400 results on '"Taktik"'
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- Author
Bisma Putra Pratama and Mario Putra Suwito
- Subjects
taktik ,teknik interogasi pada penyidikan ,Criminal law and procedure ,K5000-5582 - Abstract
Penerapan taktik dan teknik interogasi pada penyidikan tindak pidana pembunuhan berencana oleh Penyidik Satreskrim Polres Kuantan Singingi, yaitu dengan taktik dan teknik memberikan pertanyaan yang sifatnya menjebak, tersangka disuruh menjelaskan mengenai kegiatan tersangka sebelum terjadinya peristiwa, ketika dan setelah peristiwa itu terjadi, dan terakhir mempertemukan tersangka yang satu dengan tersangka yang lain. Kedua, kendala-kendala yang ditemui Penyidik Satreskrim Kepolisian Resor Kuantan Singingi dalam penyidikan tindak pidana pembunuhan berencana, yaitu: 1) Keterangan tersangka berbelit-belit dan bahkan terkesan berubah-ubah; 2) Tersangka sering berbohong; 3) Tersangka tidak mau menjawab pertanyaan Penyidik dan bahkan tersangka tidak mau mengakui apa yang telah dilakukannya. Sedangkan upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut, dengan cara yaitu: a) Menunjukkan alat bukti yang ditemukan Penyidik kepada tersangka; b) Membuat tersangka merasa diperhatikan sebagai subyek yang mempunyai hak dan kewajiban; c) Mengutarakan keterangan dari saksi-saksi yang telah dimintai keterangan sebelumnya dan disertai beberapa alat bukti.
- Published
- 2023
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3. Performance Analysis of 2022 Women’s European Football Champion England National Team
- Author
Gizem Başkaya
- Subjects
analiz ,kadın futbol ,teknik ,taktik ,uefa ,analysis ,women’s football ,technical ,tactical ,Sports medicine ,RC1200-1245 - Abstract
After big organizations in football or at the end of the season, researchers definitely examine the game systems of successful teams, the technical-tactical parameters of successful and unsuccessful teams, the differences and the performances of the athletes. In this direction, this study was conducted to analyze the England National Team, which was the champion in the 2022 Women's European Football Championship, in terms of different variables. Research data were obtained from the UEFA official website. The number of goals scored and conceded in competitions, the distribution of goals according to time periods, the region of the goal scored, the way the goals occur, the position of the goal scorer, the percentage of possession of the ball during the first half and throughout the match, the duration of the ball in the game, the number of passes, The number and percentage of successful passes, corner kick, offside technical-tactical parameters and the average total distance traveled by the team, the evaluation of substitution rights and the effect of the first goal on the result parameters were analyzed. The obtained data were recorded in SPSS 23 package program and interpreted by calculating frequency and percentage values. It was determined that the England national team scored a total of 22 goals with an average of 3.67 goals per match, and 2 goals were scored in their own goal with an average of 0.33 goals per game. Considering the time frame in the competitions, the England National Team scored 45.5% (10 goals) of the 22 goals in the first half, 45.5% (10 goals) in the second half, and the remaining 2 goals in the 1st and 2nd overtime periods; It has been revealed that he conceded 2 of his goals in the second half. 86% of the goals scored were from within the penalty area and most goals were scored from the 3rd area of the penalty area (13, 59.1%); 54.5% (12 goals) of these goals were scored as a result of organized attack; it was determined that the players who scored the most goals (8 goals, 36.4%) were the players in the wing position. The England national team, which has the ball at the rate of 57% per game, kept the ball in the game for 29 minutes and 33 seconds in 90 minutes; It has been determined that the percentage of successful pass is 84% and the average percentage of ball possession is 57%. It is also stated that the total distance traveled by the team per match is 116.6 km has been revealed. Based on these results, coaches; use the 3rd zone, which is the critical zone in the penalty area in terms of offense, more effectively; In terms of defense, it can be suggested that these regions be defended more effectively. In addition, considering that the most important factor determining the result in football is goals and that these goals are the result of organized attacks, it is important that the football players other than the strikers contribute to the score, and that the organizational studies are important, therefore it is necessary to plan the technical-tactical studies of the teams accordingly. is thought to be useful.
- Published
- 2022
4. Nach dem Gefängnis
- Author
Sieferle, Barbara
- Subjects
Gefängnis ,Haft ,Haftentlassung ,Alltag ,Strafe ,Post-Gefängnis-Leben ,Lebensrealität ,Verurteilung ,Stereotyp ,Kreativität ,Taktik ,Recht ,Soziale Ungleichheit ,Kulturanthropologie ,Kriminalsoziologie ,Sozialarbeit ,Prison ,Liability ,Everyday Life ,Penalty ,Reality of Life ,Cultural Construction ,Creativity ,Law ,Social Inequality ,Cultural Anthropology ,Sociology of Crime ,Social Work ,bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology::JHM Anthropology::JHMC Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography ,bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JK Social services & welfare, criminology::JKV Crime & criminology - Abstract
Was bedeutet es, aus dem Gefängnis entlassen zu werden? Und wie sehen die Lebensrealitäten haftentlassener Menschen aus? Barbara Sieferle geht diesen Fragen nach und gibt einen anschaulichen Einblick in die kreativen, taktischen Versuche von Männern, sich nach ihrer Entlassung wieder ein bedeutungsvolles Leben aufzubauen. Dabei gilt es, mit den häufigen Handicaps von gesellschaftlicher Stigmatisierung und moralischer Verurteilung zurechtzukommen. Im Mittelpunkt der Analyse stehen die Lebensrealitäten einzelner Menschen - so ergibt sich ein dichtes Bild des Post-Gefängnis-Lebens abseits aller Stereotype und Vorurteile.
- Published
- 2023
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5. Wider die einlinige Biopolitik. Kreative Taktiken der Konvivialität in Zeiten pandemischer Krise
- Author
Bruckner, Isabella
- Subjects
agamben ,certeau ,corona ,foucault ,illich ,jerusalema ,pandemie ,taktik ,Practical Theology ,BV1-5099 ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
Die Corona-Pandemie hat nicht nur in religiös fundamentalistischen Kreisen Weltuntergangsstimmung heraufbeschworen – so etwa bei einem der bekanntesten Philosophen Italiens, Giorgio Agamben, der in mehreren kurzen Beiträgen dieser Zeit einen Abgesang auf den liberal-demokratischen Geist Europas anstimmt. Während in einem ersten Teil des Beitrags Agambens Kritiken (inklusive der dahinterliegenden Konzepte) sowie darauf erfolgte Reaktionen kurz präsentiert werden, zielt der zweite Teil des Beitrags darauf ab, über die Motive der Konvivialität und der Freundschaft von Ivan Illich sowie mit Hilfe Michel de Certeaus Kategorie der Taktik, einige konkrete, öffentlichkeitswirksam gewordene Praktiken in den Blick zu nehmen, die im Kontext der Einschränkungen zur Stiftung, zum Erhalt und zur Neuerfindung gemeinschaftlicher Lebensmöglichkeiten beigetragen haben. Was anhand der besprochenen Praktiken offenbar werden soll, ist die ingeniöse Kreativität des „Jedermann“, welche sich einer Reduktion der menschlichen Existenz auf das von Agamben beschworene „nackte Leben“ auf je eigene Weise widersetzt.
- Published
- 2022
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6. Analisis Taktik Pertandingan Pencak Silat Kategori Tanding
- Author
Hamzah Mujahid and Nur Subekti
- Subjects
pencak silat ,taktik ,babak pertandingan ,hasil pertandingan ,Sports ,GV557-1198.995 - Abstract
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui struktur tindakan taktik pertandingan pencak silat kategori tanding serta perbedaan berdasarkan babak pertandingan dan hasil pertandingan. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif berbasis observasi-survei pada 98 atlet dalam 48 partai final di-tiga kejuaraan pencak silat level elit; Pekan Olahraga Nasional, Sea Game, Asian Games. Pengumpulan data melalui pengamatan pada video pertandingan, dengan mencatat semua tindakan taktik (menyerang, bertahan, blok) dan di analisis menggunakan perangkat SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukan struktur tindakan taktik pertandingan pencak silat elit rata-rata menyerang (5,473 ± 4,606), bertahan (5,472 ± 4,681), blok (1,371 ± 2,129). Berdasarkan babak pertandingan ditemukan perbedaan pada tindakan menyerang dan bertahan nilai sig < p 0,05 antara babak 1-2 dan 1-3, namun antara babak 2-3 tidak ditemukan perbedaan nilai sig > p 0,05. Sedangkan untuk tindakan blok tidak ditemukan perbedaan nilai sig > p 0,05 antara babak 1-2-3. Ditinjau dari hasil pertandingan, ditemukan perbedaan dengan nilai sig < p 0,05 pada tindakan taktik menyerang dan bertahan; pemenang cenderung memanfaatkan kemampuan bertahan, sebaliknya non-pemenang cenderung melakukan tindakan menyerang, sedangkan tindakan blok pemenang dan non-pemenang relatif seimbang. Hasil penelitian dapat menjadi acuan bagi pelatih maupun praktisi pencak silat dalam menyusun sesi latihan taktik mempertimbangkan perubahan tindakan setiap babak pertandingan dan efektifitas taktik seorang pemenang. Selain itu pelatih harus lebih menekankan atletnya agar dapat meningkatkan aspek taktis khususnya pada babak ke dua dikarenakan terdapat perubahan yang bermakna dalam babak tersebut
- Published
- 2021
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7. Penerapan Strategi Pemasaran Digital Menggunakan Metode Sostac UMKM Kerudung Cicalengka Kabupaten Bandung
- Author
Sriwendiah, Sandra, Akbar, Djuni, Anwar, Fachmi Imannur, Sriwendiah, Sandra, Akbar, Djuni, and Anwar, Fachmi Imannur
- Abstract
Penelitian ini menginvestigasi penerapan Metode SOSTAC dalam strategi pemasaran UMKM Kerudung Cicalengka. Metode SOSTAC adalah kerangka kerja yang terdiri dari enam tahapan, yaitu Situational Analysis, Objective, Strategy, Tactic, Action, dan Control. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami bagaimana penerapan Metode SOSTAC dapat membantu UMKM Kerudung Cicalengka dalam meningkatkan efektivitas pemasaran mereka. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi dokumentasi dan observasi, dengan data yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan Metode SOSTAC memberikan struktur yang sistematis dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan strategi pemasaran, memungkinkan UMKM untuk mengidentifikasi peluang, mengatur sumber daya dengan lebih efisien, dan memantau kinerja pemasaran mereka secara teratur. Saran untuk UMKM Kerudung Cicalengka termasuk mendalami analisis pasar, meningkatkan kreativitas dalam strategi pemasaran, memanfaatkan teknologi digital secara efisien, dan berkolaborasi dengan pihak lain. Dengan mengimplementasikan saran-saran ini, diharapkan UMKM Kerudung Cicalengka dapat memperkuat posisi mereka dalam pasar dan mencapai kesuksesan yang lebih besar dalam pemasaran produk.
