In this paper, the cognitive relay cooperation (CRC) wireless communication systems are investigated over Nakagami- m fading channels. The decode-and-forward (DF) relay is employed to assist the communications between cognitive source and destination. Especially, to achieve full diversity order, we consider the case in which there is a direct path between cognitive source and destination. Besides the interference at primary users (PUs) created by secondary users (SUs), the interference at SUs created by PUs is also considered. For the interested CRC systems, we first achieve the exact expression for the CDF of the equivalent end-to-end signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) of CRC systems. Then, with the exact CDF, the exact average symbol error ratio (SER) and outage performance of CRC systems are achieved. The derivation is of significance, by which we can obtain a detailed knowledge about CRC systems. Though a single integral included in the derivation, it can be calculated numerically by employing some mathematical tools such as Matlab. At the same time, to obtain the insight and highlight the effect of system parameters on the considered CRC systems, by using the high SIR approximation, we obtain the asymptotic closed-form expression of CDF as well as the ones of average SER and outage probability. From the asymptotic results, we can find the main factors that dominate the performance of CRC systems. The presented simulation results for outage probability and average SER show the derivations and simulations are in agreement. Moreover, in high SIR the achieved asymptotic results match well the exact ones. As a result, in high SIR we can employ the asymptotic closed-form solutions to evaluate the exact performance of CRC systems. This can reduce greatly the implementation complexity. Besides this, the simulations also show that the diversity order is dominated by the fading severities of the secondary systems, i.e. the diversity order be proportional to the summation of the minimum fading severity between the two hops and that of the direct link. In contrast, the parameters of the primary systems only affect the coding gain, not the diversity gain. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]