75 results on '"Žilaitis , Vytuolis"'
Search Results
2. The Effect of Supplementation of Rumen-Protected Choline on Reproductive and Productive Performances of Dairy Cows
- Author
Mečionytė, Indrė, primary, Palubinskas, Giedrius, additional, Anskienė, Lina, additional, Japertienė, Renata, additional, Juodžentytė, Renalda, additional, and Žilaitis, Vytuolis, additional
- Published
- 2022
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3. The Association between Blood Β-Hydroxybutyric Acid Concentration in the Second Week of Lactation and Reproduction Performance of Lithuanian Black and White Cows
- Author
Mečionytė, Indrė, primary, Palubinskas, Giedrius, additional, Anskienė, Lina, additional, Antanaitis, Ramūnas, additional, Yilmaz, Ayhan, additional, Tapio, Ilma, additional, and Žilaitis, Vytuolis, additional
- Published
- 2022
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4. Određivanje optimalne veličine folikula za dobivanje najkvalitetnijih oocita za in vitro oplodnju
- Author
Juodžentytė, Renalda, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, and Palubinskas, Giedrius
- Subjects
in vitro oplodnja ,oocite ,kumulusne stanice ,sazrijevanje ,brazdanje ,in vitro fertilization ,oocytes ,cumulus cells ,maturation ,cleavage ,Cattle ,physiology ,Ovarian follicle ,anatomy&histology ,Oocytes ,Fertilization in Vitro ,636.2 [udc] - Abstract
The aim of this study was to determinate optimal follicular size for collection of high quality oocytes, and the subsequent capacity of the oocyte to mature and be fertilized and to develop in vitro. The ovaries of dairy cows were cut out immediately after slaughter and transported within one hour. The follicles were separated and divided into three groups according to diameter, i.e. small (3-5 mm), medium-size (6-9 mm), large (10-20 mm). Quality grading (A, B, C, D) of the oocytes was performed on the basis of cumulus cell development and homogeneity of cytoplasm. A total of 284 COCs were aspirated from 123 ovaries. Among 143 COCs, 236 were grades A and B and 48 were grades C and D. The maturation rate of the oocytes from medium size follicles A and B grade was 56.01% better than C and D grade. Only A and B graded oocytes were fertilized in vitro with 1×106 sperm/mL using Fert-TL, with 0.3% BSA, 22 μg/mL sodium pyruvate, 10 μg/mL heparin. The cleavage rate in the small follicle oocytes was significantly lower (35.89%) than in the medium-size follicle oocytes (56.41%), and a similar trend was observed in the morula development rates, independent of the oocyte grade. Good quality oocytes received from medium size follicles, and oocytes with more than three complete layers of cumulus cells (Grades A and B) have better competence for in vitro maturation and cleavage., Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti optimalnu veličinu folikula kako bi se prikupile oocite visoke kvalitete s obzirom na visoki kapacitete za sazrijevanje, oplodnju i razvoj in vitro. Jajnici krava mliječne pasmine izrezani su odmah nakon klanja i prevezeni unutar sat vremena. Folikuli su izdvojeni i podijeljeni u tri skupine s obzirom na njihov promjer: u skupinu malih folikula (3 - 5 mm), skupinu folikula srednje veličine (6 - 9 mm) i skupinu velikih folikula (10 - 20 mm). Stupnjevanje kvalitete oocita (A, B, C, D) učinjeno je na temelju razvoja kumulusnih stanica i homogenosti citoplazme. Aspirirane su ukupno 284 kumulusne oocite iz 123 jajnika. Od ukupno 284 kumulusne oocite njih 236 bilo je A i B-stupnja, a 48 ih je bilo C i D-stupnja. Sazrijevanje oocita iz skupine folikula srednje veličine A i B-stupnja bilo je 56,01 % bolje od onih stupnja C i D. Samo su oocite A i B-stupnja oplođene in vitro s 1×106 sperme po mililitru uz upotrebu Fert-TL-a, s 0,3 % Bovine Serum Albumin-a, 22 μg/mL natrijeva piruvata i 10 μg/mL heparina. Brazdanje oocita dobivenih iz folikula male veličine bilo je znakovito niže (35,89 %) nego u skupini folikula srednje veličine (56,41 %), a slično je uočeno i u razvoju morula, neovisno o kvaliteti oocita. Zaključeno je da oocite dobre kvalitete dobivene u skupini folikula srednje veličine, oocite s više od tri cjelovita sloja kumulusnih stanica (stupnjevi A i B) imaju veće šanse za sazrijevanje in vitro i brazdanje.
- Published
- 2019
5. The relationship between milk progesterone and milk traits during estrus in dairy cows
- Author
Gavelis, Aurimas, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Juozaitienë, Vida, Urbonavičius, G, Yılmaz, Ayhan, and Belirlenecek
- Subjects
Cows, Estrus, Milk protein, Milk SCC, Milk yield, Progesterone, Ration of milk fat ,fluids and secretions ,food and beverages - Abstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate relationship between milk progesterone concentration (P4) and milk traits at the start of estrus time and 12h after start of the estrus in dairy cows. The 96 milk samples of 48 Lithuanian dairy cows without reproduction disorders and 90–100 days after calving were evaluated. Cows were classified into two groups based on milk yield per day
- Published
- 2018
6. Factors affecting expression of estrus in dairy cows with high milk yields
- Author
GAVELIS, AURIMAS, primary, ŽILAITIS, VYTUOLIS, additional, JUOZAITIS, ARŪNAS, additional, JUOZAITIENĖ, VIDA, additional, PALUBINSKAS, GIEDRIUS, additional, and YILMAZ, AYHAN, additional
- Published
- 2018
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7. Pieninio tipo karvių bandos sveikatingumo vertinimas
- Author
Antanaitis, Ramūnas and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
Cows ,Post-calving diseases ,Herd management software ,Cattle ,Health status ,food and beverages ,636.09 [udc] - Abstract
Methodical Journal “The Evaluation of Heath in a Dairy Cow Herd” is intended for the students of Veterinary Faculty and Veterinary Doctors Practitioners. The journal consist of six parts. The first part describes the main cow herd health indicators taking into account the effect of breed, health problems in various cow ages, and the structure of a farm as possible herd disease indicator. It also describes the particularities of cow ration and its effect on cow health and reveals characteristics of a healthy animal. The second part describes the diagnostic value of milk composition and blood biochemistry tests. It delivers possible interpretations of blood and milk indicators’ analysis, and its convergence with the most often diagnosed diseases. The third part shortly discloses the diagnostic value of the reproductive state, its relationship to the most common diseases, especially in a post-calving period. The forth part delivers the analysis of cow’s gynaecological state according to the level of progesterone in milk. The fifth part discusses the monitoring of microbiological lochia and milk specimen tests, describes specifics and possible benefits of such research. The sixth part consists of the analysis of the indicators recorded by herd management software and their usage for the diagnostics of diseases.All parts together deliver the main information necessary for the evaluation of cow herd health.
- Published
- 2016
8. Investigation of electrical conductivity of milk in robotic milking system and its relationship with milk somatic cell count and other quality traits
- Author
Juozaitienė, Vida, Juozaitis, Arūnas, Brazauskas, Aurimas, Žymantienė, Judita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Antanaitis, Ramūnas, Stankevičius, Rolandas, Bobinienė, Rasa, Juozaitienė, Vida, Juozaitis, Arūnas, Brazauskas, Aurimas, Žymantienė, Judita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Antanaitis, Ramūnas, Stankevičius, Rolandas, and Bobinienė, Rasa
- Abstract
The scientific research was carried out at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy, state enterprise “Pieno tyrimai”, as well as in dairy farms running automatic voluntary (robotic) milking systems in Lithuania. A total data set of 462574 cow milking records was assessed in the research. The objectives of this investigation were to evaluate the milk electrical conductivity indicator from robotic milking system and to assess the genetic correlation with the indices collected in a database of Lithuanian dairy cattle, to estimate heritability coefficient using multiple traits mixed linear model with permanent environment effects. The research has shown, that the electrical conductivity of milk ranged from 4.6 to 5.8 ms/cm in milk samples where somatic cell count did not exceed 200 thousand/ml and variation in electric conductivity of milk can be treated as one of the main parameters for cows’ health monitoring system. A high coefficient of heritability of electrical conductivity of milk (h2 = 0.512 ± 0.028; p < 0.001) and a very low coefficient of heritability of somatic cell count (h2 = 0.032 ± 0.014; p < 0.001) was determined. The results of the research have also revealed a positive genetic correlation of electrical conductivity with milk somatic cell count (rg = 0.332 ± 0.016; p < 0.001). Electrical conductivity of milk from robotic milking system can be introduced as an indicator of mastitis prevention in dairy cows and genetic selection based on this trait may be possible.
