16 results on '"Matej Hriberšek"'
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2. Filološko in prosvetno delo Josipa Pipenbacherja
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Josip Pipenbacher se je po maturi leta 1891 vpisal na študij klasične filologije na Dunaju; tu je leta 1895 doktoriral (v disertaciji se je ukvarjal s Ksenofontovim spisom Ustava Lakedajmoncev) in opravil profesorski izpit. Najprej je kot suplent poučeval na Državni c. kr. nižji gimnaziji v Ljubljani (zdaj gimnazija Poljane), nato kot profesor na Višji c. k. gimnaziji v Novem mestu in končno znova na Drugi c. kr. državni gimnaziji v Ljubljani; to je med letoma 1921 in 1928 vodil kot direktor. Po ustanovitvi Univerze v Ljubljani je med letoma 1920 in 1939 kot honorarni predavatelj vodil latinske proseminarje in tečaje latinščine. Napisal je vrsto učnih pripomočkov, najbolj znani so latinska slovnica in štiri latinske vadnice, vse v več izdajah, sodeloval pa je tudi pri nastajanju Wiesthalerjevega Latinsko-slovenskega slovarja, za katerega je obdelal črko R. Bil je strog ocenjevalec, posebej odmevna je bila njegova ocena Latinske slovnice Josipa Tominška), napisal pa je tudi nekaj prispevkov s področja metodike pouka latinskega jezika. Kot šolnik se je vključeval v delo različnih društev in organizacij, vseskozi je finančno podpiral različna študentska, prosvetna in druga društva, nekaj časa pa je deloval tudi v lokalni politiki kot član ljubljanskega mestnega sveta. Zadnja leta svojega življenja je preživel na svojem posestvu v Sveti Marjeti na Dravskem polju. Umrl je 11. aprila 1949 v Mariboru.
- Published
- 2022
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3. Investigating the Semantic Development of Modal Markers: The Role of Context
- Author
Matej Hriberšek and Tomaž Potočnik
- Subjects
Cognitive science ,Modality (human–computer interaction) ,Deontic logic ,Context (language use) ,General Medicine ,epistemic ,Grammaticalization ,deontic ,Development (topology) ,Modal ,lcsh:B ,modality ,Latin modality ,lcsh:Philosophy. Psychology. Religion ,Psychology ,grammaticalization - Abstract
The article tackles the problem of studying diachronic semantic changes of modal markers in Latin. It proposes to do so by using context as a proxy for tracing the development of otherwise unchanging forms. In the first part, the main theoretical positions in modality studies are presented, especially the notions of deontic modality, epistemic modality, and pathways of modality. In the second part, Heine’s model for studying the role of context in language change is presented and applied to the modal verb licet. In the case study of licet, an attempt is made to identify the so-called switch context which co-creates the conditions necessary for the semantic change.
- Published
- 2019
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4. De Pegamo et Lambergare
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Classics ,lcsh:PA ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
De Pegamo et Lambergare (nuga translatoria a Matthaeo Hriberšek Latine reddita versibusque originalibus pacta)
- Published
- 2016
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5. Od Megiserja do Slovenskega pravopisa 2001: nekaj poglavij iz zgodovine slovenjenja antičnih imen
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,History ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Grammar ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Analogy ,Slovene language ,slovenjenje antičnih imen ,Ancient Greek ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics ,Linguistics ,language.human_language ,Classical language ,Instinct ,Philology ,language ,Sensibility ,Classics ,antična imena ,lcsh:PA ,zgodovina ,media_common - Abstract
The issue of Slovenising classical Greek and Latin names has long beset the Slovene language and Slovene classical philology with its related disciplines. The tradition of Slovenising classical names goes back at least to the grammar book by Adam Bohoric, Arcticae horulae, that is, over 400 years back. The Slovenisation of classical names has been, and continues to be, an intriguing topic, for much remains unresolved in this field despite many efforts; moreover, there are many differences of opinion even within classical philology itself, let alone between classical philology and other disciplines. The issue thus remains a challenge to classical philologists and related experts, as well as to Slovene Studies scholars and others. It is influenced by several factors: the existing Slovenisation rules, tradition and usage, language instinct and sensibility, analogy, and the expectations of various users, including both individuals and whole disciplines. The paper, outlining some of the most influential works and authors who have shaped this issue over time, presents the major chapters in its history.
