- Author
Čihal, Vesna and Završnik, Bruno
- Subjects
tržno komuniciranje ,primarne organizacije ,udc:658.8 ,osebna prodaja ,turistični proizvod ,tourism services ,marketing ,marketing communication ,turistične storitve ,tourism products ,basic tourism organizations ,trženje ,personal selling - Abstract
Turistične agencije se poslužujejo številnih orodij tržnega komuniciranja z namenom, da bi pridobile čim več kupcev ter zvestih strank. Najpomembnejšo vlogo ima osebna prodaja, vedno večjo vlogo pa pridobiva trženje in prodaja preko spleta. Cilj diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšen pomen ima za kupca osebna prodaja pri prodaji proizvodov turistične agencije in ali kupci še zahajajo v poslovalnice turističnih agencij. Diplomsko delo sem razdelila na dva dela. V prvem delu sem s pomočjo literature, spletnih virov in člankov ter osebnih izkušenj zapisala nekaj splošnega o trženju v turizmu in tržnem spletu. Da bi lažje razumeli trženje storitev, sem podala nekaj osnovnih značilnosti storitev in njene posebnosti in opisala primarne organizacije, ki so se mi zdele za razumevanje trženja v turistični agenciji najbolj pomembne. V drugem delu sem s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika izvedla raziskavo, s pomočjo katere sem skušala najti odgovore na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Travel agencies use the marketing communications tools to reach their customers and to build a long term relationships with their clients. The most important promotional tool is personal selling, but the tools of digital marketing communications and on-line sales are also becoming of greater importance. The aim of this diploma thesis is to determine the importance of personal selling in the travel agencies and finding out which way of organizing the trip tourists choose more often – individual approach or help of travel agencies. The diploma is divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical. It summarizes the basics on marketing in the tourism and marketing communication tools, which I summarized with the help of literature, on-line sources, articles and my personal experiences in tourism. Theoretical part also includes some basics and characteristics of services marketing and the description of basic organizations, which seemd to me to be of greater importance for understanding the travel agency marketing strategy. In the second part I conducted the survey with a goal to confirm or refute my thesis on the basis of analysis of results.
- Published
- 2016