- Published
- 2015
9. The impact of gynecological condition on biochemical blood and milk composition in dairy cows
- Author
Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Banys, Antanas, Maruška, Romualdas, Vorobjonas, Genadijus, and Žiogas, Vilius
- Subjects
Cow--Milk ,Galvijai--Ligos ,Galvijai--Tešmuo--Ligos ,Cow--Mastitis ,Cow--Sera ,Karvės--Pieno gavyba ,Karvės--Kraujas--Serumas - Abstract
Darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti kraujo ir pieno biocheminių duomenų reikšmę diagnozuojant subklinikinį mastitą ir įvertinant karvių reprodukcinę būklę. Bandymai atlikti vienerių metų laikotarpiu 11-oje karvių bandų su Lietuvos juodmargėmis, 2–3 laktacijų panašaus produktyvumo karvėmis. Karvės skirstytos į tris grupes: ginekologiškai sveikos, sergančios subklinikiniu mastitu ir karvės, neapsivaisinusios po veršiavimo per 90 parų. Visų trijų grupių karvių kraujo ir pieno biocheminiai duomenys skyrėsi nežymiai. Sergant subklinikiniu mastitu padidėja koncentracija kraujo serumo proteinų 2,6 proc., kalcio 7,8 proc. (p
- Published
- 2006
10. Jaunų ir suaugusių kuilių imunokastracija preparatu Improvac®
- Author
Sederevičius , Antanas, Bakutis , Bronius, Dabkevičius , Zenonas, Januškevičienė , Gražina, Sruoga , Aniolas, Žilaitis , Vytuolis, Šarkinas , Antanas, Malakauskas , Mindaugas, Žilinskas , Henrikas, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Bilskis, Ronaldas, Sederevičius , Antanas, Bakutis , Bronius, Dabkevičius , Zenonas, Januškevičienė , Gražina, Sruoga , Aniolas, Žilaitis , Vytuolis, Šarkinas , Antanas, Malakauskas , Mindaugas, Žilinskas , Henrikas, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, and Bilskis, Ronaldas
- Abstract
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti imunokastracijos komerciniu preparatu Improvac® poveikį jauniems ir suaugusiems, lytiškai subrendusiems kuiliams. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti imunokastracijos poveikį jaunų kuilių augimo intensyvumui, priesvoriams ir mėsos kokybei. 2. Įvertinti imunokastracijos poveikį suaugusių / lytiškai subrendusių kuilių testosterono koncentracijai kraujyje, libido, spermos kokybei bei biocheminiams kraujo rodikliams. 3. Įvertinti imunokastracijos poveikį suaugusių / lytiškai subrendusių kuilių sėklidėms bei priedinėms lytinėms liaukoms. 4. Įvertinti imunokastracijos poveikį lytiškai subrendusių gyvulių mėsos kokybei bei indolo ir skatolo kiekiui skerdenoje. Mokslinis darbo naujumas ir reikšmė Suaugusių, lytiškai subrendusių ir jau naudojamų reprodukcijai kuilių imunokastracijai panaudotas komercinis preparatas Improvac®. Įvertintas dvigubos ir trigubos injekcijos poveikis gyvulių testosterono koncentracijai kraujyje, libido, spermos kokybei bei biocheminiams kraujo rodikliams, kuilių sėklidėms bei priedinėms lytinėms liaukoms, kuilio kvapą sudaran-čioms medžiagoms ir mėsos kokybei. Išvados: 1. Jaunų kuilių imunokastracija preparatu Improvac 95 ir 138 jų gyvavimo dienomis turėjo įtakos jų augimo intensyvumui, priesvoriams ir mėsos kokybei. Improvac grupės kuilių paros priesvoriai buvo 0,24±0,1 kg didesni, o skerdimo dieną jie vidutiniškai svėrė 2,02±3,93 kg daugiau nei chirurgiškai kastruoti kuiliai (p≤0,01). 2. Vakcinuotų gyvulių mėsa buvo liesesnė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą], The aim of the study: To evaluate the impact of immunocastration by commercial product Improvac® on young and adults, sexually matured boars. The purpose of the study: 1. To evaluate the impact of immunocastration on intensity of grow, overweight and meat quality of young boars. 2. To evaluate the impact of immunocastration on testosterone concentration in blood, on libido, on semen’s quality and on biochemical indicators of adults/sexually matured boars. 3. To evaluate the impact of immunocastration on adults/sexually matured boar’s testicles and accessory sex glands. 4. To evaluate the impact of immunocastration on meat quality of sexually matured animals as well as on amount of indole and skatole in carcass. Conclusions: 1. Immunocastration of young boars with Improvac product on 95th and 138th day of life had an impact on growth intensity, overweight and meat quality. Day overweight of Improvac group boars were 0.24±0.1 kg bigger and on a day of slaughtering they weighted 2.02±3.93kg more in average if compare with surgically castrated boars (P≤0.01). 2. Meat of vaccinated animals was leaner, percentage of muscularity was bigger and carcass quality according to SEUROP classification was higher (P≤0.001), but for separate meat quality parameters immune-castration of boars had no influence (P≥0.05). During current research amounts of indole and skatole found in vaccinated animals‘ fat haven‘t exceed sensible and permissible limits. 3. Immunocastration of mature boars with... [to full text]
- Published
- 2014
11. Kiaulių virškinamojo trakto parazitų paplitimas Kėdainių rajone
- Author
Mockeliūnas, Raimundas, Juodsnukytė, Zita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Bižokas, Vidmantas, Stankevičienė , Marija, Jokimas, Juozas, Antanaitis, Ramūnas, Malakauskas , Alvydas, Petkevičius, Saulius, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Parapijonavičius, Vytautas, Mockeliūnas, Raimundas, Juodsnukytė, Zita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Bižokas, Vidmantas, Stankevičienė , Marija, Jokimas, Juozas, Antanaitis, Ramūnas, Malakauskas , Alvydas, Petkevičius, Saulius, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, and Parapijonavičius, Vytautas
- Abstract
Darbo tikslas: Nustatyti virškinimo trakto helmintų populiacijos paplitimą Kėdainių rajone. Uždaviniai: Atlikti analizę tarp smulkių kiaulių augintojų ir vidutinės kiaulių fermos. Tyrimo metodika. Mėginiai buvo imami iš smulkių Kėdainių rajono, Kalnaberžės, Sirutiškio, Berželės kaimų, kiaulių augintojų, kurie laiko iki 10 gyvulių ir iš vidutinės „X“ kiaulių fermos (apie 400 kiaulių). Buvo palygintas invazijos intensyvumas skirtingo dydžio fermose. Tyrimai atliekami 2012 m., balandžio - birželio ir spalio - lapkričio mėnesiais. Gyvuliai buvo suskirstyti pagal amžių į grupes: 0 – 3 mėn., 3 – 4 mėn., 4 – 7 mėn., 9 – 11 mėn. Iš viso buvo paimta 47 kiaulių mėginiai iš smulkių ūkininkų ir 47 mėginiai iš ,, X ‘‘ kiaulių fermos. Iš viso surinkti 94 mėginiai. Tyrimai buvo atlikti Lietuvos sveikatos ir mokslų universiteto, Veterinarijos akademijos, Užkrečiamųjų ligų katedroje, parazitologijos laboratorijoje modifikuotu MacMasterio metodu. Rezultatai. Nustatyta, kad, 0-3 mėn. paršų grupėje 75,0 proc. ir 25,0 proc., gyvulių, smulkių augintojų ir vidutinio dydžio fermoje, buvo užsikrėtę Eimeria spp. oocistomis. Tyrimai parodė, kad 5-8 mėn. amžiaus grupėje 55,55 proc. ir 10,0 proc., gyvulių, smulkių augintojų ir vidutinio dydžio fermoje, buvo užsikrėtę A. suum helmintais. Tyrimais daugeliu atvejų nustatyta silpna askaridžių invazija, nes mėginiuose rasta tik po 20-40 askaridžių kiaušinėlių 1 g išmatų. Nustatyta, kad 8-11 mėn. amžiaus grupėje 83,33 proc. ir 33,33 proc., gyvulių, o... [toliau žr. visą tekstą], The objectives of study: To determine the prevalence of pigs gastrointestinal parasites in district of Kėdainiai. Purpose of study. To compare the prevalence of parasitic infection in small and medium-sized pigs farms. Materials and methods. The samples were collected from small farms (1 – 10 pigs) in district of Kėdainiai, villages of Kalnaberžės, Sirutiškio, Berželės and from medium-sized „X“ farm (appr.y 400 pigs). The assessment of the infection intensity in different size farms was performed. The analysis was done from April to June and from October to November of year 2012. The animals were divided into groups according to the age: 0 – 3 months, 3 – 4 months, 4 – 7 months and 9 – 11 months. In total 47 samples were collected from small farms and 47 samples were collected from middle size „X“ farm. As a result, totally were selected 94 samples. For estimation of parasitic infexction level a modified McMaster technique was used. Results. 75 % of pigs in small farms and 25 % of animals in medium-sized farms, in group of 0 – 3 months age, were infected with Eimeria spp. oocysts. Furthermore, 55,55 % of pigs in small farms and 10,0 % of animals in medium-sized farms, in group of 5 – 8 months age, were infected with A. suum helminths. The low invasion of ascarids was found in severalcases, because EPG was only 20 – 40 ascarids eggs.. In addition, 83,33 % of pigs in small farms and 33,33 % of animals in medium-sized farms, in group of 8 – 11 months age, were... [to full text]
- Published
- 2013
12. Karvių ganyklinio ir tvartinio laikotarpių racionų įtaka pieno elektriniam laidumui
- Author
Brazauskas, Aurimas, primary, Juozaitis, Arūnas, additional, Stankevičius, Rolandas, additional, Juozaitienė, Vida, additional, and Žilaitis, Vytuolis, additional
- Published
- 2013
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13. Investigation of post-thaw bull semen capacitacion in vitro
- Author
Kavaliauskas, Julius and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
capacitation ,fertilization ,in vitro ,oocytes - Abstract
The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of acrosomal reaction, motility during capacitation at different time of bovine spermatozoa in relationship to in vitro fertility. . Frozen sperm from a Holsteins bulls were capacitated first group – 60 min., (n-17 samples) and second group – 120 min. (n-17 samles) by a swim-up methods. After incubation Trypan blue (Sigma, JAV) stained was used to evaluate viability and acrosome status of spermatozoa. Stained spermatozoides was counting and divided in three groups: non-viable, hyperactivated and with acrosomal changes. Amount of nonviable spermatozoa after 120 min. capacitation were 20 % less compared with 60 min. capacitation (p0,05).
- Published
- 2020
14. Pašaro su polifenoliais įtaka melžiamų karvių sveikatingumui ir reprodukcijai
- Author
Pudžiuvelis, Rokas and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
polyphenols ,antioxidants ,reproduction ,β-hydroxibutyrate ,negative energy balance ,food and beverages - Abstract
The aim of the study: during the transitory period, my research has analysed the influence of the feed supplement with the polyphenols on the parameters of the blood biochemistry, on the manifestation of the first estrous cycle, on the milk composition of the dairy cows. The research was carried out at the farm X, in Telšiai county, Rietavas municipality. The study was conducted in the barn period in 2018-2019 from November to April. Thirty calving cows were selected for the research. The cows were grouped into two groups: an exploratory group and a control group. The cows in the exploratory group were fed the usual ration of the farm by adding the polyphenolic additives to the concentrates. The control group of cows were fed only by the usual farm ration. The concentrations were started to be given for both of the groups twenty-one days before the calving and thirty days after the calving. The study analysed β – the concentration of the hydroxybutyrates (BHB) and glucose in the blood. Moreover, the milk of the both cow groups was controlled; fat, protein, somatic cell count were analysed. Furthermore, the reproductive parameters were observed: the manifestation of the first estrous cycle, the insemination index. Firstly, the concentration of BHB is lower in 15,00 % (p
- Published
- 2020
15. Influence of seasonality for reproduction of žemaitukai breed stallions
- Author
Simonavičiūtė, Urtė and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
testosterone ,ejaculate volume ,spermatozoa motility - Abstract
The study was carried out at a farm “X” in Radviliškis district. According to a genetic data, 12 stallions of žemaitukai breed were selected for the present study. Subjects to the study have been divided into different groups, consisting of 6 stallions, based on the following criteria: (i) by age, i.e. stallions up to 8 years and over 8 years; and (ii) by season, i.e. non-breeding season and breeding season. The following features of the stallions of žemaitukai have been examined during the present study: testosterone levels, ejaculate volume and sperm motility. The before-mentioned features were examined in the intervals of 10 days. The testosterone levels were increasing during the non-breeding season or during the breeding season, but began to decline at the beginning of the second month of the breeding season. Further, at the beginning of the second month of the breeding season, testosterone levels were 88.3% higher than at the beginning of the present study, however, it decreased by 25.5% at the end of the present study (p
- Published
- 2020
16. Karvių rujos sinchronizavimo efektyvumo tyrimas
- Author
Juknevičius, Rimvydas and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
Synchronization ,efficiency ,insemination ,food and beverages - Abstract
The aim of work: to determine the period after calving (pp) for the required cows parameters for capturing the CBDS, the efficiency of heat synchronization by calving. The research was accomplished at farm \"X\" in Kaunas district. 90 dairy cows were selected for research, which depended on time after calving were divided into three groups: Group 1- 60-80 pp; Group 2 - 81-100 pp and Group 3 - 101-120 pp. Each group consisted of 30 clinically healthy cows which don't have fixed heat and were not inseminated. All selected cows have had ovarian ultrasonography, which evaluated for ovarian derivatives. The GP synchronization protocol was used for all tested cows witch corpus luteum not less than 16 mm in ovaries. All cows were inseminated after signs of the heat. 30 days after insemination, cows were checked with ultrasound for the effectiveness of synchronization. We found out, that in farm \"X\" between investigated groups the largest active differences was in group 1, 60-80 pp between positive and negative pregnancy of cows after treatment. In this group, pregnant cows were less active compared with cows which ,after treatment and insemination, stayed not pregnant(p> 0.05). Analyzing the rumination time we can say that during insemination in all groups of cows after treatment pregnant cows rumination were less then not pregnant cows according as between groups - 6.9%, 8.9%. and 11.3% (p
- Published
- 2020
17. Relationship between cows reproduction function and blood β-hydroxybutyrate
- Author
Čepulis, Martynas and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
