This is the fourth paper in a series on the distribution of blood groups among Indians of South America. It reports the findings on the Indians of Chile and the Polynesians of Chile's Easter Island. Blood specimens were procured from the following putatively pure Indians and unmixed Polynesians: 44 Alacaluf of Puerto Eden, Isla Wellington, 141 Mapuche (Araucanian) of Lonquimay, Malleco Province, 80 Atacamenos of Antofagasta Province, and 45 Polynesians of Easter Island. These 310 samples were tested for blood factors in the A-B-O, M-N-S-s, P, Rh-Hr, Lutheran, K-k, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd and Diego systems, and for the Wright (Wra) agglutinogen. Serum samples were tested for haptoglobins and transferrins. Hemolysates prepared from the blood clots were tested for hemoglobin types. The results are presented as phenotype incidences and calculated gene frequencies in appropriate tables. Locations of the populations from which blood samples were procured are shown on two maps. The high frequencies for the O gene usually reported for South American Indians obtain in putatively pure Chilean Indians but A1 is high in Easter Island Polynesians. In both Indians and Polynesians M, s, R1 (CDe), R2 (cDE), Lub, k, LeH, and Fya gene frequencies are high and B, N, S, Mia, Vw, Ro (cDe), r (cde), Lua, K, Le1, Fyb, and Wra (Ca) are low or absent. The Diego (Di) gene is present in the Mapuche and Atacamenos but absent in the Alacaluf and Polynesians. Hp1 gene frequencies were determined only in the Alacaluf and Atacamenos, in which they are 0.48 and 0.67 respectively. Transferrins were determined for the Alacaluf and Atacamenos Indians and all were classified as Tf C. All Chilean Indian and Polynesian specimens were tested electrophoretically for hemoglobin types and all contained only hemoglobin (A) as a major component.