13285440 - De Witte, Hans, De Spiegelaere, Stan, Van Gyes, Guy, De Witte, Hans, Niesen, Wendy, Van Hootegem, Geert, 13285440 - De Witte, Hans, De Spiegelaere, Stan, Van Gyes, Guy, De Witte, Hans, Niesen, Wendy, and Van Hootegem, Geert
European policy is focusing on innovation as a way out of the economic crisis. At the same time, job insecurity is rising as Europe is still in crisis. In this paper, we examine whether job insecurity affects the innovative work behaviour of employees by focusing on the relation between job insecurity, job autonomy, work engagement and innovative work behaviour (IWB). Using employee level survey data, we use structural equation modelling to disentangle the relations between these variables. The partially mediated model shows the best fit with the data. This model shows that job insecurity and autonomy are both directly and indirectly, through work engagement, related with IWB. For autonomy these relations are positive, while they are negative (and smaller) for job insecurity. Moreover, a negative covariance is observed between job insecurity and autonomy.