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1. Effective Deep Learning Seasonal Prediction Model for Summer Drought Over China.

2. Higher atmospheric evapotranspiration demand intensified drought in semi‐arid sandy lands, northern China.

3. Assessment model of rainwater resource utilization and influencing factors in arid and semiarid areas.

4. A Nationwide Analysis of Water Scarcity and Cloud Seeding Demand Levels From Analyzing Water Utilization Data, Agricultural Drought Maps, and Local Conditions in China Mainland.

5. Assessment of candidate distributions for SPI/SPEI and sensitivity of drought to climatic variables in China.

6. Past changes of spring drought in the inner Tianshan Mountains, China, as recorded by tree rings.

7. Spatial and temporal variations of regional drought events in southern China.

8. Strong Agricultural Resilience to 2022 Southern China Drought.

9. A Warmer and Wetter World Would Aggravate GHG Emissions Intensity in China's Cropland.

10. Spatial‐temporal patterns of high‐temperature and drought during the maize growing season under current and future climate changes in northeast China.

11. Precipitation regime changes alter allometry and plasticity of meristem allocation in annual herbaceous plants in a semiarid sandy grassland, northern China.

12. High below‐ground bud abundance increases ecosystem recovery from drought across arid and semiarid grasslands.

13. Spatiotemporal variation and multivariate controls of short‐cycle drought–flood abrupt alteration: A case in the Qinling‐Daba Mountains of China.

14. The relations between summer droughts/floods and oxygen isotope composition of precipitation in the Dongting Lake basin.

15. Different transpiration and growth patterns of the black locust plantation and natural oak forest on China's Loess Plateau.

16. Compensatory dynamics drive grassland recovery from drought.

17. Extreme drought alters plant community structure by changing dominant species growth in desert grassland.

18. Projected Changes in the Pattern of Spatially Compounding Drought and Pluvial Events Over Eastern China Under a Warming Climate.

19. Stepwise cluster ensemble downscaling for drought projection under climate change.

20. Warming intensifies severe drought over China from 1980 to 2019.

21. Projection of Flash Droughts in the Headstream Area of Tarim River Basin Under Climate Change Through Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis.

22. Time series analysis for droughts characteristics response to propagation.

23. Enhanced Linkage of Summer Drought in Southern China to the North Pacific Oscillation Since 2000.

24. Identifying river water sources using end‐member mixing analysis in a subtropical monsoon basin China.

25. Risk assessment for comprehensive meteorological disaster of winter wheat based on multisource gridded data: A case study in the upper Huaihe River basin, China.

26. Projected dry/wet regimes in China using SPEI under four SSP‐RCPs based on statistically downscaled CMIP6 data.

27. Comparisons of changes in compound dry and hot events in China based on different drought indicators.

28. Quantifying Flash Droughts Over China From 1980 to 2017.

29. Effect of CO2 concentration on drought assessment in China.

30. New downscaling prediction models for spring drought in China.

31. Late‐season drought exerts more negative effects on plant diversity and cover than early‐season drought through changing soil moisture in a semi‐arid grassland.

32. Flash Droughts Identification Based on an Improved Framework and Their Contrasting Impacts on Vegetation Over the Loess Plateau, China.

33. The Peer‐To‐Peer Type Propagation From Meteorological Drought to Soil Moisture Drought Occurs in Areas With Strong Land‐Atmosphere Interaction.

34. Substantial increase of compound droughts and heatwaves in wheat growing seasons worldwide.

35. Severe Drought Conditions in Northern East Asia During the Early Pliocene Caused by Weakened Pacific Meridional Temperature Gradient.

36. Ecosystem water use efficiency response to drought over southwest China.

37. Environmental and stomatal control on evapotranspiration in a natural oak forest.

38. Was Warming Amplified Under Drought Conditions Across China in Observations and Future Projections?

39. Nonlinear Responses of Droughts Over China to Volcanic Eruptions at Different Drought Phases.

40. Future projections of precipitation, surface temperatures and drought events over the monsoon transitional zone in China from bias‐corrected CMIP6 models.

41. Upwind Droughts Enhance Half of the Heatwaves Over North China.

42. Substantial decrease in concurrent meteorological droughts and consecutive cold events in Huai River Basin, China.

43. Agricultural Drought Prediction Based on Conditional Distributions of Vine Copulas.

44. Shrub‐rings used to reconstruct drought history of the central Alxa desert, northwest China.

45. Probabilistic assessment of crop yield loss to drought time‐scales in Xinjiang, China.

46. South–north heterogeneity of the effect of volcanic eruptions on dryness/wetness in Central and Eastern China.

47. Response of Gross Primary Productivity to Drought Time‐Scales Across China.

48. Species asynchrony stabilises productivity under extreme drought across Northern China grasslands.

49. Increasing energy transfer over Eurasia and the North Atlantic enhancing the Eurasian low‐frequency wave and boreal summer droughts in China.

50. Impact of land management practices on water use strategy for a dryland tree plantation and subsequent responses to drought.