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1. A role for nitroxyl (HNO) as an endothelium-derived relaxing and hyperpolarizing factor in resistance arteries.

2. Fluorescent ligand binding reveals heterogeneous distribution of adrenoceptors and 'cannabinoid-like' receptors in small arteries.

3. Cholinergic innervation of the mouse isolated vas deferens.

4. Silencing of spontaneous activity at α4β1/3δ GABAA receptors in hippocampal granule cells reveals different ligand pharmacology.

5. Cloning and characterization of the rat Slo3 (KCa 5.1) channel: From biophysics to pharmacology.

6. Aurora kinase inhibitor tozasertib suppresses mast cell activation in vitro and in vivo.

7. Propranolol is a mechanism-based inhibitor of CYP2D and CYP2D6 in humanized CYP2D6-transgenic mice: Effects on activity and drug responses.

8. Inhibitory effects of cycloastragenol on abdominal aortic aneurysm and its related mechanisms.

9. Pharmacological characterization of the opioid inactive isomers (+)-naltrexone and (+)-naloxone as antagonists of toll-like receptor 4.

10. A unique modulator of endoplasmic reticulum stress-signalling pathways: the novel pharmacological properties of amiloride in glial cells.

11. The alpha 1B/D-adrenoceptor knockout mouse permits isolation of the vascular alpha 1A-adrenoceptor and elucidates its relationship to the other subtypes.

12. alpha2A-adrenoceptor antagonism increases insulin secretion and synergistically augments the insulinotropic effect of glibenclamide in mice.

13. Src kinase-targeted anti-inflammatory activity of davallialactone from Inonotus xeranticus in lipopolysaccharide-activated RAW264.7 cells.

14. The new water-soluble artemisinin derivative SM905 ameliorates collagen-induced arthritis by suppression of inflammatory and Th17 responses.

15. Functional coupling of angiotensin II type 1 receptor with insulin resistance of energy substrate uptakes in immortalized cardiomyocytes (HL-1 cells).

16. Cloning and pharmacological characterization of the guinea pig P2X7 receptor orthologue.

17. Contribution of the active metabolite M1 to the pharmacological activity of tesofensine in vivo: a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling approach.

18. In vitro and in vivo pharmacological profile of UFP-512, a novel selective delta-opioid receptor agonist; correlations between desensitization and tolerance.

19. Sch35966 is a potent, selective agonist at the peripheral cannabinoid receptor (CB2) in rodents and primates.

20. Lack of selectivity of URB602 for 2-oleoylglycerol compared to anandamide hydrolysis in vitro.

21. A new benzoxazine compound blocks KATP channels in pancreatic beta cells: molecular basis for tissue selectivity in vitro and hypoglycaemic action in vivo.

22. A key role for the subunit SUR2B in the preferential activation of vascular KATP channels by isoflurane.

23. In vitro and in vivo pharmacology of synthetic olivetol- or resorcinol-derived cannabinoid receptor ligands.

24. Inhibition of fatty acid amide hydrolase produces analgesia by multiple mechanisms.

25. CB1 cannabinoid receptor-mediated modulation of food intake in mice.