Introduction: Care transition is an important indicator for integrated care. Patients undergoing transitions from one practice setting to another are at risk for fragmented care and deficits in the quality of care. This is particularly important for patients with chronic illness given their complex continuing and persistent care needs. Gaps in care at the interface between emergency department (ED) and community services are common in Brazil. Patients are often discharged from ED without an effective care transition, resulting in increased hospitalizations, frequent ED utilization and more cost to healthcare system. The purpose of the study is to analyze care transitions of patients with chronic illness from ED to home in Brazil. Methods: A four phase sequential explanatory mixed methods study will be carried out in a large urban hospital in south Brazil. 1) Cross-cultural adaptation of the Care Transitions Measure (CTM) to Portuguese with an expert committee and 30 patients from clinical inpatient units that used a Likert-scale to assess clarity of the translated measurement; 2) Psychometric properties evaluation for test-retest reliability and internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha) with a sample of with 150 patients from clinical inpatient units; 3) Evaluation of the quality of care transition using the Brazilian version of CTM with 325 patients with chronic illness discharged from ED to home by telephone interview; 4) Conduction of a focus group with ED nurses to discuss interventions to improve the quality of care transitions for patients with chronic illness. Results: Cross cultural adaptation was completed through translation to Portuguese, back translation to English and review by the expert committee. Clarity rate were greater than 80% in all items of the measurement. Patients did not make any recommendations for changes. Regarding psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of CTM, Cronbach's alpha was 0,929 and the testretest reliability showed no statistical difference in all items of the measurement (p>0,05). We are currently in process of data collection of the third phase of the study. Discussion: To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate care transitions from ED to home in Brazil. We did an adaptation and validation of the CTM to Portuguese to evaluate care transitions of patients with chronic illness from ED to home in Brazil. This process was successful, resulting in a well understood and easily applied version of the CTM. Psychometric properties of the Brazilian version were similar to the original and other translated versions of the measurement. Conclusion: Cross cultural adaptation was completed. Results suggest that the Brazilian version of CTM can be used as a reliable and valid measure of care transitions in Brazil. Upon completion of phase 3, we will move to the next phase of the study. The results of this research will be beneficial for providers and decision-makers in evaluating and improving the quality of care transitions in the Brazilian context. It may contribute to a better coordination of transitions in care across services, as well as support changes and improvements for health system integration. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]