reproduction ,β-hydroxibutyrate ,negative energy balance - Abstract
The aim of this master thesis is evaluate relationship between cows reproduction function and blood β-hydroxybutyrate. The research was carried out in the farm ‚“X” in the district of Kėdainiai. For the study were selected 32 cows. Selected cows were divided into test and control groups by blood BHB concentration. In the study group are 16 cows with blood BHB concentration higher than 1 mmol/l. In the control cows group are 16 cows with blood BHB concentration lower than 1 mmol/l. For the research selected cows are second and higher lactation, they didn„t have any postparturient diseases up to 10 days pp. At 10 days pp we measured blood glucose and BHB concentration from peripherial blood. At 10 and 30 pp with IMAGO lineal ultrasound we measured both ovaries diameter, structures of the ovaries, lactation peak, date of lactation peak, activity. From herd data analysis system evaluate date of the first estrus. Groups of test cows had average 57 % higher concentration of blood BHB, 13 % lower concentration of blood glucose and 20 % lover activity to compare with control group at 10 pp. BHB concentration between test group cows were 31 % higher, blood glucose concentration 8 % lower and activity 5.2 % lower at 30 pp. Lactation peak of the control group 48,4 kg to compare with test cows group 46,6 kg. Control group had 5.5 % lower average lactation peak. Average date of test cows group lactation peak reached 9 % earlear and was 5.5 % lower. Test cows group had average 7 % smaller diameter of the left ovary at 10 pp. And average 1 % bigger diameter of the left ovary at 30 pp. Test cows group had average 12,3 % bigger diameter of the right ovary to compare with control cows group at 10 pp. And 9 % bigger diameter of the right ovary at 30 pp. Test cows group had average 9 % smaller follicles in in the ovaries at 10 pp. Test cows average had 3 % smaller follicles at 30 pp. (p
- Published
- 2020
18. Karvių gliukozės koncentracijos kaita periferiniame kraujyje esant reprodukcijos sutrikimams
- Author
Gečas, Paulius and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
food and beverages ,Glucose ,cows ,metritis ,endometritis ,mastitis - Abstract
During the period of milk synthesis, dairy cows undergo tremendous changes in metabolism. The demand of glucose increases after calving. The organism has a tendency to develop pp reproductive disorders if absence or lack of glucose appears. The purpose of the research is to estimate the glucose level in peripheral blood to healthy cows and cows with obstetrics, and to evaluate whether glucose level changes are significantly related to occurrence of obstetric. For the research, 41 cows were chosen, which were from 2nd to 5th lactation, did not suffer from dystocia in previous parturitions, did not have foot or other internal diseases. First-calf heifers were not included into this research. Cows were classified into 2 groups: healthy and ailing cows, regarding condition of pp cows’ health. The healthy cows were grouped into pregnant (after 75±12 days) and non-pregnant (after 75±12 days). The ailing cows were grouped in regard to disorder they suffered from: retained placenta, metritis, endometritis, mastitis. The glucose level in peripheral blood was measured after 1-2, 10, 20 days pp and on the day of insemination. The diagnosis of pregnancy in cows was performed after 60 days isamination. During the research, the average level of glucose in healthy cows was 2,33mmol/l. The average concentration of glucose in pregnant cows was 5,37% higher than in non-pregnant cows (p
- Published
- 2019
19. Ultragarsiniu tyrimu fiksuojami pokyčiai karvės kiaušidėse prostaglandinų analogų poveikyje
- Author
Macijauskas, Rokas and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
endocrine system ,Prostaglandin ,corpus luteum ,ovary ,cow reproduction ,reproductive and urinary physiology - Abstract
Changes in the ovaries cause disorders in reproductive system of dairy cows farm. The main purpose is to analyze the size and function of ovaries after stimulation with prostaglandins. There were chosen 23 dairy cows in their 2nd – 4th lactations, which provide from 8000 to 10000 kg milk per year. All of them were Lithuanian black and white breed. Cows were classified into 2 groups: a control group – cows in estrus, 80 days pp, not inseminated; an experimentation group – not in estrus 80 days pp. The stimulation with prostaglandins analogues is performed in case the corpus luteum is found in ovary during a scan of ultrasound. The ultrasound is used every third day of the research, the area of ovary is measured, corpus luteum, follicles are identified as well. The control group is examined from one estrus to another. The intervention group is examined from a day of prostaglandin injection to pregnancy recognition – 32nd day. After the analysis of the research data was performed, it was noticed that the size of ovary during cycle was 2,84% bigger than the ovary after stimulation (p>0,05). The corpus luteum was 2,83% more frequently found in stimulated ovaries than during the period of estrus cycle (p>0,05). After prostaglandin injection, pregnant cows ovaries were 9,55% bigger than non-pregnant cows ovaries (p0,05). While the ovaries of the pregnant cow are larger it results in ovarian activity.
- Published
- 2019
20. Produktyvių karvių sinchronizacijos efektyvumas priklausomai nuo rujos pasireiškimo
- Author
Paliokas, Evaldas and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
productivity ,synchronization ,heat ,efficiency ,food and beverages - Abstract
Reproductive efficiency is one of the main components of a profitable dairy farm. The purpose of this reserach is to investigate the influence of synchronization efficiency by fertilization on the appearance of oestrus. The research was carried out on the X farm in June - October 2018. The cows that did not express heat up to 90 ± 10 days after calving were selected for the research. The selected cows were subject to the Ovsynch protocol. The cows were grouped by number of lactations, productivity, heat expression up to 35 days after calving. Cows with signs of oestrus were inseminated. Cows were examinated 60 days after insemination. In our research, it was found that the primiparous cows were 12 percent less ruminant. over 4 lactation and older cows. As the number of lactations increased, the number of ruminating cows decreased (p 0.05). The highest calving was in the second lactation cows - 91%. As the number of lactations increases from second lactation, the incidence of fertilization decreases. Cows with the highest yield per lactation of 10,000 to 12,000 kg of milk per year had highest pregnancy rate (87%)(p
- Published
- 2019
21. Pieninių karvių lytinio ciklo sinchronizacijos efektyvumo tyrimas
- Author
Gečienė, Justina and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
food and beverages ,Ovsynch ,synchronization ,efficiency - Abstract
The aim of this work was to register how days in milk, cows productivity and heat signs effect stimuliation of oestrus cycle using Ovsynch protocol. By herd management program called „DairyPlan“ there were selected 71 (n=71) milk cows. Animals where selected without oestrus signs 80 days after calving. After stimulation of cow was administred they were insemiated 12 -18 hours later. Later on inseminated cows were divided into 2 groups: I - (n=32) cow with present oestrus signs, II – (n=39) cows with no oestrus sings. All cows were divided by milk yelding and days in milk (DIM). Pregnancy was determined 2 months after insemination. This study established that better insemination index (by 4 %) in cows that before stimulation showed heat signs than in cows that heat was not present. There were no milk yield influence on cows insemination. In cows that productivity was 29 kg milk per 24 hours and 30 – 33 kg insemination rate was 50 %. If it was more than 33 kg – insemination rate was 49 %. In the end of the study the conclusion was made that there was greater insemination index (49 %) in cows that had more than 121 DIM than in group from 80 to 100 DIM (p
- Published
- 2019
22. Pieninių karvių lytinio ciklo sinchronizacijos efektyvumo tyrimas
- Author
Viliušis, Simonas and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
endocrine system ,prostaglandins ,synchronization ,efficiency ,food and beverages - Abstract
The aim of this work is to assess the efficiency of synchronization of prostaglandins and prostaglandins in combination with GnRH (Ovsynch) in terms of fertilization. The research was carried out in the farm ''X'' in the district of Jonava. For the study cows were selected showing no estrus signs 90 days after calving. Selected cows were divided into the groups by age: Iov (I-lactation, ov-applied Ovsynch protocol) and Ipr (I-lactation, pr-prostaglandin stimulation) and according to daily productivity: IIIov and IIIpr groups: 25 to 30 kg, IVov and IVpr groups: 31 to 40 kg, Vov and Vpr: 41 to 50 kg milk per day. All cows had their ovaries examined for corpus luteum via ultrasound. In accordance to the established functional state, cows were given stimulation: diagnosed with corpus luteum - prostaglandins, without corpus luteum - Ovsynch protocol. After the stimulation and the signs of the estrus occured the cows were AI (artificialy inseminated). After 35 days, the cows were examined via ultrasound and the concentration of progesterone in the milk was monitored, the effectiveness of synchronization - calving. We determined that in the farm “X” 90 days after calving 40 cows did not heat. Out of these cows corpus luteum was diagnosed for 40.00% first lactation cows and 60.00% second lactation cows. IIpr group cows had 20.00% more cases of corpus luteum than Ipr (p>0.05). 50.00% of IVpr were diagnosed with corpus luteum. IIIpr group was diagnosed less often reaching 35.00% and the least corpus luteum was diagnosed for Vpr group cows. Estrus occurred in average 70,55±0,37 h (p0.05). After stimulating with prostaglandins‘ protocol IVpr group cows had their estrus 6.38% later than IIIpr group cows and 32.79% later than Vpr group cows (p>0.05). Out of cows that had Ovsynch protocol treatment Iov group had 33.34% higher conception rates, whereas IIov group had 79.99% higher concept rates than cows stimulated with prostaglandins‘ protocol. To sum up, Ovsynch protocol was 55.56% more efficient than prostaglandins‘ protocol.
- Published
- 2018
23. Kumelės veislės, folikulo dydžio ir apsivaisinimo sąsaja
- Author
Matvejenko, Vitalija and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
endocrine system ,mare ,follicle size ,breed ,lenght of estrous ,fertilization ,sense organs - Abstract
The study was carried out in stables X, located in Vilnius area. 47 Mares were divided in two different breed groups of Arabian breed and Lithuania‘s oldest native horse breed žemaitukai. Study groups were kept under the same condition, were given the same pasture, water and minerals. No hormone injections were used during the study. SLE 101P (Medelkom, Germany) ultrasonic machine was used to determine follicle parameters in each group. Results were counted and evaluated by using Microsoft Excel 2010 program. In conclusion the research showed that Arabian breed horses tend to have 2 days longer estrous cycle than žemaitukai breed. Arabian breed mares had 8 % bigger follicle size during estrous cycle. Arabian breed mares fertilized 5.95 % better than žemaitukai breed mares. Follicle size has influence on both horse breeds – they fertilized better if follicle size stayed smaller during the heat period.
- Published
- 2018
24. Heat synchronization study of healthy cows and cows which had endometritis
- Author
Butkevičius, Andrius and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
Cow ,estrus cycle ,synchronization ,endometritis - Abstract
A lof of dairy farms these days perform cow heat synchronization to improve efficiency of impregnation and calving interval. Synchronization protocols are schemes which specify how and when hormones needs to be injected to induce cow heat. This study overviews connection between cow impregnation success (while using hormone treatment) and endometritis. Study supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vytuolis Žilaitis, Lithuanian Health Science University, Veterinary academy, Large animal clinic. Study volume: 37 pages, 7 illustrations, 8 diagrams and 2 schemes. Study objective: To determine the efficiency of cow heat synchronization, depending on the incidence of endometritis and diagnosed ovarian derivatives. Study goals: 1. To evaluate synchronization effectiveness and starting time for cows which were healthy and for cows which have had endometritis; 2. To evaluate the influence of age and production of cows on the incidence of endometritis; 3. To evaluate the ovarian state with respect to corpus luteum depending on the incidence of endometritis, age and production; 4. To evaluate the synchronization efficiency, depending on the corpus luteum. Reasearch took place from 2017-01-01 to 2017-09-30. For the research 50 cows of 1-3 lactation were selected, which did not become pregnant 30 days after insemination and didn't have endometritis during the study. For all cows selected, G6G or OvSynch synchronization protocols were used depending on which ovarian derivatives were detected during the ultrasound examination. Out of 50 dairy cows 29 (58%) had endometritis before synchronization and their synchronization efficiency was 5% lower than 21 cows (42%), which had no endometritis before synchronization (p>0.05). The time of synchronization of cows, which had endometritis before study, was 178 ± 8,029 lactation days, and for cows, which had no endometritis before study, was 149 ± 8,963 days, i.e. 29 days earlier (p 0,05). Cows, whose average milk yield was 23.7 ± 0.963 kg per day, had higher rate of endometritis before synchronization than cows whose average milk yield was 26 ± 0.914 kg per day (p> 0.05). 66% of cows, which had endometritis before synchronization, and 52% of healthy cows (14% less) had corpus luteum (p>0,05). Corpus luteum was determined more frequently in younger (on average by 194 days) cows (p 0.05). In cows, which were diagnosed with corpus luteum, the synchronization effectiveness was 73%, which is 13% more than synchronization effectiveness in cows, which had no corpus luteum 60% (p> 0.05).
