1. Role of patent ductus arteriosus in preterms in long-term outcome
- Author
MS Neonatologie, Cardiologie, Cardiologie onderzoek 1, Child Health, Circulatory Health, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells, Kinderbewegingszorg patientenzorg, Brain, Psychosociale zorg patientenzorg, Other research (not in main researchprogram), Cardiologie patientenzorg, Veldhuis, Moniek S., Dix, Laura M.L., Breur, Johannes M.P.J., de Vries, Willem B., Koopman, Corine, Eijsermans, Maria J.C., Swanenburg de Veye, Henriette F.N., Molenschot, Mirella C., Lemmers, Petra M.A., van Bel, Frank, Vijlbrief, Daniel C., MS Neonatologie, Cardiologie, Cardiologie onderzoek 1, Child Health, Circulatory Health, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells, Kinderbewegingszorg patientenzorg, Brain, Psychosociale zorg patientenzorg, Other research (not in main researchprogram), Cardiologie patientenzorg, Veldhuis, Moniek S., Dix, Laura M.L., Breur, Johannes M.P.J., de Vries, Willem B., Koopman, Corine, Eijsermans, Maria J.C., Swanenburg de Veye, Henriette F.N., Molenschot, Mirella C., Lemmers, Petra M.A., van Bel, Frank, and Vijlbrief, Daniel C.
- Published
- 2024