
Showing total 82 results
82 results

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1. Non-uniqueness of energy-conservative solutions to the isentropic compressible two-dimensional Euler equations

2. Semi-linear optimal control problem on a smooth oscillating domain

3. The 3-point quadrature rules with constant weight function

4. Generalized distance and new fixed point results

5. Sharp lifespan estimates of blowup solutions to semi-linear wave equations with time-dependent effective damping

6. Homogenization of nonlinear hyperbolic stochastic equation via Tartar’s method

7. Global existence theory for general hyperbolic-parabolic balance laws with application

8. Time periodic traveling waves in a three-component non-autonomous and reaction-diffusion epidemic model

9. A non-local expanding flow of convex closed curves in the plane

10. Regularity properties of nonlinear abstract Schrödinger equations and applications

11. Two-dimensional centered wave flow patches to the Guderley Mach reflection configurations for steady flows in gas dynamics

12. On the Ricci–Bourguignon flow

13. Group analysis to the time fractional nonlinear wave equation

14. A local theory for a fractional reaction-diffusion equation

15. Study of Stokes dynamical system in a thin domain with Fourier and Tresca boundary conditions

16. Some global results for a class of homogeneous nonlocal eigenvalue problems

17. New process to approach linear Fredholm integral equations defined on large interval

18. Monotone domain decomposition iterative technique for boundary value problems of a nonlinear fractional differential equation

19. Existence of solutions for a higher order fractional boundary value problem posed on the half-line

20. Some non-local logistic population model with non-zero boundary condition

21. Cordes–Nirenberg's imbedding and restricting with application to an elliptic equation

22. Long time stability for the dispersive SQG equation and Boussinesq equations in Sobolev space Hs

23. Multiple positive solutions of elliptic systems in exterior domains

24. New traveling wave solutions of the perturbed nonlinear Schrödingers equation in the left-handed metamaterials

25. Harmonic curvatures of the strip in Minkowski space

26. Ulam–Hyers Stability of Integrodifferential Equations in Banach Spaces via Pachpatte’s Inequality

27. Curvature bound for a curve flow with a prescribed rate of change in enclosed area

28. Hölder regularity for the gradient of the inhomogeneous parabolic normalized p-Laplacian

29. Solitary waves for nonlinear Schrödinger equation with derivative

30. Existence and uniqueness theorem for set-valued Volterra–Hammerstein integral equations


32. Existence and convergence theorems for best proximity points

33. Geometric properties of the differential shift plus complex Volterra operator

34. Very singular problems with critical nonlinearities in two dimensions

35. Positive solutions of nth-order impulsive eigenvalue problems with an advanced argument

36. Fractional integration operator for numerical solution of the integro-partial time fractional diffusion heat equation with weakly singular kernel


38. Tripled fixed point theorems and applications to a fractional differential equation boundary value problem

39. W1,p(⋅) regularity for quasilinear problems with irregular obstacles on Reifenberg domains

40. Local wellposedness in Sobolev space for the inhomogeneous non-resistive MHD equations on general domain

41. Quasilinear elliptic problems with concave–convex nonlinearities

42. The maximum principles for fractional Laplacian equations and their applications

43. Multiple solutions for the p-Laplacian equations with concave nonlinearities via Morse theory

44. Some results on curves in the plane with log-linear density

45. Abelian theorems for fractional wavelet transform

46. Faber polynomial coefficient estimates for a class of analytic bi-univalent functions involving a certain differential operator

47. Corner boundary value problems

48. Comparison principle for elliptic equations in divergence with singular lower order terms having natural growth

49. Translating solitons foliated by spheres

50. Symplectic diffeomorphisms with limit shadowing