- Published
- 2018
25. Effects of α – tocopherol and sodium selenite on the reproductive function of dairy cows
- Author
Kaukėnas, Naglis and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
α – tocopherol ,vitamin E ,sodium selenite ,selenium ,cow reproduction - Abstract
The coverage of the work: pages – 36, figures – 8, tables – 2, literature used – 70. The objective of the research – to sum up α – tocopherol and sodium selenite influence on dairy cow‘s reproduction and ovaries sizes. The reasearch was carried out on June – November of 2017 at farm X, located in Pasvalys district, Lithuania. 36 cows of 2nd – 3rd lactation have no illness records until 30th day of postpartum. Cows were divided into 3 groups by functional structures of ovaries which were identified by ultrasound machine Caresono HD 9300 Vet on 30th day of postpartum. 1st – control group, there is no corpus luteum in ovaries; 2nd – supplemented, there is no corpus luteum in ovaries; 3rd – supplemented, there was corpus luteum in ovaries. 20,0 mg sodium selenite and 1000,0 mg α – tocopherol acetate were injected s.c. for supplemented groups, and 10,0 ml of 0,9 % sodium chloride solution were injected s.c. for control group on 30th day of postpartum. All groups being investigated ultrasonography (6,5 mHz) 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th days of postpartum. The measurements of both ovaries were carried out and calculated the ovaries area. Functional structures of ovaries were identified and counted on those days. Oestrus was monitored by „HealthyCow24® Solution“ after injection until 80th day of postpartum. All cows was inseminated after 40th day of postpartum. All cows were checked by ultrasonography for pregnancy 32th day after insemination. Measurements of ovaries showed that α – tocopherol and sodium selenite have no effect on ovaries sizes (p>0,05). Identifying functional structures of ovaries showed that α – tocopherol and sodium selenite have no significant (p>0,05) effect on follicles and corpus luteum numbers. A – tocopherol and sodium selenite have no significant effect on oestrus time. Supplemented cows showed oestrus 16,3±11,81 and 16±7,21 days in control group after treatment (p>0,05). Our research showed that α – tocopherol and sodium selenite have no effect at pregnancy after 1st insemination. The same precentage (33 %) of pregnant cows were identified in supplemented and control groups after first insemination.
- Published
- 2018
26. Kalių piometra
- Author
Dringelienė, Indrė and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
endocrine system ,bitch ,pyometra ,diagnostics ,blood test - Abstract
Pyometra - it is a life-threatening illness, for this reason, it is necessary to quickly and accurately determine the disease. The aim of the study was to evaluate influence of breed and season on pyometra manifestation. The time period was determined between the end of the heat and the first clinical signs of the disease. To evaluate the parameters of blood morphology and biochemistry, their clinical significance in pyometra diagnostics. Three groups of different sizes and breeds were studied. The first group consisted of 10 large breed bitches. The second group consisted of 6 medium-sized breed bitches. The third group consisted of 4 small breed bitches. One factor connected all of them – they all had pyometra. 12 different breeds of bitches were studied, they were all assigned to 3 different size and breed groups. The influence of such breed frequency fluctuations is genetic predisposition The pyometra occurred during the summer and autumn seasons. For the 60 % of the first group of bitches, the pyometra occured in autumn. 83.3 % of the second group and 75 % of the third group bitches, the pyometra occured in the summer. The longest time period from the end of the heat to the first clinical signs manifestation was found in the medium breeds – 55,83 ± 5,7 days. The shortest average time was found in small breeds - 53,5 ± 28,26 days. Analyzing the results of blood morphological and biochemical studies, it is possible to evaluate systemic changes in the body. Leukocytosis and neutrophilia was determined in 60 % of large breed bitches, 83,3 % in medium size group and 100 % in the first group of small breed bitches. The average number of leukocytes was calculated: first group of bitches - 27,2 ± 19,2 × 109/L, second group - 32,6 ± 26,1 × 109/L, third group - 34,2 ± 16,7 × 109/L. The average number of neutrophils was determined: first group of bitches - 21,8 ± 15,5 × 109/L; second group - 31,3 ± 19,8 × 109/L, third group - 27 ± 16,5 × 109/L. The studied bitches did not experience any kidney and liver function problems. Creatinine and glutamate pyruvate transaminase concentration in the blood of bitches did not exceed the limits of the physiological norm.
- Published
- 2018
27. Determination of cats pyometra and microflora
- Author
Macaitytė, Aistė and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
pyometra of cats ,microflora of pyometra ,pyometra - Abstract
The research objective - analyse pyometra in cats, identify microflora of cats with piometra and compare to normal microflora of lochias of cats. For the research work were sorted out 12 cats with pyometra and 12 healthy cats. Pyometra was diagnosed by clinical history, physical examination, abdominal ultrasound. The temperature of cats with pyometra was taken per rectum, all clinical signs of cats with pyometra and temperature per rectum were registered. The samples for microbiological research were collected from uterus of cats with pyometra and lochias of vagina of healthy cats. All specimens were inoculated in Petri plates with meat peptone agar, blood agar. After 24-48 hours the bacteria colonies were analyzed and smears from microorganisms were stained by Gram. Stained smears were microscoped to determine morphology of microorganisms. To identify microorganisms species and to count selective agars were used. Estimated microflora of cats with pyometra: Staphylococcus spp. (33%), whereof is Staphylococcus aureus (13%), Streptococcus spp. (18%), E. coli (15%), Proteus spp. (10%), Truepenella pyogenes (5%), Pseudomona aeruginosa (9%), Clostridium perfringens (3%) ir Pastuerela multocida (2%).
- Published
- 2018
28. Karvių periodo po atvedimo eigos tyrimas pagal progesterono koncentraciją piene
- Author
Gumauskas, Girmantas and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
food and beverages ,Cows ,progesterone ,milk - Abstract
The aim of the study: To evaluate the milk progesterone concentration to assess the running the postpartum period of cows and forecast of estrus in dairy farm conditions. The purpose of the study: 1. To assess and compare the limits of progesterone level increase in cow milk using the express tests (FT Multilyser S20 and Hormonost®Microlab) by the stationary identification method ELISA. 2. Using the express test Hormonost®-Microlab, identify the limits of progesterone change in milk, having assessed cows’ heat ability. 3. To identify the effect of womb infection on the alteration of progesterone level, a 10–50-days‘ pp. 4. To identify the change of progesterone concentration in cow milk during oestrus, a 1–50-days‘ pp. 5. By applying the express test FT Multilyser S20, assessing calf performance and having taken into account the correlation between the results of progesterone test and rectal examination; identify the change of Progesterone concentration in milk. 6. To identify and assess the correlation between the composition of milk (on the day 60, the day 30, during the insemination and 30 days after the insemination) with Progesterone concentration in milk.
- Published
- 2018
29. Pieninių karvių reprodukcijos skatinimas chelatizuotais pašariniais priedais
- Author
Lukošiūtė, Inga and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
food and beverages ,cow ,milk ,chelates ,blood test - Abstract
Milk - it's cow's milk gland secretions, which is intended to feed its offspring. Cow's milk contains fat, carbohydrates, proteins and minerals that are easily absorbed. A blood test is necessary for assessing the health of cows, their productivity and reproductive systems. The blood tests can determine feeding efficiency, health and stability of the disease, on disease monitoring period. Chelated Annex is rich in trace elements (Zn, Cu, Co, S, Se), vitamins and amino acids. The additive can be used as a supplement in order to maintain the health of cows or cows used to treat infertility. The goal – to evaluate the chelated fodder additive, milk composition, morbidity and reproductive function. Work tasks: 1. Evaluate the chelated fodder additive influence of dairy cows blood biochemical parameters. 2. Evaluate the chelated fodder additive the milk yield. 3. Evaluate the chelated fodder additive influence on dairy milk composition. 4. Rate of the chelated fodder additive to reproductive function. Perform study have shown that the average milk yield in experimental group was 33,41 kg and the control group - 29,14 kg. This shows that milk yield was higher in the experimental group. Used chelates influenced UREA survey indicators after 30 days (p < 0.01). Number of somatic cells in the annex were statistically significant consequences for the entire study period. (p < 0.001). Used chelates influenced AST enzymes in the blood serum after calving (p < 0.001). In the experimental group more cows were inseminated on the first attempt and was less culled cows than the control group.
- Published
- 2016
30. Pieninių karvių superovuliacijos efektyvumas priklausomai nuo kiaušidžių funkcinių darinių prieš superovuliaciją
- Author
Kairaitytė, Monika and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
endocrine system ,urogenital system ,Dominant follicle ,corpus luteum ,superovulation ,efficiency ,reproductive and urinary physiology ,hormones, hormone substitutes, and hormone antagonists - Abstract
Individual response of animals to gonadotropin treatment is still variable and unpredictable. In the present research the embryo yield, size of the ovary and functional formations in the ovaries were evaluated and compared taking into account the observed functional formations before the superovulation. Follicular wave was synchronized by progestagens and ultrasonography was performed before superovulation and after it. The number of corpora lutea was greater by 30,7% regardless of the side of the ovary if superovulation was started in the presence of follicle and 30,4% greater if superovulation was started in presence of corpus luteum and follicle. The mean number of embryos flushed from the donor with expressed corpus luteum before superovulation was 53,09% greater than with a follicle and 49,32% greater than with a corpus luteum and follicle. More than double transferable embryos were obtained from a donor with expressed corpus luteum compared with donor having a follicle before superovulation and 84,98% more embryos compared with corpus luteum and follicle together.
- Published
- 2016
31. Effects of Vitamin E and Selenium on Bovine Postpartum and Neonatal diseases
- Author
Geryba, Justinas and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
selenium ,vitamin ,cow ,calf ,disease - Abstract
Aim of research – to determine Vitamin E and selenium influence on welness and new disease cases of cows and calves at the first month after calving, using a single dose 20,0 mg of sodium selenite and 1000,0 mg α-tocopherol acetate containing emulsion as prophylaxis at dry off. Materials and methods. The reasearch was carried out on August-December of 2015. Cows of the 2nd-4th lactation, producing 6-8 tonnes of milk on the last lactation, predicted calving on October – November, with similar illness records were selected using this criteria: same lactation count, diference between production on the last lactation less than 300 litres, illness records – 1 same disease and no more than 2 total diseases. Using this principal these cows were divided into two groups (1st – supplemented, 2nd – control), each containing 45 Lithuanian White and Black Holstenised dairy cows. 20,0 mg sodium selenite and 1000,0 mg α-tocopherol acetate containing emulsion was injected s.c. for supplemented group, and for control – 10,0 ml of physiological solution. Since dry off until the end of the research 9 cows of 1st group and 8 from 2nd group were culled. For this reason 36 and 37 cows are described in statistics. 10 cows were chosen randomly from each group. 4 blood tests were taken on 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st post partum day (total 80 samples) to conduct morphological blood tests and assess their parameters. All calves which were given maternal colostrum were divided to disease analysis groups (39 and 38 calfs accordingly). Blood samples were taken randomly in each group, 24 - 72 hours after birth. 1st group consisted of 37, 2nd – 34 calves. Blood tests conducted for hematocrit resulted in 1 anemic calf, which was removed from the research. This way 37 calves remained in 1st group and 33 in 2nd. Blood from remaining calves was aditionally tested for total proteins to measure the intake level from colostrum. During first 30days after calving, cows and calves, which reseived maternal colostrum, were examined for new diseases. Data was analysed comparing groups by blood tests and appearance of new cases of cow diseases (endometritis, retained placenta and mastitis) and calf diseases (omphalitis, pneumonia, diarrhea causing diseases, white muscle disease). Main results and conclusions. Assess of diseases determined that cows, which were treated with vitamin E and selenium, had higher risk for retained placenta (RR=2,06, p>0,05), the same risk for endometritis (RR=1,03; p>0,05) and lower risk for mastitis (RR=0,59; p>0,05), compared to the control group. Blood test results showed perspective results for future research. They reflect cow neutrophil immunosupression in the control group at post partum, when changes in count of various immune cells are minimal. At the same time in the supplemented group higher neutrophil activity can be observed. Due to improved migration, neutrophil count in blood had decreased through the first week, after that, like other parameters – leucocyte and limphocyte count was rising through all period of observations. Analysis of calf illnesess showed that the supplemented group had lower relative risks compared to the control group for diarrhea causing diseases (RR=0,78; p>0,05), pneumonia (RR=0,8; p>0,05), omphalitis (RR=0,97; p>0,05). Differences appointed in these observations could approve the decrease in calf disease cases, but more research is needed. Total protein parameters in calves are assesed by percentages of total diluted content in fluids (Brix%), which were measured on digital refractometer. Averages of Brix% were 9,2% (p>0,05) in supplemented and 9,0% (p>0,05) in control groups. After recalculation of Brix% to total proteins , 6,5 g/dl (p>0,05) of total protein average was detected in both groups. There was no noticable Vitamin E and selenium injection influence on protein intake from colostrum. Our research showed preliminary vitamin E and selenium influence to health of cows and calves, but more research on other influence mechanisms of these substances are needed.
