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1. Assessing the National Identity and Sense of Belonging of Students in Germany with Immigration Backgrounds

2. Education's Role in Preparing Globally Competent Citizens. BCES Conference Books, Volume 12

4. Social Rights and Citizenship: An International Comparison.

5. Divided citizenship: how retirement in the host country affects the financial status of intra-European Union migrants.

6. 'But One Needs to Work!': Neoliberal Citizenship, Work-Based Immigrant Integration, and Post-Socialist Subjectivities in Berlin-Marzahn.

7. Naturalization proclivities ethnicity and integration.

8. German Politicians with Turkey Origin: Diversity in the Parliaments of Germany.

9. The Evolution of Multiculturalism in Britain and Germany: An Historical Survey.


11. Naturalisation and on-the-job training: evidence from first-generation immigrants in Germany.

12. Does Naturalization Facilitate Integration?

13. Migration and Citizenship: Legal and Political Aspects in the pre-war German Context.

14. Germanness and Citizenship among the Second-generation in Contemporary Germany: Civic, Cultural and Racialist Perspectives.

15. Citizenship of the Heart and Mind: Educating Germany's immigrants in the emotional and ideological components of belongingness.

16. The Effect of Birthright Citizenship on Parental Integration Outcomes.

17. Community and Democratic Citizenship: A Critique of the Sinus Study on Immigrant Milieus in Germany.


19. Citizenship without Nationhood? Second Generation Immigrants' Narratives of Citizenship in Contemporary Germany.

20. National, Dual, and European Citizenship Among EU Migrants in Turkey.

21. Restrictive immigration policy in Germany: pains and gains foregone?

22. Political Economy of Immigration in Germany: Attitudes and Citizenship Aspirations.

23. Politische Institutionen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel: Einbürgerung in Deutschland zwischen Erwartungen von Migranten und staatlicher Vorgabe.

24. Annotated Listing of New Books.

25. 'I'm not entitled to be married in Germany? Am I German or am I not?' Narratives and discursive strategies of citizen sponsors in the German spousal migration context.

26. Conceptions of National Identity and Ambivalence towards Immigration.

27. Teaching "Germanness"/Teaching Genocide: The role of the Holocaust in citizenship education for immigrants in Germany.

28. Emigrant citizenship, privileged local belonging and the option to return: Germans on the Turkish coast.

29. The Genuine and the Fake? German Identity and German Citizenship at a New Juncture.

30. Development of Immigrant Couple Relations in Germany.

31. Enacting biorelational citizenship in X-ray rooms and offices: on age assessments of migrants in Germany.

32. Bureaucratic Biographies: Legalization Strategies of Afghan Immigrants in Germany.

33. 'Our National Feeling is a Broken One:' Civic Emotion and the Holocaust in German Citizenship Education.

34. Lobbying for Civil and Religious Rights of Immigrants and Muslims: Desecuritization Strategies of Islamic Umbrella Organizations in Germany.

35. Assimilation of Foreigners in Former West Germany.

36. Shaping a new society: Immigration, integration, and schooling in Germany.

37. Changing the National Narrative: Evolution in Citizenship and Integration in Germany, 2000–10.

38. The New Immigrant Elite in German Local Politics.

39. Taiwanese and German Citizenship Reforms: Integration of Immigrants without Challenging the Status Quo, 1990-2000.

40. Identity Issues in the History of the Postwar Migration from Turkey to Germany.

41. Immigrant Representation in Germany’s Regional States: The Puzzle of Uneven Dynamics.

42. A Bridge or Barrier to Incorporation? Germany's 1999 Citizenship Reform in Critical Perspective.

43. Transnational citizenship: German-Turks and liberalizing citizenship regimes.

44. The Deportation of German Nationals from Canada, 1919 to 1939.

45. The Limits of Multicultural Tolerance? Liberal Democracy and Media Portrayals of Muslim Migrant Women in Germany.

46. The new German citizenship law and its impact on German demographics: research notes.

47. Multiple Citizenship and Naturalization: An Evaluation of German and Dutch Policies.

48. Immigration, integration and the ethnicization of politics: A review of German literature.

49. Rights or 'Identity'? Citizenship, Nationality and 'Germanness' among First-Generation Adult Immigrants in Germany.

50. Strangers in A Strange Jurisdiction.