The objective of the present study is to investigate thermal diffusion and radiation effects on unsteady MHD flow past a linearly accelerated vertical porous plate with variable temperature and also with variable mass diffusion in presence of heat source or sink under the influence of applied transverse magnetic field. The fluid considered here is a gray, absorbing/emitting radiation but a non-scattering medium. At time t > 0, the plate is linearly accelerated with a velocity u = u0t in its own plane. And at the same time, plate temperature and concentration levels near the plate raised linearly with time t. The dimensionless governing equations involved in the present analysis are solved using the closed analytical method. The velocity, temperature, concentration, skin-friction, the rate or heat transfer and the rate of mass transfer are studied through graphs in terms of different physical parameters like magnetic field parameter (M), radiation parameter (R), Schmidt parameter (Sc), Soret number (So), Heat source parameter (S), Prandtl number (Pr), thermal Grashof number (Gr), mass Grashof number (Gm) and time (t).