This study investigates the conditions of Korean naval duty and combat uniforms to develop a new design.Survey participants consisted of, 723 Sailors (25.3±6.9yr in age, 43±53 months in work experience, 174±6cm in height,71±9kg in body mass) serving in the Korean Navy for over 12 months. The questionnaire consisted of 72 questions aboutanthropometric characteristics, preferred design, textiles, wear mobility, and subjective perceptions. The results showedthat the preferred colors for future naval duty uniforms were blue in summer (69%) and black in winter (62%). Digitalcamouflage pattern (60%) and darker colors on the inside of shirt collar (87%) and the edge of sleeves (84%) were pre-ferred. They favored more than one pocket on the upper arm and chest of the shirts (58%), narrower width around pantlegs and hems than the current clothing (63%), self-controlled elastic waist (55%) and no cargo type pocket on the pants(45%). There were requirements to alleviate excessive heat stress in summer and to protect from the cold and wind inwinter. Wrinkle-free (85%), anti-bacterial (78%), water-proof (75%), oil-proof (90%), and elastic (67%) textiles were pre-ferred for Korean navy uniforms. These results will be applied to develop the next generation Korean navy uniforms.Key words :naval duty uniform(함상 근무복), questionnaire(설문 조사), navy combat uniform(해군 전투복), wearermobility(동작 적합성), thermal comfort(온열 쾌적)