- Published
- 2024
8. Illusion, utopi eller framtidens krigföringskoncept : En undersökning av manöverkrigföringens betydelse för markoperativ framgång i östra Ukraina 2022–2023
- Author
Bratt, Johan and Bratt, Johan
- Abstract
Maneuver warfare theory has been used to explain success in numerous modern conflicts and is extensively incorporated into contemporary military doctrine. However, during 2022-2023, the war in Ukraine resembled World War I attritional warfare, leading theorists to question the relevance of maneuver warfare in today’s conflicts. This thesis examines the applicability of maneuver warfare theory in contemporary conflicts by analyzing success in land operations in eastern Ukraine, testing Stephen Biddle’s theory, The Modern System, in a comparative case study. The result indicates that asymmetry in force employment, referring to one side using military means more efficiently than the opponent, leads to success, and conversely that symmetry creates an attritional character of battle. The thesis contributes with insight into the dynamics between maneuver and attrition in high-intensity interstate wars, highlighting the importance of flexibility and adaptability. The conclusions emphasize the need of further research on maneuver warfare in contemporary conflicts.
- Published
- 2024
9. Tiden är inne, sätt in reserven : En studie i avdelandet av reserver på lägre taktisk nivå inom svenska armén
- Author
Forss, Henning and Forss, Henning
- Abstract
Military history is full of examples where tactical reserves are allocated to deal with unforeseen developments. There is a discussion regarding the value of reserves between representatives of different military theoretical orientations, where maneuver theorists look more favorably on reserves than attritional warfare theorists. The Swedish army tactical manual is based on maneuver theory, but previous studies show that Swedish army tacticians rarely allocate reserves. This study combines a survey experiment and a questionnaire to test if Weissmann and Ahlström's model for tactical thinking can explain the limited use of reserves within the Swedish army. The results indicate that this is not the case, but that the answers are more likely to be found in how Swedish army officers fundamentally relate to uncertainty and the nature of combat.
- Published
- 2024
10. Operation Forager – Taktisk flexibilitet i en amfibieoperation
- Author
Viisteensaari, Ilari and Viisteensaari, Ilari
- Abstract
This thesis is about Operation Forager and the capture of Marianas. The research problem is to identify the explaining factors that led to the US victory over Japan despite the latter’s prepared defence on the islands against the upcoming amphibious assaults. The study is a theory consuming case study where the three amphibious assaults to the Marianas function as analyse units with most different research design. Data was collected by document analysis and analysed by using the-matic analysis method due to the qualitative nature of collected data. Theoretical framework was established by applying theories of amphibious operations and success in land warfare. The analysis showed that the common factor for success on all three islands was tactical agility, rather than superior force ratio as opposed to earlier view. All identified factors are also linked to each other and isolating one specific factor for success is challenging.
- Published
- 2024
11. Flexibilitet inom ramen för gemensamma operationer : En kvalitativ studie om hur flexibilitet beskrivs och omsätts i flgvapnet och marinen
- Author
Huuva, Anna and Huuva, Anna
- Abstract
Future warfare will require military forces to cope with uncertainties by employing Finkel´s optimal flexibility and adaption if forces are to succeed. While flexibility is already crucial component of the Swedish warfare concept, the extent of implementation is unknown. This study investigates how flexibility is described and applied within the Swedish Armed Forces at an operational level, specifically within the Air Force and Navy. Using systematic text analysis this study shows that the theory is implemented at the operational level and partly in the Air Force and Navy. Specifically, and for both services in the conceptual and doctrinal flexibility stratum deficiencies are explained by using mission command. Regarding the lessons learning stratum, the services partially utilize rapid dissemination to compensate for the lack of mechanisms that encourage learning from mistakes. This research indicates the need for a comprehensive understanding of the theory at all levels to ensure successful implementation.
- Published
- 2024
12. Mellan politik och militär logik : Implementering av den tyska manöverskolan i svensk krigsplanläggning 1967
- Author
Moberg, Niklas and Moberg, Niklas
- Abstract
This thesis examines the implementation of maneuver warfare within Swedish war planning in 1967, focusing on the influence of political directives and the adoption of the German Maneuver School principles. Utilizing a qualitative content analysis of extensive archival materials and historical literature, the study highlights how political control shaped operational art and tactics, particularly through the directives issued by General Viking Tamm. The research reveals that political factors had a more profound impact on maneuver warfare implementation than previously documented, overshadowing other influences such as geography and military logic. Furthermore, the thesis discusses the internal conflicts within the Swedish Armed Forces that hindered the adoption of a more maneuver-oriented defense strategy, suggesting a complex interplay between political will and military practice. This work contributes to the broader understanding of military strategy adaptation under political constraints, offering a new perspective on the operational and tactical levels of defense planning.
- Published
- 2024
13. Den ideala modellen för flygvapnets säkerhtesförband? En teoriprövande studie av Idealmodellen
- Author
Westermark, Jesper and Westermark, Jesper
- Abstract
The Swedish Air Force's security forces consist of small units specifically designed to counter security threats including sabotage, espionage, and criminal activity. In times of war, their primary duty is to defend vital air force operations and terrain. Their dimensioning opponent’s airborne forces are believed to have the capacity to airdrop battalions equipped with armored personnel carriers with automatic grenade launchers. As a result, it is likely that these smaller, company-sized units may encounter a more substantial and advanced force. In 2020, Peter Thunholm and Lars Henåker proposed a theory on land-based tactics called The Ideal Model. This theory consists of seven sequential steps aimed at causing organizational breakdown and ultimately improving the chances of winning a battle. The Ideal Model has been put to the test in 48 mechanized battles using the Swedish Defense University's battle simulator, and the results show that this theory has some explanatory value in mechanized warfare. This study aims to test Peter Thunholm's and Lars Henåker's theory on non-mechanized battles, specifically on defensive infantry battles, to determine if the Ideal Model is applicable to the Air Force's security forces' defensive tasks during wartime. By analyzing two cases, Goose Green 1982 and Zhawar 1986, this study shows that the Ideal Model has explanatory value on defensive land-based infantry battles at the tactical war level.
- Published
- 2024
14. From Life to Its Online School: An Analysis of Alain de Botton’s ‘The School of Life’ as Strategy and Tactic
- Author
Gökçen Karanfil and A. Özgür Gürsoy
- Subjects
popüler kültür ,michel de certeau ,michel foucault ,strateji ,taktik ,the school of life ,popular culture ,strategy ,tactic ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Through a critical engagement with the literature on the conceptualizations of culture, this article focuses on the possibilities for empowerment and social agency that may be found in manifestations of everyday popular culture and the critiques of this approach that voice their oppressive nature. The article draws on Michel de Certeau’s distinction between strategies and tactics, as qualified by Michel Foucault’s use of the same conceptual pair, in order to develop a conceptual grid that emphasizes their imbrication or mutual conditioning. The key advantage offered by this grid is that it makes visible the inherently ambivalent nature of cultural products and the way in which constraining strategies and liberating tactical reversals are both made possible on the same shared site. It thus argues that popular cultural works may subvert the manipulative imperatives of the culture industry only from within a strategically structured social field. It thereby becomes possible to acknowledge the insights of the culture industry perspective of critical theory, while providing a more nuanced interpretation and evaluation of certain works of popular culture. The conceptual analysis is then applied to The School of Life (an online educational organization initiated by the popular author, philosopher, and entrepreneur Alain de Botton) both to offer an examination of this cultural artifact and to test the assumptions the theoretical framework developed.
