavior in general. The theoretical part describes in detail the causes of such behavior, the role of parents in such behavior, the effects on loved ones, the parents' responses and understanding, as well as guidance on seeking help. The empirical part introduces data analysis and its interpretation. The most common self-destructive behaviors in children, the differences regarding the types and duration of such behaviors, the feelings of parents and their responses with respect to the age of the child when the behavior occurred, and parents' gender and education are highlighted. We also identified to what causes the parents would attribute this behaviour. The data was obtained using an anonymous online questionnaire. The research showed that the most common self-destructive behavior among children is self-harm. When confronted with this type of child behavior, parents are most often confronted with feelings of fear and powerlessness. After learning about self-destructive behavior, parents often increase their control over the children. The types and duration of the child's self-destructive behavior, the feelings of the parents, and their responses to such behaviors of the child are related to the child's age, as well as parents' gender and education. There are no differences between mothers and fathers in terms of which factors they attach greater importance of self-destructive behavior to.
- Published
- 2020
43. Pomen učne diferenciacije in individualizacije pouka za učence priseljence
- Author
Preskar, Lucija and Lepičnik-Vodopivec, Jurka
- Subjects
učna diferenciacija ,udc:373.3:314.117-054.52(043.2) ,vloga učiteljev ,učenci priseljenci ,učna individualizacija ,jezik ,pomoč - Published
- 2020
44. Mnenja vzgojiteljev in strokovnjakov Slovenskega društva hospic o smrti in podpori žalujočemu otroku
- Author
Ledinek, Ajda and Kukanja-Gabrijelčič, Mojca
- Subjects
podpora ,support ,strokovnjaki Slovenskega društva hospic ,žalujoči otroci ,grieving child ,udc:159.942-053.4(043.2) ,help ,vzgojitelji ,educators ,experts of the Slovenian Hospic Association ,pomoč - Published
- 2020
45. Vključevanje otrok z ADHD v socialno okolje
- Author
Zelinšček, Sara and Hozjan, Dejan
- Subjects
teachers ,research ,raziskava ,social exclusion ,strategije ,help ,socialna izključenost ,pomoč ,social skills ,strategies ,socialne veščine ,učitelji ,ADHD ,udc:376:616.89-008.47-057.874(043.2) - Published
- 2020
46. Mladostnikovo spoprijemanje z izgubo starša
- Author
Kržič, Eva and Krajnčan, Mitja
- Subjects
smrt ,žalovanje ,travmatski dogodek ,žalujoči mladostnik ,udc:393.7-053.6(043.2) ,pomoč - Published
- 2020
47. Pomoč in podpora učiteljem pri delu z otroki z vedenjsko čustvenimi težavami v osnovni šoli
- Author
Zagoršak, Katarina and Krajnčan, Mitja
- Subjects
udc:316.624:373.3(043.2) ,podpora ,support ,šolska svetovalna služba ,supervizija ,behavioural emotional difficulties ,mentoring ,teams ,pomoč ,supervision ,timi ,school counselling ,couching ,koučing ,guidance ,vedenjsko čustvene težave ,mentorstvo - Published
- 2020
48. Medvrstniško nasilje v osnovni šoli
- Author
Kurbus, Maja and Videmšek, Petra
- Subjects
vloge v nasilju ,prevention ,medvrstniško nasilje ,preprečevanje ,bullying ,vrste nasilja ,help ,roles in violence ,types of violence ,pomoč - Abstract
V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala medvrstniško nasilje v osnovni šoli. V teoretičnem delu sem za začetek opredelila nasilje, nato pa sem se osredotočila na medvrstniško nasilje. Predstavila sem definicijo medvrstniškega nasilja in elemente, ki ga opredeljujejo, dodala sem, katerega vedenja ne smemo razumeti kot medvrstniško nasilje. Opredelila sem vloge in vrste medvrstniškega nasilja in opredelila razlike glede na spol. Nato sem predstavila načine preprečevanja medvrstniškega nasilja in pomoč, ki jo udeleženi potrebujejo. Dodala sem seznam organizacij, kjer lahko mladi, v primeru medvrstniškega nasilja, poiščejo pomoč. Zanimale so me izkušnje učencev/učenk zadnje triade osnovne šole z medvrstniškim nasiljem. Osredotočila sem se predvsem na to, kako bi se želeli s temo medvrstniškega nasilja srečevati v prihodnje. Rezultati so pokazali, da so učenci v večini že bili udeleženi v medvrstniškem nasilju, pri čemer v svojem okolju najpogosteje opažajo psihično in fizično nasilje. Najpogosteje se pojavljajo v vlogi opazovalcev. V šoli so se o medvrstniškem nasilju že pogovarjali in se želijo pogovarjati tudi v prihodnje. Temo medvrstniškega nasilja bi si želeli obravnavati v sklopu rednega pouka, predvsem z ogledom filmov in predstav ter skozi diskusijo, izpeljano s pomočjo delavnic. In my thesis I researched bullying in primary school. In the theoretical framework I defined violence first, then focused on bullying. I presented the definition of bullying and the elements that define it and I added which behavior should not be construed as bullying. I identified the roles and types of peer violence and looked at gender differences. I outlined ways to prevent bullying and the help that participants need. I have added a list of organizations where young people can seek help in the event of bullying. I researched the experiences of students of the last triad of primary school with bullying. I focused primarily on how they would like to deal with the topic of bullying in the future. Based on the analysis of the results I have concluded that the majority of students were already involved in bullying, the most common in their environment being psychological and physical violence. Most often they appear as observers. Bullying has already been talked about at school and they want to continue to talk about it in the future. They would like to address the topic of bullying in the context of regular lessons, especially through watching films and performances, and through discussions conducted through workshops.