- Published
- 2016
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6. Iz Aristotelove Politike (6. knjiga)
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
Physics ,Linguistics and Language ,prevodi v slovenščino ,Literature and Literary Theory ,starogrška književnost ,antična filozofija ,grška filozofija ,Classics ,lcsh:PA ,Humanities ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
1 1316 b 31 O tem, koliko je torej razlicic posvetovalnega telesa in vrhov nega organa ustavne ureditve ter o ureditvi oblastvenih funkcij in sodisc, katera [razlicica] je urejena v skladu s katero ustavno ureditvijo, dalje o pro padanju in ohranjanju ustavnih b 35 ureditev, iz katerih razlogov in zaradi katerih vzrokov prihaja do njiju, je bilo povedano že prej . Ker pa je naneslo, da obstaja vec oblik demokracije in podobno tudi dru gih ustavnih ureditev, ne bi bilo slabo obenem raziskati tudi, ali je glede teh kaj ostalo [nerazreseno], ter vsaki [od teh ustavnih ureditev] dodeliti primeren in koristen nacin [ureditve] . Poleg tega je treba raziskati b 40 kombinacije vseh 1317 a omenjenih [nacinov]; ta povezovanja namrec povzrocajo, da se ustav ne ureditve prekrivajo, tako da aristokracije dobivajo oligarhicni znacaj, poli teje pa bolj demokraticnega . S tem mislim na kombinacije, ki jih je treba raziskati, a za zdaj se niso [bile] raziskane, na primer kadar sta a 5 posveto valno telo in nacin izbiranja nosilcev oblastvenih funkcij urejena oligarhicno, sodisca pa aristokraticno, ali pa, kadar so sodisca in posvetovalno telo urejeni oligarhicno, nacin izbiranja nosilcev oblastvenih funkcij pa aristokraticno, ali pa, kadar se na kak drugi nacin ne združijo vse institucije, a 10 znacilne za neko ustavo . Katera oblika demokracije je torej primerna za katero polis, prav tako pa tudi, katera izmed oligarhij je primerna za katero mnostvo in katera izmed drugih ustavnih ureditev koristi katerim [državljanom], to je bilo že prej po vedano . Vendar pa mora postati jasno ne le, katera izmed teh ustavnih uredi tev je najboljsa za polis, ampak tudi na kratko pojasnimo, a 15 kako je treba vzpostavljati te in druge [ustavne ureditve] . Najprej se lotimo demokracije
- Published
- 2010
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7. Quaestiones Plinianae: Plinij in njegovi grški vzori
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,History ,Literature and Literary Theory ,srebrna latinščina ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Ellipsis (linguistics) ,naravoslovje ,latinščina ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics ,Linguistics ,Terminology ,Natural history ,Style (visual arts) ,Late Antiquity ,Originality ,Middle Ages ,viri ,prevajanje ,Classics ,lcsh:PA ,Neologism ,media_common - Abstract
The paper focuses on two aspects of Pliny the Elder’s encyclopaedic work, Natural History , which are closely linked to the author’s application and adaptation of Greek science and terminology: on his use of sources and his language. The sources employed by Pliny in composing his Natural History raise a number of unanswered questions: studies in this field are effectively hampered by the loss of most works quoted by the author, while his influence on the writers of Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the early Modern Age has been relatively well explored. The uniqueness of the work lies not in its originality but in the author’s singular compilation method, with which he sought to summarise for his Roman audience the Greek and Roman knowledge of nature. In addition, Natural History is a unique document of Silver Latin, containing style characteristics (such as inconcinnity, ellipsis, brevity, parentheses, periphrases) and language peculiarities (such as loan words, neologisms, technical terminology) which remain valuable materials for research into the Latin language and style. The discussion concludes with a detailed presentation of the difficulties and challenges faced by the translator of Pliny’s Natural History .
- Published
- 2010
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8. Bibliografija revije Keria za obdobje 1999–2008
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,bibliografije ,Classics ,klasična filologija ,lcsh:PA ,Keria (periodika) ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
Bibliografija revije Keria.