- Published
- 2020
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15. Almanya’da Yüksek Nitelikli Göçmenlerin Gündelik Hayat Deneyimleri ve Baş Etme Süreçleri
- Author
F. Güzin Ağca-varoğlu
- Subjects
highly skilled migration ,everyday discrimination ,tactic ,yüksek nitelikli göç ,gündelik hayat ayrımcılığı ,taktik ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Abstract
Almanya’da Türkiye kökenli göçmenlere yönelik olumsuz tutumlar, toplumda kurulan ilişkileri zedelemekte ve yükselen gündelik hayat ayrımcılığının temelini teşkil etmektedir. Türkiye-Almanya arası göç dalgalarından birini de akademik kaygılarla göç eden doktora öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında, Berlin’e doktora eğitimleri için gitmiş ve sahip oldukları sosyal-kültürel sermaye ile yüksek nitelikli göçmen statüsünde kabul edilebilecek 10 katılımcı ile yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat yapılarak, öğrencilerin gündelik hayat deneyimleri ve bu doğrultuda geçirdikleri baş etme süreçleri nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden içerik analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bu doktora öğrencileri, kendilerine özgü göç amaç ve koşulları ile Almanya’nın en büyük azınlığını oluşturan diğer göçmen kuşaklardan farklılaşmaktadırlar. Bütün bu farklılaşmaya rağmen gündelik hayat deneyimlerinin, algıladıkları kalıp yargıların azınlık toplumunun üyeleri ile benzerlikler gösterdiği gözlemlenmektedir. Öte yandan baş etme süreçleri göz önüne alınırsa onlardan ayrışmaktadırlar. Bu aktörlerin deneyimleri, algıladıkları kalıp yargılarla geliştirdikleri taktikleri ve bu bağlamda kendisini gösteren aidiyet süreçleri makalenin ana sorunsalını oluşturmaktadır.
- Published
- 2020
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16. Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisinin İki Kutbunda Süreklilik: Michel De Certeau'nun Dipnotundaki Henri Lefebvre.
- Author
Ertürk, Mustafa
- Subjects
Copyright of Journal of Sociology / Sosyoloji Dergisi is the property of Istanbul Universitesi Edebiyat Fakultesi and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
YILDIZ, Gıyasettin and SARIÇİÇEK İPEKOĞLU, Aybeniz
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Social & Cultural Studies / Toplum ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi is the property of Journal of Social & Cultural Studies and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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18. Andra sidan i Borlänge
- Author
Daniel Fredriksson
- Subjects
teater ,produktion ,corona ,strategi ,taktik ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 - Abstract
I den här artikeln beskrivs arbetet med en regional teateruppsättning som producerades och spelades under pandemivåren och -sommaren 2020. Syftet med undersökningen är att exemplifiera och synliggöra de komplexa sätt som coronapandemin och restriktionerna påverkat kreativa verksamheter och institutioner, samt att diskutera hur pandemin kan påverka teaterinstitutioners förändringsarbete. Artikelns övergripande frågeställning är: Vilka konsekvenser hade covid-19-pandemin för de olika produktionsprocesser som ingick i Dalateaterns uppsättning Andra sidan? Pandemin och restriktionerna kan paradoxalt nog sägas ha fungerat både som strategiska försvarare av status quo och taktiska utmanare av detsamma. Samtidigt som pandemin kunde användas för att legitimera stabila strukturer och arbetsmetoder, tvingade den fram avsteg från vissa av arbetets normer och rutiner. Pandemin försatte medarbetarna i ett slags pågående taktiskt läge, som av vissa medarbetare upplevdes som framför allt negativt och stressande, men av andra som en positiv, lustfylld upplevelse, som en konstnärlig och kreativ möjlighetshorisont.
- Published
- 2021
19. UEFA Avrupa Liginde Müsabakalardan Galip Ve Mağlup Ayrılan Takımların Bazı Parametreler Açısından Karşılaştırmalı Analizi.
- Author
- Subjects
MANN Whitney U Test ,WINNING & losing (Contests & competitions) ,STANDARD deviations ,CROSS-functional teams ,TOURNAMENTS ,TEAMS - Abstract
Copyright of Nigde University Journal of Physical Education & Sport Sciences / Nigde Üniversitesi Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi is the property of Journal of Physical Education & Sports Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
20. From Life to Its Online School: An Analysis of Alain de Botton's 'The School of Life' as Strategy and Tactic.
- Author
KARANFİL, Gökçen and GÜRSOY, A. Özgür
- Subjects
STUDENTS ,POPULAR culture ,EDUCATION associations ,CULTURAL industries ,CONCEPTUAL models ,BUSINESSPEOPLE ,CRITICAL theory - Abstract
Copyright of Turkish Review of Communication Studies / Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi is the property of Marmara University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
BAKIR, İbrahim and MÜNİROĞLU, Recep Sürhat
- Subjects
SOCCER teams ,ATHLETIC fields ,BRAND name products ,FOULING ,TALLIES ,RED tape - Abstract
Copyright of Nigde University Journal of Physical Education & Sport Sciences / Nigde Üniversitesi Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi is the property of Journal of Physical Education & Sports Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
22. Den moderna teknikens påverkan på den militära taktiken
- Author
Björneheim, Jesper and Björneheim, Jesper
- Abstract
The new modern advancements in technology continues to impress with its superior features. However, implementing new technological systems can be problematic, and will require good planning and flexibility to utilize the technology to its full potential. Should new technology be adapted to fit into already existing tactics, or should the new technology and its characteristics and capabilities contribute to the development of tactics? The purpose of this study examines how tactics are affected by the implementation of a new technical system whitin the Swedish army. To analyze this, the author has chosen the implementation of the Armored Terrain Vehicle 360, which was intended to replace the previous, the Armored Personnel Carrier 302. The study uses a qualitative method, that is used to review theories that discuss military technique and tactics, and how they affect eachother. Indicators from the theories are identified in order to contribue to conclusions regarding the technical and tactical differences of both combat vehicles. The result of thestudy shows that the Swedish Armed Forces' implementation of the Armored All-Terrain Vehicle 360 has impacted and developed the tactics of the infantry units. Therefore, the results indicate that the units have had to develop new tactics as the characteristics of the new technology could not fully be applied and used within the existing tactics.
- Published
- 2023
23. Polisiär konflikthantering : Ett integrerat taktiskt förhållningssätt för god arbetsmiljö
- Author
Hansson, Jonas, Borglund, Erik A. M., Hansson, Jonas, and Borglund, Erik A. M.
- Abstract
Det behövs en ökad förståelse för det integrerade taktiska förhållningssättet och dess helhet som härstammar tillbaka till den Nationella bastaktikens ändamål, det vill säga ”ett rättesnöre för alla poliser i deras förhållningssätt till och bedömningar av person eller grupp han/hon kommunicerar med eller ingriper mot, fysisk omgivning, samt egna förmågor och begränsningar.” Syftet med denna rapport är att på ett vetenskapligt och strukturerat sätt undersöka om POLKON som koncept med hänsyn till integreringen av kunskapsområdena skapar förutsättningar för en god arbetsmiljö för enskilda poliser. Empirin i denna rapport är 28 intervjuer (19 män, nio kvinnor) med poliser från samtliga polisregioner i Sverige. Intervjuerna genomfördes under hösten 2022. Resultaten visar att erfarenhet ses som en tillgång när det gäller att tillämpa det integrerade taktiska förhållningssättet. Enligt POLKON:s utbildningsmaterial ska individens förståelse, förhållningssätt och förmåga bidra till att i ett integrerat taktiskt förhållningssätt sträva efter kontroll i situationen, det vill säga tid och egen förmåga till adekvat åtgärd. Resultaten visar att POLKON som koncept tillämpas men att det finns variationer i såväl förståelsen som tillämpningen. Resultaten visar vidare att kommunikation är grunden i ingripande polisarbete men att det skiljer sig åt mellan olika poliser. Kopplingen mellan de olika kunskapsområdena, det vill säga taktik, mentalt och kommunikativt är dock inte helt uttalad. Resultaten visar att POLKON som koncept är anpassat till det praktiska arbetet som polis. Det finns inget i resultaten som indikerar att det integrerade taktiska förhållningssättet inte är anpassat efter det som poliserna ställs inför i sitt vardagliga arbete. Det finns snarare de som menar att de har allt de behöver för alla typer av ingripanden i sin förståelse av de grundläggande principerna. Resultaten från vår studie visar att det finns goda förutsättningar för att det integrerade taktiska förh
- Published
- 2023
24. 11. Pansardivisionens motanfall 7-9 december 1942 : En tillämpning av Thunholms och Henåkers Idealmodell
- Author
Sandqvist, Marcus and Sandqvist, Marcus
- Abstract
This study applies Thunholm and Henåker’s Ideal Model sequence to the counterattack carried out by the German 11th Panzer Division at Tschir from December 7th to 9th, 1942. The Ideal Model stems from cumulative research conducted withing the German school of maneuver warfare and of-fers a theoretical framework of a seven-step sequence on how to achieve success in tactical combat. The aim of the study is to investigate the pres-ence and interplay of the steps outlined in the Ideal Model during actual combat accounting for the dynamic elements of danger, stress and friction that differentiate real-life combat from theoretical concepts. The results shows that all steps are present to a varying degree although with a slightly different sequence. The study finds the step “Maneuver and out-pacing the opponent by focus on timing and by a short decision-action loop” to be of central importance in the successful counterattack.
- Published
- 2023
25. Den taktiska fördelen med få större ytstridsfartyg jämfört med fler mindre inom ramen för en kustförsvarsoperation
- Author
Backman, Christian and Backman, Christian
- Abstract
The ambition of this study is to assess whether it is most tactically advantageous to have fewer larger surface combatant ships compared to more smaller ones within the framework of a coastal defense operation in Swedish waters. The study notes that since the torpedo was first fired in anger in battle more than 135 years ago, small warships have for long had the ability to sink larger warships. The question still remains however if larger warships are superior to smaller ones based on other characteristics such as their size, which could justify building larger ships instead of smaller ones? This study uses Hughes Salvo Model to theoretically verify if larger or smaller warships are to be preferred. The result from the model is then compared with simulations based on the Simple Surface Model and real-life events from different conflicts. The findings are indicate of that larger warships have several advantages over smaller ones, but the conclusion of this study is that when it comes to ship versus ship action, it is more advantageous to have more smaller warships than few larger ones.
