
Showing total 38 results
38 results

Search Results

1. Investigating the impact of primary care networks on continuity of care in English general practice: Analysis of interviews with patients and clinicians from a mixed methods study.

2. Women's and peer supporters' experiences of an assets‐based peer support intervention for increasing breastfeeding initiation and continuation: A qualitative study.

3. Research and recovery: Can patient participation in research promote recovery for people with complex post‐traumatic stress disorder, CPTSD?

4. Evaluation of a Faith‐Placed Health Education Service on Bowel Cancer Screening in Mosques in East London.

5. Experiences of Self‐Sampling and Future Screening Preferences in Non‐Attenders Who Returned an HPV Vaginal Self‐Sample in the YouScreen Study: Findings From a Cross‐Sectional Questionnaire.

6. Co‐production and adaptation of a prison‐based problem‐solving workbook to support the mental health of patients housed within a medium‐ and low‐secure forensic service.

7. Mapping breastfeeding services: a method to inform effective implementation and evaluation of evidence-based policy in practice.

8. Patients' experiences of, and engagement with, remote home monitoring services for COVID‐19 patients: A rapid mixed‐methods study.

9. Implementation of training to improve communication with disabled children on the ward: A feasibility study.

10. 'Birthing a Better Future': A mixed‐methods evaluation of an exhibition on the early years of life.

11. Alcohol use, cigarette smoking, vaping and number of sexual partners: A cross‐sectional study of sexually active, ethnically diverse, inner city adolescents.

12. Determinants of patient activation and its association with cardiovascular disease risk in chronic kidney disease: A cross‐sectional study.

13. Reciprocal relationships and the importance of feedback in patient and public involvement: A mixed methods study.

14. Patient‐initiated recruitment for clinical research: Evaluation of an outpatient letter research statement.

15. Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and intelligence quotients in the offspring at 8 years of age: Findings from the ALSPAC cohort.

16. Understanding food vulnerability and health literacy in older bereaved men: A qualitative study.

17. Sensitivity to scale of willingness-to-pay within the context of menorrhagia.

18. Severe maternal morbidity and breastfeeding outcomes in the early post-natal period: a prospective cohort study from one English maternity unit.

19. Testing two screening instruments for autism spectrum disorder in UK community child health services.

20. Choosing vs. allocating: discrete choice experiments and constant-sum paired comparisons for the elicitation of societal preferences.

21. Survey of patients' experiences and perceptions of care provided by nurse and pharmacist independent prescribers in primary care.

22. Women's views and experiences of antenatal enquiry for domestic abuse during pregnancy.

23. Supporting public involvement in research design and grant development: a case study of a public involvement award scheme managed by a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Research Design Service (RDS).

24. Do patients' information requirements for choice in health care vary with their socio-demographic characteristics?

25. Work-family interference, psychological distress, and workplace injuries.

26. Individual budgets for people with incontinence: results from a 'shopping' experiment within the British National Health Service.

27. Patients' attitudes towards patient involvement in safety interventions: results of two exploratory studies.

28. The associations between feeding difficulties and behaviours and dietary patterns at 2 years of age: the ALSPAC cohort.

29. 'If We Build It, Will It Stay?' A Case Study of the Sustainability of Whole-System Change in London.

30. Enhancing health literacy and behavioural change within a tele-care education and support intervention for people with type 2 diabetes.

31. Preferences for mode of delivery after previous caesarean section: what do women want, what do they get and how do they value outcomes?

32. Communicating the results of research: how do participants of a cardiac rehabilitation RCT prefer to be informed?

33. Diagnosis and management of vasa previa: a questionnaire survey.

34. `It's just another piece of schoolwork': The ethics of questionnaire research on pupils in schools.

35. Classroom Behaviour Problems which Secondary School Teachers say they find most Troublesome.

36. Child-Rearing in England and the United States: A Cross-National Comparison.


38. Infant temperament, maternal feeding behaviours and the timing of solid food introduction.