
Showing total 26 results
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1. A Half Century of Progress in U.S. Student Achievement: Ethnic and SES Differences; Agency and Flynn Effects. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 21-01

2. The Impact of Emerging Technology in Physics over the Past Three Decades

3. On the Widespread Impact of the Most Prolific Countries in Special Education Research: A Bibliometric Analysis

4. Teaching of Topology and Its Applications in Learning: A Bibliometric Meta-Analysis of the Last Years from the Scopus Database

5. Change Agents: Emerging Evidence on Instructional Leadership at the Middle Tier

6. 'Culture', 'Context', School Leadership and Entrepreneurialism: Evidence from Sixteen Countries

7. Variables Affecting Student Motivation Based on Academic Publications

8. Examination of the Researches on the Use of Technology by Fine Arts Teachers

9. Mapping the Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals in Universities: Is It a Field of Study?

10. Web Strategies for the Curation and Discovery of Open Educational Resources

11. Exploratory Study of MOOC Learners' Demographics and Motivation: The Case of Students Involved in Groups

12. International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT) 2016 (Lisbon, Portugal, April 30-May 2, 2016)

13. Gamification as an Engagement Tool in E-Learning Websites

14. Publications Output: U.S. Trends and International Comparisons. Science & Engineering Indicators 2020. NSB-2020-6

15. Diffusion of KM Education in LIS Schools

16. You Say IFRS, I Say FASB…Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

17. A Landscape of Open Science Policies Research

18. Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (30th, Prague, Czech Republic, July 16-21, 2006). Volume 2

19. What the World Chemical Community Thinks about the Concept of Physical and Chemical Change?

20. Boundary Spanning: Engagement across Disciplines, Communities, and Geography

21. 'CityVille': Collaborative Game Play, Communication and Skill Development in Social Networks

22. Adult Education in Retrospective: 60 Years of CONFINTEA

23. Global Connectedness and Global Migration: Insights from the International Changing Academic Profession Survey

24. An Assessment of the Growth in Coverage of Social and Environmental Issues in Graduate Accounting Courses

25. Gene Concepts in Higher Education Cell and Molecular Biology Textbooks

26. The 'Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior' at Fifty