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1. The comparative study of China's mega‐city regions: A perspective of competitiveness.

2. E, S, and G, not ESG: Heterogeneous effects of environmental, social, and governance disclosure on green innovation.

3. Emissions‐Adjusted International Trade for Sustainable Development in China: Evidence from dynamic autoregressive distributed lags model and kernel based regression.

4. Sustainable and coordinated development: Green transition as a new driving force of regional economy.

5. How can China's sustainable development be damaged in consequence of financial misallocation? Analysis from the perspective of regional innovation capability.

6. Is corporate environmental responsibility synergistic with governmental environmental responsibility? Evidence from China.

7. Heterogeneity of Decoupling Between Economic Development and Carbon Emissions in China's Green Industrial Parks.

8. Do Administrative Boundaries Matter for Uneven Economic Development? A Case Study of China's Provincial Border Counties.

9. Does cultural diversity contribute to the sustainable development of trade? Empirical evidence from 288 Chinese cities.

10. Assessment on sustainable development of three major urban agglomerations in China based on sustainability‐differentiation‐combined weighting method.

11. Better understanding positive and negative impacts of disasters on regional economies, with special reference to China.

12. The entrepreneurial ecosystem of inclusive finance and entrepreneurship: A theoretical and empirical test in China.

13. Empirical analysis of eco-industrial development in China.

14. Export Dependence and Sustainability of Growth in China.

15. Growth, institutions, and entrepreneurial finance in China: a survey.

16. Retesting the Separability of China's Rural Households.

17. China's economic development: does exchange rate and FDI nexus matter?

18. Needs, wants and values in China: reducing physical wants for sustainable consumption.

19. Awareness, perceptions and determinants of urban sustainable development concerns – Evidence from a central province in China.

20. Decoupling Analysis of the Environmental Mountain-with Case Studies from China.

21. Greening China's Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure in the Face of Rapid Development: Analysis Based on Material Stock and Flow through 2050.

22. New Urbanisation under Globalisation and the Social Implications in China.

23. The State of Sustainability in China.

24. China's Economy in 2005: At a New Turning Point and Need to Fix Its Development Problems.

25. China's Limits to Growth? The Difference Between Absolute, Relative and Precautionary Limits.

26. Heritage preservation and sustainability of China's development.