The development of the basement membrane and collagen fibrils below placodes, including the corneal region of the ectoderm, lens epithelium, nasal plate, and auditory vesicle in anuran larvae was observed by transmission electron microscopy and compared with that in nonplacodal regions such as the epidermis, neural tube, and optic vesicle. In the corneal region the lamina densa becomes thick concomitantly with the development of the connecting apparatuses such as hemidesmosomes and anchoring fibrils. The collagen fibrils increase in number and form a multilayered structure, showing similar morphology to the connective tissues below the epidermis. These two areas, i.e., the corneal region and epidermis, possess much collagenous connective tissue below them. On the other hand, the neural tube and ophthalmic vesicle that originated from the neural tube each have a thin lamina densa and a small number of underlying collagen fibrils. The lamina densa does not thicken and the number of collagen fibrils do not significantly increase during development. These two areas possess little extracellular matrix. The nasal plate and auditory vesicle show intermediate characteristics between the epidermis-type and the neural tube-type areas. In these areas, the lamina densa becomes thick and hemidesmosomes and anchoring fibrils develop. The number of collagen fibrils increases during development, but does not show an orderly arrangement; rather, they are randomly distributed. It is thought that the difference in the arrangement of collagen fibrils in different tissues is due to differences in the extracellular matrix around the collagen fibrils. Placodal epithelia have the same origin as epidermis, but during development their morphological characteristics differ and they are not associated with the pattern of extracellular matrix with characteristics of epidermal and corneal multilayered collagen fibril areas., (Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.)