1. Global forest management data at a 100m resolution for the year 2015
- Author
Lesiv, M., Shchepashchenko, D., Buchhorn, M., See, L., Dürauer, M., Georgieva, I., Jung, M., Hofhansl, F., Schulze, K., Bilous, A., Blyshchyk, V., Mukhortova, L., Brenes, C., Krivobokov, L., Ntie, S., Tsogt, K., Pietsch, S., Tikhonova, E., Kim, M., Di Fulvio, F., Su, Y.-F., Zadorozhniuk, R., Sirbu, F.S., Pangin, K., Bilous, S., Kovalevskii, S.B., Kraxner, F., Rabia, A., Vasylyshyn, R., Ahmed, R., Diachuk, P., Kovalevskyi, S., Bungnamei, K., Bordoloi, K., Churilov, A., Vasylyshyn, O., Sahariah, D., Tertyshnyi, A., Saikia, A., Malek, Ž., Singha, K., Feshchenko, R., Prestele, R., ul Hassan Akhtar, I., Sharma, K., Domashovets, G., Spawn-Lee, S., Blyshchyk, O., Slyva, O., Ilkiv, M., Melnyk, O., Sliusarchuk, V., Karpuk, A., Terentiev, A., Bilous, V., Blyshchyk, K., Bilous, M., Bogovyk, N., Blyshchyk, I., Bartalev, S., Yatskov, M., Smets, B., Visconti, P., McCallum, I., Obersteiner, M., Fritz, S., Lesiv, M., Shchepashchenko, D., Buchhorn, M., See, L., Dürauer, M., Georgieva, I., Jung, M., Hofhansl, F., Schulze, K., Bilous, A., Blyshchyk, V., Mukhortova, L., Brenes, C., Krivobokov, L., Ntie, S., Tsogt, K., Pietsch, S., Tikhonova, E., Kim, M., Di Fulvio, F., Su, Y.-F., Zadorozhniuk, R., Sirbu, F.S., Pangin, K., Bilous, S., Kovalevskii, S.B., Kraxner, F., Rabia, A., Vasylyshyn, R., Ahmed, R., Diachuk, P., Kovalevskyi, S., Bungnamei, K., Bordoloi, K., Churilov, A., Vasylyshyn, O., Sahariah, D., Tertyshnyi, A., Saikia, A., Malek, Ž., Singha, K., Feshchenko, R., Prestele, R., ul Hassan Akhtar, I., Sharma, K., Domashovets, G., Spawn-Lee, S., Blyshchyk, O., Slyva, O., Ilkiv, M., Melnyk, O., Sliusarchuk, V., Karpuk, A., Terentiev, A., Bilous, V., Blyshchyk, K., Bilous, M., Bogovyk, N., Blyshchyk, I., Bartalev, S., Yatskov, M., Smets, B., Visconti, P., McCallum, I., Obersteiner, M., and Fritz, S.
- Abstract
We provide four data records: 1.The reference data set as a comma-separated file ("reference_data_set.csv") with the following attributes: “ID” is a unique location identifier “Latitude, Longitude” are centroid coordinates of a 100m x 100m pixel. “Land_use_ID “is a land use class: 11 - Naturally regenerating forest without any signs of human activities, e.g., primary forests. 20 - Naturally regenerating forest with signs of human activities, e.g., logging, clear cuts etc. 31 - Planted forest. 32 - Short rotation plantations for timber. 40 - Oil palm plantations. 53 - Agroforestry. “Flag” identifies a data origin: 1- the crowdsourced locations, 2- the control data set, 0 – the additional experts' classifications following the opportunistic approach. 2. The 100 m forest management map in a geoTiff format with the classes presented - "FML_v3.2.tif ". 3. The predicted class probability from the Random Forest classification in a geoTiff format - "ProbaV_LC100_epoch2015_global_v2.0.3_forest-management--layer-proba_EPSG-4326.tif" 4. Validation data set as a comma-separated file ("validation_data_set.csv) with the following attributes: “ID” is a unique location identifier “pixel_center_x” , “pixel_center_y ” are centroid coordinates of a 100m x 100m pixel in lat/lon projection “first_landuse_class “is a land use class, as in (1). “second_landuse_class “is a second possible land use class, as in (1), identified in case it was difficult to assign one class with high confidence.
- Published
- 2021