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1. Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Arctic Cloud Feedbacks: A Comparison of Diagnostic Methods.

2. Bering Strait Ocean Heat Transport Drives Decadal Arctic Variability in a High‐Resolution Climate Model.

3. Factors Contributing to Historical and Future Trends in Arctic Precipitation.

4. Improving BC Mixing State and CCN Activity Representation With Machine Learning in the Community Atmosphere Model Version 6 (CAM6).

5. Constraining the First Year of Ice‐Free Arctic: Importance of Regional Perspective.

6. The Effect of Arctic Sea‐Ice Loss on Extratropical Cyclones.

7. Revisiting the Potential to Narrow Model Uncertainty in the Projections of Arctic Runoff.

8. European Winter Climate Response to Projected Arctic Sea‐Ice Loss Strongly Shaped by Change in the North Atlantic Jet.

9. Non‐Linear Response of the Extratropics to Tropical Climate Variability.

10. Sea‐Ice Forecasts With an Upgraded AWI Coupled Prediction System.

11. Constraining CMIP6 Projections of an Ice‐Free Arctic Using a Weighting Scheme.

12. A Simple Conceptual Model for the Self‐Sustained Multidecadal AMOC Variability.

13. Annual Mean Arctic Amplification 1970–2020: Observed and Simulated by CMIP6 Climate Models.

14. Driving Mechanisms of an Extreme Winter Sea Ice Breakup Event in the Beaufort Sea.

15. New Insights on the Radiative Impacts of Ozone‐Depleting Substances.

16. Observed Winds Crucial for September Arctic Sea Ice Loss.

17. Understanding the Cold Season Arctic Surface Warming Trend in Recent Decades.

18. Biases Beyond the Mean in CMIP6 Extreme Precipitation: A Global Investigation.

19. Constraining the Date of a Seasonally Ice‐Free Arctic Using a Simple Model.

20. Linear Response Function Reveals the Most Effective Remote Forcing in Causing September Arctic Sea Ice Melting in CESM.

21. Robust Inter‐Hemispheric Asymmetry in the Response to Symmetric Volcanic Forcing in Model Large Ensembles.

22. Opposite Responses of the Dry and Moist Eddy Heat Transport Into the Arctic in the PAMIP Experiments.

23. Multicentennial Variability Driven by Salinity Exchanges Between the Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean in a Coupled Climate Model.

24. Seasonal Dependent Impact of Ice Cloud Longwave Scattering on the Polar Climate.

25. Dependence of Atmospheric Transport Into the Arctic on the Meridional Extent of the Hadley Cell.

26. Understanding Intermodel Diversity When Simulating the Time of Emergence in CMIP5 Climate Models.

27. Sea Ice Formation in a Coupled Climate Model Including Grease Ice.

28. Drivers of the Northern Extratropical Eddy‐Driven Jet Change in CMIP5 and CMIP6 Models.

29. A Multimodel Approach for Improving Seasonal Probabilistic Forecasts of Regional Arctic Sea Ice.

30. Dust Radiative Effects on Climate by Glaciating Mixed‐Phase Clouds.

31. Influence of climate model variability on projected Arctic shipping futures.

32. Retrievals of Arctic Sea‐Ice Volume and Its Trend Significantly Affected by Interannual Snow Variability.