Ontology engineering is the field, within knowledge representation, concerned with using logic-based formalisms to represent knowledge, typically moderately sized knowledge bases called ontologies. How to best develop, use and maintain these ontologies has produced relatively large bodies of both formal, theoretical and methodological research. One subfield of ontology engineering is ontology debugging, and is concerned with preventing, detecting and repairing errors (or more generally pitfalls, bad practices or faults) in ontologies. Due to the logical nature of ontologies and, in particular, entailment, these faults are often both hard to prevent and detect and have far reaching consequences. This makes ontology debugging one of the principal challenges to more widespread adoption of ontologies in applications. Moreover, another important subfield in ontology engineering is that of ontology alignment: combining multiple ontologies to produce more powerful results than the simple sum of the parts. Ontology alignment further increases the issues, difficulties and challenges of ontology debugging by introducing, propagating and exacerbating faults in ontologies. A relevant aspect of the field of ontology debugging is that, due to the challenges and difficulties, research within it is usually notably constrained in its scope, focusing on particular aspects of the problem or on the application to only certain subdomains or under specific methodologies. Similarly, the approaches are often ad hoc and only related to other approaches at a conceptual level. There are no well established and widely used formalisms, definitions or benchmarks that form a foundation of the field of ontology debugging. In this thesis, I tackle the problem of ontology debugging from a more abstract than usual point of view, looking at existing literature in the field and attempting to extract common ideas and specially focussing on formulating them in a common language and under a common approach. Meta-ontology fault detection is a framework for detecting faults in ontologies that utilizes semantic fault patterns to express schematic entailments that typically indicate faults in a systematic way. The formalism that I developed to represent these patterns is called existential second-order query logic (abbreviated as ESQ logic). I further reformulated a large proportion of the ideas present in some of the existing research pieces into this framework and as patterns in ESQ logic, providing a pattern catalogue. Most of the work during my PhD has been spent in designing and implementing an algorithm to effectively automatically detect arbitrary ESQ patterns in arbitrary ontologies. The result is what we call minimal commitment resolution for ESQ logic, an extension of first-order resolution, drawing on important ideas from higher-order unification and implementing a novel approach to unification problems using dependency graphs. I have proven important theoretical properties about this algorithm such as its soundness, its termination (in a certain sense and under certain conditions) and its fairness or completeness in the enumeration of infinite spaces of solutions. Moreover, I have produced an implementation of minimal commitment resolution for ESQ logic in Haskell that has passed all unit tests and produces non-trivial results on small examples. However, attempts to apply this algorithm to examples of a more realistic size have proven unsuccessful, with computation times that exceed our tolerance levels. In this thesis, I have provided both details of the challenges faced in this regard, as well as other successful forms of qualitative evaluation of the meta-ontology fault detection approach, and discussions about both what I believe are the main causes of the computational feasibility problems, ideas on how to overcome them, and also ideas on other directions of future work that could use the results in the thesis to contribute to the production of foundational formalisms, ideas and approaches to ontology debugging that can properly combine existing constrained research. It is unclear to me whether minimal commitment resolution for ESQ logic can, in its current shape, be implemented efficiently or not, but I believe that, at the very least, the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings that I have presented in this thesis will be useful to produce more foundational results in the field.