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38 results

Search Results

1. Nurses' health beliefs about paper face masks in Japan, Australia and China: a qualitative descriptive study.

2. 'It gives you encouragement because you're not alone': A pilot study of a multi‐component social media skills intervention for people with acquired brain injury.

3. 'We manage, but yeah, it's challenging': A mixed‐methods study of enablers and barriers to hearing assessments for parents of children in metropolitan and regional Australia.

4. Do parent‐reported early indicators predict later developmental language disorder? A Raine Study investigation.

5. Piloting the Mockingbird Family™ in Australia: Experiences of foster carers and agency workers.

6. Pattern of multimorbidity in middle‐aged and older‐aged people with mild intellectual disability in Australia.

7. School‐based multidisciplinary student‐led clinics in health and Australian accreditation standards: A scoping review.

8. Tools and resources used to support implementation of workplace healthy food and drink policies: A scoping review of grey literature.

9. Towards an Implementation‐STakeholder Engagement Model (I‐STEM) for improving health and social care services.

10. Is it time to abandon paper? The use of emails and the Internet for health services research - a cost-effectiveness and qualitative study.

11. The experiences of people with disability and their families/carers navigating the NDIS planning process in regional, rural and remote regions of Australia: Scoping review.

12. Walk‐in Together: A pilot study of a walk‐in online family therapy intervention.

13. Factors that influence development of speech pathology skills required for videofluoroscopic swallowing studies.

14. Internal locus of control buffers the impact of daily stressors on Australian Farmers' well‐being: A cross‐sectional study.

15. The effects of endovascular clot retrieval and thrombolysis on dysphagia in an Australian quaternary hospital: A retrospective review.

16. Students' use of technology and their perceptions of its usefulness in higher education: International comparison.

17. Creating opportunities for patient participation in managing medications across transitions of care through formal and informal modes of communication.

18. Prevalence of language and pre‐literacy difficulties in an Australian cohort of 5‐year‐old children experiencing adversity.

19. A survey of cognitive–communication difficulties following TBI: are families receiving the training and support they need?

20. Occupational therapy entry‐level education scholarship in Australia from 2000 to 2019: A systematic mapping review.

21. Use of fertility services in Australian lesbian, bisexual and queer women's pathways to parenthood.

22. Perspectives of speech and language therapists in paediatric palliative care: an international exploratory study.

23. Barriers and facilitators: Clinicians' opinions and experiences of telehealth before and after their use of a telehealth platform for child language assessment.

24. Identifying Differences in Nutrition‐Related Learning Interests of Adolescent Students.

25. Using Q‐methodology to explore mental health nurses' knowledge and skills to use recovery‐focused care to reduce aggression in acute mental health settings.

26. Using the Delphi process to identify priorities for Dietetic research in Australia 2020‐2030.

27. Cancer outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians in rural and remote areas.

28. Rethinking registrar attributes for Australian rural general practice training.

29. The impact of codeine re-scheduling on misuse: a retrospective review of calls to Australia's largest poisons centre.

30. Evaluation of a process of implementation of a gestational diabetes nutrition model of care into practice.

31. Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in Multiple Goal Research among Remote and Very Remote Indigenous Australian Students.

32. Assessing clinicians' perspectives about the identification and management of antipsychotic medication side-effects: Psychometric evaluation of a survey questionnaire.

33. Physical environments, policies and practices for physical activity and screen-based sedentary behaviour among preschoolers within child care centres in Melbourne, Australia and Kingston, Canada.

34. Barriers and promoters of participation in facilitated peer support groups for carers of children with special needs.

35. Cost per fall: a potentially misleading indicator of burden of disease in health and residential care settings.

36. No genuine self-forgiveness without accepting responsibility: Value reaffirmation as a key to maintaining positive self-regard.

37. Confidence in receiving medical care when seriously ill: a seven-country comparison of the impact of cost barriers.

38. Social identity and personality processes: Non-Aboriginal Australian identity and Neuroticism.