
Showing total 17 results
17 results

Search Results

1. Exploring the obesity concerns of British Pakistani women living in deprived inner‐city areas: A qualitative study.

2. Decision making in NICE single technological appraisals: How does NICE incorporate patient perspectives?

3. Understanding supported self‐management for people living with a lower‐grade glioma: Implementation considerations through the lens of normalisation process theory.

4. Mentoring medical students as a means to increase healthcare assistant status: A qualitative study.

5. Understanding support systems for Parkinson's disease management in community settings: A cross‐national qualitative study.

6. Supporting the parent‐to‐child transfer of self‐management responsibility for chronic kidney disease: A qualitative study.

7. Patient views on asthma diagnosis and how a clinical decision support system could help: A qualitative study.

8. Generational perspective on asthma self‐management in the Bangladeshi and Pakistani community in the United Kingdom: A qualitative study.

9. Power, recovery and doing something worthwhile: A thematic analysis of expert patient perspectives in psychiatry education.

10. Why don't patients seek help for chronic post‐surgical pain after knee replacement? A qualitative investigation.

11. Parent recommendations to support physical activity for families with young children: Results of interviews in deprived and affluent communities in South Wales (United Kingdom).

12. Preferences for interventions designed to increase cervical screening uptake in non‐attending young women: How findings from a discrete choice experiment compare with observed behaviours in a trial.

13. "To know or not to know...?" Push and pull in ever smokers lung screening uptake decision‐making intentions.

14. Diagnosis of a severe congenital anomaly: A qualitative analysis of parental decision making and the implications for healthcare encounters.

15. Parents' experiences of living with a child with hydrocephalus: a cross-sectional interview-based study.

16. Politician personality, Machiavellianism, and political skill as predictors of performance ratings in political roles.

17. Cakes for cure: the role of charities in the embedding of innovative cancer treatment technologies.