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2. Empirical tests for predatory reputation.

3. Respiratory tract versus cloacal sampling of migratory ducks for influenza A viruses: are both ends relevant?

4. Spatial–temporal analysis of species range expansion: the case of the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae.

5. News of the Association / Chronique de l’Association.

6. Deep Geological Controls on Formation of the Highest‐Grade Uranium Deposits in the World: Magnetotelluric Imaging of Unconformity‐Related Systems From the Athabasca Basin, Canada.

7. Patient, family member and caregiver engagement in shaping policy for primary health care teams in three Canadian Provinces.

8. Resolving stratigraphic architecture and constraining ages of paralic strata in a low‐accommodation setting, Firebag Tributary, McMurray Formation, Canada.

9. Salt dissolution tectonism and origin of lacustrine carbonate beds: Mn‐Fe‐calcite and Mn‐siderite micro‐spherulite fabrics of the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Athabasca Oil Sands deposit, western Canada.

10. The Paleogene Eagle Butte meteorite impact and dikes of seismic wave mobilized tuff in western Canada.

11. Description and etiology of paleopathological lesions in the type specimen of Parasaurolophus walkeri (Dinosauria: Hadrosauridae), with proposed reconstructions of the nuchal ligament.

12. Intestinal helminth communities in long-billed curlews: the importance of congeneric host-specialists.

13. Hyperspectral imaging of drill core from the Steen River impact structure, Canada: Implications for hydrothermal activity and formation of suevite‐like breccias.

14. Regionalizing Healthcare in Alberta: Legislated Change, Uncertainty and Loose Coupling.

15. The use of dental care services in Alberta, Manitoba, and Newfoundland and Labrador: A comparative analysis.

16. Efficacy of a radar-activated on-demand system for deterring waterfowl from oil sands tailings ponds.

17. ORIGINAL ARTICLE Differing influences of natural and artificial disturbances on riparian cottonwoods from prairie to mountain ecoregions in Alberta, Canada.

18. Lack of relationship between below-ground competition and allocation to roots in 10 grassland species.

20. Characterization of Ascochyta isolates and susceptibility of pea cultivars to the ascochyta disease complex in Alberta.

21. Dynamics of local expansion by an introduced species: Pterostichus melanarius Ill. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in Alberta, Canada.

22. Selection of Roosting and Foraging Habitat by Bats in Different-Aged Aspen Mixedwood Stands.

23. Temporal patterns of age-class distributions on foothills landscapesin Alberta

24. The Relationship Between Firm Size and Screening in an Automobile Insurance Market.

25. Facet importance and the job satisfaction of school principals.

26. Geographical aspects of constraints on leisure and recreation.

28. Church Involvement and the Comfort Thesis in Alberta.

29. Costs and supply in petroleum exploration: the case of Alberta.

30. Establishment and interactions of carabid populations: an experiment with native and introduced species.

31. Factors affecting the regeneration and distribution of riparian woodlands along a northern prairie river: the Red Deer River, Alberta, Canada.

32. Cattle Feeding in Western Canada: The Economics of Its Location.

33. The effect of supply management on herd size in Alberta...

34. Forest closure and encroachment at the grassland interface: a century‐scale analysis using oblique repeat photography.

35. Potential impacts of climate change on the habitat of boreal woodland caribou.