- Published
- 2016
32. Karvių periodo po atvedimo raidos optimizavimas kalcio ir fosforo pašariniais papildais
- Author
Vilčinskaitė, Justina and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
period post partum ,mineral feeding ,milk composition ,blood serum. [Key words] ,food and beverages - Abstract
The aim of the work is to evaluate the prophylactic effect of the chelated fodder additive „R164 HOHMIN T PLUS“ (CHP) for the period of the impact of cows after the cubs‘ birth, the time until the first estrus, productivity, the consist of milk, the changes of body temperature after the first ten days after calving, to determine the amount of calcium, phosphorus, alanine aminotransferase, total protein in blood serum after the 20th - 25th day of calving. The cows were divided into the control and research groups. There were 10 cows in both groups. The cows belonged to the Lithuanian Black and White breed in 2 - 6 lactation. We were observing the period to the first estrus, carried out 3 milkings on the 30th, 60th and 90th days after the calving and measured the amount of produced milk in kg. The amount of fat (in %), protein (%), lactose (%), urea (%), somatic sells (%) has been researched in milk samples. The shorter time 17,3 proc. (p0,05) . The enzyme of alanine aminotransferase of the cows‘ research group was 14% higher than of the cows‘ control group (p
- Published
- 2016
33. Diagnostic importance of body temperature in evaluation of course postpartum period of cows
- Author
Bosaitė, Ieva and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
Cow ,body temperature ,productivity ,estrus ,gynecological diseases - Abstract
Cow body temperature in an early post partum period could be evaluated as a diagnostic sign of their well-being. The aim of this study is to determine the diagnostic importance of body temperature of cows of different productivity and age, by evaluating the course of the post calving period. 40 Lithuanian black and white cows were analyzed after calving; pp rectal body temperature of 5 twenty-four-hour days and gynecological illnesses which occurred before the first estrus. If the readings were higher than 39 oC, it was considered as increased temperature. The relationship among rectal body temperature and age, productivity, the start of the estrus and detected illnesses was analyzed. Body temperature, independently of health status, usually increases during the 3rd – 5th day pp. Productivity has an influence on body temperature, meaning that the higher is the productivity, the lower is the body temperature. The start of estrus also depends on the age and productivity. Cows, which had an increased rectal body temperature, independently of their age, had a later estrus. Comparing the temperature influence on productivity, it was found that high productivity cows - meaning cows with normal body temperature and producing more than 7300 kg milk during the lactation period – have an estrus start 3 days later than cows with the increased body temperature. In the case of low productivity cows, the situation is opposite – cows with the increased temperature started estrus even two weeks later than cows with normal rectal body temperature. Most common illnesses occurring during the pp period are metritis (34 %) and mastitis (10 %). A relationship between the increased body temperature and the length of servis period was determined. For productive cows, increased body temperature has less influence on the length of the period after calving, compared with the lower productivity cows.
- Published
- 2016
34. Chelatizuotų papildų įtaka karvių produktyvumui ir reprodukcijai
- Author
Maselskytė, Inga and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
food and beverages ,cow ,milk ,reproduction ,chelates - Abstract
To evaluate the influence of chelated supplements cow productivity and reproduction
- Published
- 2015
35. Evaluation of oesterus sinchronization and stimulation efficiency by ‘‘ovsynch‘‘ protocol regard on cattle productivity and concentration of β hydroxybutyrates
- Author
Mačiulis, Andrius and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
cows. oestrus ,ovsynch ,productivity - Abstract
My study is to evaluate estrus sinchronization effectiveness depending on cow's productivity and β-hydroxybutyrate concentration using a standard Ovsynch protocol.
- Published
- 2015
36. Karvių perodo po atvedimo vertinimas pagal bandos valdymo sistema fiksuojamus rodiklius
- Author
Jaškauskas, Tomas and Žilaitis, Vytuolis
- Subjects
herd management ,period after birth ,cow's evaluation ,food and beverages - Abstract
Aim of the work - to evaluate physiological tracks indicators value using automated herd management system identifying period after birth course. Tasks: 1. To evaluate milk yield changes after calving until first estrus and insemination success. 2. To evaluate activity changes of cows after calving until first estrus and insemination success. 3. To evaluate electrical conductivity changes of milk after calving until first estrus and insemination success. 4. To evaluate body weight changes after calving until first estrus and insemination success. Conclusions: cow’s witches concepted at first time have milk yield increased until 75 lactation day and then decreased equally. Cow’s witches not concepted have lactation peak not very intense, milk yield decreasing in later lactation stages was not equal. Respectively lactation peak was shorter in those cow’s witches concepted at first time. Electrical conductivity of milk until first day of estrus was more stable for dairies, witches not concepted at first insemination. Cows not concepted at first time were more active, but at day of estrus their activity was less 44 steps per hour. Body weight was increasing equally from 100 lactation day in cow’s witches not concepted at first insemination. Cow’s reproductive function is associated with its health. The main health problems in period after calving is associated with negative energy balance. Not compensated negative energy balance equivalent is not pointed up lactation peak, after 75 day not increased body weight. Permanent activity in dairies could be assessing as negative indicator and shows subclinical symptoms of disease. Increased activity monitored by cyclical is physiological reproductive function indicator.
- Published
- 2015
37. Influence of leptin gene polymorphism on manifestation of sows reproduction disorder
- Author
Šatrovskaja, Irina, Riškevičienė , Vita, Želvytė , Rasa, Raudonius , Steponas, Stankevičius , Arūnas, Šarkinas , Antanas, Žilaitis , Vytuolis, Aniulienė , Albina, Sruoga , Aniolas, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,Paršavedė ,Reproduction disorders ,Leptin gene polymorphism ,Sow ,Leptino geno polimorfizmas ,Reprodukcijos sutrikimai - Abstract
Darbo tikslas: Nustatyti nerujojančių ir neapsivaisinančių paršavedžių leptino geno (LEP) polimorfizmą ir leptino koncentraciją kraujyje bei įvertinti jų įtaką lytinį ciklą reguliuojantiems veiksniams. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti normalių (NP) ir nerujojančių bei neapsivaisinančių (NNP) paršavedžių leptino geno įvairovę. 2. Nustatyti leptino geno polimorfizmo (LEP) įtaką paršavedžių lašinių storiui po paršelių atjunkymo. 3. Įvertinti leptino geno polimorfizmo įtaką gimstančių paršelių gyvybingumui bei išsaugojimui. 4. Nustatyti leptino geno polimorfizmo įtaką paršavedžių brokavimo priežasčiai. 5. Nustatyti ir palyginti leptino koncentraciją skirtingų leptino genotipų paršavedžių kraujyje. 6. Įvertinti ir palyginti leptino geno polimorfizmo įtaką paršavedžių kraujo biocheminiams rodikliams. 7. Įvertinti dėl nerujojimo arba neapsivaisinimo išbrokuotų paršavedžių kiaušidžių funkcinę būklę atsižvelgiant į leptino geno polimorfizmą. 8. Nustatyti leptino geno polimorfizmo įtaką NNP paršavedžių gonadotropinių ir lytinių hormonų sekrecijai. 9. Nustatyti leptino geno polimorfizmo įtaką kiaušidžių morfologijai. 10. Nustatyti leptino koncentracijos kraujyje įtaką kiaušidžių morfologijai. Mokslinis darbo naujumas: Pirmą kartą buvo nustatytas leptino (LEP) geno polimorfizmas neapsivaisinančioms ir nerujojančioms (NNP) paršavedėms ir nustatyta šio geno įtaka šių paršavedžių reprodukcinių savybių sutrikimo pasireiškimui. Įvertinta leptino (LEP) geno polimorfizmo ir leptino koncentracijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] The aim of the study: Define anoestrous repeat-breading sows’ leptin gene (LEP) polymorphism and leptin concentration in blood as well as evaluate its influence to the factors regulating oestrus cycle. Goalsof the study: 1. Define a diversity of leptin gene in normal sows (NS) and in anoestrous repeat-breading sows (NNS). 2. Define an influence of leptin gene (LEP) polymorphism to sows’ fat thickness after weaning. 3. Evaluate the influence of leptin gene polymorphism to newborn piglet viability and survival. 4. Define causal relationship of leptin gene polymorphism on sows culling rate. 5. Define and compare leptin concentration in blood of different leptin genotypes sows. 6. Evaluate and compare the influence of leptin gene polymorphism on sows’ blood biochemical parameters. 7. Evaluate the functional ovarian status of sows, culled due to anoestrous or failure to conceive, considering leptin gene polymorphism. 8. Define an influence of leptin gene polymorphism to secretion of NNS sows’ gonadotropin hormones and sex hormones. 9. Define an influence of leptin gene polymorphism on ovarian morphology. 10. Define an influence of leptin concentration in blood on ovarian morphology. Research novelty: For the first time leptin gene (LEP) polymorphism was determined for non-conceiving and anoestrous sows (NNS) as well as the influence of this gene on reproductive disorders in sows. We also assessed the effect of leptin gene (LEP) polymorphism and leptin concentration on NNS sows’... [to full text]
- Published
- 2014
38. Immunocastration of young and mature boars with Improvac®
- Author
Bilskis, Ronaldas, Sederevičius , Antanas, Bakutis , Bronius, Dabkevičius , Zenonas, Januškevičienė , Gražina, Sruoga , Aniolas, Žilaitis , Vytuolis, Šarkinas , Antanas, Malakauskas , Mindaugas, Žilinskas , Henrikas, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,Sėklidės ,Kuilys ,Imunokastracija ,Boar ,Testis ,Immunocastration ,Improvac - Abstract
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti imunokastracijos komerciniu preparatu Improvac® poveikį jauniems ir suaugusiems, lytiškai subrendusiems kuiliams. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti imunokastracijos poveikį jaunų kuilių augimo intensyvumui, priesvoriams ir mėsos kokybei. 2. Įvertinti imunokastracijos poveikį suaugusių / lytiškai subrendusių kuilių testosterono koncentracijai kraujyje, libido, spermos kokybei bei biocheminiams kraujo rodikliams. 3. Įvertinti imunokastracijos poveikį suaugusių / lytiškai subrendusių kuilių sėklidėms bei priedinėms lytinėms liaukoms. 4. Įvertinti imunokastracijos poveikį lytiškai subrendusių gyvulių mėsos kokybei bei indolo ir skatolo kiekiui skerdenoje. Mokslinis darbo naujumas ir reikšmė Suaugusių, lytiškai subrendusių ir jau naudojamų reprodukcijai kuilių imunokastracijai panaudotas komercinis preparatas Improvac®. Įvertintas dvigubos ir trigubos injekcijos poveikis gyvulių testosterono koncentracijai kraujyje, libido, spermos kokybei bei biocheminiams kraujo rodikliams, kuilių sėklidėms bei priedinėms lytinėms liaukoms, kuilio kvapą sudaran-čioms medžiagoms ir mėsos kokybei. Išvados: 1. Jaunų kuilių imunokastracija preparatu Improvac 95 ir 138 jų gyvavimo dienomis turėjo įtakos jų augimo intensyvumui, priesvoriams ir mėsos kokybei. Improvac grupės kuilių paros priesvoriai buvo 0,24±0,1 kg didesni, o skerdimo dieną jie vidutiniškai svėrė 2,02±3,93 kg daugiau nei chirurgiškai kastruoti kuiliai (p≤0,01). 2. Vakcinuotų gyvulių mėsa buvo liesesnė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] The aim of the study: To evaluate the impact of immunocastration by commercial product Improvac® on young and adults, sexually matured boars. The purpose of the study: 1. To evaluate the impact of immunocastration on intensity of grow, overweight and meat quality of young boars. 2. To evaluate the impact of immunocastration on testosterone concentration in blood, on libido, on semen’s quality and on biochemical indicators of adults/sexually matured boars. 3. To evaluate the impact of immunocastration on adults/sexually matured boar’s testicles and accessory sex glands. 4. To evaluate the impact of immunocastration on meat quality of sexually matured animals as well as on amount of indole and skatole in carcass. Conclusions: 1. Immunocastration of young boars with Improvac product on 95th and 138th day of life had an impact on growth intensity, overweight and meat quality. Day overweight of Improvac group boars were 0.24±0.1 kg bigger and on a day of slaughtering they weighted 2.02±3.93kg more in average if compare with surgically castrated boars (P≤0.01). 2. Meat of vaccinated animals was leaner, percentage of muscularity was bigger and carcass quality according to SEUROP classification was higher (P≤0.001), but for separate meat quality parameters immune-castration of boars had no influence (P≥0.05). During current research amounts of indole and skatole found in vaccinated animals‘ fat haven‘t exceed sensible and permissible limits. 3. Immunocastration of mature boars with... [to full text]
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Žakaitė, Inga, Jokimas, Juozas, Autukaitė, Jurgita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Želvytė, Rasa, Šiugždaitė, Jūratė, Savickis, Saulius, Rutkauskas, Arūnas, Laurusevičius, Saulius, Petkevičius, Saulius, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,Treatment ,Ekologinis ūkis ,Nematodes ,Ožka ,Eimeria spp ,Goat ,Nematodai ,Protozoa ,Organic farm ,Gydymas - Abstract
Siekiant nustatyti parazitų pasireiškimo sezoniškumą bei jų intensyvumo kitimą pagal meteorologines sąlygas atlikti tyrimai ekologiniame ožkų ūkyje. Be to buvo taikytas gydymas preparatais Ivomec PLUS ir Panacur granulėmis, jų efektyvumui įvertinti. In order to determine the seasonal distribution intensity and variations of the meteorological conditions and infection intensity of parasites in organic goat farm. In addition, to determine efficiency of fenbendazole were treated with Panacur and Ivomec PLUS.
