
Showing total 21 results
21 results

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1. Multi‐Decadal Variability of Amundsen Sea Low Controlled by Natural Tropical and Anthropogenic Drivers.

2. Assessment of Antarctic sea ice area and concentration in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 and Phase 6 models.

3. Colder Eastern Equatorial Pacific and Stronger Walker Circulation in the Early 21st Century: Separating the Forced Response to Global Warming From Natural Variability.

4. Process‐based evaluation of the VALUE perfect predictor experiment of statistical downscaling methods.

5. A Later Onset of the Rainy Season in California.

6. Storylines for future changes of the North Atlantic jet and associated impacts on the UK.

7. Improved representation of atmospheric dynamics in CMIP6 models removes climate sensitivity dependence on Hadley cell climatological extent.

8. An evaluation of CMIP5 and CMIP6 climate models in simulating summer rainfall in the Southeast Asian monsoon domain.

9. Dynamical Downscaling of Near‐Term (2026–2035) Climate Variability and Change for the Main Hawaiian Islands.

10. Opposite Responses of the Dry and Moist Eddy Heat Transport Into the Arctic in the PAMIP Experiments.

11. Present Temperature, Precipitation, and Rain‐on‐Snow Climate in Svalbard.

12. The Max Planck Institute Grand Ensemble: Enabling the Exploration of Climate System Variability.

13. How Strong Is Influence of the Tropics and Midlatitudes on the Arctic Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Change?

14. The Dominant Role of Extreme Precipitation Events in Antarctic Snowfall Variability.

15. Recent Acceleration of Arabian Sea Warming Induced by the Atlantic‐Western Pacific Trans‐basin Multidecadal Variability.

16. Anthropogenically Forced Decadal Change of South Asian Summer Monsoon Across the Mid‐1990s.

17. Seasonal prediction of high‐resolution temperature at 2‐m height over Mongolia during boreal winter using both coupled general circulation model and artificial neural network.

18. Linking Glacial‐Interglacial States to Multiple Equilibria of Climate.

19. Relationship between weather conditions advantageous for the development of urban heat island and atmospheric macrocirculation changes.

20. Teleconnection influence of precipitation‐bearing synoptic types over the Snowy Mountains region of south‐east Australia.

21. Global climate impacts of stochastic deep convection parameterization in the NCAR CAM5.