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2,499 results

Search Results

1. Clinicians' perceptions of digital vs. paper-based decision support interventions.

2. A qualitative exploration of the strategies used by patients and nurses when navigating a standardised care programme.

3. The patient representation struggle during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Missed opportunities for resilient healthcare systems.

4. Public perspectives on inequality and mental health: A peer research study.

5. Enhance adult students' online knowledge construction: Exploring effective instructional designs and addressing barriers.

6. Blended learning in rural K‐12 education: Stakeholder dynamics and recommendations.

7. Young Spouses' Experiences of Having a Partner With Heart Disease and Adolescents Living at Home.

8. 'There was nothing, just absolute darkness': Understanding the needs of those caring for children and young people with complex neurodisability in a diverse UK context: A qualitative exploration in the ENCOMPASS study.

9. Understanding differential reductions in undernutrition among districts in Rwanda through the perspectives of mid‐level and community actors on policy commitment and policy coherence.

10. The effect of learning strategies adopted in K12 schools on student learning in massive open online courses.

11. The Lived Experience of Informal Caregivers of People Who Have Severe Mental Illness and Coexisting Long‐Term Conditions: A Qualitative Study.

12. What aspects of health and wellbeing are most important to parent carers of children with disabilities?

13. Intensive care as a specialty of choice for registered nurses: A descriptive phenomenological study.

14. Using longitudinal qualitative research to explore the experience of receiving and using augmentative and alternative communication.

15. A qualitative exploration of the barriers and facilitators to self‐managing multiple long‐term conditions amongst people experiencing socioeconomic deprivation.

16. Investigating the impact of primary care networks on continuity of care in English general practice: Analysis of interviews with patients and clinicians from a mixed methods study.

17. Biographical histories of gendered parental substance use: Messages from mothers to professionals as to what interventions help or hinder journeys of recovery.

18. Exploring the connection between dementia and eating, drinking and swallowing difficulty: Findings from home‐based semi‐structured interviews.

19. 'Talking Very Properly Creates Such a Distance': Exploring Style‐Shifting in Speech‐Language Therapists.

20. Diagnostic procedures of paediatric speech and language therapists in the UK: Enabling and obstructive factors.

21. Integrating health systems for children and young people in out of home care: Challenging the nature of siloed service delivery in rural Australia.

22. The impact of subtle language and communication difficulties on the daily lives of autistic children without intellectual disability: Parent perspectives.

23. 'It depends on who I'm with': How young people with developmental language disorder describe their experiences of language and communication in school.

24. Stakeholder views on cognitive communication assessment and intervention for a person living independently in the community with severe traumatic brain injury.

25. A qualitative study assessing allied health provider perceptions of telepractice functionality in therapy delivery for people with disability.

26. A qualitative evaluation of a co‐design process involving young people at risk of suicide.

27. Experiences of health service access: A qualitative interview study of people living with Parkinson's disease in Ireland.

28. 'We manage, but yeah, it's challenging': A mixed‐methods study of enablers and barriers to hearing assessments for parents of children in metropolitan and regional Australia.

29. Menopause at work—An organisation‐based case study.

30. Walk‐in Together: A pilot study of a walk‐in online family therapy intervention.

31. The impact of participation in research for speech and language therapy departments and their patients: A case example of the Big CACTUS multicentre trial of self‐managed computerized aphasia therapy.

32. Stories for Change: The impact of Public Narrative on the co‐production process.

33. The true cost of dysphagia on quality of life: The views of adults with swallowing disability.

34. 'Is there something wrong with your voice?' A qualitative study of the voice concerns of people with laryngotracheal stenosis.

35. The retrospective acceptability of high intensity versus low intensity speech intervention in children with a cleft palate: A qualitative study from the parents' point of view using the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability.

36. Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions of Stabilized Edible Foam with Adults with Severe Dysphagia; an exploratory study: Use of stabilized edible foam with adults with dysphagia.

37. Perceptions of mobile and acute healthcare services among people experiencing homelessness.

38. Children's lives in an era of school closures: Exploring the implications of COVID‐19 for child labour in Ghana.

39. The oral language and emergent literacy skills of preschoolers: Early childhood teachers' self‐reported role, knowledge and confidence.

40. Decommissioning normal: COVID‐19 as a disruptor of school norms for young people with learning disabilities.

41. Systemic supervision, the last frontier: Towards a scale that measures systemic supervision.

42. Acceptability of a shared cancer follow‐up model of care between general practitioners and radiation oncologists: A qualitative evaluation.

43. Patient and healthcare professionals' perceptions of a combined blood and faecal immunochemical test for excluding colorectal cancer diagnosis in primary care.

44. The role of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Early Help: Critical reflections from embedded social care research.

45. 'I think writing is everything': An exploration of the writing experiences of people with aphasia.

46. The impact of communication on healthcare involvement for people living with motor neurone disease and their carers: A longitudinal qualitative study.

47. Examining the understandings of young adult South African men who stutter: The question of disability.

48. Evaluation of a co‐designed Health Check‐in for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and family caregivers to support pandemic recovery.

49. Coming of age in a pandemic era: The interdependence of life spheres through the lens of social integration of care leavers in Quebec during the COVID‐19 pandemic.

50. An exploratory study of capacity to change at family level in families with adolescents experiencing emotional and behavioural difficulties.