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1. The Arctic Rivers Project: Using an Equitable Co‐Production Framework for Integrating Meaningful Community Engagement and Science to Understand Climate Impacts.

2. Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Arctic Cloud Feedbacks: A Comparison of Diagnostic Methods.

3. A Convergence Science Approach to Understanding the Changing Arctic.

4. PiCAM: A Raspberry Pi‐based open‐source, low‐power camera system for monitoring plant phenology in Arctic environments.

5. Arctic Ocean Freshening Linked to Anthropogenic Climate Change: All Hands on Deck.

6. Warming effects on arctic tundra biogeochemistry are limited but habitat‐dependent: a meta‐analysis.

7. Stratigraphic and Spatial Extent of HALIP Magmatism in Central Spitsbergen.

8. Leading‐edge disequilibrium in alder and spruce populations across the forest–tundra ecotone.

9. Increasing Arctic Sea Ice Albedo Using Localized Reversible Geoengineering.

10. More Frequent Spaceborne Sampling of XCO2 Improves Detectability of Carbon Cycle Seasonal Transitions in Arctic‐Boreal Ecosystems.

11. Unexpected sources of uncertainty in projecting habitat shifts for Arctic shorebirds under climate change.

12. Basin‐Wide Shift in Bowhead Whale Migration in the Pacific Arctic.

13. Assessing long‐term diatom changes in sub‐Arctic ponds receiving high fluxes of seabird nutrients.

14. Improving BC Mixing State and CCN Activity Representation With Machine Learning in the Community Atmosphere Model Version 6 (CAM6).

15. Coupled Changes in the Arctic Carbon Cycle Between the Land, Marine, and Social Domains.

16. Climate change in the Arctic: current and future vulnerability in two Inuit communities in Canada.

17. Revisiting the Potential to Narrow Model Uncertainty in the Projections of Arctic Runoff.

18. Wildfire impacts on root‐associated fungi and predicted plant–soil feedbacks in the boreal forest: Research progress and recommendations.

19. Top‐Down Regulation by a Reindeer Herding System Limits Climate‐Driven Arctic Vegetation Change at a Regional Scale.

20. Rhythms of the Earth—Editorial Introduction.

21. Intraspecific trait variability is a key feature underlying high Arctic plant community resistance to climate warming.

22. Constraining CMIP6 Projections of an Ice‐Free Arctic Using a Weighting Scheme.

23. Upslope release—Downslope receipt? Multi‐year plant uptake of permafrost‐released nitrogen along an arctic hillslope.

24. Annual Mean Arctic Amplification 1970–2020: Observed and Simulated by CMIP6 Climate Models.

25. Long‐term warming effects on the microbiome and nifH gene abundance of a common moss species in sub‐Arctic tundra.

26. Causal Links Between Arctic Sea Ice and Its Potential Drivers Based on the Rate of Information Transfer.

27. Hydraulic adaptability promotes tree life spans under climate dryness.

28. Emerging Trends in Arctic Solar Absorption.

29. Growing faster, longer or both? Modelling plastic response of Juniperus communis growth phenology to climate change.

30. Biases Beyond the Mean in CMIP6 Extreme Precipitation: A Global Investigation.

31. Constraining the Date of a Seasonally Ice‐Free Arctic Using a Simple Model.

32. Rapid shifts in Arctic tundra species' distributions and inter‐specific range overlap under future climate change.

33. Underwater Sound Levels in the Arctic: Filling Knowledge Gaps.

34. Response of forage plants to alteration of temperature and spring thaw date: implications for geese in a warming Arctic.

35. Accounting for species interactions is necessary for predicting how arctic arthropod communities respond to climate change.

36. Opposite Responses of the Dry and Moist Eddy Heat Transport Into the Arctic in the PAMIP Experiments.

37. Growth of marine ectotherms is regionally constrained and asymmetric with latitude.

38. Predicting impacts of food competition, climate, and disturbance on a long‐distance migratory herbivore.

39. Regionally Coupled Atmosphere‐Ocean‐Marine Biogeochemistry Model ROM: 2. Studying the Climate Change Signal in the North Atlantic and Europe.

40. Ice‐Wedge Evidence of Holocene Winter Warming in the Canadian Arctic.

41. Increased Transnational Sea Ice Transport Between Neighboring Arctic States in the 21st Century.

42. Implications of evergreen shrub expansion in the Arctic.

43. The Early Collapse of the 2017 Lincoln Sea Ice Arch in Response to Anomalous Sea Ice and Wind Forcing.

44. Decadal declines in avian herbivore reproduction: density-dependent nutrition and phenological mismatch in the Arctic.

45. Modeling long-term changes in tundra carbon balance following wildfire, climate change, and potential nutrient addition.

46. Pan-Arctic river discharge: Prioritizing monitoring of future climate change hot spots.

47. White Arctic vs. Blue Arctic: A case study of diverging stakeholder responses to environmental change.

48. Ground ice melt in the high Arctic leads to greater ecological heterogeneity.

49. Arctic marine mammal population status, sea ice habitat loss, and conservation recommendations for the 21st century.

50. NDVI as a predictor of canopy arthropod biomass in the Alaskan arctic tundra.