- Author
Saiful Ridlo
- Subjects
tes pengetahuan praktikum biologi ,GRM ,GPCM ,Education - Abstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model tes yang cocok dengan data. Pengembangan item pada penelitian menggunakan pendekatan teori respons butir politomus (TRBP). Subjek ujicoba diambil dari siswa lima SMP kelas VII akhir mewakili peringkat SMP di Kota Yogyakarta sebanyak 1030 siswa. Hasil Model TRBP yang cocok dipilih berdasarkan hasil parametrisasi menggunakan PARSCALE dan deskripsi hubungan fungsional antara respons peserta tes dengan tingkat kemampuannya yang dinyatakan dalam test information curves (TIC). Penelitian ini menghasilkan 16 butir untuk bank soal dengan karakteristik masing-masing butir memiliki nilai daya beda yang tidak rendah (>0,25 skala logit) dan nilai kesulitan butir pada selang -3 sampai +3 skala logit. Berdasarkan informasi yang dihasilkan, kedua macam model penskoran GRM dan GPCM cocok memodelkan penskoran TPPB yang diadministrasikan. GPCM mungkin lebih merefleksikan realitas bagaimana data dihasilkan sehingga dari TIC tampak lebih akurat menaksir kemampuan dibanding GRM. Kata Kunci: tes pengetahuan praktikum biologi, GRM, GPCM ______________________________________________________________ DEVELOPMENT OF A TEST OF BIOLOGY PRACTICUM KNOWLEDGE WITH GRADED RESPONSE AND GENERALIZED PARTIAL CREDIT MODELS Abstract This study aims to generate information to define the polytomous item response models which are more suitable with the data. The items were developed by the polytomous item response theory approach. The tryout participants were 1030 Year VII students selected from five junior high schools in Yogyakarta City. A suitable model was selected based on the result of PARSCALE parameterization and a description of the functional relationship between the testees’ responses and their ability levels indicated by the test information curves (TIC). The study yields 16 items for the item bank in which the discrimination index of each item is > 0.25 logit scale and the difficulty index ranges from -3 to +3 logit scale. The information shows that GRM and GPCM models of are suitable for scoring the administered TBPK. GPCM possibly reflects reality more regarding how the data are yielded so that on the basis of TIC it seems more accurate to estimate students’ ability than GRM. Keywords: a test of biology practicum knowledge (TBPK), GRM, GPCM
- Published
- 2013