- Published
- 2023
26. An Examination on the Opinions of Teachers Regarding the Use of Impression Management Tactics.
- Author
- Subjects
IMPRESSION management ,HIGH school teachers ,TEACHERS ,SEMI-structured interviews ,SCHOOL administration ,SCHOOL year - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Theoretical Educational Science / Kuramsal Eğitimbilim Dergisi is the property of Afyon Kocatepe University, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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27. Deniz Taktik İşaretlerinin Yazılı İlk Kaynağı.
- Author
YARKIN, Derya Şerif and ATMACA, Gökhan
- Abstract
Effective, fast, and reliable communication provides a great contribution in a battle or conflict. The tactics used in naval wars determine the basis of communication. Considering the historical process in forms and vehicles of the naval wars, the importance of the communication between the admirals and the captains has always been high, so there has always been a new search for effective solution. From the researched/known archive information point of view, the war instruction issued by Captain James Dolfin for the Venetian fleet on September 9, 1365 was a first in this regard and was the ancestor of today's practices. This instruction, which was prepared in Latin and in the Venetian dialect, was first translated into Italian and later into English. Considering the maritime language used in the content of this directive, it is important that the translations were made by naval officers, thus increasing the reliability of the information. This study was carried out in order to present historical information on the related subject to the tacticians and planners in Turkish Naval Forces. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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28. Terörizm Stratejisi mi? Terörizmin Stratejileri mi?
- Author
- Abstract
Terrorism is both a strategy in itself and also has several strategies. While terrorism can be seen as a strategy which is used by countries and terrorist organizations, terrorist organizations also use several strategies. There are five principal strategic logics of costly signaling at work in terrorist campaigns: attrition, intimidation, provocation, spoiling, and outbidding. Effective counterstrategies cannot be designed without first understanding the strategic logic that drives terrorist violence. This paper will analyze the relations among goal, strategy and tactic and investigate whether terrorism is a strategy or not. In the concluding section, paper will discuss the strategies of terrorism and conditions favorable to each strategies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Muchammad Nurif, Soedarso Soedarso, Suyanto Suyanto, and Wahyuddin Wahyuddin
- Subjects
kawasan ,pariwisata ,Bojonegoro ,Strategic Places Triangle ,strategi ,taktik ,value ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Kabupaten Bojonegoro ditetapkan sebagai salah satu Daerah Tujuan Wisata (DTW) di Jawa Timur karena memiliki potensi obyek wisata alam dan budaya yang telah mendapatkan perhatian wisatawan nusantara pada umumnya. Dalam kebijakan pengembangan yang tertuang dalam Rencana Induk Pengembangan Pariwisata (RIPP) Jawa Timur 1999-2015 Kabupaten Bojonegoro meskipun bukan sebagai gerbang utama namun memiliki peran strategis untuk mendorong pertumbuhan kawasan di sekitarnya. Dalam penelitian, peneliti melakukan pemetakan perubahan lingkungan eksternal, pemetakan pesaing dan pelanggan, analisis internal, dan analisis TOWS. Selanjutnya akan dirumuskan Strategic Place Triangle. Yang dimaksud dengan Strategic Place Triangle adalah suatu pendekatan strategi pemasaran wilayah yang mencakup tiga hal kunci, yaitu (1) Strategi yang mencakup Segmentasi-Targeting-Positioning, (2) Taktik yang mencakup Diferensiasi-Marketing Mix-Selling, (3) Value yang mencakup Brand-Servis-Proses. Analisis pemetaan terhadap lingkungan eksternal dan internal dengan menggunakan pendekatan Strategi Pemasaran Wilayah (Marketing Places) tersebut akan menghasilkan Positioning, Diferensiasi, dan Brand, bagi potensi kawasan pariwisata Bojonegoro. Positioning- nya adalah ibarat Bali bagi Jawa Timur dengan kekhasan tetap memegang nilai-nilai religi dan kultur lokal setempat. Diferensiasi-nya adalah one-stop-shopping services, pesona wisata yang tak berakhir, cantik alami, penduduknya yang santun, ramah dan mempesona. Brand-nya adalah Pesona Wisata Bojonegoro.
- Published
- 2015
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30. Sıradan İnsanın Failliği: Cinsel Yönelim Ayrımcılığını Taktiklerle Aşındırmak.
- Author
Şenel, Burcu
- Abstract
Copyright of Kadın/Woman 2000 is the property of Kadin/Woman 2000 and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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31. Kunst des Gehens. Taktiken im Ort des Automobils
- Author
Sören Groth, Jakob Hebsaker, and Lucas Pohl
- Subjects
Straße ,de Certeau ,Lefebvre ,Strategie ,Taktik ,Rhythmus ,Cities. Urban geography ,GF125 ,Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology ,HT101-395 - Abstract
Die Straße als Transit- und Abstellraum für Automobile ist kein Naturgesetz. Mit Michel de Certeau lässt sie sich als historisches Produkt einer Strategie verstehen, die sich in einem immerwährenden Konflikt durchsetzt. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die Straße als Ort des Automobils zu denaturalisieren, um das konflikthafte Spannungsverhältnis zwischen den als rezessiv antizipierten Bewegungen des Zufußgehens und jenen dominanten automobilen Bewegungen sichtbar zu machen. Mithilfe einer interventionistischen Flächenprojektion von Fußwegen – einem selbstgemalten Zebrastreifen aus Kreide – wird anhand eines Fallbeispiels aus Frankfurt am Main aufgezeigt, wie sich die alltäglich konflikthafte Aushandlung von Straßenräumen durch Planung materialisieren und somit in die Konzeption von Straße integrieren lässt.
- Published
- 2017
32. 2022 Kadınlar Avrupa Futbol Şampiyonu İngiltere Milli Takımının Performans Analizi
- Author
- Subjects
Analiz ,kadın futbol ,teknik ,taktik ,UEFA ,Analysis ,women’s football ,technical ,tactical ,Spor Bilimleri ,Sport Sciences - Abstract
After big organizations in football or at the end of the season, researchers definitely examine the game systems of successful teams, the technical-tactical parameters of successful and unsuccessful teams, the differences and the performances of the athletes. In this direction, this study was conducted to analyze the England National Team, which was the champion in the 2022 Women's European Football Championship, in terms of different variables. Research data were obtained from the UEFA official website. The number of goals scored and conceded in competitions, the distribution of goals according to time periods, the region of the goal scored, the way the goals occur, the position of the goal scorer, the percentage of possession of the ball during the first half and throughout the match, the duration of the ball in the game, the number of passes, The number and percentage of successful passes, corner kick, offside technical-tactical parameters and the average total distance traveled by the team, the evaluation of substitution rights and the effect of the first goal on the result parameters were analyzed. The obtained data were recorded in SPSS 23 package program and interpreted by calculating frequency and percentage values. It was determined that the England national team scored a total of 22 goals with an average of 3.67 goals per match, and 2 goals were scored in their own goal with an average of 0.33 goals per game. Considering the time frame in the competitions, the England National Team scored 45.5% (10 goals) of the 22 goals in the first half, 45.5% (10 goals) in the second half, and the remaining 2 goals in the 1st and 2nd overtime periods; It has been revealed that he conceded 2 of his goals in the second half. 86% of the goals scored were from within the penalty area and most goals were scored from the 3rd area of the penalty area (13, 59.1%); 54.5% (12 goals) of these goals were scored as a result of organized attack; it was determined that the players who scored the most goals (8 goals, 36.4%) were the players in the wing position. The England national team, which has the ball at the rate of 57% per game, kept the ball in the game for 29 minutes and 33 seconds in 90 minutes; It has been determined that the percentage of successful pass is 84% and the average percentage of ball possession is 57%. It is also stated that the total distance traveled by the team per match is 116.6 km has been revealed. Based on these results, coaches; use the 3rd zone, which is the critical zone in the penalty area in terms of offense, more effectively; In terms of defense, it can be suggested that these regions be defended more effectively. In addition, considering that the most important factor determining the result in football is goals and that these goals are the result of organized attacks, it is important that the football players other than the strikers contribute to the score, and that the organizational studies are important, therefore