- Published
- 2014
40. Effects of treatment on subclinical mastitis control
- Author
Juškevičiūtė, Laura, Jokimas, Juozas, Autukaitė, Jurgita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Želvytė, Rasa, Šiugždaitė, Jūratė, Savickis, Saulius, Rutkauskas, Arūnas, Laurusevičius, Saulius, Rudejevienė, Jūratė, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,Subklinikinis mastitas ,Karvės ,Subclinical mastitis ,Milk consume ,Somatinės ląstelės ,Cows ,Somat cells ,Pieno rodikliai ,CMT testas ,CMT test - Abstract
Darbo tikslas: Išanalizuoti karvių bandos pieno kokybinę sudėtį ir patikslinti trūkinamų karvių profilaktikai taikomų medikamentų poveikį. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti karvių bandos pieno kokybinę sudėtį. 2. Tiriamojoje karvių fermoje reagentu CMT ištirti pasirinktų tyrimams karvių tešmens ketvirčius, prieš užtrūkinant ir po apsiveršiavimo praėjus 10dienų . 3. Atlikti bakteriologinius pieno tyrimus, prieš užtrūkinant ir po apsiveršiavimo praėjus 10dienų . 4. Nustatyti preparatų gydomąjį efektyvumą. Mokslinis - tiriamasis darbas buvo atliekamas 2010 – 2013 metais, privačiame ūkyje, Tauragės raj. Tyrimui buvo atrinktos 20 karvių, kurios buvo sugrupuotos į dvi grupes po 10 karvių. Grupėms buvo skirtas skirtingas gydymas, 1 –oji grupė gydyta preparatu „Rilexine 500“, 2 – oji grupė preparatu „OrbeSeal“. Prieš gydymą ir po gydymo buvo stebėtas SLS, pieno baltymų, riebalų, laktozės ir urėjos kiekio kitimas. Taip pat mastito sukėlėjų diagnozavimas, tešmens ketvirčių užkrėstumas. Išanalizavus bandos pieno kokybinę sudėtį, galima teigti, kad pieno kokybiniai rodikliai ima gerėti, po sėkmingo mastito gydymo. Prieš užtrūkinant abiejų grupių karvių teigiamai į CMT testą reagavo 55 % ketvirčių. Po veršiavimosi praėjus 10 dienų, pirmos grupės karvių į CMT teigiamai reagavo tik 10 %, o antros grupės karvių – 37,5 % ketvirčių. Pažeisti dažniau buvo galiniai ketvirčiai, lyginant su priekiniais. Prieš užtrūkinant 1 grupės karves, pagrindinė pieno mėginių mikroflora buvo sąlyginai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] Goal of the work: To analyze the qualitative composition of milk in the cow herd and effects of medications used for prevention of the termination of cow lactation. Tasks of the work: 1. To analyse the qualitative composition of milk in the cow herd. 2. Using the CMT reagent in the analysed cow farm, to examine the udder quarters of cows is selected for analysis, before termination of lactation and in 10 days after calving. 3. To perform bacteriological milk tests before termination of lactation and in 10 days after calving. 4. To determine the effectiveness of therapeutic preparations. The research work has been carried out in 2010–2013 in the private farm in Tauragė district. 20 cows were selected as the sample for research, and grouped into two groups of 10 cows. Groups received different treatment, the first group was treated with Rilexine 500, the second group with OrbeSeal preparation. Changes in the SCC, milk protein, fat, lactose and urea content were monitored before and after treatment along with diagnostics of mastitis pathogens and infection of the udder quarters. The analysis of the qualitative composition of the herd milk allows the state that the qualitative milk indicators start to improve after successful treatment of mastitis. Before termination of lactation, 55% quarters of both groups of cows showed positive response to the CMT test. 10 days after calving, only 10 % quarters of the first group of cows and 37.5% quarters of the second group of cows... [to full text]
- Published
- 2014
41. Robotizuoto melžimo poveikis tešmens sveikatingumui
- Author
Čivilis, Mindaugas, Jokimas, Juozas, Autukaitė, Jurgita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Želvytė, Rasa, Šiugždaitė, Jūratė, Savickis, Saulius, Rutkauskas, Arūnas, Laurusevičius, Saulius, Rudejevienė, Jūratė, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,Automatic milking ,Automatic milking system ,Milk electric conductivity ,Economic importance of mastitis ,Cow mastitis control and prevention ,Karvių mastito kontrolė ir prevencija ,food and beverages ,Pieno elektrinis laidumas ,fluids and secretions ,Automatizuotas melžimas ,Ekonominė mastito svarba ,Automatizuotos melžimo sistemos - Abstract
Darbo tikslas- įvertinti karvių bandos sergamumą mastitais, prieš įdiegiant automatizuotą melžimo sistemą ir po įdiegimo, kaip keitėsi pieno sudėties, kokybės rodikliai, bei ištirti pieno elektrini laidumą. Tyrimas atliktas ūkyje „x“ 2011- 2013 metų laikotarpyje. Surinkti pieno SLS, BBS, riebalų, baltymų, laktozės, urėjos duomenys iš 3-6m. amžiaus laktuojančių karvių melžiant į liniją ir pradėjus melžti „Lely Astronaut“ melžimo robotu, bei surinkti AMS duomenys apie pieno EL. Pieno sudėties bei kokybės tyrimai atlikti VĮ “Pieno tyrimai” laboratorijoje. Nustatyti dažniausi karvių mastito sukėlėjai ūkyje. The objective of this work is to assess the incidences of mastitis in the herd and to evaluate milk composition, quality indicators, and the milk electrical conductivity before and after an installation of an automated milking system. The study was conducted in the farm "x" during the year period from 2011 to 2013. During this study, milk SCC, TBC, fat, protein, lactose, and urea data of lactating cows from 3 to 6 years old was collected. The milk was firstly collected by using a pipeline milking system and later by using a “Lely Astronaut” robotic milking system (AMS). Data about the milk electric conductivity was collected from the AMS. Milk composition and quality research was performed by the State Enterprise “Pieno tyrimai” laboratory. The most common causes of mastitis were identified in the farm.
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Alūzaitė, Laura, Jokimas, Juozas, Autukaitė, Jurgita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Želvytė, Rasa, Šiugždaitė, Jūratė, Savickis, Saulius, Rutkauskas, Arūnas, Laurusevičius, Saulius, Tušas, Saulius, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,Karvės ,Pieno sudėtis ,fluids and secretions ,Somatinių ląstelių skaičius ,Milk composition ,Cows ,food and beverages ,Keeping condition ,keeping condition ,milk composition ,somatic cells ,Laikymo būdas ,Somatic cells - Abstract
Darbo tikslas buvo išanalizuoti skirtingai laikomų ir melžiamų karvių pieno sudėties ir kokybės rodiklius. Darbo uždaviniai buvo išanalizuoti tiriamų melžiamų karvių pieno sudėtį ir kokybę, įvertinti ir palyginti skirtingai laikomų ir melžiamų karvių pieno sudėtį, įvertinti ir palyginti skirtingai laikomų ir melžiamų karvių somatinių ląstelių skaičių piene. Tyrimui buvo pasirinktas ūkis, kuriame karvės laikomos dviejose fermose ir gyvuliai buvo laikomi bei melžiami skirtingais būdais. Kontrolinio melžimo metu buvo paimtas pienas tyrimams atlikti. Buvo nustatyti pieno riebalų, baltymų kiekiai, somatinių ląstelių skaičius tiriamajame piene. Duomenys analizuoti skaičiuokle „Excel“. Skaičiuojami statistiniai rodikliai: narių skaičius, aritmetinis vidurkis, aritmetinio vidurkio paklaida, duomenų statistinis patikimumas. Rezultatai laikyti patikimais, kai p
- Published
- 2014
43. Mastito sukėlėjų įtaka karvių pieno sudėčiai
- Author
Mirošničenko, Virginija, Jokimas, Juozas, Autukaitė, Jurgita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Želvytė, Rasa, Šiugždaitė, Jūratė, Savickis, Saulius, Rutkauskas, Arūnas, Laurusevičius, Saulius, Juozaitienė, Vida, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,Mastitas ,Mastito sukėlėjai ,Somatinės ląstelės ,Mastitis pathogens ,food and beverages ,Mastitis ,mastitis pathogens ,SCC - Abstract
Mastitas yra viena iš brangiausių ir dažniausiai pasitaikančių pieno ūkių problemų, kuri aktuali visam pasauliui. Ekonominiai nuostoliai patiriami kiekvieną dieną, dėl pieno kieko sumažėjimo, pieno kokybės suprastėjimo, didelių gydymo kaštų, mastitu sergančių karvių išbrokavimo. Pirmame etape buvo tiriamos „X“ pieninių galvijų bandos karvės; antrame etape - 8 Lietuvos pieninių galvijų ūkių karvės. Buvo nustatyti visų karvių mastito sukėlėjai ir išanalizuoti jų pieno sudėties ir somatinių ląstelių skaičiaus kontrolės duomenys. Pirmame tyrimo etape įvertinus mastito sukėlėjų paplitimą tirtoje pieninių galvijų bandoje nustatyta, kad labiausiai paplitę buvo Streptococcus spp (22,22 proc.) Antrame tyrimo etape tirtose Lietuvos pieninių galvijų bandose labiausiai paplitę mastito sukėlėjai - Streptococcus spp. - 23 proc. Tirtoje karvių bandoje didžiausias somatinių ląstelių skaičius buvo pieno mėginių karvių, kurioms buvo nustatyta Streptococcus spp. (D grupė) sukėlėjas – 3430 ± 305 tūkst./ml. Mažiausias pieno riebumo vidurkis nustatytas Staphylococcus spp. su Escherichia coli 3,38 ± 0,08 proc. Mažiausias baltymingumo vidurkis Staphilococcus aureus 3,1 ± 0,01 proc. Ir mažiausias laktozės vidurkis Streptococcus spp.4,1 ± 0,2 proc. (p
- Published
- 2014
44. Somatinių ląstelių skaičiaus karvių piene kitimo priežaščių tyrimai ir ryšys su produktyvumu
- Author
Šeputytė, Sandra, Jokimas, Juozas, Autukaitė, Jurgita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Želvytė, Rasa, Šiugždaitė, Jūratė, Savickis, Saulius, Rutkauskas, Arūnas, Laurusevičius, Saulius, Japertienė, Renata, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,Somatinių ląstelių skaičius ,Milk yield ,Pieno riebumas ,Milk fat ,Somatic cells count ,Produktyvumas ,Milk protein ,Laktozė ,Lactose ,Pieno baltymingumas - Abstract
