1. Residential building design with the emphasis on earthquake resistance
- Author
Ricijaš, Nikolina and Puž, Goran
- Subjects
Earthquake ,Poprečna sila ,Residential building project ,Seismic calculation ,Moment savijanja ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Građevinarstvo ,Bounded masonry ,Seizmički proračun ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Civil Engineering ,Omeđeno ziđe ,Transverse force ,Bending moment ,Potres ,Projekt stambene zgrade - Abstract
Tema mog završnog rada projekt je stambene zgrade uz provjeru zidova stambene zgrade na horizontalno seizmičko opterećenje. U radu su objašnjeni pojmovi posmičnih zidova te omeđenog ziđa. Podaci korišteni u izradi rada prikupljeni su iz stručne literature, bilješki s predavanja iz kolegija Protupotresno inženjerstvo te s interneta. U samom radu građevina je obrađena kroz proračun na potresno opterećenje. Proračunom je dobiveno da granično stanje nosivosti za zid od 20 cm nije zadovoljeno stoga je izrađen novi proračun za zid od 30 cm, čime je zadovoljena nosivost na poprečnu silu i moment savijanja. The topic of my final paper is a residential building project with horizontal seismic loading validation for its walls. The concepts of sliding walls and bounded masonry are elaborated in the paper. The data used in the preparation were compiled from the professional literature, lecture notes from the course Earthquake Engineering and from the Internet. The building was processed through the calculation of the seismic load. The calculation evinced that the load capacity limit for a massif of 20 cm is not satisfied, so new calculation was made for a massif of 30 cm. New calculation of 30 cm massif is suitable and the load capacity per average transverse force and bending moment is satisfied.
- Published
- 2021