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1. How does the core sit inside the mantle?

2. Meyniel's conjecture holds for random graphs

3. Degenerate random environments

4. Random graphs containing few disjoint excluded minors

5. The diameter of a random subgraph of the hypercube

6. Counting strongly-connected, moderately sparse directed graphs

7. Regularity properties for triple systems

8. On characterizing hypergraph regularity

9. Hamilton cycles containing randomly selected edges in random regular graphs

10. Coloring nonuniform hypergraphs: A new algorithmic approach to the general Lov�sz local lemma

11. Approximating the unsatisfiability threshold of random formulas

12. Maximal full subspaces in random projective spaces-thresholds and Poisson approximation

13. Szemerédi's partition and quasirandomness

14. Multicolor containers, extremal entropy, and counting

15. A new combinatorial representation of the additive coalescent

16. The random connection model: Connectivity, edge lengths, and degree distributions

17. Coloring graphs of various maximum degree from random lists

18. Fuzzy transformations and extremality of Gibbs measures for the potts model on a Cayley tree

19. Triangle factors of graphs without large independent sets and of weighted graphs

20. The probability of connectivity in a hyperbolic model of complex networks

21. Bounds for pairs in judicious partitioning of graphs

22. A combinatorial characterization of smooth LTCs and applications

23. A local central limit theorem for triangles in a random graph

24. Random directed graphs are robustly Hamiltonian

25. Asymptotic distribution of the numbers of vertices and arcs of the giant strong component in sparse random digraphs

26. On the max-cut of sparse random graphs

27. A query efficient non-adaptive long code test with perfect completeness

28. Increasing Hamiltonian paths in random edge orderings

29. The threshold for d-collapsibility in random complexes*

30. On induced Ramsey numbers fork-uniform hypergraphs

31. Expected time complexity of the auction algorithm and the push relabel algorithm for maximum bipartite matching on random graphs

32. How many T-tessellations on k lines? Existence of associated Gibbs measures on bounded convex domains

33. Diffusivity of a random walk on random walks

34. Sandwiching a densest subgraph by consecutive cores

35. Deterministic random walks on finite graphs

36. Record-dependent measures on the symmetric groups

37. Efficient algorithms for three-dimensional axial and planar random assignment problems

38. Discrepancy of random graphs and hypergraphs

39. A combination of testability and decodability by tensor products

40. On a greedy 2-matching algorithm and Hamilton cycles in random graphs with minimum degree at least three

41. Generalized loop-erased random walks and approximate reachability

42. The phase transition in random graphs: A simple proof

43. Delaying satisfiability for random 2SAT

44. Coloring graphs from random lists of fixed size

45. Asymptotics of trees with a prescribed degree sequence and applications

46. Rumor spreading on random regular graphs and expanders

47. Critical window for the vacant set left by random walk on random regular graphs

48. On extractors and exposure-resilient functions for sublogarithmic entropy

49. Time evolution of dense multigraph limits under edge-conservative preferential attachment dynamics

50. Distribution of the number of spanning regular subgraphs in random graphs