Tiriamasis darbas atliktas Lietuvos sveikatos ir mokslų universitete ir Lietuvos pieninių galvijų fermose 2011 – 2014 metais. Darbą sudaro 49 puslapių, 12 lentelių, 8 paveikslai. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas: įvertinti somatinių ląstelių skaičių karvių piene, išnalizuoti jų kitimo priežastis, nustatyti jų ryšį su produktyvumu. Baigiamojo darbo uždaviniai: Įvertinti somatinių ląstelių skaičių karvių piene, karvių pieno kiekio ir sudėties (riebumo, baltymingumo, laktozės) rodiklius, negenetinių veiksnių įtaką karvių produktyvumui ir SLS piene, genetinių veiksnių įtaką karvių produktyvumui ir SLS piene. Ištirtos 9 veislių karvės, trijuose skirtinguose ūkiuose. Iš viso buvo ištirtos 726 karvės Tyrimo metu buvo nagrinėta genetinių ir negenetinių veiksnių įtaka karvių pieno somatinių ląstelių skaičiui (tūkst./cm3), pieningumui (kg), riebumui (proc.), baltymingumui (proc.) bei laktozės kiekiui (proc.). Įvertinus tirtų karvių SLS piene nustatyta, kad vidutinis SLS kiekis piene buvo 220,65±10,477 tūkst./cm3. 43,09 proc. karvių piene SLS buvo mažesnis nei 100 tūkst./cm3, 68,92 proc. – svyravo nuo 100 iki 200 tūkst./cm3, 31,08 proc. - viršijo 200 tūkst./cm3, rodo, kad trečdalis tirtų karvių sirgo tešmens uždegimu. Įvertinus tirtų karvių pieno kiekio ir sudėties rodiklius nustatyta, kad vidutinis tirtų karvių pieningumas 19,78±0,192 kg, pieno riebumas buvo 4,61±0,022 proc., baltymingumas – 3,62±0,011 proc., laktozės kiekis piene - 4,50±0,005 proc. Didėjant karvių produktyvumui SLS piene... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] Place of research: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Lithuanian farms of dairy cattle. The research work was accomplished in 2011 – 2014 years of studies. Volume of the research work – 49, 12 tables, 8 pictures. Goal of work: to evaluate somatic cells count in cows’ milk, to analyse their causes of changes and to determine their relationship with productivity. Goal of thesis: to evaluate the somatic cells count in cows’ milk, to determine milk yield and composition (fat, protein, lactose). The analysis is based on 726 dairy cows from different breeds (9 breeds) in three farms. During the study some data have been analysed influence of the genetic and non–genetic factors such as somatic cell count (SCC) in milk (thousand./cm3), milk yield (kg), milk fat (%) and protein (%) milk lactose content (%) and cow origin data. The estimation of somatic cells count in cows’ milk shows that average of SCC was 220.65±10.477 thousand/cm3. The 43.09 percent of cows’ SCC in milk was less than 100 thousand/cm3, 68.92 percent – ranged from 100 to 200 thousand/cm3 and 31.08 percent had more than 200 thousand/cm3. The evaluation of cows’ milk yield and composition traits showed that the average of cows’ milk yield was 19.78 ±0.192 kg, milk fat – 4.61 ±0.022 percent, the amount of protein – 3.62 ±0.011 percent, lactose content of milk – 4.50 ±0.005 percent. Increase of cows’ milk production, increased and SCC in milk. The statistical analysis of the data showed that non–genetic factors... [to full text]
- Published
- 2014
45. Kalių piometra
- Author
Gentvilaitė, Rasa, Jokimas, Juozas, Autukaitė, Jurgita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Želvytė, Rasa, Šiugždaitė, Jūratė, Savickis, Saulius, Rutkauskas, Arūnas, Laurusevičius, Saulius, Rudejevienė, Jūratė, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,endocrine system ,Pyometra ,Makšties ,Microorganisms ,Bitch ,Piometra ,Mikroorganizai ,Kalių ,bitch ,pyometra ,cytology ,vaginal ,microorganisms ,Cytology ,Citologija ,Vaginal - Abstract
Šio darbo uždaviniai įvertinti kalių, sergančių piometra, makšties citologinius ir kraujo parametrų pakitimus. Įvertinti amžiaus įtaką piometros pasireiškimui. Nustatyti laiką po rujos iki piometros klinikinių požymių atsiradimo. Nustatyti mirties atvejus dėl patologijos. Buvo tiriamos trys grupės kalių. I grupė – 16 piometra sergančių patelių. II grupė – 4 kalės, porujo periode, kliniškai sveikos. III grupė 4 – patelės, anestrus periode, kurioms kraujyje nustatyta leukocitozė, bet dėl kitų priežasčių nei piometra ar vaginitas. II ir III grupės – kontrolinės grupės, kurių rezultatai lyginami su I grupės. Tepinėlis iš makšties imamas Transwab (Jungtinė Karalystė) terpės pagalba. Gauta klinikinė medžiaga pernešama ant objektyvinio stiklelio citologijai ir skirtingų mitybinių terpių mikrobiologijai. Objektyvinis stiklelis dažomas May Grün – Giemza dažais. Makšties tepinėlis vertinamas mikroskopo pagalba. Atliekami uždegiminių ir epitelinių ląstelių santykio skaičiavimai. Kraujas imamas iš v. cefalica. Buvo pastebėti makšties tepinėlio citologiniai skirtumai tarp trijų tiriamųjų grupių. Uždegiminių su epitelinėmis ląstelėmis santykio vidurkis I grupei – 9,54 ± 3,62, II grupei – 0,09 ± 0,018, III grupei uždegiminių ląstelių nebuvo aptikta, todėl santykis ligus 0. Visose grupėse dominavo bazalinės ląstelės. 75 % kalių, sergančių piometra, konstatuota leukocitozė, 81,5 % granuliocitozė. 12,25 % buvo nustatyta mažakraujystė. 37,50 % gimdos uždegimu sergančioms kalėms išskirta E... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] The aim of this study is to evaluate cytological changes in vaginal smears of bitches with pyometra, to record changes in total blood count and blood biochemistry, to identify microorganisms isolated from vagina. Other aims are to asses the average age of bitches with the diagnosed pathology; to count days that passed after estrus period and the first clinical signs of pyometra were noticed; to evaluate the rate of mortality. Three groups of animals were evaluated. The 1st one 16 bitches, diagnosed with pyometra. 2nd group 4 bitches, in diestrus period, clinically healthy. 3rd group 4 bitches diagnosed with blood leukocytosis but for other reasons than pyometra or vaginitis. 2nd and 3rd groups served as control groups. Vaginal smears and microbiological samples were taken from vagina with Transwab (UK), the obtained material was smeared on objective glass and coloured with May Grün – Giemsa for microscopical evaluation. Ratio of WBC and epithelial cells was counted. For microbiology sample was smeared on different agars for isolation of various microorganisms. Blood was drawn from v. cefalica. We observed clear cytological diferences between healthy animals and ill with pyometra. Average ratio WBC to epithelial cells for group I 9,54 ± 3,62, for group II 0,09 ± 0,018, for group III no WBC were observed so the ratio is equal to 0. In all groups basal epithelial cells were the dominant ones. 75 % bitches with pyometra had leukocytosis, 81,25 % had granuliocytosis. Anemia was... [to full text]
- Published
- 2014
46. Nutrition influence for dairy cows health and for milk quality
- Author
Džiaukštas, Justinas, Jokimas, Juozas, Autukaitė, Jurgita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Želvytė, Rasa, Šiugždaitė, Jūratė, Savickis, Saulius, Rutkauskas, Arūnas, Laurusevičius, Saulius, Stankevičius, Rolandas, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,Karvės ,Pieno kokybė ,Enzymes in blood ,Milk ,Mityba ,Cows ,Milk quality ,Kraujo fermentai ,Pienas ,Diet - Abstract
Magistro darbas parengtas Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitete, Veterinarijos akademijos, gyvūnų mitybos katedroje. Darbą sudaro šios dalys: turinys, įvadas, santrauka, literatūros apžvalga, tyrimo metodai, rezultatai ir jų aptarimas, išvados, rekomendacijos. Tyrimo uždaviniai buvo išanalizuoti melžiamų karvių racionus, atlikti pieno ir biocheminius kraujo tyrimus. Nustatyti mitybos įtaką melžiamų karvių sveikatingumui, ir pieno kokybei. Tyrimui buvo pasirinkti du ūkiai. Kiekviename ūkyje atrinkta po trisdešimt melžiamų karvių. Iš karvių paimtas kraujas ir atlikti biocheminiai kraujo tyrimai, nustatytos kraujo fermentų TP, GLU, AST, ALP, CREA, ALB ir mineralinių medžiagų Ca ir PHOS kiekiai. Atlikus pieno tyrimus buvo nustatyti pieno riebalų, baltymų, urėjos ir laktozės kiekiai tiriamajame piene. Analizuojant karvių racionus, įvertinta pašarinių žaliavų mitybinė ir energetinė vertė. Vertinant ūkių pašarines žaliavas akivaizdžiai matėsi, kad karvės šeriamos aukštos energetinės vertės baltymingais, pašarais. This master work was prepared in Lithuanian University of health Science, of Veterinary Academy Department of Animal Nutrition. The master work consists of a content, introduction, summary, review of literature, research methods, results and itʹs consideration, conclusion, recomendations. The objectives of this study was to analize dairy cows rations, to perfom milk and blood biochemical tests. Results of the research to relate with cows feeding and to ascertain the impact of nutrition for dairy cows health and quality of the milk. Were selected two farms for the research. In each farm selected for thirty dairy cows. Were conducted biochemical studies of blood enzyme TP, GLU, AST, ALP, CREA, ALB and minerals concentrations of Ca and PHOS. After the milk testing was to determine milk fat, protein, lactose and urea levels in the investigated milk. After analysis of cow rations, was appreciated of feed materials and energy value. In assessment of farm feed material was seen obviously that cows fed high protein, high-energy food. In one of the investigated farms observed shortage of roughage.