it is necessary to plan the technical-tactical studies of the teams accordingly. is thought to be useful., Futbolda büyük organizasyonlardan sonra veya sezon sonlarında araştırmacılar başarılı takımların oyun sistemlerini, başarılı başarısız takımların teknik-taktik parametrelerini, aradaki farkları ve sporcuların performansları gibi durumları mutlaka incelerler. Bu doğrultuda bu çalışma, 2022 Kadınlar Avrupa Futbol Şampiyonası’nda şampiyon olan İngiltere Milli Takımının farklı değişkenler açısından analiz edilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma verileri, UEFA resmi internet sitesinden elde edilmiştir. Müsabakalarda atılan ve yenilen gollerin sayısı, gollerin zaman dilimlerine göre dağılımı, atılan golün bölgesi, gollerin oluş şekli, gol atan oyuncunun mevkisi, ilk yarı ve müsabaka boyunca topa sahip olma yüzdeleri, topun oyunda kalma süresi, pas sayısı, başarılı pas sayısı ve yüzdesi, köşe vuruşu, ofsayt teknik-taktik parametreleri ile takımın ortalama kat ettiği toplam mesafe, oyuncu değişikliği haklarının değerlendirilmesi ve ilk golün sonuca etkisi parametreleri analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 23 paket programına kaydedilmiş, frekans ve yüzde değerleri hesaplanarak yorumlanmıştır. İngiltere milli takımının, maç başına 3.67 gol ortalaması ile toplam 22 gol attığı, maç başına 0.33 gol ortalaması ile 2 golü de kendi kalesinde gördüğü belirlenmiştir. Müsabakalarda zaman dilimi göz önüne alındığında, İngiltere Milli Takımının, attığı 22 golün %45.5’ini (10 gol) ilk devre, %45.5’ini (10 gol) ikinci devre, geri kalan 2 golü 1. ve 2. uzatma devrelerinde attığı; yediği gollerin 2’sini de ikinci devre yediği ortaya konmuştur. Atılan gollerin %86’sının ceza sahası içinden ve en çok golün ceza sahasındaki 3 numaralı bölgeden atıldığı (13, %59.1); bu gollerin %54.5’inin (12 gol) organize atak sonucu kaydedildiği; en çok gol atan oyuncuların ise (8 gol, %36.4) kanat mevkindeki oyuncular olduğu belirlenmiştir. Maç başına %57 oranında topa sahip olan İngiltere milli takımının 90 dakikalık sürede topu oyunda 29 dakika 33 saniye tuttuğu; başarılı pas yüzdesinin %84, topla oynama yüzdesi ortalamasının ise %57 olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, takımın maç başına kat ettiği toplam mesafenin 116.6 km olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Bu sonuçlara dayanarak antrenörlere; hücum bakımından ceza sahası içindeki kritik bölge olan 3. bölgeyi daha etkin kullanmaları; savunma açısından da yine bu bölgeleri daha etkin savunmaları önerilebilir. Ayrıca, futbolda sonucu belirleyen en önemli etkenin gol olduğu ve bu gollerin de organize ataklar sonucu olduğu göz önüne alınırsa, gerek forvet oyuncuları dışında kalan futbolcuların da skora katkı yapmasının gerekse de organizasyon çalışmalarının önemli olduğu, bundan dolayı da takımların teknik-taktik çalışmalarını buna göre planlanmasının faydalı olacağı düşünülmektedir.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
BALCI, Şeyma
- Subjects
Communication ,Türk hapishane filmleri ,tahakküm ,direniş ,taktik ,İletişim - Abstract
Hapishane etrafı duvarlarla çevrili; şiddetin, işkencenin gözetleme gibi kendini gösterdiği; mekânı ve zamanı düzenleyen, disipline edici iktidarın hüküm sürdüğü total mekândır. Bir total mekân örneği olarak hapishanenin ortaya çıkışıyla birlikte beden, disipline dayalı ceza sisteminin içine çekilir. Böylelikle beden uysal hâle getirilir ve nesneleşir. İktidarın “yaptırtma” ve “nesneleştirme” üzerine kurulu olması, hapishane özelinde çifte bir nesneleştirme sürecini beraberinde getirir. Bu noktada özgürlüğü elinden alınan mahkûmun iktidar karşısında ne yaptığı önem kazanır. Mahkûm; tahakküme boyun eğebilir ya da tahakküme karşı çeşitli taktik ve stratejiler, direnişler geliştirebilir. Çalışmada Türk hapishane filmlerinde tahakküm ve direnişin nasıl temsil edildiği 1980-1990 yılları arasında çekilen Duvar (Yılmaz Güney, 1983), 72. Koğuş (Erdoğan Tokatlı, 1987), Uçurtmayı Vurmasınlar (Tunç Başaran, 1989) ve Karılar Koğuşu (Halit Refiğ, 1990) filmleri üzerinden incelenmiştir. Çalışmada total mekânlarda yer alan insanların pasif olmadığı, tam tersine tahakküme karşı çeşitli taktik ve stratejiler, direnişler geliştirdiği gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla James Scott’ın tahakküm ve direniş pratikleri ve Michel de Certeau’nun taktik ve strateji kavramları çerçevesinde filmler çözümlenmiştir.
- Published
- 2022
34. Kentsel Kamusal Mekânda Yaratıcı Aktivizm: İzmir Darağaç Kolektifi’nin Sanat Üretim Pratikleri
- Author
GÜLEÇ, Ece and SAVAŞIR, Gökçeçiçek
- Subjects
Creative activism ,tactics ,strategy ,urban public space ,Darağaç ,Sanat ,Yaratıcı aktivizm ,taktik ,strateji ,kentsel kamusal mekân ,İzmir ,Art - Abstract
Gündelik hayatın olağan ritminde dönemsel olarak çeşitli kırılmalara şahitlik eden kentsel kamusal mekân, yerleşik iktidar yapılarını kesintiye uğratabilecek taktiksel pratikler veya stratejik müdahaleler ile sürekli olarak yeniden üretilir. Her iki açıdan da sanat üretim pratikleri, günlük aktivitelerin, ortak faaliyetlerin, müşterek alanların ve mahalle örgütlenmelerinin önünü açar. Yeniden üretim süreci kentlinin gündelik hayatta mekân ile kurduğu ilişkiye bağlı olarak, mekânın hem fiziksel hem de sosyo-kültürel bağlamda dönüşümünü ifade eder. Kentsel mekânın yaratıcı aktivist sanat üretim pratikleri aracılığıyla yeniden üretimi kapsamında ele alınan bu makale Darağaç Kolektifi’nin üretimlerini, iş birliği içinde olduğu inisiyatiflerin üretimlerini de ele alarak, kentsel mekânın ve gündelik hayatın kolektif eylemler aracılığıyla yeniden üretimini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Sanat üretim pratiklerinin sosyo-kültürel ve sosyo-mekânsal açıdan değişim yaratma potansiyelleri, stratejik-taktiksel hedefleri bakımından kalıcılık-geçicilik nitelikleriyle ilişkilendirilerek irdelenmekte ve diğer inisiyatiflere kıyasla Darağaç Kolektifi’nin küçük ölçekli taktiksel müdahalelerinin zaman içinde uzun vadede daha etkin stratejik müdahalelere dönüşme süreci incelenmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, Darağaç Kolektifi'nin Darağaç IV: Lüzum sergisi ile birlikte Spinning Triangles (SAVVY Contemporary), New Alphabet School (Haus der Kulturen der Welt), Mahalle@İzmir (Kültür için Alan ve Geniş Açı Proje Ofisi), Bellek Haritaları (Karantina) ve İyi Saatte Olsunlar (Hayy Açık Alan, Darağaç Kolektifi ve Pelesiyer) projelerinin mekânı hangi araç, yöntem ve izlekler doğrultusunda, nasıl dönüştürdüğü, karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiş; eylem biçimlerinin özgün yönleri ele alınmıştır. Örnek olay incelemesi yöntemi ile elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda yaratıcı aktivist pratiklerin kentsel kamusal mekânı dönüştürme potansiyellerini ortaya koymayı hedefleyen bu çalışmada, taktiksel ve stratejik müdahalelerin ortak paydasında konumlanan sanat üretim pratikleri beş ana başlıkta ele alınmaktadır: Gündelik hayatın ritmini değiştirme yöntemleri, oluşturdukları eşiklerin özellikleri, toplumsal katılımı ön plana çıkarma biçimleri, yaratıcı aktivizm uygulamaları, kolektif pratiklerin yeri ve ölçeği., Periodically witnessing various disentanglements in the ordinary rhythm of daily life, urban public space is constantly reproduced by tactical or strategic interventions that can interfere with established power structures. Art practices pave the way for daily activities, collective activities, common spaces, and neighborhood organizations. Reproduction of the space refers to its transformation in a physical and socio-cultural way depending on the people's interaction with the urban public space in their daily lives. Focusing on the art productions of the Darağaç Collective including their initiatives and values, this study aims to examine how public art practices reproduce urban space and everyday life within the scope of creative activism. The potential of these interventions to create socio-cultural and socio-spatial changes is examined by associating them with their permanence-temporariness qualities in terms of their strategic and tactical goals. In this study, compared with the other initiatives, the process of transforming the Darağaç Collective's small-scale tactical interventions into more effective long-term strategic interventions is also examined. Within the scope of this study, the Darağaç Collective's exhibition Darağaç IV: Lüzum, together with the projects, Spinning Triangles (by SAVVY Contemporary), New Alphabet School (by Haus der Kulturen der Welt), Mahalle@İzmir (by Kültür için Alan and Geniş Açı Project Office), Bellek Haritaları (by Karantina), and İyi Saatte Olsunlar (Hayy Open Space, Darağaç Collective, and Pelesiyer) are examined in order to uncover how the projects transform the space in line with which tools, methods, themes and forms of actions. In line with the data obtained by the case studies method, these art practices are analyzed through five main points: ways of changing the rhythm of everyday life, the characteristics of the thresholds they create; ways of creating an atmosphere for social participation, emphasizing creative activism; and the place and scale of collective practices.
