1. Lost Trust? The Experiences of Teachers and Students during Schooling Disrupted by the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Author
Tijana Jokić Zorkić, Tünde Kovács Cerović, and Katarina Mićić
- Subjects
Secondary education ,Serbien ,Schulorganisation ,Primary school lower level ,Teaching-learning process ,Fernunterricht ,School organisation ,Elementary School ,Social interaction ,Wirkung ,Resilienz ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Student learning ,L7-991 ,Lehrer ,Primary school ,dynamic storytelling ,4. Education ,Empirische Untersuchung ,remote and hybrid education during the pandemic ,Education (General) ,Hausunterricht ,Home Teaching ,Pupils ,Empirical study ,disruption of relational trust ,Sch��ler-Lehrer-Beziehung ,Pupil-teacher relation ,Psychology ,Serbia ,2019-20 coronavirus outbreak ,Vertrauen ,Correspondence studies ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ,Soziale Interaktion ,Well-being ,Wohlbefinden ,Context (language use) ,Qualitative Analyse ,Education ,Crisis ,analysis of narratives ,Qualitative analysis ,Well being ,students’ and teachers’ perspectives ,Grundschule ,Sch��ler ,Pandemie ,Teacher ,COVID-19 ,Pupil ,Pupil-teacher relationship ,Krise ,Sekundarbereich ,Coronavirus ,Lehr-Lern-Prozess ,Distance study ,School organization ,Home schooling ,Humanities - Abstract
Namen prispevka je pomagati razumeti, kako se je odnosno zaupanje med ucenci in ucitelji, vgrajeno v proces poucevanja in ucenja, razvijalo med izrednim izobraževanjem na daljavo in prilagodljivim hibridnim izobraževanjem v Srbiji leta 2020. Opredeljuje tudi situacije v odnosih med ucenci in ucitelji, ki imajo potencial za obnovo in krepitev zaupanja. Da bi odnos med ucencem in uciteljem temeljil na zaupanju ter tako pripomogel k ucenju in dobremu pocutju ucencev, je treba doseci soglasje o pricakovanjih glede vlog. Ker je kriza covida-19 prekinila solanje in izobraževanje, so se udeleženci spoprijeli z negotovostjo in dvoumnostjo pri uveljavljanju vlog, poruseni pa so bili tudi temelji odnosnega zaupanja. Da bi razumeli kontekst, v katerem je bilo zaupanje postavljeno pod vprasaj, nacine, na katere je bilo poruseno, in priložnosti za njegovo ponovno vzpostavitev, smo se pri zbiranju podatkov oprli na vecvrstni pristop dinamicnega pripovedovanja zgodb, pri obdelavi podatkov pa na analizo vrednot. Skupaj 136 ucencev in 117 uciteljev iz 22 sol je napisalo 581 pripovedi treh vrst: zgodbe, pisma in prosnje. Analiza je dala 22 kod, ki so omogocile nadaljnje razumevanje, kako so spremembe strukturnih in institucionalnih pogojev vplivale na medsebojna pricakovanja ucencev in uciteljev ter kako se je neskladnost teh pricakovanj odrazila v obcutkih nemoci pri ucencih in uciteljih, neudeležbi pri ucenju pri ucencih ter v veliki delovni obremenitvi in slabi ucinkovitosti pri uciteljih. Poleg tega pripovedi opisujejo pozitivne rezultate, ko so bila ta pricakovanja izpolnjena, in priložnosti za krepitev zaupanja, ce se na stalisca ucencev in uciteljev opozori ter se o njih pogaja na lokalni ravni. Na koncu so podana priporocila za ponovno vzpostavitev zaupanja.Alternate abstract:This paper aims to help understand how relational trust between students and teachers embedded in the teaching-learning process unfolded during the emergency distance and flexible hybrid education in Serbia in 2020. It also identifies niches in student-teacher relationships that hold potential for repairing and building trust. For the student-teacher relationship to be trust-based and thus conducive to students learning and wellbeing, a consensus about role expectations must be achieved. As the Covid-19 crisis interrupted schooling and education, participants faced uncertainties and ambiguities in role enactment, and the cornerstones of relational trust were disrupted. In an effort to understand 1) the context in which trust was challenged, 2) the ways in which trust was disrupted, and 3) the opportunities for its restoration, we relied on a multi-genre dynamic storytelling approach to data collection and values analysis for data processing. A total of 136 students and 117 teachers from 22 schools wrote 581 narratives in three genres: stories, letters and requests. The analysis yielded 22 codes that allowed further understanding of how changes in structural and institutional conditions affected both students and teachers expectations of each other, and how incongruence of these expectations fed into feelings of helplessness for both students and teachers, disengagement from learning for students, and heavy workload and poor performance for teachers. In addition, the narratives account for positive outcomes when these expectations were met, and for opportunities for trust-building if students and teachers perspectives are brought to each others attention and negotiated locally. Finally, recommendations for restoring trust are given.
- Published
- 2021