- Published
- 2020
49. Možnosti poskytování psychosociální pomoci v Armádě České republiky pro novodobé válečné veterány
- Author
Píšová, Lenka, Rumlová, Karolína, Šipošová, Kateřina, Píšová, Lenka, Rumlová, Karolína, and Šipošová, Kateřina
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se věnuje problematice novodobých válečných veteránů. Je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část se skládá ze tří hlavních kapitol. Cílem první kapitoly přiblížit základní informace o Armádě České republiky a uvést, jak je zde sociální práce poskytována. Další části práce se konkrétně zaměřují na psychosociální problémy vojáků ve spojení s výjezdem na misi a pomoc od armády, která je jim v této souvislosti poskytována. Praktická část pomocí průzkumu zjišťuje, jak je psychosociální pomoc pro novodobé válečné veterány v průběhu mise a po jejím skončení využívána., The bachelor´s thesis deals with the issue of the modern war veterans. It is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part consists of three main chapters. The aim of the first chapter is to present basic information about the Army of the Czech Republic and to explain how social work is there provided there. The next part specifically focuses on the psychosocial problems of soldiers in connection with the mission and on the military services, which help them to solve these problems. The practical part uses a survey to find out how psychosocial assistance for modern war veterans is used during and after the mission., Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Hodnocení vedoucího: výborně minus Hodnocení oponenta: velmi dobře minus Doplňující otázky k obhajobě: 1. Jakou formu sociální podpory pro vojáky AČR vnímáte jako účinnou a efektivní? 2. V čem spočívá rozdílnost mezi Vámi nadefinovanými průzkumnými otázkami a dílčími cíli vztahující se k praktické části bakalářské práce? 3. V dotazníkové otázce č. 8 definujete pracovníka, který by měl mít přehled o všech možnostech využití poskytované pomoci. O jakého pracovníka by se podle Vás mělo jednat? Obhajoba bakalářské práce s prezentací výborná minus., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2020
50. Pomoc neziskových organizací rodinám s mentálně či tělesně postiženými dětmi
- Author
Hájková, Lucie, Myslivec, Jaroslav, Valentová, Natálie, Hájková, Lucie, Myslivec, Jaroslav, and Valentová, Natálie
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na neziskové organizace, a jak pomáhají rodinám s mentálně či tělesně postiženými dětmi. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část přesně vymezuje pojem nezisková organizace. Dále definuje pojem mentální a tělesné postižení, popisuje několik druhů terapií a představuje několik neziskových organizací. Praktická část obsahuje kvantitativní výzkumné šetření na základě dotazníku. Respondenty jsou rodiče handicapovaných dětí a zaměstnanci neziskových organizací., Bachelor thesis focuses on non-profit organizations and how they help families with mentally or physically handicapped children. The thesis is devided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part precisely defines the concept of non-profit organization. It also defines the concept of mental and physical disability and describes a few types of therapies and represents several non-profit organizations. The practical part contains a quantitative research based on a questionaire. The respondents are parents of handicapped children and employees of non-profit organizations., Fakulta filozofická, Studentka představila stručně téma práce a motivaci. Zaměřila se v praktické části na metodologii výzkumu, cíle a výsledky. Zodpověděla dotazy kladené členy komise a oponenta., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2020
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