Comparison of the fine structural features of guinea pig adrenocortical cells as seen in thin sections with those revealed by freeze-fracture confirms the structural appearance of steroid-secreting cells as interpreted from thin sections and reveals significant new features of the membranous organelles. Smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum appears as a network of tubules, interwoven or in parallel, and as cisternae, fenestrated and non-fenestrated. These elements are tightly packed in the deeper cortical cells, excluding other organelles from their domain. Tubules and fenestrated cisternae possess randomly distributed intramembranous particles on their PF faces, while closely packed non-fenestrated cisternae possess aggregates of particles interspersed with aparticulate regions on their PF faces. These differences in particle distribution suggest functional specialization among the various forms of reticulum. Mitochondria appear as elongated structures of varying shape. Freeze-fracture reveals that all their cristae have circular origins from the inner membrane. Sinuous tubules, which appear as tubules in section, and straight tubules, which appear as lamellae in section, arise from single sites. Flattened sac-like cristae may have multiple circular origins. Definite contact points seen between inner and outer membranes may facilitate passage of molecules, including steroids, into the mitochondrial compartments. Lysosomes and peroxisomes, which are easily identified in thin sections with the aid of cytochemistry, are difficult to identify with certainty by freeze-fracture. Single membrane-bound granules of slightly smaller diameter than mitochondria may represent lysosomes. Smaller granules interconnected with the tubular reticulum, as well as dilated regions of this organelle, may represent peroxisomes. Plasma membranes show no indication of tight junctions but do have abundant gap junctions which show a zonal differentiation: small gap junctions throughout the cortex, medium-sized regularly shaped gap junctions in zona fasciculata externa, and large irregular gap junctions in zona fasciculata interna and zona reticularis. The large junctions cover planar areas as well as surfaces of projections of one cell into another. Such junctions may allow passage of ions as well as of low-molecular-weight substances between the cells, facilitating or even amplifying the response to trophic hormone stimulation.