±± ± to 360 ± ) was detected from a single aerosol (e.g., a Bacillus subtilis spore, a 1-mm-diameter polystyrene latex sphere, or a cluster of either of these) f lowing through the ref lector’s focal volume at 5 ms. Noticeable differences in the large-angle-range two-dimensional angular optical scattering (LATAOS) suggest that the LATAOS pattern could be useful in differentiating and classifying life-threatening aerosols from normal background aerosols. © 2003 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 000.1430, 010.1100, 290.5820, 290.5850. Protection from threats of bioterrorism by dispersal of pathogenic aerosols requires advanced detection systems. It is highly desirable to be able to detect and distinguish in situ, continually, and in real time, potentially life-threatening bioaerosols from normal background conditions, especially in the respirable size range of 1 10-mm diameter. 1,2 Currently proposed sensors for such detection are based on laser-induced f luorescence 3,4 ; mass spectrometry 5 ; microchip-based mass, capacitance, and calorimetric transducers 6 ; lidar 7 ; and elastic light scattering. 8–1 4 Among these processes, elastic scattering is the most sensitive technique and has potential for providing size, shape, and surface-texture information on individual particles. Extracting information about aerosols by elastic scattering started as early as the 17th century when Descartes and others explained the rainbow. 15 – 17 In the past century, most research in this area was devoted to the development of computational methods, such as Lorenz–Mie theory, 18 and to one-dimensional angular scattering measurements (see, e.g., Refs. 8 and 9). Such one-dimensional data can hardly supply adequate information with which to characterize nonspherical aerosols with random orientations. Recently attention has necessarily shifted toward natural aerosols, 10 – 12,14 and controlled particles such as clusters of multispheres 14 that model aerosols found in the environment (e.g., pollens, soot aggregates, paper and wood f ibers, sand, and animal dander). The elastic-scattering distribution in the nearforward direction is dominated by diffraction and provides information about particle size and shape, whereas in the near-backward direction it is affected by more subtle particle characteristics such as surface texture, homogeneity, and refractive index. Thus, potentially useful information is contained in the