Annual average daily traffic (AADT) serves the important basic data in transportation sector. Despite of its importance, AADT is estimated through permanent traffic counts (PTC) at limited locations because of constraints in budget and so on. At most of locations, AADT is estimated using short-term traffic counts (STC). Though many studies have been carried out at home and abroad in an effort to enhance the accuracy of AADT estimate, the method to simplify average STC data has been adopted because of application difficulty. A typical model for estimating AADT is an adjustment factor application model which applies the monthly or weekly adjustment factors at PTC points (or group) with similar traffic pattern. But this model has the limit in determining the PTC points (or group) with similar traffic pattern with STC. Because STC represents usually 24-hour or 48-hour data, it`s difficult to forecast a 365-day traffic variation. In order to improve the accuracy of traffic volume prediction, this study used the geostatistical approach called co-kriging and according to their reports. To compare results, using 3 methods : using adjustment factor in same section(method 1), using grouping method to apply adjustment factor(method 2), cokriging model using previous year`s traffic data which is in a high spatial correlation with traffic volume data as a secondary variable. This study deals with estimating AADT considering time and space so AADT estimation is more reliable comparing other research.