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45 results

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1. Places that don't matter or people that don't matter? A multilevel modelling approach to the analysis of the geographies of discontent.

2. Measuring the impact of legal and administrative international barriers on regional growth.

3. Proximity and collaboration in European nanotechnology.

4. Economic shocks and growth: Spatio-temporal perspectives on Europe's economies in a time of crisis.

5. Transnational collective bargaining in Europe: The case for legislative action at EU level.

6. Global biomass potentials under sustainability restrictions defined by the European Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/ EC.

7. Embryonic stem cell research and therapy: the need for a common European legal framework.

8. Scenarios for investigating risks to biodiversity.

9. Spatial interaction modelling of cross-region R&D collaborations: empirical evidence from the 5th EU framework programme.

10. The meta-regulation of European industrial relations: Power shifts, institutional dynamics and the emergence of regulatory competition.

11. Earnings and income inequality in the EU during the crisis.

12. The socio-economic modelling of the ALARM scenarios with GINFORS: results and analysis for selected European countries.

13. Economic Policies for Growth and Employment.

14. Financing Services of General Economic Interest.

15. How will EMU affect inflation and unemployment in Europe?

16. Sustainable economic growth in the European Union: The role of ICT, venture capital, and innovation.

17. Mapping citizens' identification with the EU.

18. Detection of a Climate Change Signal in Extreme Heat, Heat Stress, and Cold in Europe From Observations.

19. Advancing research toward faster diagnosis, better treatment, and end of stigma in epilepsy.

20. The Exceptional 2018 European Water Seesaw Calls for Action on Adaptation.

21. Safety of the Combination of PERC and YEARS Rules in Patients With Low Clinical Probability of Pulmonary Embolism: A Retrospective Analysis of Two Large European Cohorts.

22. Patient engagement with research: European population register study.

23. Croyances et coopération : analyse du réseau des acteurs de la Politique de sécurité et de défense commune de l'UE.

24. Introduction: Crisis, policy responses and widening inequalities in the EU.

25. Carbon trading will hurt EU industry competitiveness.

26. Assessing Key Competences across the Curriculum - and Europe.

27. Key Competences in Europe: interpretation, policy formulation and implementation.

28. Ping Pong: competing leadership for reform in EU higher education 1998-2006.

29. The European Social Fund: changing approaches to VET.

30. Qualifications Frameworks: the avenue towards the convergence of European higher education?

31. The Anatomy of Civic Integration Dora Kostakopoulou The Anatomy of Civic Integration.

32. Knowledge links between European universities and firms: A review.

33. Playground or Democratisation? New Participatory Procedures at the European Commission.

34. Price setting and price adjustment in some European Union Countries: introduction to the special issue.

35. The Challenges of Work-Based Learning in the Changing Context of the European Higher Education Area.

36. A Short History of Price Level Convergence in Europe.

37. The Rise of the Information Society amongst European Academics.

38. What labelling policy for consumer choice? The case of genetically modified food in Canada and Europe.

39. An economic and legal assessment of the EU food industry's competitiveness.

40. Monitoring quality in work: European Employment Strategy indicators and beyond.

41. Designing Cost-Effective Payments for Conservation Measures to Generate Spatiotemporal Habitat Heterogeneity.

42. Europe combating cancer: The European Union's commitment to cancer research in the 6th Framework Programme

43. Dimensions of Politics in the European Parliament.

44. Ideas, Norms and European Citizenship: Explaining Institutional Change.

45. Cefic receives temporary lobbying ban.