- Published
- 2014
47. Skirtingų veislių kumelių embrioninio laikotarpio trukmės ir abortavimo priežasčių tyrimas
- Author
Glodenytė, Martyna, Jokimas, Juozas, Autukaitė, Jurgita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Želvytė, Rasa, Šiugždaitė, Jūratė, Savickis, Saulius, Rutkauskas, Arūnas, Laurusevičius, Saulius, Muzikevičius, Aleksandras, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,endocrine system ,Kumelės ,Embrionai ,urogenital system ,animal diseases ,Abortions ,Kumelingumas ,Embryos ,Foal ,mares ,foal ,abortions ,embryos ,sense organs ,Mares ,Abortai ,reproductive and urinary physiology - Abstract
Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjama tema “skirtingų veislių kumelių embrioninio laikotarpio trukmės ir abortavimo priežasčių tyrimas ” Baigiamojo darbo apimtis 36 puslapių darbe naudotos 6 lentelės, sudaryti 6 grafikai, išnagrinėti 32 literatūros šaltiniai. Darbo tikslas:Ištirti veislės įtaką kumelių reprodukcinėms savybėms. Darbo uždaviniai: Ištirti skirtingų veislių kumelių reprodukcijos rodiklius Vilniaus žirgyne ir ištirti veislės įtaką kumelių embrioninio laikotarpio trukmei. Darbas atliktas naudojant Vilniaus žirgyno duomenis, apie jų veisiamas kumeles. Tyrimas atliktas stebint 6 skirtingas veisles. Naudoti 5 skirtingu metu duomenys (2005; 2007; 2009; 2010; 2011) atliekant kumelių reprodukcinius vertinimus. O embriologinio laiko tyrimui buvo naudoti duomenys iš 2013 metu. Duomenys apdoroti skaičiuokle EXCEL ir SPSS paketu. Ištyrus skirtingų veislių kumelių reprodukcinius rodiklius nustatyti skirtumai tarp veislių. Trakėnų kumelių skaičius žirgyne didėjo tai yra 14,3proc. daugiau kumelių nei tyrimo pradžioje, tačiau kumeliukų skaičius mažėjo ir 2011 metais jų buvo 1,4 karto mažiau nei 2005m. Kergimų buvo atliekama daugiau tačiau abortavusių kumelių skaičius tyrimo laikotarpiu irgi augo. Anglų grynakraujų kemelių skaičius nuolat mažėjo atitinkamai mažėjo ir visi kiti rodikliai. Arabų grynakraujų arklių augo visi rodikliai, kumelių auginama dvigubai daugiau nei 2005m. Gaunama vis daugiau kumeliukų (1,5 karto daugiau), o abortų skaičius tiriamaisiais metais sumažėjo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] Various breeds mares embryonic period and abortion reasons research Working in Lithuania stud Vilnius section. The coverage of the work 36 pages, 6 pictures, 6 tables, examined 32 references. Aim: To investigate the influence of a variety of mare reproductive performance. Tasks: to investigate the different breeds of equine reproduction rates Vilnius equestrian center and explore a variety of mares influence embryonic period of time. The study was performed using data of Vilnius stud, bred their mares. The study was conducted by monitoring 6 different varieties. Use 5 different time data (2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011) the mare reproductive evaluations. The time embryological study was to use data of 2013 year . Data processing of an Excel spreadsheet and SPSS . Examination of the different varieties of mare reproductive traits to identify the differences between varieties. Trakehner mares stud farm , it is increased by 14.3 percent . more mares than the beginning of the study , but the number of foals decreased in 2011 were 1.4 times less than in 2005 . Coverings have been done but more mares abort the study period also increased. Thoroughbreds kemel declined steadily decreased , respectively , and all other indicators . Arab thoroughbred horse grew all indicators mares grown twice as much as 2005 . There is growing foals (1.5 times ), while subjects in the number of abortions declined last year of the study did not abort mares . Old-style Žemaitukai equine abortions occur... [to full text]
- Published
- 2014
48. Kiaulių virškinimo trakto parazitozės ir jų paplitimas Radviliškio rajone
- Author
Jegnoraitė, Šarūnė, Jokimas, Juozas, Autukaitė, Jurgita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Želvytė, Rasa, Šiugždaitė, Jūratė, Savickis, Saulius, Rutkauskas, Arūnas, Laurusevičius, Saulius, Petkevičius, Saulius, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Pigs ,gastrointestinal ,parasites ,Veterinary Medicine ,Gastrointestinal ,animal diseases ,Parazitai ,Parasites ,Kiaulės ,Virškinimo traktas - Abstract
Magistro baigiamajame darbe aprašomi Radviliškio rajone auginamų kiaulių užsikrėtimo virškinimo trakto helmintais intensyvumas priklausomai nuo fermos dydžio ir gyvulio amžiaus. Nustatytas kiaulių užsikrėtimas Ascaris suum, Oesophagostomum spp, Strongyloideas spp. helmintais ir Eimeria spp. pirmuonimis. Literatūros apžvalgoje aprašomas šių parazitų vystymasis, klinika, patogenezė ir epizootiniai duomenys. Tyrimams mėginiai buvo imami Radviliškio rajone esančiuose smulkių kiaulių augintojų ūkiuose ir vidutinio stambumo kiaulių komplekse. Tyrimo laikotarpiu buvo paimti 57 mėginiai iš penkių skirtingų smulkių kiaulių augintojų ir 42 mėginiai iš kiaulių komplekso. Mėginiai ištirti LSMU VA Užkrečiamųjų ligų katedros Parazitologijos laboratorijoje. Kiaulės pagal amžių buvo suskirstytos į grupes: 0 – 3 mėn., 4 – 5 mėn., 6 – 8 mėn., 9 – 11 mėn., paršavedės ir kuiliai. Tyrimai buvo atliekami modifikuotu MacMaster metodu. Aukščiausias užsikrėtimas virškinimo trakto parazitais nustatytas Radviliškio rajone esančiuose smulkiuose kiaulių ūkiuose ir teigiamų atvejų skaičius juose siekė 89 proc. Tuo tarpu vidutinio didumo kiaulių komplekse užsikrėtimas siekė 31 proc. Dažniausiai pasireiškę virškinimo trakto parazitai tiek smulkių ūkių, tiek komplekso mėginiuose buvo Oesophagostomum spp. ir A. suum. Be to, nustatyti sporadiniai Strongyloides spp. ir Eimeria spp. užsikrėtimų atvejai. Oesophagostomum spp. ir Ascaris suum skirtingose kiaulių grupėse didžiausias užsikrėtimas buvo paršavedžių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] The research project presented in the thesis was designed to investigate the intensity of gastrointestinal parasite infection in pigs in district of Radviliškis caused by Ascaris suum, Oesophagostomum spp, Strongyloideas spp. and Eimeria spp. depending on the size of farm and age of the animal. In addition, the development cycles of these parasites, clinic, pathogenesis and epidemiological data are described. During the study, 57 samples from 5 different small pig farmers and 42 samples from the medium size pig farm were collected. All samples were examined at Laboratory of Parasitology, Department of Infectious Diseases, Veterinary Academy, Lithuanian University of health Sciences. Pigs were divided according age and sex into 0 – 3 months, 4 – 5 months, 6 – 8 months, 9 – 11 months, sows and boars groups. The samples were examined by modified MacMaster technique. The highest level (89%) of gastrointestinal parasites infection was registered in small pig farms. However, the level of infection in the medium size pig farm was significantly lower i.e. 31%. In our study Oesophagostomum spp. and A. suum were highly distributed and Strongyloides spp. and Eimeria spp were found only as sporadic infection. Most intensive infection level of Oesophagostomum spp. and A. suum was registered in sows, 6 – 8 months and 9 – 11 months pigs. Furthermore, the sporadical cases of infection with Eimeria spp. was found in 4 – 5 months and 6 – 8 months pigs and Strongyloides spp cases in... [to full text]
- Published
- 2014
49. Mikotoksinus detoksikuojančių profilaktikos priemonių pieniniams galvijams efektyvumo įvertinimas
- Author
Banelis, Justinas, Jokimas, Juozas, Autukaitė, Jurgita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Želvytė, Rasa, Šiugždaitė, Jūratė, Savickis, Saulius, Rutkauskas, Arūnas, Laurusevičius, Saulius, Bakutis , Bronius, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, and Bakutis, Bronius
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,Deoksinivalenolio ,dairy cattle ,aflatoxin B1 ,zearalenone ,deoxynivalenol ,detoxifying product ,Zearalenono ,Aflatoxin B1 ,Melžiamos karvės ,Detoxifying product ,Aflatoksino B1 ,food and beverages ,Dairy cattle ,Zearalenone ,Deoxynivalenol ,Detoksikuojantis produktas - Abstract
Šis mokslinis darbas buvo atliktas Justinas Banelis Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitete. Vadovaujant prof. dr . Broniui Bakučiui konsultuojant lekt. dr. Violetai Baliukonienei. Šio tyrimo tema " Mikotoksinus detoksikuojančių profilaktikos priemonių pieniniams galvijams efektyvumo įvertinimas " . Puslapių skaičius 37 , 10 lentelių , 3 nuotraukos . Tyrimai buvo atlikti nuo 01/10/2011 iki 01/10/2012 LSMU VA ir gyvūnų gerovės laboratorijoje. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo Įvertinti mikotoksinus detoksikuojančio preparato efektyvumą pieninių galvijų bandos sveikatingumui. Biocheminių , kraujo tyrimų parametrų ir pieno sudėties melžiamų karvių ir nustatyti mikotoksinu detoksikacija su komerciniu X adsorbentu. Buvo atrinktos 28 Lietuvos Žalosios veislės kliniškai sveikos vidutinio produktyvumo karvės. Karvės buvo nuo 3,43 ± 0,24 laktacijos trukmės laktacijos buvo 122 ± 15,9 dienų. Pieno išeiga karvės buvo 15,36 kg per dieną ,pieno riebalų vidurkis buvo 4,14 ± 0,25 % , baltymų kiekis 3,06 ± 0,04 % ir karbamido - 23,80 ± 1,35 mg% . Karvių pašarams buvo nustatytas mikotoksinų aflatoksino B1 ( AFL B1) , zearalenono ( ZON ), deoksinivalenolio ( DON ). Zearalenonas buvopagrindinis teršalas ir buvo rasta šiene iki 1000 mikrogramų / kg sausos medžiagos. Deoksinivalenolis buvoantras teršalų ir buvo rasta šieno lygiu iki 600 mikrogramų / kg sausos medžiagos. Didžiausias aflatoksino B1 koncentraciją - 10,0 mikrogramo / kg žemės miežių . Komercinis detoksikuojantis produktas X buvo duotas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] This scientific work was done by student Justinas Banelis of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. He was supervised by prof. dr. Bronius Bakutis and consulted by lect. dr. Violeta Baliukoniene. The topic of this scientific research is “The effects of feeding mycotoxin binding products on the performance of lactating dairy cows“. Page count 37, 10 tables,3 pictures. The experiments was done from 01/10/2011 to 01/10/2012 in LUHS VA in the Animal Welfare Reaserch Laboratory. The aim of this study were to investigate the long-term exposure toxic effects of diet naturally contaminated with a low concentrations mycotoxins (AFL B1, ZON, DON) on biochemical, complete blood count parameters and milk composition of dairy cows and to determined the mycotoxins detoxification by with the commercial X adsorbent. 28 Lithuanian Red clinically healthy medium productive cows were selected. Cows were from 3.43±0.24 lactation and duration of lactation were 122±15.9 days. Milk-yield of cow was 15.36 kg per day, an average of milk fat was 4.14 ±0.25 %, protein content 3.06±0.04 % and urea – 23.80±1.35 mg %. In cow feeds were determined mycotoxins aflatoxin B1 (AFL B1), zearalenone (ZON), deoxynivalenol (DON). Zearalenone was the major contaminant and was found in the hay at level of up to 1000 µg/kg of dry matter. Deoxynivalenol was the second contaminant and was found in the hay at level of up to 600 µg/kg of dry matter. The biggest Aflatoxin B1 content - 10.0 µg/kg in ground barley. The... [to full text]
- Published
- 2014
50. Somatinių ląstelių skaičiaus įtaka reprodukcijos rodikliams
- Author
Kriščiūnienė, Justina, Jokimas, Juozas, Autukaitė, Jurgita, Žilaitis, Vytuolis, Želvytė, Rasa, Šiugždaitė, Jūratė, Savickis, Saulius, Rutkauskas, Arūnas, Laurusevičius, Saulius, Rudejevienė, Jūratė, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Veterinary Medicine ,Mastitas ,Somatinės ląstelės ,Reproduction ,Mastitis ,Somatic cells ,Reprodukcija - Abstract
Padidėjęs somatinių ląstelių skaičius piene - svarbus mastito požymis. Perdirbamajai pramonei karvių mastitas buvo ir liks vienu iš svarbiausių trukdžių, gaminant aukštos kokybės pieno produktus. Klinikine forma serga 2 - 5 % lakuojančių ir užtrūkintų karvių, o slaptuoju uždegimu - iki 50 % karvių. The increased number of somatic cells - an important feature of mastitis. Processing industry bovine mastitis has been and will remain one of the most important interference in the manufacture of high-quality dairy products. The clinical form of suffering 2-5% lakuojančių and užtrūkintų cows and subclinical inflammation - up to 50% of the cows.
- Published
- 2014
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