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1. Putting permanent grassland at the heart of a European agroecological transition: Findings and questions arising from the 'Ten Years for Agroecology' (TYFA) scenario.

2. A global review identifies agriculture as the main threat to declining grassland birds.

3. Breeding forages with climate resiliency in temperate/tropical transition zones.

4. Grasslands, grazing and biodiversity: editors’ introduction.

5. Database of Japanese semi‐natural grassland flora.

6. Predicting agronomical and ecological effects of shifting from sheep to cattle grazing in highly dynamic Mediterranean dry grasslands.

7. Grassland seed bank and community resilience in a changing climate.

8. Precipitation alters interactions in a grassland ecological community.

9. Seasonal trends of gross N mineralization in a natural calcareous grassland.

10. The present and future of grassland restoration.

11. Plant provenance can influence the impacts of temperature and moisture on intraspecific competition in Pseudoroegneria spicata.

12. Does decomposition of standard materials differ among grassland patches maintained by livestock?

13. Atmosphere, ecology and evolution: what drove the Miocene expansion of C4 grasslands?

14. Soil organic carbon stocks in China and changes from 1980s to 2000s.

15. How do climate warming and species richness affect CO2 fluxes in experimental grasslands?

16. Estimating annual N2O emissions from agricultural soils in temperate climates.

17. High below‐ground bud abundance increases ecosystem recovery from drought across arid and semiarid grasslands.

18. Seventy questions of importance to the conservation of the North Central grasslands of the United States in a changing climate.

19. LAI‐based reduction in growth of semiarid grasslands and its responses to climate change on China's Loess Plateau.

20. Root traits of grasslands rapidly respond to climate change, while community biomass mainly depends on functional composition.

21. Asymmetric responses of primary productivity to precipitation extremes: A synthesis of grassland precipitation manipulation experiments.

22. Ecological Flow Management Identified as Leading Driver of Grassland Greening in the Gobi Desert Using Deep Learning.

23. Climate‐based identification of suitable cropping areas for giant reed and reed canary grass on marginal land in Central and Southern Europe under climate change.

24. Effects of dry spells on soil moisture and yield anomalies at a montane managed grassland site: A lysimeter climate experiment.

25. Groundwater recharge in an arid grassland as indicated by soil chloride profile and multiple tracers.

26. Climate Change and Rising CO2 Amplify the Impact of Land Use/Cover Change on Carbon Budget Differentially Across China.

27. Divergent climate impacts on C3 versus C4 grasses imply widespread 21st century shifts in grassland functional composition.

28. Above‐ and below‐ground responses to experimental climate forcing in two forb species from montane wooded pastures in Switzerland.

29. Assessing impacts of climate change on selected foundation species and ecosystem services in the South‐Central USA.

30. Feast or famine: How is global change affecting forage supply for Yellowstone's ungulate herds?

31. Variation in overall fitness due to seed source: projections for predictive provenancing.

32. Disturbance: a double‐edged sword for restoration in a changing climate.

33. The response of litter decomposition to extreme drought modified by plant species, plant part, and soil depth in a temperate grassland.

34. Germination of grass species from dry and wet grasslands in response to osmotic stress under present and future temperatures.

35. Effects of drought on grassland phenology depend on functional types.

36. Responses of sustainable development indicators to human activities and climate change in ecologically fragile areas of impoverished counties in China: Case study of the Zijin Mountain area of Linxian: A national-level poor county.

37. More future synergies and less trade‐offs between forest ecosystem services with natural climate solutions instead of bioeconomy solutions.

38. Leaf Traits Predict Water‐Use Efficiency in U.S. Pacific Northwest Grasslands Under Rain Exclusion Treatment.

39. Determinants and dynamics of blowouts in Hulun Buir sandy grassland, Inner Mongolia, China from 1959 to 2018.

40. Dynamics of blowouts indicating the process of grassland desertification.

41. Deepened snow loosens temporal coupling between plant and microbial N utilization and induces ecosystem N losses.

42. Microclimate shapes vegetation response to drought in calcareous grasslands.

43. Warming effects on grassland productivity depend on plant diversity.

44. The influence of aboveground and belowground species composition on spatial turnover in nutrient pools in alpine grasslands.

45. The last continuous grasslands on Earth: Identification and conservation importance.

46. Effect of geographical range size on plant functional traits and the relationships between plant, soil and climate in Chinese grasslands.

47. Sustainable management of grassland ecosystems for controlling Asian dusts and desertification in Asian continent and a suggestion of Eco-Village study in China.

48. Trait convergence and trait divergence in herbaceous plant communities: Mechanisms and consequences.

49. Vulnerability of grassland seed banks to resource‐enhancing global changes.

50. Decreased precipitation in the late growing season weakens an ecosystem carbon sink in a semi‐arid grassland.