- Published
- 2022
35. Informations- und Wissenstransfer anhand der Virtuellen Realität in Streitkräften – Potentiale und Herausforderungen
- Author
Schmid, Markus and Schmid, Markus
- Abstract
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Herausforderungen und Potentiale bezüglich des Informations- und Wissenstransfers in Streitkräften anhand der Virtuellen Realität herauszuarbeiten. Ausgehend von der Beschreibung des Informations- und Wissenstransfers in Einsatzorganisationen, über die Darstellung der Trends der Virtuellen Realität, hin zu einer kurzen Erklärung der wesentlichen Elemente der Taktik wird zum Mixed-Method-Design übergeführt. Dabei wurde eine taktische Problemstellung unter Zuhilfenahme der Virtuellen Realität bearbeitet. Während der Aufgabenstellung wurden die Teilnehmenden beobachtet und im Anschluss interviewt. Es hat sich ergeben, dass der Informations- und Wissenstransfer in der Taktik durch die Nutzung von Virtueller Realität verbessert werden kann. Als Herausforderungen wurden die Akzeptanz und das Wohlbefinden der Nutzenden identifiziert, als Potentiale verschiedene Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der militärischen Ausbildung.*****This paper aims to elaborate challenges and potentials of information and knowledge transfer in the armed forces based on virtual reality. To the mixed-method design is transferred via information and knowledge transfer in operational organizations to the trends of virtual reality to a short explanation of the most essential elements of tactics. A tactical problem was solved with the help of virtual reality. The participants were observed during the task and interviewed afterwards. It was found that the transfer of information and knowledge in tactics can be improved using virtual reality. Low acceptance and user well-being were identified as challenges, and possibilities for improving military training were identified as potentials.
- Published
- 2022
36. Taktiska verkansdrönares påverkan på svensk marktaktik
- Author
Jarl, Robert and Jarl, Robert
- Abstract
Under de senaste åren har drönarteknologi introducerats på det moderna slagfältet. Erfarenheter från kriget i Nagorno-Karabach 2020 visar på en stor militär betydelse. Användandet av taktiska verkansdrönare förefaller påverka markförbandens operationsmiljö och aktualiserar luftens betydelse för markkrigföringen. Studien är en kvalitativ fokusgruppsundersökning som svarar på frågan om hur förekomsten av verkansdrönare på slagfältet förändrar svenska marktaktiska överväganden. Studien lämnar med ett svenskt sammanhang ett krigsvetenskapligt bidrag till ett nytt forskningsområde i tider av säkerhetspolitisk förändring. Resultatet visar på att operationsmiljön för markförband är förändrad. Taktiska verkansdrönare har unika kapaciteter, vilket påverkar marktaktiska överväganden. Slutsatserna påtalar betydelsen av att föregå motståndaren och pekar på att verkan är en förutsättning för manöverkrigföring.
- Published
- 2022
37. Den bästa vägen till målet : En observationsstudie om de faktorer som leder till mål i damernas Svenska Superliga i innebandy
- Author
Seeberg Haglund, Andrea, Persson, Adrian, Seeberg Haglund, Andrea, and Persson, Adrian
- Abstract
Syftet med studien var att kartlägga vad som sker i de målgörande bollinnehaven i damernas Svenska Superliga i innebandy säsongen 2021/2022 samt analysera de faktorer som leder till mål. En observationsstudie genomfördes där 30 matcher och 317 mål observerades via video. Studien använde en induktiv ansats då tidigare forskning var bristfällig och liknande studier för daminnebandy saknades helt. Flera olika parametrar om målgörande bollinnehav mättes med hjälp av ett genomarbetat observationsprotokoll baserat på tidigare forskning. Data redovisades med deskriptiv statistik där frekvensen av varje svarsalternativ visades i procentuell form. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom att svarsalternativen kodades och fördes in i Excel och SPSS version 27 för att analyseras och sedan presenteras deskriptivt, procentuellt och grafiskt. Resultatet visar att målgörande lag oftast vinner bollen framför eget mål eller på vänsterkanten genom att utnyttja ett misstag från motståndaren. Vanligast är att snabba anfall med få passningar och få involverade spelare leder till mål. Målgörande passningar kommer oftast från kanterna bredvid motståndarmålet och passerar en tänkt centrallinje från mitten av målburen. Direktskott mitt framför målet eller från respektive kant strax utanför målområdet ligger till grund för flest mål. Vanligast är att skotten går in bredvid målvakten nära målramen i något av målens fyra hörn. Baserat på resultatet kan taktiska aspekter som hög press eller snabba anfall användas för att ett innebandylag ska öka sina chanser att göra mål. Resultatet kan också användas omvänt för att förbättra lags försvarsspel. Även fysiologiska krav för hur en innebandyspelare ska träna kan utvecklas från studien.
- Published
- 2022
38. Principer för sjökriget - Hur valida är de?
- Author
Rosén, Gustav and Rosén, Gustav
- Abstract
Principles of war have for a long time constituted a central part of military thinking, but for as long as they have existed their value has been debated and criticized. Strangely, there seems to exist almost no scientific research testing the empirical validity of such principles, despite the fact that they still appear to play an important role in military doctrine, training and education. This study aims to test the validity of principles of war, by examining whether they can explain the outcome of naval battle. Through a case study approach, principles of naval warfare expressed by theorist Geoffrey Till are tested on a historical naval engagement between US and Japanese forces during World War II. The result of the study shows a certain correlation between some of Till’s principles and victory in the analysed battle, and thereby proves the empirical validity of principles of war to some extent. Further research is however required to increase the confidence in principles as an analytical framework for explaining the outcome of battle, and to determine the possible underlying causal mechanisms.
- Published
- 2022
39. Videoanalys i fotboll : En kvalitativ studie om arbetet med videoanalys inomallsvenska akademier
- Author
Robert, Jovanovski and Robert, Jovanovski
- Abstract
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur fotbollstränare i allsvenskaakademier arbetar med videoanalys i förhållande till träningar ochmatcher. Videoanalys är ett verktyg som finns tillgängligt på alla nivåerinom fotbollen med tanke på teknikens framfart i det moderna samhället.Det gjordes genom att intervjua fem fotbollstränare i olika akademiermed i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade attvideoanalys är ett slagkraftigt verktyg vilket hjälper tränarna att utvecklasärskilda förmågor hos spelare på en vardaglig basis.
- Published
- 2022
40. Staff Rides as a Pedagogical Tool in Professional Military Education (PME) : Planning and Conducting Historical Staff Rides
- Author
Weissmann, Mikael, Björkqvist, Jonas, Wiklund, Patrik, Weissmann, Mikael, Björkqvist, Jonas, and Wiklund, Patrik
- Abstract
The use of various practical pedagogical tools is an important part of officer training. This is also an area where there is a long tradition in the training of officer cadets and officers in staff colleges as well as in the Armed Forces more generally. This article focuses on staff rides aimed at teaching tactics and operational arts based on historical examples. This type of staff-rides aims to learn from history with a bearing on the present and the future. The article is organized as follows: first, the article gives a short overview of the history of staff rides, followed by a discussion on different types of staff rides. Then the focus shifts to ways to planning and carrying out a staff-ride. This includes the planning phase, reconnaissance, and the different pedagogical tools that can be used and their implementation. The article concludes with a discussion of how to think when planning and carrying out a staff rides, both practically and pedagogically. The article here presented a schematic model of the pedagogical dynamics of the staff ride for different target groups based on their pre-understanding and the complexity of different field exercises.
- Published
- 2022
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41. The Everyday Life Experiences and Coping Processes of Highly Skilled Immigrants in Germany
- Author
Fatma Ağca Varoğlu
- Subjects
Yüksek nitelikli göç,gündelik hayat ayrımcılığı,taktik ,Coping (psychology) ,Minority group ,yüksek nitelikli göç ,Turkish ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Immigration ,tactic ,HM401-1281 ,taktik ,Sociology ,Sociology (General) ,gündelik hayat ayrımcılığı ,Everyday life ,Sosyoloji ,highly skilled migration ,everyday discrimination ,media_common ,Possession (law) ,language.human_language ,Content analysis ,language ,Social psychology ,Highly skilled migration,everyday discrimination,tactic ,Qualitative research - Abstract
Almanya’da Türkiye kökenli göçmenlere yönelik olumsuz tutumlar, toplumda kurulan ilişkileri zedelemekte ve yükselen gündelik hayat ayrımcılığının temelini teşkil etmektedir. Türkiye-Almanya arası göç dalgalarından birini de akademik kaygılarla göç eden doktora öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında, Berlin’e doktora eğitimleri için gitmiş ve sahip oldukları sosyal-kültürel sermaye ile yüksek nitelikli göçmen statüsünde kabul edilebilecek 10 katılımcı ile yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat yapılarak, öğrencilerin gündelik hayat deneyimleri ve bu doğrultuda geçirdikleri baş etme süreçleri nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden içerik analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bu doktora öğrencileri, kendilerine özgü göç amaç ve koşulları ile Almanya’nın en büyük azınlığını oluşturan diğer göçmen kuşaklardan farklılaşmaktadırlar. Bütün bu farklılaşmaya rağmen gündelik hayat deneyimlerinin, algıladıkları kalıp yargıların azınlık toplumunun üyeleri ile benzerlikler gösterdiği gözlemlenmektedir. Öte yandan baş etme süreçleri göz önüne alınırsa onlardan ayrışmaktadırlar. Bu aktörlerin deneyimleri, algıladıkları kalıp yargılarla geliştirdikleri taktikleri ve bu bağlamda kendisini gösteren aidiyet süreçleri makalenin ana sorunsalını oluşturmaktadır., Negative attitudes against migrants of Turkish origin in Germany strain relations within society and constitute the underlying reasons for the increase of everyday discrimination. Migration due to academic concerns makes up one of the many migration waves between Turkey and Germany. In this study semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 participants, who were considered as highly skilled immigrants both due to their migration for postgraduate studies and their possession of a particular social-cultural capital, evaluating their everyday experiences and coping processes in this regard using the content analysis from arange of qualitative research methods. PhD students differ with their specific purposes and conditions of migration from other migrant generations representing the largest minority in Germany. Yet, despite this distinction, their everyday experiences and stereotypes show similarities with the members of the minority society. However, they differentiate from their respective minority group with regard to their coping processes. The main questions this article deals with are the experiences of these actors, the tactics they have developed through their perceived stereotypes and the process of belonging that is manifested in this regard.