- Published
- 2008
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9. Slovarček zdravil, zdravilnih rastlin ter zdravilnih učinkovin in sredstev k delu »Bolezni Ljubljančanov« Frana Viljema Lipiča
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
Lipič ,Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,zdravilne rastline ,Ljubljana ,Classics ,zdravila ,lcsh:PA ,Fran Viljem (1799-1845 - "Morbi Lubeanorum" - 1836) ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics ,terminologija - Abstract
V pričujočem priročnem slovarčku je zbrana farmacevtska terminologija, ki jo v svojem delu »Bolezni Ljubljančanov« uporablja Fran Viljem Lipič (njegovo življenje in delo sta bila natančneje predstavljena v reviji VIII/2 (2006), 101-124, skupaj z odlomkom prevoda). Slovarček, ki je nastal na osnovi prevoda (ta je izšel junija letos), je terminološki zbir izrazov za zdravila, zdravilne rastline ter zdravilne učinkovine in sredstva, po katerih je Lipič posegal pri zdravljenju svojih bolnikov.
- Published
- 2007
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10. Monumentum Wiesthalerianum: Wiesthalerjev latinsko-slovenski slovar 1894-2005
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,Government ,History ,Literature and Literary Theory ,business.industry ,slovenščina ,Slovene language ,latinščina ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics ,language.human_language ,First world war ,German ,Politics ,Spanish Civil War ,jezikoslovje ,Publishing ,slovarji ,zgodovinski pregledi ,language ,Electronic edition ,Classics ,lcsh:PA ,business - Abstract
The publication of a Latin-Slovene dictionary was the main condition imposed by the Austrian government if Slovene was to be permitted as the language of Latin lessons at the upper gymnasium level. Modelled on the most frequently used German and English dictionaries (Georges, Lewis Short), the dictionary was begun by Fran Wiesthaler and his team in 1895. Despite the unfavourable political and financial situation, it was finished as early as 1914, but the lack of funding and the outbreak of World War I prevented its publication. After the war, preparations for publication were enabled by the sponsorship of the Church, but the work stopped in 1925, and the chief editor, Wiesthaler, died in 1927. The first volume of the dictionary (the entries A-Jacilis) was published nine years later, after which the project was brought to a standstill again for over half a century. It was revived in the late 1990's by the publishing house Kres, which recruited a team to continue the work. The completion of the dictionary is scheduled for 2005, when the last (sixth) volume and an appendix with the missing entries are due to appear. Further plans include an abridged (college) version and an electronic edition, either on a CD or online in the framework of a project. This dictionary remains the most ambitious enterprise ever undertaken in the national Latin studies.
- Published
- 2004
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11. Društvo prijateljev humanistične gimnazije: branik klasično-humanistične izobrazbe v času med obema vojnama
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
društva ,Linguistics and Language ,Government ,Literature and Literary Theory ,media_common.quotation_subject ,World War II ,Ancient Greek ,Demise ,Humanism ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics ,language.human_language ,humanistika ,šolstvo ,Law ,Elite ,language ,Institution ,antična filozofija ,Sociology ,Classics ,lcsh:PA ,Curriculum ,media_common - Abstract
Ever since its foundation in 1920, the »Friends of the Humanist Gymnasium « Society strove, as a supporter of classical and humanist education, to preserve full-time instruction in both classical languages in the school curriculum. Its members included teachers of Latin and Ancient Greek, as well as supporters of the classical gymnasium as an elite institution disseminating classical education in the finest sense of the word. The Society (which was chronically beset by financial difficulties) published a number of official letters informing its members about new initiatives and developments in the classical studies. The members sought to preserve the place of the humanities in the school system, since these were increasingly jeopardised by the sciences and technical subjects favoured by the Yugoslav government. The Society held annual general meetings, which included the elections of the executive board, collaborated with university professors, helped to organise a number of events, and assisted with the publication of Slovene textbooks for the classical languages. Its most ambitious project was the publication of the first volume of the Wiesthaler dictionary in 1936. The outbreak of World War II marked its demise, but it was succeeded in 1975 by the Slovene Society for Ancient and Humanist Studies.
- Published
- 2004
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12. Slovenski učbeniki za klasične jezike 1849-1873
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Philosophy ,Ancient Greek ,učbenik ,latinščina ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics ,language.human_language ,zgodovina šolstva ,stara grščina ,language ,klasični jeziki ,Classics ,lcsh:PA ,Humanities - Abstract
Intra annum millesimum octingentesimum undequinquagesimum et millesimum octingentesimum septuagesimum tertium viri docti et literrati Sloveni - quorum in numero multi philologi quoque erant - operam dabant, ut libri manuales Slovenici ederentur. Primi conatus sicut Grammatica Graeca Antoni Klodic, Dictionarium Latino-slovenicum loannis Pajk et Grammatica Graeca Matthaei Vodusek non prospere evenerunt; ob rei nummariae difficultatem, ob pressuram politicam et magistrorum inopiam primus liber manualis Slovenicus, qui ad linguas classicas discendas usui erat, Grammalica Latina iuventuti Slovenae data Ladislai Hrovat, anno demum millesimo nongentesimo septuagesimo quarto editus est.
