
Showing total 79 results
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1. High‐Temperature Exposure and Land Transactions in China.

2. New Partners for the Planet? The European Union and China in International Climate Governance from a Role‐Theoretical Perspective†.

3. Inter‐Comparison of Precipitation Simulation and Future Projections Over China From an Ensemble of Multi‐GCM Driven RCM Simulations.

4. Climate Change Effects on Agricultural Production: The Regional and Sectoral Economic Consequences in China.

5. Climate change in the Chinese mind: An overview of public perceptions at macro and micro levels.

6. Eco-urbanism and the Eco-city, or, Denying the Right to the City?

7. Addressing policy challenges in implementing Sustainable Development Goals through an adaptive governance approach: A view from transitional China.

8. Stratigraphic Framework of the Cryogenian in China.

9. Reconciling Economic Growth and Carbon Mitigation: Challenges and Policy Options in China.

10. Footprint of Research in Desertification Management in China.

11. Understanding Multiple and Competing Roles: China's Roles in the International Order Understanding Multiple and Competing Roles: China's Roles in the International Order.

12. Non-stationary bias correction of monthly CMIP5 temperature projections over China using a residual-based bagging tree model.

13. Cosmopolitan China? Lessons from international collaboration in low-carbon innovation.

14. Crossing the (watershed) divide: satellite data and the changing politics of international river basins.

15. Making sense of climate change: hybrid epistemologies, socio-natural assemblages and smallholder knowledge.

16. A nonstationary extreme value distribution for analysing the cessation of karst spring discharge.

17. An Analysis of China's Carbon Dioxide Mitigation Target.

18. The evolution of Chinese policies and governance structures on environment, energy and climate.

19. Vegetation and fire history of a Chinese site in southern tropical Xishuangbanna derived from phytolith and charcoal records from Holocene sediments.

20. Soil organic carbon stocks in China and changes from 1980s to 2000s.

21. Does climate change surprise the profitability of energy firms? Empirical evidence from China.

22. Spatiotemporal analysis of consecutive extreme wet days in China from 1980 to 2020.

23. Snow depth alteration and its relation with climate variability in China.

24. Growth of winter wheat adapting to climate warming may face more low‐temperature damage.

25. Warming intensifies severe drought over China from 1980 to 2019.

26. Spatiotemporal patterns and evolution of heavy rainfall trajectories in China.

27. Increasingly dry/wet abrupt alternation events in a warmer world: Observed evidence from China during 1980–2019.

28. Detection and attribution of summer temperature changes in China during the last millennium.

29. Future Projection of Solar Energy Over China Based on Multi‐Regional Climate Model Simulations.

30. Was Warming Amplified Under Drought Conditions Across China in Observations and Future Projections?

31. DRAINMOD simulation of paddy field drainage strategies and adaptation to future climate change in lower reaches of the Yangtze river basin*.

32. Future drought in CMIP6 projections and the socioeconomic impacts in China.

33. Educational attainment and environmental concern in China: An instrumental variable approach.

34. Impacts of climate change on heating and cooling degree‐hours over China.

35. Impacts of growth form and phylogenetic relatedness on seed germination: A large‐scale analysis of a subtropical regional flora.

36. The contributions of climate change and production area expansion to drought risk for maize in China over the last four decades.

37. On future flood magnitudes and estimation uncertainty across 151 catchments in mainland China.

38. Socioeconomic risk of droughts under a 2.0°C warmer climate: Assessment of population and GDP exposures to droughts in China.

39. Projected Changes in Abrupt Shifts Between Dry and Wet Extremes Over China Through an Ensemble of Regional Climate Model Simulations.

40. Determining the dominant factors determining the variability of terrestrial ecosystem productivity in China during the last two decades.

41. Positioning as Normative Actors: China and the EU in Climate Change Negotiations.

42. Spatiotemporal variation in reference evapotranspiration and its contributing climatic factors in China under future scenarios.

43. Leaf size of woody dicots predicts ecosystem primary productivity.

44. The "cultural turn" of climate history: An emerging field for studies of China and East Asia.

45. Forecasting CO2 emissions from energy consumption in Pakistan under different scenarios: The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor.

46. Geographical and temporal variation of multiple paternity in invasive mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki, Gambusia affinis).

47. Farmers' constraints, governmental support and climate change adaptation: Evidence from Guangdong Province, China.

48. Peak cement‐related CO2 emissions and the changes in drivers in China.

49. Bureaucratic manoeuvres and the local politics of climate change mitigation in China and India.

50. Potential contributions of climate change and urbanization to precipitation trends across China at national, regional and local scales.