- Published
- 2020
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42. 'Şeytan tüyü': An irregular migrant's survival strategies in Germany
- Author
Çiçek, Ayşe
- Subjects
Everyday Forms of Resistance ,Gündelik Direniş Biçimleri ,Irregular Migrant ,Germany ,Tactic ,Düzensiz Göçmen ,Taktik ,Şeytan Tüyü ,Almanya - Abstract
Türk edebiyatında Almanya’ya göçü konu edinen pek çok önemli yazın bulunmaktadır. Bunlar içerisinde Haldun Taner’in “Şeytan Tüyü” hikâyesi düzensiz bir göçmenin Almanya’daki gündelik mücadelesini ironik ve mizahi bir üslupla ele almaktadır. Bu çalışmada “Şeytan Tüyü” hikâyesinin kahramanı düzensiz göçmen Ökkeş’in toplumdaki iktidar ilişkilerine karşı hangi şekillerde direndiği analiz edilmiştir. Göçmen bireyin hayatta kalma stratejileri Scott’ın gündelik direniş biçimleri ve de Certeau’nun taktik kavramı çerçevesinde ortaya konulmaktadır. Hikâyedeki söylemler analiz edilirken yazarın diğer yazılarından, hikâyeyle ilgili basındaki haberlerden, yazarla yapılan bir söyleşiden ve yazarın hayatını konu alan belgesel ve biyografilerden yararlanılmıştır. Göçmenlerin iktidar yapıları karşısında zafer kazanmasına olanak sağlayan taktikler; göstermelik itaat, boşluklardan yararlanma, kurnazlık, anonimlik ve kılık değiştirme olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Hikâyenin merkezinde yer alan direniş biçimi göçmen bireyin anonimlik politikasıdır. Sıradan birey bu taktikler sayesinde riskten uzak bir şekilde ev sahibi ülkede yaşamını sürdürmekte ve kendisine dayatılan iktidarı el altından yıkmaktadır. There are many important literary writings in Turkish literature dealing with immigration to Germany. Among these, Haldun Taner's "Devil's Feather" story deals with the daily struggle of an irregular immigrant in Germany in an ironic and humorous manner. In this study, the ways in which the irregular immigrant Ökkeş, the hero of the story "Devil's Feather" who resists against the power relations in society, is analyzed. The survival strategies of the immigrant have been put forward within the framework of Scott's "everyday forms of resistance" and de Certeau's "tactic" concepts. While analyzing the discourses in the story, other writings of the author, news in the press about the story, an interview with the author, and documentaries and biographies about the author's life are used. The tactics that enable immigrants to triumph over power structures are false compliance, making use of loopholes, cunning, anonymity and disguise. The form of resistance at the center of the story is the anonymity politics of the immigrant. Thanks to these tactics, the ordinary individual lives in the host country without any risk and undermines the power imposed on him.
- Published
- 2022
43. Technical and tactical analysis of the world Taekwondo championship
- Author
Baykan, Erol, Güllü, Abdullah, and Baykan, Erol
- Subjects
Teknik ,Taekwondo ,Tactic ,Taktik ,Technical ,Analiz ,Analysis - Abstract
Bu çalışmanın amacı "Dünya Taekwondo Şampiyonası" müsabakalarının teknik ve taktik açıdan incelenmesidir. Çalışmada İngiltere'nin Manchester kentinde büyükler kategorisinde 15-19 Mayıs 2019 Dünya Taekwondo Şampiyonası kadınlar ve erkekler yarı final ile final müsabakalarının, posiscope ve posixplore video destekli istatiksel ölçüm ve analiz programı ile analizleri yapılmış, elde edilen veriler grafik ve tablo yöntemi ile sunulmuştur. Müsabakaların videoları WTF resmi web sayfasından elde edilmiştir. Erkeklerde 8 final müsabakası, 9 yarı final müsabakası olmak üzere 17 müsabakanın, kadınlarda ise 8 final müsabakası, 8 yarıfinal müsabakası toplamda 16 müsabakanın, genel toplamda ise 33 müsabakanın analizleri 27 parametre ve 295 değişkene göre analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen tüm veriler SPSS 25,0 paket programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Verileri değerlendirilirken tanımlayıcı istatistiksel metotlar (sayı, yüzde, minimum maksimum değerleri,ortalama, standart sapma) kullanılmıştır. Verilerin normal dağılım gösterip göstermediğini tespit etmek için normallik varsayımları incelenmiş olup, veriler normal dağılım göstermediği için nonparametrik testler kullanılmıştır. Normal dağılıma sahip olmayan skorlar da niceliksel verilerin karşılaştırılmasında iki grup arasındaki farkı Mann Whitney U testi ile ilişkisiz ikiden çok örneklem ortalamasının birbirinden anlamlı bir şekilde farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını test etmek için Kruskal Wallis H testi ve farkın hangi gruptan kaynaklandığını görebilmek için çoklu karşılaştırma testlerinden biri olan Bonferroni testi uygulanmıştır. İlişkiyi test etmek için korelasyon analizi uygulanmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen analizler neticesinde posixplore verilerine göre kadınlar, erkekler, final, yarı final tüm müsabakalarında en çok kullanılan 1. teknik Palding Chagi, 2. Yop Chagi, 3. Neryo Chagi olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca hücum ağırlıklı ve öndeki ayakla teknik kullanımının tercih edildiği ve puan bakımından da, %54,1 (192 defa) 2 puan ,%24,2 (86 defa) 3 puan, %17,7 (63 defa) 1 puan, %2,8 (10 defa) 4 puan, %1,1 (4 defa) 5 puan alındığı tespit edilmiştir. Kadınlar ve erkekler final müsabakalarında kazanan kaybeden açısından sıkletlere göre değerlendirmede kazanan sporcuların hücum, savunma, isabetli, isabetsiz, öndeki ayakla, sağ, teknik sayılarının kaybedenlerden yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Kaybeden sporcuların ise gerideki ayakla, kadınlarda sol, erkeklerde sağ teknik sayılarının kazananlardan yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Kazanan ve kaybeden kadın erkek sporcuların dönerek teknikleri tercih etmedikleri tespit edilmiştir. Mann-Whitney U test sonuçlarında, kazanan kadın sporcuların Palding Chagi, Yop Chagi ve 1. raunt Dollyo Chagi skorları kaybedenlere göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Kadınlarda kaybedenlerin 3. raunt hücum Dollyo Chagi skorları kazananlara göre daha yüksek çıkmıştır. Kazanan erkek sporcuların Yop Chagi, Pushe Chagi, Neryo Chagi, skorları kaybedenlere göre daha yüksektir. Kaybedenlerin Dwi Chagi, Bande Dollyo Chagi, Momtong Chireuge, skorları kazananlara göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, öndeki ayakla hücum ağırlıklı ve Palding Chagi, Yop Chagi, Neryo Chagi tekniklerini kullanmanın müsabaka kazanma da etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. The aim of this study is to examine the "World Taekwondo Championship" competitions from a technical and tactical point of view. In the study, the 15-19 May 2019 World Taekwondo Championship women's and men's semi-finals and final competitions in the adults category in Manchester, England were analyzed with the posiscope and posixplore video-assisted statistical measurement and analysis program, and the data obtained were presented with graph and table method. Videos of the matches were obtained from the WTF official website. The analysis of 17 competitions, 8 final competitions and 9 semi-finals for men, 8 final competitions for women, 8 semi-finals in total, 16 competitions in total, and 33 competitions in total, were analyzed according to 27 parameters and 295 variables. All data obtained in the study SPSS 25, 0 was analyzed using the package program. Descriptive statistical methods (number, percentage, minimum maximum values, mean, standard deviation) were used while evaluating the data. Normality assumptions were examined to determine whether the data showed a normal distribution. Data Nonparametric tests were used because it did not show normal distribution. In the comparison of quantitative data with scores that do not have normal distribution, the difference between the two groups using the Mann Whitney U test is the Kruskal Wallis H test to test whether the mean of more than two samples differ significantly from each other, and the Bonferroni test, which is one of the multiple comparison tests, to see from which group the difference originates. has been applied. Correlation analysis was applied to test the relationship. As a result of the analyzes performed, according to the posixplore data, the most used technique in all competitions for women, men, final and semi-final was determined as the 1st technique Palding Chagi, 2nd Yop Chagi, and 3rd Neryo Chagi. In addition, attacking and front foot technique is preferred and in terms of points, 54.1% (192 times) 2 points, 24.2% (86 times) 3 points, 17.7% (63 times) 1 point, 2% It was determined that .8 (10 times) 4 points, 1.1% (4 times) 5 points. In terms of winners and losers in women's and men's final competitions, it was found that the winning athletes' attack, defense, accurate, unhitched, front foot, right, technical numbers were higher than the losers. On the other hand, it was found that the losing athletes were higher than the winners with the back foot, the left technique in women and the right in men. It has been determined that male and female athletes who won and lost do not prefer the techniques by turning. In the Mann-Whitney U test results, winning Palding Chagi, Yop Chagi and 1st round Dollyo Chagi scores of female athletes were higher than those who lost. In women, the 3rd round offensive Dollyo Chagi scores of the losers were higher than the winners. The winning male athletesYop Chagi, Pushe Chagi, Neryo Chagi have higher scores than losers. Dwi Chagi, Bande Dollyo Chagi, Momtong Chireuge scores of the losers were higher than the winners. As a result, it has been determined that using the attack weighted and Palding Chagi, Yop Chagi, Neryo Chagi techniques with the front foot is effective in winning a match.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Janković, Aleksandar, Leontijević, Bojan, and Tomić, Lazar
- Subjects
SOCCER teams ,SOCCER tournaments ,SPATIO-temporal variation ,SOCCER training ,CHAMPIONS League (Soccer tournament) - Abstract
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- Published
- 2016
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45. Andra sidan i Borlänge : Pandemins konsekvenser för en postapokalyptisk sommarteater.