- Published
- 2002
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13. George Kennedy: Klasična retorika ter njena krščanska in posvetna tradicija od antike do sodobnosti (recenzija)
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,prevodi ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Philosophy ,recenzija ,Classics ,Theology ,klasična filologija ,lcsh:PA ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
Izida pričujoče knjige smo lahko veseli iz več razlogov. Prevod Kennedyjeve Klasične retorike, ki je nastala v sodelovanju Založbe ZRC SAZU in DAHŠ, je prva knjiga v novi zbirki Agora, v kateri bodo izhajala izvirna slovenska dela s področja antičnih in humanističnih študij ter prevodi tujih del. Tako smo ob zbirki Iz antičnega sveta, ki jo je izdajala Založba Obzorja, v njej pa so izhajali prevodi antičnih del, dobili še eno zbirko, v kateri bomo lahko poleg dela tujih strokovnjakov spremljali tudi strokovne in znanstvene dosežke slovenske filologije.
- Published
- 2002
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14. Jože Kastelic, Umreti ni mogla stara Sibila (recenzija)
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
Umreti ni mogla stara Sibila ,Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Classics ,lcsh:PA ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
Izid omenjene knjige prof. Jožeta Ka stelica predstavlja se enega od dogodkov v sklopu proslave 200-letnice Presernovega rojstva. Delo je nastalo na osnovi njegove (kot sam pravi) »Že davno napisane in neobjavljene« doktorske disertacije, ki jo je za izdajo v knjižni obliki dopolnil in obogatil ne le vsebinsko, ampak tudi oblikovno. Naslov sam skriva v sebi globoko simboliko; na eni strani kaže na simbo licno povezavo med Sibilo, ki ni mogla umreti prej, dokler se ni dotaknila prsti iz svoje domovine (zgodba je povzeta po Serviju) in Presernom kot prvim imenom slovenskega parnasa ter aludira na njuno nesmrtnost, po drugi pa že sam po sebi kaže na Presernovo izjemno poznavanje antike.
- Published
- 2001
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15. Starejši slovenski učbeniki za latinščino
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,Starejši slovenski učbeniki za latinščino ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Classics ,lcsh:PA ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
Ko se je v zadnjih desetih letih ponovno zacelo intenzivnejse ukvarjanje z a ntiko in klasicnimi jeziki, ko so ti jeziki spet nasli pot v sole, ko so se uvajali poskusni oddelki in oblikovali ucni programi, se je med vprasanji, povezanimi z vsem nastetim, pojavilo tudi vprasanje uvedbe novega ucbe nika. Tega se nekateri med vami dobro spomnijo, saj so bili pri tam aktivno udeleženi. To je pomenilo zaton južnic-Koprivove vadnice in vseh treh delov ucbenika Fundamenta Latina Ane Sasel, ki so bili s svojim tradicionalnim pristopom do poucevanja zaradi vse bolj prodirajocih nacel modernih pedagosko-didakticnih pristopov potisnjeni v ozadje. S tem ne želim razvrednotiti pomena teh ucbenikov; dalec od tega, saj so se vedno dragoceno ucno pomagalo, sploh pa se je ob njih oblikovalo dosti generacij dobrih latinistov.
- Published
- 2001
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16. Wiesthalerjev latinsko-slovenski slovar
- Author
Matej Hriberšek
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,Wiesthalerjev latinsko-slovenski slovar ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Classics ,lcsh:PA ,lcsh:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
Letos mineva 105 let, odkar se je pr vic porodila ideja o nastanku velikega latinsko-slovenskega slovarja. Malo je knjig, ki bi bile toliksnega pomena za znanost in kulturo, ki bi doživljale tako burne case ter sele po dobrih sto letih ugledale luc sveta; zato je prav, d a se nekoliko natancneje seznanimo z njegovim nastajanjem in trenutnim delom na tem projektu.
- Published
- 2000
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