Abstract: Let G be a split semisimple algebraic group over an arbitrary field F, let E be a G‐torsor over F, and let P be a parabolic subgroup of G. The quotient variety X : = E / P, known as a flag variety, is generically split, if the parabolic subgroup P is special. It is generic, provided that the G‐torsor E over F is a standard generic G k‐torsor for a subfield k ⊂ F and a split semisimple algebraic group G k over k with ( G k ) F = G. For any generically split generic flag variety X, we show that the Chow ring CH X is generated by Chern classes (of vector bundles over X). This implies that the topological filtration on the Grothendieck ring of X coincides with the computable gamma filtration. The results were already known in some cases including the case where P is a Borel subgroup. We also provide a complete classification of generically split generic flag varieties and, equivalently, of special parabolic subgroups for split simple groups. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]