
Showing total 31 results
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1. Prevalence of awareness, ever‐use and current use of nicotine vaping products (NVPs) among adult current smokers and ex‐smokers in 14 countries with differing regulations on sales and marketing of NVPs: cross‐sectional findings from the ITC Project

2. Predictors of quality of life for chronic stroke survivors in relation to cultural differences: a literature review.

3. Managing municipal solid waste from a system perspective: A comparative study of Dalian, China and Waterloo, Canada.


5. The effects of mindfulness‐based interventions on nurses' anxiety and depression: A meta‐analysis.

6. Chinese Immigrants in Canada: Their Changing Composition and Economic Performance.

7. The Rise and Fall of Chinese Immigration to Canada: Newcomers from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China and Mainland China, 1980-2000.

8. Double Rating as a Method to Encourage Candid Responses to Self-Report Instruments.

9. Impact of the Chinese embargo against MIR162 corn on Canadian corn producers.

10. An investigation of children's empathic dispositions and behaviours across seven countries.

11. Breastfeeding and childhood obesity: A 12‐country study.

12. Knowledge evaluation instruments for dementia caregiver education programs: A scoping review.

13. Blackleg or blackmail? Economics of the Canada–China canola trade dispute.

14. A cross‐cultural validation of the Resiliency Scale for Young Adults in Canada and China.

15. Bibliometric analysis of scientific publications in respiratory journals from China and other top‐ranking countries between 2007 and 2017.

16. The World at 7:00: Comparing the Experience of Situations Across 20 Countries.

17. Learning to Be Unsung Heroes: Development of Reputation Management in Two Cultures.

18. Not Ethnic Enough: The Cultural Identity Imperative in International Adoptions from China to Canada.

20. Self-Compassion and Risk Behavior Among People Living With HIV/AIDS.

21. A multinational study of self-compassion and human immunodeficiency virus-related anxiety.

22. Investigating the actor effect in moral emotion expectancies across cultures: A comparison of Chinese and Canadian adolescents.

23. Hypermobility and the governance of global production networks: The case of the Canadian cycle industry and its links with China and Taiwan.

24. Measuring teacher efficacy to implement inclusive practices.

25. Susceptibility to global consumer culture: A three-dimensional scale.

27. Transnationalism through the life course: Hong Kong immigrants in Canada.

28. SARS in Canada and China: Two Approaches to Emergency Health Policy.

29. Cultural and individual differences in self-rating behavior: an extension and refinement of the cultural relativity hypothesis.

30. Closed windows, open doors: Geopolitics and post-1949 mainland Chinese immigration to Canada.

31. Comparison of dental education and professional development between mainland China and North America.