- Author
Fredriksson, Daniel and Fredriksson, Daniel
- Abstract
This article describes the production of a regional theatre play during the pandemic spring and summer of 2020. The aim of the study is to exemplify and shed light on the complex ways that the Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions has affected creative practices and institutions, and specifically their processes of change. The research question is: Which consequences did the pandemic have for the production processes of Dalateatern’s play Andra sidan? The pandemic can be said to have simultaneously worked as a defender and challenger of status quo. While it was used to legitimize and uphold stable structures and working methods, it also made possible tactical deviations from work related norms and routines. It can be described as a constant tactical mode, which for some workers seem to have been overly negative and stressful, but for others has been a positive and joyful experience, an artistic and creative horizon of possibility., I den här artikeln beskrivs arbetet med en regional teateruppsättning som producerades och spelades under pandemivåren och -sommaren 2020. Syftet med undersökningen är att exemplifiera och synliggöra de komplexa sätt som coronapandemin och restriktionerna påverkat kreativa verksamheter och institutioner, samt att diskutera hur pandemin kan påverka teaterinstitutioners förändringsarbete. Artikelns övergripande frågeställning är: Vilka konsekvenser hade covid-19-pandemin för de olika produktionsprocesser som ingick i Dalateaterns uppsättning Andra sidan? Pandemin och restriktionerna kan paradoxalt nog sägas ha fungerat både som strategiska försvarare av status quo och taktiska utmanare av detsamma. Samtidigt som pandemin kunde användas för att legitimera stabila strukturer och arbetsmetoder, tvingade den fram avsteg från vissa av arbetets normer och rutiner. Pandemin försatte medarbetarna i ett slags pågående taktiskt läge, som av vissa medarbetare upplevdes som framför allt negativt och stressande, men av andra som en positiv, lustfylld upplevelse, som en konstnärlig och kreativ möjlighetshorisont.
- Published
- 2021
46. Polisiär konflikthantering : polisers kunskap, lärande och förmåga kopplat till det taktiska kunskapsområdet
- Author
Hansson, Jonas, Borglund, Erik, Ander, Magnus, Hansson, Jonas, Borglund, Erik, and Ander, Magnus
- Abstract
Antalet dödliga polisskjutningar har under de senaste tio åren ökat i Sverige jämfört med de två föregående tioårsperioderna. De senaste åren har ett antal uppmärksammade polisiära skjutningar resulterat i utredningar genomförda av Polismyndighetens tillsynsenhet. Enheten för polisutbildning vid Umeå universitet har fått i uppdrag att utifrån ett vetenskapligt perspektiv undersöka de identifierade bristerna som Tillsynsenheten/Internrevisionen påtalat. Syftet med denna studie har varit att bättre förstå vad som påverkar polisers agerande och användning av metoder och tekniker från det taktiska kunskapsområdet för att hantera olika situationer. Under våren 2021 genomfördes 21 intervjuer med IGV-poliser i Västernorrland och Västerbotten. Resultatet visar att poliserna upplever att den utbildning som ges i POLKON är bra och att det innehåll som utbildningen har är anpassat efter aktuella utmaningar och satsningar som svensk polis gör. I studien finns inget som tyder på att utbildningarna i POLKON har brister utan den upplevs snarare som väldigt angelägen och viktig. Behov och önskemål om mer utbildning finns bland samtliga som intervjuats, men samtidigt är alla medvetna om att allt mer områden inom polisen kräver utbildning vars tid skall tas från kärnverksamheten. Poliserna i denna studie ger en samlad bild av att ha en bra grundläggande utbildningsnivå. Däremot uppvisar majoriteten en sämre förmåga att med termer från det taktiska kunskapsområdet diskutera och redovisa sitt taktiska uppträdande och sina taktiska ställningstaganden. Det integrerade taktiska förhållningssättet och det taktiska kunskapsområdet kan vara en central förutsättning till att möjlig-göra att svensk polis kan hantera nuvarande och framtida utmanande arbetsuppgifter bra. Det är tydligt att det är svårt att skapa kunskapsspridning mellan lokalpolisområdena och mellan polisområdena, och förmodligen ännu svårare mellan polisregionerna. Däremot finns det ett strukturerat insamlande av erfarenheter
- Published
- 2021
47. Manövern och eldkraftens roll på dagens slagfält
- Author
Johansson, Erik and Johansson, Erik
- Abstract
The conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh and eastern Ukraine have spurred a great deal of interest regarding the implications for modern warfare. Both schoolers and militaries alike have been trying to decern what kind of implications these conflicts, complete with new weapons and capabilities have upon tomorrow’s battlefield. Theories that try to provide an explanatory outcome of conflicts has often been centered down to the age-old question whether it is the scientific material side or the artistic maneuver that takes the precedence for explaining victory on the battlefield. The purpose of this paper is to try and combine those views by using Randall Collins theory regarding the outcome of conflicts, to explain the battles of Ilovaisk 2014 and the Azerbaijani advance in Sothern Nagorno-Karabakh 2020. That way both sides are taken into account and help mitigate the debate. Furthermore, the making of a structural analytical framework tests the theory and is beneficial for further research. The framework developed from the theory, have two different main casual ways to explain victory on the battlefield. One stem from the material side called attrition and one from the artistic side called maneuverer. The framework was then applied upon a number of different reports, books, and other open sources from the conflicts. Conclusions from the results are that attritional warfare has been a viable way to achieve victory and that the long-range precision firepower that drone warfare offer has the advantage over the defensive counters.
- Published
- 2021
48. Relativ överlägsenhet i kriget mot terrorismen : en teoriprövande tvåfallsstudie om specialförbandsteori
- Author
Ekvall, Niklas and Ekvall, Niklas
- Abstract
In 1993 William McRaven developed a theory about how special forces units could achieve relative superiority against a larger, well-defended force. To achieve relative superiority, the unit mustconsider the six principles that in one way or other effects the result and makes the difference between failure and success. But a lot have happened since 1993. September 11, 2001 marks as a turning point in the war against terror when al-Qaeda hijacked airliners and flew them straight into World Trade Center and Pentagon. President George Bush declared war against terror immediately, a war that still is beingfought today. Since then, the use of special operations forces has increased dramatically but studies about them remains far behind. The aim of this study is to analyze if McRavens theory remain relevant in modern conflictsagainst terror organizations. This was achieved by applying McRavens theory on two cases, Operation Neptune Spear and The Raid on Yakla. The result shows that the theory has explanatory power but when operating under highest secrecy, information remains restricted for scholars and researchers. Making it difficult to generalize a theory of units of this character.
- Published
- 2021
49. Taktisk framgång eller nederlag : En teoriprövande fallstudie av israeliska framgångar mot egyptiska styrkor under sexdagarskriget 1967
- Author
Österberg, Rasmus and Österberg, Rasmus
- Abstract
In 1967 Israel clashed in a short but intense war with its middle eastern neighbours, later labelled as the six-day war. At the time Israel was poorly equipped and outnumbered in all areas compared to its opponents. Egypt was, on paper, the strongest contender against Israel being backed up with resources by the Soviet Union. Despite this Israel did not only come out on top but did so remarkably quick and with an efficiency that had not been seen since the German Blitzkrieg during world war II. To this day there has been plenty of attempts to explain tactical success or defeat and what underlying factors that contribute to one side emerging victorious in tactical battles. Often these attempts single out one or a few deciding variables. The purpose of this study is to test Thunholm & Henåkers relatively new approach to explaining tactical success as an ideal sequence of factors and methods. Through a case study of the events of the six-day war this study will attempt to either reinforce or falsify the ideal sequence as a tool for understanding and explaining tactical success or defeat. The result of this study reveals a continued need to test Thunholm & Henåkers theoretical framework in cases with a very high level of detail and possibly in a quantitative approach as well due to the nature of tactical events and effects being a matter of probability.
- Published
- 2021
50. Överraskning, den gyllene vägen till framgång? : en fallstudie av andra slaget vid EL Alamein och stormningen av fortet Eben Emael
- Author
Dufva, Simon and Dufva, Simon
- Abstract
The concept of surprise is as old as warfare itself. All battlefield commanders want to defeat their foe with the smallest number of lost lives and expenditure of resources. This study will analyse what factors are necessary to achieve surprise and what the effect of that surprise can be. This study will apply Jim Storr’s theory of surprise against two different cases where surprise can be found. The first case is when the German forces stormed the fortress of Eben Emael during the Second World War where a small force of 86 paratroopers successfully managed to defeat a garrison of about 1000 men. The second case is the second battle of El Alamein where the British 8th army beat Rommel and his Das Afrika Korps. The aim of the study is to see how surprise was achieved and what the effect of the surprise was in the two cases according to Jim Storrs theory of surprise. The result of the study indicates that there are some explanatory powers to these cases with Jim Storr’s theory of surprise. In the case of Eben Emael it is quite significant and in the case of El Alamein it is somewhat limited.
- Published
- 2021
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